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We see some robbers running away from a bank as we then swampfire comes out as he grabs a robber as he changes back to reveal to be Dimitri.

Dimitri?: Where is Dimitri Kincaid?

We then see the mystery machine driving as we see the van arriving at a bank as they saw robbers were all tied up in vines as they came to them.

Daphne: What happened here?

Ashton: *looks at the vines* These are vines that Swampfire makes, Dimitri must have been here.

Velma: Are you sure?

Ashton: We should head home to see.

They then drove to the kincaid residence as they went inside and saw Dimitri in the living room sitting with KO and Eri both watching a movie and eating some pizza

Eri: Ms. Tali, can I ask you a question?

Tali: We were going to ask Dimitri the same thing but what?

Eri: Why do you wear that suit?

Tali: It's to keep me from getting sick, you see my species can get sick pretty easily

Eri: Oh, so what were you going to ask Dimitri about?

Ashton: Why was he going off fighting bad guys on his own?

Dimitri: What are you talking about?

Ashton: We saw a few robbers tied up in Swampfire's vines bear a bank, did you have anything to do with it?

Dimitri: No, I've been here with KO and Eri the whole time eating some pizza and watching a movie with them.

Rad: Yeah, like we would fall for that trick.

KO: But it's true.

Eri: Yeah, Dimitri's telling the truth.

Samara: They're right, Dimitri was here the whole time.

Ashton: How can you tell?

Samara: I read his mind.

Dimitri: Well if we're gonna discuss this I better get some more pizza.

We then go to a pizzeria as we see many people eating pizza as we see Dimitri walk in as he heads to the counter.

Dimitri?: You discussed me, you, this miasma you call food, it's foul smelling oily digestive preparation. Everything human reeks.

Cook: Yeah, probably the garlic.

He then hands "Dimitri" a pizza as he opens the box and smells it.

Dimitri?: Ugh, all the same I find myself craving the entire putrid experience, it must be in the DNA.

He then took a bite out of the pizza slice and walked off as we see a second Dimitri walk to the counter.

Dimitri: One pizza, please.

The cook then looked at Dimitri.

Cook: Careful kid, those double portions catch up with ya.

Dimitri: What?

Cook: Friendly advice, either take it or don't.

Dimitri then took the pizza as we see everyone in the mystery machine as Enid was looking through the window and saw "Dimitri" walk out.

Enid: There he is.

Dimitri: *burps* I sicken myself.

He then used his watch and transformed into Steel Wing and then flew off into the sky.

Ashton: What the?

The mystery machine then drove off as we saw Dimitri walk out and saw the van driving away.

Dimitri: Guys?

He then ran after the van but saw it leave.

Dimitri: Guys!

He then used his watch and became Steel Wing.

Dimitri: Steel Wing!

He then flies after them as we see the van drive to a warehouse as we see "Dimitri" holding a crook.

Dimitri?: Where is Dimitri?

He then turned to see more crooks coming as the others came and started to fight them as they beat them all as they turned to see "Dimitri"

Rias: Dimitri? Are you alright?

Carmen: You took off without us?

Dimitri?: *comes to Carmen* You. You know Dimitri? Where is Dimitri?

Ashton: Dude calm down.

"Dimitri" then let out a loud belch as the others smelled his breath.

Daphne: Ugh. Pizza.

Dimitri: I agree.

Rias: Change back Dimitri, let's go home.

Dimitri?: *changes back* Yes, it is I, Dimitri Kincaid. Transport me, Dimitri, to my domicile. There are grave matters of a personal nature to which I, Dimitri, must attend to.

Shaggy: Like does anyone know what he's saying?

Dimitri: Thanks a lot guys.

The group looked to see Dimitri flying to them as Steel Wing as he landed to the ground.

Dimitri: You left me.

He then looked and saw "Dimitri" and then changed back.

Dimitri: Who's your good looking friend?

???: A criminal who wants to blame you for his wrongdoing.

They all turned and saw a woman in a skin tight outfit

Ashton: Miranda Lawson as I live and breathe!

Rad: Wait, so if that's Dimitri then who's that?

Dev-N: Dimitri Kincaid, a most difficult creature to find, but I must see you. I am Dev-N of the Galvan.

Dimitri: A Grey Matter.

Rad: He's kinda tall.

Miranda: He changed his face to mirror you.

Dimitri: But why are you here?

Dev-N: I am the builder of the omnitrix, and I must have it back, your days with the omnitrix are at an end. Remove your omnitrix and return it to me.

KO: I thought Dimitri's watch was the only one.

Dev-N: It is incomplete and prone to catastrophic malfunction.

Rad: Not lately.

Dev-N: You have great luck or by now you would have ripped a hole in the fabric of the universe.

Dimitri: Why don't you show your face? It feels a bit crazy talking to myself.

Dev-N: If only I could, I am stuck in this sticky, sweaty, noisy, hungry, hairy, smelly teenage human body, constantly craving pizza and scratching myself in places I suspect are inappropriate.

Ashton: Sounds like you D.

Dev-N: You see, your DNA is encoded as the default in your omnitrix, mine synchronized with yours, you have become my default as well.

Ashton: Well which is it? Do you want the watch to fix it, or to keep the universe from falling apart?

Dev-N: Both!

Dimitri: Since you built the Omnitrix, tell me how it comes off.

Dev-N: Yes, I trust you are versed in the practical applications of eight dimensional quantum gravity monopoly equations.

Dimitri then noticed that Dev-N's eye twitched.

Dimitri: He's lying.

Dev-N then looked as he saw he was in a tight spot.

Dev-N: Very well, there are other ways to disarm you.

He then pushed Ashton and used his watch and transformed into Jetray as he then fired at Rad and grabbed Dimitri and flew into the air as Dimitri then turned into Diamondhead as Dev-N dropped him to the ground as Dimitri started to fire at Dev-N.

Dev-N: You are not worthy to wear the omnitrix.

He then started to fly off as the others were seen in the mystery machine as they were driving after Dev-N.

Dimitri: Miranda, how do you know about Dev-N and about what he's been doing.

Velma: Apparently from her personal experience.

Velma then showed her tablet to Dimitri as he saw a news article with a picture of Heatblast on it.

Velma: It seems like your double has been busy, and not just here but in other places as well.

Dimitri: Wildmutt attacks Alaska, Shock Rock in Idaho, Heatblast in China.

KO: He's gonna have Dimitri blamed for all those things.

They then stopped at a computer factory as we saw them going inside.

Dimitri: We should split up.

Asuka: But how do we know which is the real Dimitri?

Ashton then grabbed a marker and wrote an X on Dimitri's face.

Ashton: We'll call you Dimitri X.

Dimitri then wiped the X off of his face as we see them all walking off as they were looking for Dev-N.

Ashton: I'll take to the air.

Ashton then made his wings and flew up into the air as the others were looking around and saw Dimitri.

Asuka: Dimitri?

???: Someone called me?

They all turned and saw Dimitri was behind them and then saw Dev-N as he blasted packaging foam at them as Dimitri dodged it as the others got trapped in the foam.

Ashton: You!

Dimitri: Look, you're not getting my omnitrix.

Dev-N: I have all your forms and a high intellect, surrender if you value your life.

Dimitri: Yeah right, like that's a smart choice.

He then slammed his watch and became Goop.

Dimitri: Goop!

Ashton then slammed his Antitrix and transformed into Thorn Blade as the two came at Dev-N as he dodged them and transformed into Humungousaur as he threw a shelf at the two as they both dodged it as Dimitri became swampfire and Ashton became Quad Smack as they two came at Dev-N.

Dimitri: Here's mud in your eye!

He then tossed mud at Dev-N's eyes blinding him as Ashton tackled Dev-N to the ground as Dev-N changed to Big Chill and phased through him as he blew an ice breath at the two almost freezing the two as Dimitri changed to Unbreakabrawl and Ashton became Bashmouth.

Dimitri: Nice try.

Ashton then sent a loud bark at Dev-N making him hit a wall as he then became Echo Echo as he made close to surround the two.

Dev-N: Surrender...

Dev-N 2: Or...

Dev-N 3: Die.

He and his clones sent out sonic screams at the two making Dimitri and Ashton cover their ears as Dimitri and Ashton both became Steel Wing and Skunk Moth as they both flew in the air as they both fored feathers and goo at Dev-N.

Dev-N: You can't keep this up.

He then brought his clones together as he became Spider monkey and shot webs at the two pinning them to the wall as he came at the two.

Dev-N: Your watches will time out soon, yield.

He then started to punch them until Dimitri sent a sonic screech at Dev-N as he and Ashton both became Chromastone and Crystal fist as they both broke free and then charged at Dev-N but changed back.

Dimitri: Uh oh.

Dev-N: I told you, I told you. You have drained your omnitrix. As for mine. *changes back* I don't need an omnitrix to destroy you.

He and Dimitri then charged at each other and tried to punch each other as the two watches then linked to each other.

Dimitri: What's happening?

Dev-N: Their proximity is creating bio-energy feedback.

Then green electricity began to appear as Dimitri saw Dev-N's appearance changed as his hair became white as his jacket changed to black as his pants became white as his skin became pale as Ashton grabbed Dimitri and pulled him away making the watches separate.

Dev-N: *looks at himself* You have damaged this form!

Dimitri: Well now we can tell each other apart now.

The rest of the group then broke free as they then saw a light appear.

Dev-N: He's here.

Enid: Who's here?

Dev-N: Azmuth.

We then see a elderly galvan appear.

Azmuth: You bet he is. Azmuth of the Galvan, the true genius behind the omnitrix. You've overloaded the thing so badly I can sense it half a galaxy away. those nonstop transformations are gonna break it.

Dimitri: I was just-

Azmuth: Save it, I know. Dev-N, the assistant of Albedo, my former assistant, built an inferior copy. I warned you that there can only be one omnitrix, you ignored me.

Ashton: Someone's in trouble

Dev-N: I will not trust the fate of the universe to an unworthy human, if my omnitrix cannot function I will have his!

Azmuth: I told you the omnitrix is beyond you, you could have doomed us all!

Dimitri: So the universe was at stake?

Azmuth: If you lost the omnitrix, yes. Dev-N only wanted it to restore his original form.

Dev-N: This human body is unbearable!

Ashton: Wimp.

Azmuth: Dev-N, through your arrogant act of rebellion you have proven yourself a lesser being.

Azmuth then got on Dev-N's wrist as he then removed the core of his watch and jumped off his arm.

Azmuth: You shall remain as you are, in a prison of your own making.

Dev-N: No, you can't!

Azmuth: I have.

Dev-N: I hate you!

Miranda: Come on you.

She then grabbed Dev-N and took him away as Azmuth looked at Dimitri.

Azmuth: He won't bother you again

He then noticed the antitrix on Ashton's wrist

Azmuth: A pitiful replica of the omnitrix I see

Ashton: It's called an antitrix.

Azmuth: Then perhaps you would mind keeping this.

Then a red gauntlet-like omnitrix appeared.

KO: Another omnitrix?

Azmuth: It is called an ultimatrix, it was created by my former assistant Albedo, I believe you can hold on to this.

Ashton then took the Ultimatrix.

Ashton: Thanks.

KO: Excuse me, Azmuth. Why did you send the watch to my brother?

Azmuth: The omnitrix wasn't meant for him, my original plan was to send it to Carol.

Dimitri: My mom? So, I got the watch by mistake?

Azmuth: Yes, but seeing how you were able to use it, you have shown great progress with the latest model I have worked on. Perhaps even better than Ben.

Dimitri: Oh, thank you.

KO: Azmuth I was thinking maybe you can call Dimitri's watch the Omegatrix.

Azmuth: Omegatrix? That's not bad

KO: You're welcome.

Azmuth: Call if you need my help.

Dimitri: We will.

We then see everyone returning home as Rias saw Dimitri had his mind on something.

Rias: Is something bothering you?

Dimitri: It's just I was thinking about Azmuth not letting Dev-N turn back, like if that's even a punishment. Being me isn't that bad.

We then go to a space prison as we see Dev-N in a cell.

Dev-N: Why bother with a cell? This human body is prison enough.

A slot then opened up.

Guard: Dinner.

We then see a tray as mush was seen in it.

Dev-N: But someday I will be free, and they will all suffer, starting with Dimitri Kincaid. Until that day...

He then threw the tray at the cell door.



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