Bonding with Eri

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We see Dimitri in his bed asleep as Rias, Carmen and Jessica were cuddling with him as Dimitri's door was kicked open as Ashton and KO were seen there.

Ashton: Dude, wake up! We're gonna be late for work!

Dimitri then woke up and saw Ashton and KO.

Dimitri: Work? Uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but *shows the calendar on his phone* today is saturday.

Ashton then grabbed Dimitri's phone and looked at the calendar.

???: Excuse me, is Ashton here?

Ashton dropped Dimitri's phone.

Ashton: I know that voice. Liara? Oh my god Liara!

Ashton then looked out the window to see a group of aliens and one robot and a large smile grew on his face

KO: Is Ashton smiling?

Dimitri: KO I'm scared.

Ashton then jumped out the window as he landed in the arms of the robot

Ashton: EDI! It's great to see you girls again!

EDI: We missed you Ashton.

Liara: Where have you been?

Ashton: Here mostly and we were getting ready for work.

EDI: But isn't today Saturday?

Tali: Maybe we should go back to bed

Ashton: Well you girls can come in and sleep with me if you like.

Tali: That would be nice.

Dimitri: Ashton, who are these girls?

Ashton looked at the window to see Dimitri, KO, Rias, Carmen and Jessica looking at him

Ashton: I totally forgot you guys were here.

KO: We saw you smiling like you know them.

Ashton: Right, guys I like you all to meet Liara T'Soni, EDI, Samara, and Tali'zorah nar Rayya vas Normandy.

Dimitri: It is a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Dimitri and this is Rias, Carmen, Jessica and my little half brother KO.

Samara: Is it nice to meet you all.

We then see Carol enter Dimitri's room.

Carol: I can see you all are already up. What's an Asari justicar doing here?

Dimitri: Apparently Ashton knows them. But what are you doing mom?

Carol: Making sure you all were up so we can plan our trip.

Rias: Trip?

Carol: That's right, since Eri is part of the family now, I figured it could be a good time for you all to bond with her.

Samara: May we join you?

Carol: Of course. Everyone can come along.

We then see everyone in the van as we see them driving through the road as KO was seen sitting next to Eri as he looked at her.

KO: This will be fun Eri, we'll get to spend time together like real siblings.

Eri: Let's go annoy someone.

We then see the van arrive at a campground as they all came out of the van as everyone began to see the area.

Astrid: This is actually amazing.

Carol: Thank you, this was where I took Dimitri camping when he was KO's age.

Dimitri: Yeah, there were many things to do here, went on hikes, fished at the lake and roasted marshmallows at the fire.

Babs: And a good place to test out gadgets while we're roughing it.

Carol: Not so fast Babs, if I recall correctly roughing it means no tech.

Babs: What?!

Karen: What?!

Rad: You heard her. *uses his finger beam* No tech.

Carol: That also means no powers either.

Ashton: Wouldn't that mean EDI isn't allowed since she's tech.

Carol: She can stay.

EDI: Thank you.

KO then came to Eri with fishing poles.

KO: Eri, wanna go fishing?

Eri: Ok.

Ashton then sat on a chair reading a magazine as KO and Eri walked to him.

KO: Hey Ashton, me and Eri are gonna go fishing, wanna see us?

Ashton: Why don't you and Eri go fishing while I read.

KO: Ok.

He and Eri then walked to the lake as they began to cast their lines as KO's hook caught Ashton's magazine and cast it out to the lake as Eri's hook caught Ashton's chair and cast it out to the lake flinging him off of it.

Ashton: Hey, watch where you two swing those-

then KO's hook caught Ashton's pants as Eri's hook caught his shirt and then ripped his clothes off as Ashton's girls then fainted seeing him almost naked

Ashton: Hey! You two be careful with-

Then Eri's hook caught Ashton's face as it ripped it off.


Carol then saw Ashton walk to her while in his underwear and his face was torn off.


Piper: Here let me help with that.

She then held up a wand as she aimed it at Ashton as a blast came out of it and hit Ashton and he was seen wearing his normal outfit as his face was healed.

Ashton: *sees his reflection on the lake* That's better. Thanks.

Piper: Anytime.

Ashton: Uh, where's Elliotte?

Piper: He said something about going in the woods to hunt for something.

Ashton: Oh god is he still on that Bigfoot thing?

Piper: Nope.

Ashton: Oh that's good.

Then a growl was heard as everyone turned and saw a bear coming to the campground as Elliotte was seen riding on the bear using his blade's chains to hold on to it.

Piper: He's doing that.

Ashton: What in the hell is he doing?!

Andruw: It's part of his training, he's looking for the biggest animal to fight.

Elliotte: I respect your fighting spirit bear, but I am afraid this is your end.

He then jumped up and used the chains to pull himself down and stomped on the bear's head making it fall on the ground as it got up as Elliotte then grabbed the bear's head and twisted it snapping its neck as the bear collapsed to the ground as the group looked shocked as Ashton then fainted as Elliotte then picked the bear up and carried it away.

Tuffnut: That... was... AWESOME!

Astrid: If by "Awesome" you mean "Gruesome" then yes.

Dimitri: Um... why don't we all go fishing? KO and Eri are doing it, *points at the two* Look at how much fun they're having together.

We then see everyone as they were all seen at the lake.

Samara: Space was nice but here on earth is much more relaxing.

Asuka: Then you should try fishing, it's an earth activity that humans do, some do it to get food and others just do it for fun. You try Samara.

Samara: Alright.

Ashton: You just lean your arm back and flick your wrist

Samara: Ok.

She then lean her arms back as her line went back as the hook got a steak as she flick her wrists making the line go very far into the woods as we see the steak land on the ground as we then see a large creature with fur walk by as it took a bite out of a log and then noticed the steak as we go to the others.

Samara: I did what you said, now what?

Ashton: You reel your line back if you feel a tug on the line.

Samara: Alright.

We then go to Bigfoot as he looked at the steak and then at the log he was eating as he then threw it away and tried to grab it but saw the line pull it away as Bigfoot then chased after the steak as he went to the lake and got the steak as Samara felt the line being tug.

Samara: I think I got something.

Ashton: Reel it in.

She then started to reel the line in as we see Bigfoot taking a bite out of the steak and was then pulled in bny the line as we see Samara reeling her line in.

Ashton: Quick, someone get a camera.

We then see Bigfoot in the water as he was being pulled in by the line as we see the others watching Samara reeling her line in as we see Rad with a camera.

Ashton: This fish must way over 30 pounds. I don't wanna miss this.

Samara then reeled her line in as everyone saw Bigfoot who had his teeth on the steak.

Samara: Amazing.

Dimitri: Uh, Samara.... It's BIGFOOT!

Samara: I don't understand.

Rad: Could you back up a bit Mr. Foot, you're out of focus.

Then Bigfoot roared, making everyone run as we see Rad filming Bigfoot.

Rad: Behold, the legendary Bigfoot. Fabled but seldom.

As Rad was filming Bigfoot he then tripped as they ran to the van as Dimitri tried to open it.

Dimitri: It's locked!

Ashton: Move over!

Ashton then pushed Dimitri aside as he was trying to unlock the door.

Hiccup: Hurry up!

Piper: He's getting closer!

Dimitri: HURRY UP!!!

Ashton then got the door open as everyone ran inside the van as they closed the door and locked it as Bigfoot got on top of the car and started rocking it side to side until Bigfoot noticed the things at the campsite as he went to it as the group saw him.

Asuka: I can't believe my eyes, it's Bigfoot.

Rad: And I got him on video.

Ashton: Rad you idiot!

Rad: What?

Ashton then pointed out the van and they saw that the camera was smashed in bigfoot's footprint.

Dimitri: Let's just go home.

Carol then started searching her pockets until they look and saw Bigfoot with the car keys and tossed them aside.

Jessica: Guess we're gonna be here for a while.

Ashton: Well it's a good thing I kept my secret stash of candy incase of emergencies.

Ashton opened a compartment of the van and his eyes widened as he saw it was empty.


He then looked and saw Rowan on the floor covered in candy wrappers as she saw him.

Rowan: I don't have a candy problem! You have a candy problem!

Tali: That is kinda disturbing.

Ashton: *groans and sighs* Alright, memo to me maim you after this is over.

Later at night we see everyone still in the van.

Eri: Is he gone yet?

They then saw two sock puppets as they talked to each other and then fought each other as Bigfoot appeared laughing as they looked annoyed.

Ashton: Nope, he's still here.

They then saw Bigfoot go off to continue rummaging through the campground as the others were staying in the van.

Ashton: Sorry if this trip didn't go well Eri.

Eri: It's ok, this has been fun being with you guys.

Dimitri: Hmmm. I have an idea.

Dimitri then slammed his watch and became a being black as shadow with long sharp claws wearing a green sash in a x form as the badge was seen on it

he then became a shadow as he appeared behind Bigfoot as he then morphed into a large creature bigger than Bigfoot with six glowing red eyes as it had a sinister smile with sharp teeth as Bigfoot then saw him as he then screamed and then ran into the woods screaming in fear as the others came out and saw Dimitri change back.

KO; That was incredible.

Astrid: How did you know it would work?

Dimitri: Simple, the key to scare away something big and mean is you just need to surprise them with something bigger and meaner than them.

Ashton: Well I guess this means that this trip can continue.

Elliotte: And I did make a souvenir.

He then held up a bear rug.

Ashton: Ok, that is nice of you.

We later see everyone roasting marshmallows as KO and Eri were both roasting marshmallows as Eri saw her marshmallow fall off.

KO: Here, you can have mine.

He then handed Eri his marshmallow as Eri accepted it.

Eri: Thanks KO.

The others were watching the two.

Tech:n It looks like KO and Eri have developed a sibling bond.

Dimitri: Looks like it, those two get along well with each other.

Carol: I knew this trip would help.

Dimitri: Yeah, your right mom.

Ashton: This trip has been a fun day, despite some mishaps.

The others began to smile as we go to town as we see a figure looking like Dimitri as he held up a watch and transformed into Steel Wing and flew off into town.


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