Halloween Hocus Pocus

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At home we see KO running to Dimitri's room as he was dressed as Ryu.

KO: Dimitri, are you ready yet?

Dimitri: Almost done.

Dimitri then came out of his room as he was seen dressed in a red costume resembling a power ranger with space as the helmet's visor

Dimitri: What do you think lil bro?

Ashton: I say you look like a power ranger.

He turned and saw Ashton was dressed as a male version of Luna.

Dimitri: Dressing up as Luna I see.

Ashton: Can you blame me if Luna is my favorite Hex Girl.

KO: I think you look awesome.

Ashton: Thanks KO.

Then a flash was seen as they turned and saw Carol with a camera in her hands

Ashton: Did she just take a picture of us?

Dimitri: Mom!

Carol: Oh come on, you boys look amazing in those costumes.

She then put the picture in a photo book.

Ashton: Does she always do that?

Dimitri: Apparently yes, mom does this every year where she takes a picture of me and KO in different costumes.

Ashton: Great.

Dimitri: Let's just meet up with the others.

We then see the three walking outside.

KO: I love Halloween, dressing up in costumes, going trick-or-treating.

Dimitri: You said it. Halloween is the best.

Ashton: I prefer Christmas.

Dimitri: Alright, Ash what do you think the other costumes might be?

They then looked to see the others in their costumes as they saw the superhero girls were all dressed as each other with Babs and Zee as wonder woman, Kara as Zatanna, Karen as Green Lantern, Jessica as Batgirl and Diana as Bumblebee

Ashton: Oh oh my god.

Dimitri: Do I even need to ask?

Babs: We decided to dress up as each other.

Ashton: Well I think Zee looks great.

Zee: Why thank you.

KO: So is everyone ready to go trick or treating?

???: Did someone say trick or treating?

They all turned and saw a girl who was dressed as Wonder Woman.

Ashton: Who are you?

Babs: EEEEH! Leeny Beany!

Harleen: Babsy Wabsy!

Dimitri: Babs, who is she?

Babs: Guys, this is Harleen, my GBFF.

KO: Huh?

Zee: Gotham Best Friend Forever.

Ashton: Oh no.

KO: What?

Ashton: There is no way that I am going trick or treating with that girl and there is nothing that will change my mind.

KO: Nothing?

Ashton: Nothing you say or show will make me go with you all.

Ava: What about this?

Ashton then turned and saw Ava as she was seen dressed as Ashton

Ashton: (stutters) Ava you're dressed like me!

Ava: Do you like it?

Ashton: (Stutters) It's lovely.

Ava: I know a place we can see but since you don't wanna go it's alright.

Ashton: You know what, I changed my mind now.

KO: So where are we going?

Ava: You'll see.

We later see the group all walking as we see them arriving at an old house as they saw it.

KO: What is this place?

Ava: It's the home of the Sanderson sisters.

Dimitri: You mean those three witches that were hung on Halloween three hundred years ago?

Ava: Yeah that's them alright.

Jessica: How did you know about them?

Dimitri: I was reading about them, it was said that they were sucking the life force from children so they could stay young forever.

Ashton: That ain't right.

Dimitri: And it was said that before they were hanged Winnie said that they would return once the black candle was lit by a virgin or a great big idiot.

Bakugou: That's just a bunch of hocus pocus.

KO: Can we go inside?

Ava: Sure.

They then went inside as they all looked around as KO saw a book in a glass box.

KO: What's that?

Dimitri: That's Winnie's spellbook, it holds her most dangerous spells in it.

Ashton: Odd. I can hear a voice coming from the book. It's like it's calling to me.

They then saw a candle.

Ryuko: Is that the black candle?

Dimitri: It is, but it's best we just leave it alone.

Rad: You guys scared of a little old candle?

Dimitri: Dude, didn't you remember what I said earlier? If a virgin or idiot lights the candle the Sanderson sisters will return!

Rad: Oops. Was I not supposed to?

They looked and saw that the candle was light as Rad was holding a lighter.

Dimitri: You idiot! *grabs Rad* Do you realize what you have just done?!

The house started to shake as the floor started to glow green

Ashton: (high pitched child like voice) They're here.

Then the floor stopped shaking as everyone looked at each other.

Rad: What happened?

Dimitri: An idiot lit the candle.

Then all the candles in the house were lit up as a fire at a cauldron was made as laughter was heard.

Ashton: Scatter. Hide. They're coming.

Everyone then ran to find a place to hide as the door opened as we see three witches walk in.

Winnie: We're home! Oh sweet revenge. Do you see sisters? My curse worked perfectly!

Mary: That's because thou art perfect.

The two then walked around as Sarah reached up as Winnie and Mary saw a cauldron.

Mary: I knew I left this cauldron on. Didn't I tell you? Oh, I knew it.

Sarah then brought down a tail.

Sarah: My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!

Winnie then spotted the candle as she saw it was lit.

Winnie: But who lit the black flame candle? Hmm.

She then saw her spell book as she came to it and tapped on the glass.

Winnie: Wake up. Wake up, sleepyhead.

The book then opened its one eye.

Winnie: Oh I missed you. Did you miss me too? Come on, now, we have work to do.

Mary: Winnie.

Winnie: Yes?

Mary: I smell children.

Ashton: You smell nothing.

They then looked and saw Ashton.

Ashton: Welcome back to the land of the living Sandersons.

KO was seen peeking his head out as Dimitri brought him down and had his mouth covered

Ashton: I must say. When I heard of the famous Sarah, Winifred, and Mary Sanderson I was eager to meet you.

Winnie: Tell me, young man, what is the year?

Ashton: 2021 Ms. Sanderson.

Winnie: Sisters, we have been gone for 321 years.

Ashton: And you three don't look a day over 32.

Sarah: Oh Winnie let me keep him please.

As they were paying attention to Ashton we see Dimitri and KO quietly crawling away to the door as KO bumped to a table where a vase was on as it was about to fall Dimitri caught it and gently put it back

Dimitri: *quietly* Careful, we don't want them to hear us.

Winnie: What was that?

Ashton: Sorry that was me. I happen to be a magic user myself.

Winnie: So thou art a warlock?

Ashton: That's right Winnie. May I call you Winnie?

Winnie: Yes.

Ashton: Well let me show you some magic. Fire mostly

Ashton then created a blue flame as we see Dimitri and KO reach the door as KO was shuddering.

KO: *quietly* I think there's a spider on my back.

Dimitri: *whispers* let me see, it's probably a leaf.

KO slowly turned around as Dimitri's eyes widened to see it was indeed a spider and was about to scream only for Ava to stop him

Winnie: There it is again!

Ashton: I can also throw my voice to make it sound like other people are in the room.

He spots Dimitri and KO at the door as he moves his eyes in a direction as a way of saying "get out hurry! I have things handled!" as Dimitri nodded and slowly and quietly opened the door as KO felt his nose tickle.

KO: Uh... uh... uh...

Then Ava quickly covered KO's nose only for her to sneeze as a result as the Sanderson sisters spotted them.

Dimitri: Uh oh.

KO: Busted.

Ashton: You guys run! I'll be right behind you!

They then ran outside as Ashton got to the top where a fire sprinkler was.

Ashton: Now for my next trick, summoning the burning rain of death!

Ashton then made a small flame as he brought it to the sprinkler causing the sisters to scream and crumble to the floor as Ashton grabbed the book as a black cat jumped on him

Ashton: What the?

Thackeray: Nice going stupid!

Ashton: You can talk?!

Thackeray: Yeah, no kidding. Now get the spell book out of here.

Ashton: Right.

Ashton then ran out with Thackeray following him as Winnie then had her hands on the water and tasted it.

Mary: Winnie!

Sarah: We are dead!

Winnie: Shut up! It is but water.

Then Mary and Sarah both tasted the water and saw that she was right.

Mary: Most refreshing.

Sarah: Ah, it is.

Winnie: You idiot! The boy has tricked us! And he's stolen the book!

Sarah: Can I still keep him?

Winnie: After him!

They then walked out of the house as they then started to walk but stopped as they saw the road.

Mary: 'Tis a b-black river.

Sarah: Perhaps it is not too deep.

Then Winnie and Mary pushed Sarah to the street as Sarah screamed but then felt that it was firm.

Sarah: 'Tis firm.

Mary: *sees Winnie having her foot on the road* Careful Winnie.

Sarah: 'Tis firm as stone.

Winnie: Why-- Why it's a road!

Sarah: Firm as stone!

Winnie: Sisters!

Sarah: Firm as stone!

Winnie: My book!

Then the three sisters started to walk down the road until they heard sirens and saw a fire truck coming as they screamed and ran as we saw the group running to a graveyard.

Dimitri: We can hide here.

Sam: In a graveyard?

Dimitri: We'll be safe, it's hallowed ground.

Thackeray: He's right, witches can't set foot here.

Kara: Did that cat talk?

Dimitri: Let's hurry before those witches find us

They then went inside the graveyard as we saw them going through it following Thackeray.

KO: Where are you taking us Mr. Cat?

Thackeray: My name is Thackeray Binx

Dimitri: Wait, you're the boy who was cursed by Winnie years ago?

Thackeray: Yes, and I need to show you all what we're dealing with.

They then saw a gravestone.

Kara: Who's that taking a dirt nap?

Thackeray: Billy Butcherson.

Dimitri: I remember reading about him, he was Winnie's lover but she caught him sporting with her sister Sarah. So she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle.

Jessica: Why?

Thackeray: It was so that he couldn't tell her secrets even in death. Winifred was always the jealous type.

Babs: So those legends are true?

Ashton: Her being crazy? Oh yeah.

Thackeray: Come on, I need to show you something else.

We then go to the sanderson house as we see firemen walking out the house as the three sisters were hiding and saw them.

Mary: Who are they?

Sarah: Boys?

Winnie: Witch hunters, observe they wear black robes and carry axes to chop the wood to burn us.

Mary: Hold me.

Sarah: What a pretty spider.

Winnie: Sisters, let me be perfectly clear, the magic that brought us back only works tonight on all hallows' eve when the sun comes up we're dust.

Mary: Dust?

Winnie: Toast.

Mary: Toast?

Winnie: Pudding! Fortunately the potion I brewed the night we were hanged would keep us young and alive forever. Unfortunately the recipe for the potion is in my spell book, and the little wretches have stolen it. Therefore it stands to reason, does it not, sisters dear, that we must find the book, brew the potion, and suck the lives out of the children before sunrise. Otherwise it's curtains! We evaporate! We cease to exist! Dost thou comprehend?

Mary: Well, you explained it beautifully Winnie. The way you sorta started out with the adventure part and you sorta slowly went to the...

Sarah: Explained what?

Winnie: Come! We fly!

We then see the group at another tombstone.

Thackeray: Because of me, my little sister's life was stolen. For years I waited for my life to end, so I could be reunited with my family. But Winifred's curse of Immortality kept me alive. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life. Now, I'd failed Emily, but I wouldn't fail again. When Winifred and her sisters return I'd be there to stop them. So for three centuries, I've guarded their house on All Hallows' night when I knew some airhead might light the black flame candle.

Ashton: Rad you idiot!

Rad: Hey look I'm sorry, okay?

Bakugou: We're talking about three ancient hags versus the twenty-first century. How bad can it be?

Thackeray: Bad.

Thackeray then spotted KO was trying to look into the spell book.

Thackeray: Stay out of there!

KO: Why?

Dimitri: Like I told you before KO, it holds Winnie's most dangerous spells. She must not get it.

Kara: Then let's burn it.

Rad then held a lit lighter and brought it to the book but the flame couldn't touch it.

Dimitri: It's protected by magic.

Then they heard the witch sister cackling as they looked and saw them on their brooms.

Winnie: It's just a bunch of hocus-pocus!

KO: They found us!

Sarah: Hi Ashton!

Ashton: Uh oh. She still has a crush on me.

Ava: Ashton, the book!

Ashton: On it!

He then became Thorn Blade and used a vine to grab the book.

Dimitri: Please be heatblast, please be heatblast.

He then slammed his watch and became Jury Rigg.

Dimitri: Jury Rigg? Are you kidding me?!

Ashton: At least you're a smaller target now.

Dimitri then saw Mary coming as he ducked and jumped into Dendy's backpack.

Dimitri: Ash, just keep them busy till I can build something to kick their butts.

Ashton: Busy? I'm just trying to keep one of them away.

We then see the others trying to get away from the witch sisters

Ashton: Hey Winnie! Taste blue fireballs!

He then threw a fireball at her making her move away from it until a net was launched at her getting her tangled in it as two more hit Mary and Sarah as the others turned and saw Dimitri who was holding a makeshift net launcher.

Ashton: Hey, nice piece of junk you built there.

Dimitri: Gimme a break, it was the best I could do with the parts I had.

They then saw Scooby get grabbed by Winnie.

Winnie: Give me my spell book you hound!

Scooby: Hound? Where?

Shaggy: Zoinks! *sees a bucket of water and grabs it* Let my buddy go, you creepy crone!

He then ran at Winnie and threw the water on her only making her wet.

Winnie: What was that?

Shaggy: You're not melting, like, it worked in the Wizard of Oz.

Winnie: Fool, I shall destroy thee!

Shaggy then put the bucket on Winnie's head causing her to drop Scooby.

Zee: They can't touch us here, right?

Thackeray: Well, they can't.

Ava: I didn't like the way you said that.

Winnie: *removes the bucket* Unfaithful lover long since dead. Deep inside thy wormy bed. Wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist thy fingers toward the sky. Life is sweet, be not shy. On thy feet so sayeth I!

Then the ground began to shake as they looked at Billy Butcherson's grave to see a tomb rise up from the ground as we see a zombie pop out of the tomb as the gang saw Billy looking at them as they then screamed and Ashton grabbed the book and bolted out of the area.

Sarah: Hi. Hello Billy.

Winnie: Catch those children! Get up! Get up! Get out of that ditch! Faster!

We then see the group as they were seen running.

Thackeray: This way!

They then ran to a tunnel as Ashton saw Dimitri was at a branch.

Ashton: What are you doing?

Dimitri: Ashton, I got an idea. Help me pull this branch.

Ashton: *sees Billy coming* That's perfect.

They both then pulled the branch back as they saw Billy coming.

Dimitri: Now!

They both released the branch making it whack Billy in the face knocking his head off as it rolled on the ground as they ran to the tunnel.

Ashton: Where are we?

Thackeray: The old Salem crypt. It connects to the sewer and up to the street.

Zee: This is horrifying.

Thackeray: Relax, I hunted mice down here for years.

We then see the witches as they saw Billy without his head.

Winnie: Oh cheese and crusts. He's lost his head! Damn that Thackeray Binx. Damn him. Billy, where did they go? Billy, listen to me. Follow those children, you maggot museum. And get my book! Then come find us. We'll be ready for them. *sees Billy was looking at her* Quit staring at me! Get moving down that hole! Damn, damn, double Damn!

Mary: Broom, ho.

They then flew off as we see the gang walking through the tunnel as we see the Sanderson sisters arriving at the gates of the graveyard.

Winnie: They're here, I know they're here but where are they? Sniff them out, Mary

Marry: *sniffing* They're... They're... Oh, I can't. They've gone too far. I've lost them.

Winnie: I'll have your guts for garters, girl! Confound you! Very well. We must outwit them. When Billy the Butcher gets here with my book, we shall be ready for them! Sarah! Let us start collecting children.

Mary: Why?

Winnie: Because, you great buffoon, we want to live forever, not just until tomorrow. The more children's lives we snatch, the longer we shall live!

Sarah: Right! Let us fly!

Winnie: Fly!

Mary: Wait! Sisters. I have an idea. *takes their broom* Since this promises to be a most dire and stressful evening. I suggest we form a calming circle.

Winnie: I am calm!

Mary: Oh, sister. Thou art not being honest with thyself, are we huh? Huh? Come on. Give... Gimme a smile.

They then smiled as they then came together in a circle as we saw the gang going through the tunnels.

Enid: Great, now we have gone from trick or treating to stopping three witches.

Ashton: You had to light the candle didn't you Rad? You couldn't heed the warnings could ya?

Rad: Look I'm sorry guys, I thought it was just one of your stories.

Dimitri: So you lit the candle because you thought I was telling a scary story.

Ashton: I'll say it again. RAD YOU IDIOT!!!!!

Rad: I'm sorry ok?

Ashton: Sorry won't cut it this time!

Dimitri: Look, all we gotta do is figure out how to stop them before they suck the lives out of all the children including KO.

Carmelita: But how?

Ashton: Thackeray do you have any ideas?

Thackeray: The last time the Sanderson sisters were around they were hung. But I have no freaking idea!

Dimitri: Guess we'll have to improvise then.

Ashton: Hey Thackeray can I ask you something?

Thackeray: What's that?

Ashton: Why does Sarah want me?

Thackeray: If I would have to guess, it would probably be that she thinks that you are handsome.

Ashton: She may be pretty but not my type.

We then see them arriving at a ladder as they climbed up it and came out of a manhole in the middle of the street.

Ashton: Town square. I think it's time for a change of clothes.

Dimitri: Good call.

Ashton started to say an incantation as his clothes changed to a black and red suit with a golden medallion as Ava and Ashton's girls fainted with nosebleeds

Dimitri: I got this.

He then turned into water hazard as he then blasted the girls with water waking them up

Ashton: You girls alright?

Ava: A bit soaked, but otherwise-

She saw Ashton and fainted again

Ashton: Never mind.

Dimitri: Let's just find a way to stop those witches before they try to get any children. I should change to a different alien for that.

Jessica: Ok but try Grey Matter so we can think of a smart way to- *sees Dimitri change to Shock Rock* and he's Shock Rock.

Dimitri: Hey, don't worry I got this. *leans to a pole for a light up sign* I'll be right here looking intimidating.

Then the sign he was leaning on fell to the ground as we then go to the witches as they heard the sound

Jessica: Dimitri, the point is to hide, not tell them exactly where we are.

Dimitri: I'm sure they didn't hear that.

Ashton: Don't be so sure.

Dimitri: They're coming aren't they?

Winnie: Try we're already here!

They then turned and saw the sanderson sisters on their brooms

Ashton: Here we go again.

Winnie: Care for a battle of magics dear boy?

Ashton: You're on, you wicked old crone!

Ashton then threw a fireball at Sarah and shot a massive torrent of fire from his mouth at Winnie and Mary

Mary B.: Dimitri did you know he could do that?

Dimitri: *changes back* No, but let's find a place to hide while he's keeping them busy.

They then went to a building as we saw there was a party inside as music was playing.

Karen: Are you sure this place is safe?

Dimitri: I'm sure, as long as Ashton is keeping them occupied.

KO: Dimitri, look.

He turned and saw the Sanderson sisters were inside the building as well.

Dimitri: Uh oh. Stay out of sight guys.

They then started to hide as the sanderson sisters were looking around to find them

Winnie: Spread out and find my book.

They started to go through the crowd as we see Ashton come in

Ashton: Care for a dance Winnie and Sarah?

Winnie: You!

Sarah then saw KO who was seen going behind curtains

Ashton: Sarah eyes over here. And Winnie I may not like you but I can still be a gentleman.

We then went to KO as he was seen behind the curtains on a stage.

KO: I'll be safe here, I hope.

He then felt hands on his shoulders and screamed as he turned to see it was only Dimitri.

KO: Oh, it's just you Dimitri, I thought you were one of the Sanderson sisters.

Dimitri: What were you doing in here?

KO: Trying to hide from those witches.

Dimitri: Ashton once again has that covered.

KO: Oh, but how long do you think they'll start to come looking for us?

Dimitri: Not for a while. They seem to enjoy dancing with him.

KO: Oh.

Dimitri: But we need to figure out how to stop them.

KO: Well I might have an idea, remember that story Hansel and Gretel?

Dimitri: Yeah, why?

KO: You remember the part where the witch was thrown in a fiery oven?

Dimitri: Hmmm that is worth a try.

They then saw the Sanderson sisters arriving as they quickly hid.

Dimitri: Let's get out now.

They then got out as the curtains then raised up as the witches saw the crowd as the group saw them on stage.

Dimitri: Great, now they're on stage.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Winifred: I put a spell on you And now you're mine You can't stop the things I do I ain't lyin' It's been three hundred years Right down to the day Now the witch is back And there's hell to pay I put a spell on you And now you're mine!

Then music began to play.

Winnie: Hello, Salem! My name's Winifred! What's yours? I put a spell on you And now you're gone

Mary and Sarah: Gone, gone, gone, so long!

Winifred: My whammy fell on you And it was strong

Mary and Sarah: So strong, so strong, so strong!

Winifred: Your wretched little lives Have all been cursed 'Cause of all the witches working I'm the worst I put a spell on you And now you're mine

Mary and Sarah: Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! She ain't lyin'

Winifred: If you don't believe, You better get superstitious Ask my sisters

Mary and Sarah: "Ooh, she's vicious!"

Winifred: I put a spell on you... I put a spell on you... Sisters!

Sanderson Sisters: Ah, say into pi, alpha maybe upendi

Party Guests: Ah, say into pi, alpha maybe upendi!

Winifred: In comma-coriyama

Party Guests: In comma-coriyama

Sanderson Sisters: Hey hi, say bye-bye-i-i-i-i-i-i-i" Bye, bye

The crowd began to cheer for them as KO looked to see Billy was coming.

KO: Guys, he's back.

Dimitri: Ok, let's move.

They then ran out of the building as we saw them going out to the streets.

Enid: How are we gonna stop those witches?

Ashton then pulled out a large spell book of his own

Ashton: The golden book of Amun-Ra. Passed down from one sorcerer to his successor

Bakugou: Just get to the point!

Ashton: I was about to get to that now shush or else I take your power away from you.

Bakugou: Fine.

Ashton: Ok, as I was saying, this book is the most extensive archive of light magic that exists and from within contains the perfect spell to counter the Sanderson sisters' darkest magic. Trouble is I have no idea which spell it is.

Dimitri: Maybe we can try to figure out which one it is.

Ashton: Good idea. In the meantime, see if you guys can keep the Sanderson sisters occupied.

Dimitri: We'll try. Hmm I might have an idea, remember what Winnie said from when she was hanged? I think it means that they will be here for Halloween until sunrise.

Kara: Great plan, except sunrise is you know, a couple hours away!

Dimitri: I know but what I mean is what if we can make those three witches think that the sun is rising.

Ashton: That could work, it can buy me time to find the right spell.

Dimitri: Alright, come on guys.

We then see them going to a building as we see them all setting up some lights on the windows.

Dimitri: Alright, the plan is simple: we get the Sanderson sisters to come here and we will activate the lights which will trick those witches into thinking the sun has come up.

Enid: All we need now is bait.

They then looked at Rad.

Rad: Uh oh.

We then see him standing outside the building.

Rad: Why do I have to be bait?

Dimitri: Because you're the one who started all of this by lighting that candle.

Rad: Oh.

Enid: When those witches arrive just get them to follow you inside the building to where we set up the trick.

Rad: Alright, but when are they gonna get here?

He then heard cackling and saw the Sanderson sisters coming.

Rad: Nevermind, I just answered my own question.

He then ran inside the building as we see the three witches go inside as they started to look around as they saw Rad ran into a room as they went to it and saw the group in it.

Dimitri: We were expecting you here. Cause we have a little surprise for you three.

Winnie: And what would that be?

Dimitri: A little something we like to call day time savings.

Mary: Day time savings?

Then a light was seen as the witches freaked out and then collapsed to the ground thinking that the sun had risen.

Dimitri: Come on guys, let's see how Ashton is doing.

They then left the building as we then saw Ashton as he was looking through his book looking for the spell as the others came to him.

Dimitri: Any luck Ash?

Ashton: Well I found a way to trap them in their book. But I need a Wiccan to help me trap them. Who do we know that's a Wiccan?

Velma: Thorn is part Wiccan.

Ashton: Give her a call and tell her to get here as fast as she can.

Velma: On it.

Ashton: Dimitri, how long do we have until those Sandersons find out that the sun hasn't risen?

Dimitri: I would have to say probably a while.

Ashton: Alright then we better meet up at the graveyard.

We later see the gang at the graveyard as we see Thorn was with them.

Ashton: Ok, we just need to wait.

Then they all looked and saw Billy coming.

Enid: Not him again.

Dimitri: Hang on, I think he's trying to say something.

He then walked to Billy and brought out some scissors and cut the string on his noth as Billy then coughed out some moths.

Dimitri: Alright, there you go.

Billy: Thank thee.

Jessica: Dimitri, how did you know?

Dimitri: Did you not see how he hated when Winnie was ordering him around?

Kara: So that means the zombie is on our side?

Dimitri: Exactly. KO, I need you and Dendy to be in here.

He then placed the two on a spot and made a circle with salt.

KO: Why do we have to be in this circle?

Dimitri: Witches can't touch you when you're surrounded by salt.

Ashton: So as long as you and Dendy are in the salt circle you both should be safe from the witches.

KO: Alright.

Dimitri: Alright everyone, be prepared cause those witches will be coming here any minute.

Enid: *sees the Sanderson sisters coming* And speak of the devil, here they come.

Ashton: Thorn, remember you have to read the spell from their book.

Thorn: Right!

Babs: Hurry, they're coming!

Thorn: *reading the spell* Ancient evil get thee hence, only good can recompense for the misdeeds that you all done. Witches return from when you come!

Then the book began to move through pages very fast as it unleashed a blue energy as it began to pull the sanderson sisters towards the book.


Ashton: Sorry Winnie, try writing a better book next time.

Then the three witches were then sucked into their book as it closed up.

Enid: See ya.

Dimitri: And I definitely wouldn't want to be ya.

They then looked to see Billy was going back to his grave and went to sleep.

KO: Sleep well Billy.

Ava: Hey, where's Thackeray?

Ashton: Ava, get a load of this.

Ava then looked to see the spirit of a boy.

Ava: Is that... Binx?

Dimitri: Of course, since Winnie is gone, her immortality curse is gone too, he's finally free.

Thackeray: That's tight, I can finally be with my family again. And thank you all for helping me get rid of those witches, and Rad, thank you for lighting that candle.

Rad: Um, anytime?

They then see him walking as they see the spirit of a little girl.

Sarah: What kept you?

Thackeray: I had to wait for an idiot to light the black flame candle.

They then watched them walk off and vanished.

Dimitri: You know guys, this has been a very interesting Halloween ever.

Ashton: If by "interesting" you mean "enchanting" then yes I can agree.

KO: Now what?

Ashton: Let's head back, I think this has been an exciting halloween.

They then started to walk home as the book's one eye opened.


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