New friends and family

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We see Dimitri asleep in bed as Rias and Jessica were both hugging him as Dimitri then heard his phone ring and he pulled it out to see Blitzo was calling as he then declined the call and went to sleep but heard his phone ring again as he then answered it.

Dimitri: What do you want, Blitzo?

Blitzo: *through the phone* Hey Dimitri, hope I didn't wake ya, how would you and the gang like to come see an awesome movie?

Dimitri: Well KO might like the idea about a movie. Wait, where are you calling from?

Then Blitzo came falling from the ceiling and landed on Dimitri's bed with him, Rias and Jessica looking at Blitzo as a phone came down as well as Dimitri had a face showing that he was really pissed off.

Dimitri: GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!

Blitzo then ran out of the room as fireballs were seen coming out of the room as Dimitri was seen chasing after Blitzo as Ashton saw Blitzo run out the door as Dimitri threw a fireball at him.

Dimitri: YEAH, YOU BETTER RUN!!!!! *slams the door*

Ashton: Do I even want to know what happened?

Dimitri: Blitzo was in my room calling me.

Ashton: Of course, he doesn't even know when to leave us alone.

Dimitri: Agreed.

We later see everyone going out as Dimitri, KO, and Ashton saw a shadow at an alleyway as they looked and saw a person weaning a beak mask and weaning a purple jacket as they saw a little girl in a corner as Dimitri got a pow card of the man and saw his name was Overhaul.

Dimitri: The villain Overhaul.

KO: He's gonna hurt that little girl.

Ashton: Then we gotta stop him

Overhaul was ready to throw a punch at the girl but then bandages wrapped around his arm and looked to see Dimitri as Snare-Oh.

Dimitri: Don't you know that's child abuse?

Overhaul: Who are you three?

KO: Heroes, and let the girl go.

Overhaul: She is nothing but an experiment.

Ashton: Well then now you just pissed me off.

Then Dimitri pulled Overhaul towards the three as Ashton grabbed him and started to smash him around like a rag doll as he knocked Overhaul out and threw him into a dumpster.

Ashton: Serves you right.

KO then saw the girl and walked to her as she covered her face with her hands.

KO: Hi there, my name's KO. What's yours?

The girl said nothing and hid behind Ashton

Ashton: Ok she apparently feels safe with me.

Ashton then patted her for comfort.

Ashton: It's alright, he's a friend. My name is Ashton. Can you tell me your name?

Eri: Eri.

Ashton: Well Eri, you don't have to worry, me and my friends aren't gonna hurt you. Can you trust me?

Eri then shook her head yes as they walked out of the alleyway as KO noticed a rainbow colored gem and picked it up as they walked to the others.

Carol: Boys, what happened?

Dimitri: We found the villain Overhaul and we had to save Eri.

Carol then saw Eri as she hid behind Ashton.

Ashton: Don't worry, Carol won't hurt you.

Eri: Really?

Ashton: Yes, they're all friends.

He then noticed KO was holding the gem

Ashton: KO, where did you get that?

KO: I found it in the alleyway.

Ashton: Well what is it?

KO: Maybe a magic gem.

Eri then saw the scar on Ashton's face as she then touched him as everyone saw the burn mark on Ashton's face had vanished as if it was never there.

Dimitri: Ash, your scar is gone.

Ashton: It is?

Zee then handed Ashton a mirror as Ashton looked to see that his face was healed.

Ashton: Hey, it is healed. Eri, did you do that?

Eri: Mhmm.

Ashton: That's incredible.

We look at KO as he was seen holding the gem as it then started to glow as it then floated out of  his hands as a portal then opened up as the gang saw it.

Ashton: What the? Rad go touch it.

Rad: Me? Why?

Ashton: Because you are an idiot. Because you get hurt a lot. And because I'll pummel you if you don't!

Rad: Fine.

He then walked to the portal and reached out to touch it but then six people came out of the portal and fell on top of Rad.

KO: Is Rad ok?

Ashton: *looks at KO* Oh yeah, he's fine. But who are these people?

KO then walked to them as he saw a boy with brown hair as he saw KO.

KO: Hi there.

Then the boy pulled out a sword as Dimitri then pulled out Enduring Crimson and got KO behind him.

KO: Wait, why are you guys pulling out swords?

Dimitri: Cause he was going to hurt you KO.

Hiccup: What, no, he just startled me is all. My name is Hiccup.

Dimitri: *puts away his sword* Dimitri, and you already met my brother KO.

Hiccup: Well these are my friends, Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut and Astrid.

Ashton: Well it's nice to meet you guys, so where are you all from?

Hiccup: Berk.

Ashton: Wait, Berk?

Astrid: Yeah, why?

Dimitri: Well it's hard to say but to put it in simple terms you six are in the future.

Ashton: He's right, you guys are in the year 2021 of the twenty-first century.

Hiccup: Wait, what?

Ashton: We'll explain everything at the plaza.

We then see them walking off as we then see at a rooftop was a alien hunter as an alien dog was with him as he then placed a device on the dog's collar as the dog then ran off after the group as the huntsman then let out a whistle as we see the dog transform into an alien resembling both a centipede and Tyrannosaurus rex when Ashton hears the whistle

Ashton: Something's coming.

Dimitri then saw the alien coming.

Dimitri: Move!

Everyone then dodged the alien as Dimitri was about to go to his watch.

Rook: Dimitri, a tyrannopede is a natural predator to a vaxasaurian!

Ashton: Whatever you do don't turn into Humongousaur!

Dimitri: Alright, then let's try something better.

Dimitri then slammed his watch as he then transformed into Machino as he looked at himself.

Dimitri: I suppose I can work with this, at least you're not Machino's predator.

He then started to fire blasts at Tyrannopede as Khyber was watching from a distance as he then let out a whistle as we see Tyrannopede transform into a giant worm like creature with large wings and a bladed tail as it screeched at Dimitri.

The blade then fired a blast of acid as Dimitri dodged it and saw the acid melt the ground.

Dimitri: That's not good.

He then saw the creature screeched as it flew at him as he started to run and fire at the alien as it was flying after him.

Dimitri: I can use a little assistance please.

Astrid: How?

Dimitri: Anything, I'm facing my natural predator here!

Ashton: Come on, he needs help.

Ashton then transformed into an antitrix version of big chill as he then blew an ice breath at Sickle Tail as it turned to Ashton as it heard the whistle and then transformed into a tick like alien with wings as it flew into the air as Ashton looked at it and then saw it released a red mist as it rapidly flapped its wings creating a pattern of overlapping circles as Ashton's then started to have the circle pattern in his eyes having him in a hypnotic state as the others saw him.

Mary: What's wrong with Ashton?

Rook: He has fallen under the Psycholeopterran's control.

Snotlout: What's it doing exactly?

Rook: Psycholeopterrans hunt by hypnosis.

Dimitri: Then I should break him free.

He then ran at Hypnotick and slapped his badge and became Unbreakabrawl and leaped at him and punched hypnotick.

Dimitri: Unbreakabrawl! For real? Yeah! Who's the predator now tiny?

He then leaped at the bug and then tossed it to a building as he then ran to it but saw the bug was gone as Ashton then shook his head and looked around.

Ashton: What happened? Did we win?

Dimitri: Yeah, we won.

Ashton: Cool, where did that thing go?

Dimitri: Forget it Ashton, that thing is not worth it.

Ashton: Man does my head hurt.  *looks and saw the riders but notices Ruffnut and Tuffnut aren't with them* Say where's the twins?

Then honking was heard as they all looked and saw Ruff and Tuff in the mystery machine with Tuff driving the van around

Fred: They're killing my mystery machine!

Dimitri: On it.

He then turned into Upgrade as he then jumped towards the van and merged with it and stopped it.

Dimitri: Sorry, the joy ride's over.

He then tossed the twins out of the van as he came out of it.

Ruffnut: Wow...

Tuffnut: Let's do that again!

Fred: You are never getting in my van again!

Snotlout: Ooh what's this baby do?

Ashton turns to see Snotlout on his motorcycle


Snotlout then twisted the throttle making the bike drive around fast as he was heard screaming as Ashton was chasing him.


Snotlout: How do you stop this thing!?

Ashton then turned into Bootleg as he then leaped at the motorcycle and merged with it as he stopped it, making Snotlout go flying towards a wall.

Dimitri: You ok?

Snotlout: Yeah, this nice soft wall broke my fall... and my back.

Dimitri: This is why you guys shouldn't just go around like this, this tech is far beyond what you six can understand.

Ashton: He touched my baby. No one touches my baby.

Astrid: But how did you and Ashton do that change earlier?

Dimitri: We have watches that let us both turn into many different aliens.

Ashton: Yeah, but let's get you guys to our place so we can explain everything.

We then see them going to Carol's house as they saw food was at the table.

Dimitri: Mom, did you make lunch?

Carol: Well I was out getting something and I had some help with making lunch.

Dimitri: Help?

Rias: We helped.

Dimitri and Ashton turned and saw Rias and Mary as the two were both wearing just aprons as Dimitri and Ashton both fainted at the sight of the two.

Snotlout: What's wrong with those guys?

Astrid: *points at Rias and Mary* And why are they almost naked?

Carol: They do that sometimes. Hold on.

She then grabbed two cups of water and poured them on Dimitri and Ashton's faces, waking the two up.




Dimitri: What happened?

Astrid: You two fainted from seeing two girls almost naked.

Ashton: Oh.

Astrid: But why do those two do that?

Dimitri: Rias and Mary both tend to do things like that.

Ashton: Yeah, and those two even tend to sleep in bed with us nude.

Astrid: Didn't need to know that.

Dimitri: Let's just get something for the food.  Hey Astrid, think you can get some butter?

Astrid: Ok.

She then walked to the fridge and opened it.

Blitzo: *gives Astrid the butter* Spoiler alert: The butter's spoiled.

Astrid then grabbed Blitzo and punched him square in the face

Hiccup: What is it?

Blitzo: *dazed* Nice punch, I give it five stars.

Dimitri: Blitzo! Why were you in our fridge?!

Ashton: Well guys, meet Blitzo and the "O" in his name is silent. Not that it matters.

Dimitri: And this guy has a habit of stalking us.

Blitzo: Look, I don't judge the boring family and couple stuff you guys do on your own time, so don't judge me.

Ashton: Oh we do judge you when you intrude in business that doesn't freaking concern you!

Blutzo: *shrugs* I don't see what the issue is, is there something you don't want me seeing?

Ashton: *narrowing his eyes in anger* You are this close to being buried six feet under you irritating little bug!

Dimitri: And everything you say and do is completely INAPPROPRIATE!!!

Rias: Just calm down Dimitri.

Dimitri: I AM CALM!!!

Blitzo: Look it's fine Rias, Dimitri and Ashton are both just... how do I say this without being offensive? *thinks for a minute and smirks*

Ashton: Finish that sentence and your backside becomes top soil.

Dimitri: And does immaturely insulting us make you feel better about your sad, single life?

Blitzo: It actually does.

Ashton: I'm gonna kill him.

Astrid then noticed a phone and picked it up as it then did a flash as Astrid saw a photo of herself as Dimitri saw it.

Dimitri: Well looks like you just learned about a phone.

Astrid: A phone?

Dimitri: Yeah, it's something people use to call each other kinda like letters but faster and you can talk to people

Ashton: Watch.

Ashton then used his fire powers to fly to a distant building as Ashton then called as the phone astrid was holding started to ring

Dimitri: And now you push the green button.

Astrid then pressed the green button.

Ashton: *through the phone* And now you can talk to people no matter how far away they are.

Dimitri: And that is all thanks to a thing we call technology.

Astrid: That's amazing.

Dimitri: That's technology for ya.

Carol then showed Dimitri a paper.

Dimitri: What is it?

Carol: An adoption form for Eri, she's part of the family now.

KO: Wow, so we have a sister now?

Carol: That's right.

The next day we see everyone at the plaza as we see four boys and two girls on a rooftop.

That's Andruw.

Thats Elliotte.

That's Grayson.

This is Piper

This is Everette.

And lastly Rowan.

Rowan: You sure he's here?

Andruw: Positive, I checked the signal from the device to this location.

Elliotte: I'll take it from here.

Piper: Are you sure Elliotte?

Elliotte: Yes, it's under control.

He then walked to Hal Jordan.

Elliotte: Oh, hello there young man. You're not fooling anyone.

Piper: Elliotte, eh eh.

Elliotte: Did you think you could get away with it?

Rowan: Elliotte I don't think-

Elliotte: Thought we wouldn't find you? Well guess what?

Piper: That's not-

Elliotte: It's time for us to return home.

He then tossed Hal off the roof of the bodega as he was about to jump down Piper stopped him as he looked to see Hal was in a bush of poison ivy as he started screaming and scratching himself.

Elliotte: Uh... Consider that a lesson to you.

Piper: Let's get out of here.

They then got off the roof.

Elliotte: To be honest I don't have this under control.

Piper: But I do. look.

They then saw Dimitri with KO as they were walking to the bodega as they all walked towards the two.

Dimitri: Hey, is there anything we can help you with?

Piper: Yes, we've been looking for you? You are Kyrone's son after all.

Dimitri: Wait, how do you know about Kyrone?

Andruw: Because, Kyrone is our father.

Dimitri: Wait, what?

Grayson: That's right we're basically your siblings, technically half siblings.

Dimitri: But I don't understand, how are you all even related to me?

Ashton: They all have your nose.

Andruw: Allow us all to introduce ourselves, my name is Andruw.

Elliotte: I go by Elliotte.

Grayson: I'm Grayson.

Piper: You can call me Piper.

Everette: I'm Everette.

Rowan: And I'm Rowan.

Dimitri: Well it's nice to know your names but what can each of you do?

Ashton: Yeah, we do need to know what your powers are.

Andruw: I'm trained in military combat.

Elliotte: I have these.

He then showed the group two blades with chains attached to them.

Ashton: Wait, those are the blades of chaos, where did you get those?

Elliotte: None of your business.

Grayson: I can use alchemy.

He then clapped his hands and grabbed a metal pole as we see the pole became a spear.

KO: Whoa, was that magic?

Grayson: No, it's called alchemy, it's based on the law of an equivalent exchange.

Piper: I actually do magic, I'm a witch.

Ashton: You're a witch?

Piper: That's right.

She then snapped her fingers as her outfit changed to a witch's outfit.

Everette: I can stretch my body.

Rowan: And I have this ability to become a harpy at will.

She then transformed into a harpy.

Ashton: How did you do that?

Rowan: It's something I can do.

They then saw the riders come wearing modern versions of their outfits.

Astrid: Don't ask, Rias and Mary gave me the choice of either this or a swimsuit.

Ashton: Well I think there is something we wanted to try and can use some help from a few friends.

Dimitri: Come on.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton as Grayson, Everette and Hiccup were with them as they began to .

Ashton: Ok together.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

All: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Ashton: I messed up tonight I lost another fight Lost to myself, but I'll just start again I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground But I always get up now to see what's next

Hiccup: Birds don't just fly They fall down and get up Nobody learns without getting it wrong

All: I won't give up No, I won't give in till I reach the end And then I'll start again No, I won't leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail I won't give up No, I won't give in till I reach the end Then I'll start again No, I won't leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail

All: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Dimitri, Look how far you've come You filled your heart with love Baby, you've done enough Take a deep breath

Dimitri and Ashton: Don't beat yourself up No need to run so fast Sometimes we come last, but we did our best

All: I won't give up No, I won't give in till I reach the end And then I'll start again No, I won't leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail I won't give up No, I won't give in till I reach the end Then I'll start again No, I won't leave I want to try everything I want to try even though I could fail

Hiccup: I'll keep on making those new mistakes I'll keep on making them every day Those new mistakes

All: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Try everything Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Hiccup: Try everything

They then looked to see the gang were amazed at the performance.

Ava: That was spot on guys.

Ashton: Thanks.

Dimitri: Ash look.

Ashton looked and saw Astrid had pulled Hiccup into a kiss.

Ashton: Those two are meant for each other.

At a distance we see a drone watching them as we go to an unknown location as we see Draven was watching them through a screen.

Draven: So they have acquired new allies then I will have to do the same as well.

He then walked to a machine as he activated it as we see it produced energy as a pile of black feathers were seen as they were brought up to the air and we see a woman with black hair wearing very little clothing with black wings.

Raynare: Where am I?

Draven: I brought you back from the afterlife.

She turned and saw Draven.

Draven: I am Draven, and I have revived you  to join my ranks. I want you to retrieve these two boys for me.

He then showed a screen showing both Dimitri and Ashton on it.

Raynare: What do you want me to do this for?

Draven: They are very important to my plans, if you can retrieve them for me you will have your chance to seek revenge on the ones who have slain you.

Raynare: When do I start?

Draven: You will start tomorrow, you will be in the plaza as an inside agent.

Raynare: Consider it done.

Draven: Good.

The screen then faded to black as we see Draven's eyes glowing red.


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