Heroes meet demons

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We see everyone in the bodega as Dimitri was seen stocking up the shelves in a color order.

Dimitri: There we go all done. Now I can move on outside.

He then walked to the door and opened it as he then saw a demonic being wearing a red suit and had deer antlers as he then opened his eyes looking at Dimitri as he then looked at him with wide eyes.

Alastor: Hell-

Dimitri then closed the doors as he paused for a moment and opened them again seeing Alastor.

Alastor: -o!

He then shut the doors again.

Dimitri: Uh, guys.

Enid: What?

Dimitri: There's a deer demon outside the bodega.

Ashton: What?!

Rad: Who?

Dimitri: What do I even do?

Ashton: Don't let him in!

Dimitri then looked at the doors as he saw Alastor looking at him as he then walked to the doors and opened them.

Alastor: May I speak now?

Dimitri: Uh... Yes?

Alastor: Alastor, pleasure to meet ya lad, quite a pleasure. Forgive my sudden visit but I was given wind about the Gremory heiress having a human boyfriend and I wanted to meet him.

Dimitri: That would be me.

Alastor: Ah, it is a pleasure to meet you young lad and I must say that Rias has made an excellent choice.

Dimitri: Thanks, I'm Dimitri, wait how do you know about the Gremory family?

Alastor: Oh, everyone in hell knows about the Gremory family.

Then Ashton pointed his sword at Alastor.

Ashton: Stop right there! I don't know what your game is but I am not letting you hurt anyone here.

Alastor: Oh, if I wanted to hurt anyone here *demonic voice* I would have done so already.

They then looked at Alastor.

Alastor: No, I'm here because we wanted to meet the Gremory Heiress' human love.

Dimitri: Wait, did you say "we"?

Alastor: Indeed I have.

He then pointed behind himself as Dimitri and Ashton leaned a bit to the side as they looked to see a group of demons were there.

Ashton: Let me get this straight, you guys came all the way from hell just to meet Dimitri cause you heard that he is with Rias?

Alastor: Why of course.

We then see a blonde girl with white skin come to Dimitri.

Charlie: Hi I'm Charlie, it's really nice to meet you.

Dimitri: Uh thanks.

We then see Enid was leaning on a wall as we see that a female anthropomorphic hellhound was leaning on the wall beside her as they both faced each other.

Loona: S'up?

Enid: S'up?

Ashton then saw Loona as she looked at him as he then blushed seeing her.

Dimitri: I think Ashton likes her.

Blitzo: That's Loona for ya.

Dimitri then looked down to see an imps along with two other imps.

Dimitri: And you are?

Blitzo: My name's Blitzo the "O" is silent and this is Moxxie and Millie.

Dimitri: Alright.

Charlie: Well over there is Angel Dust, Niffty, Husk and Vaggie.

He then walked to them as he held his hand out to Vaggie.

Dimitri: Nice to meet you all.

Vaggie: F off.

Dimitri: Yeesh, not very friendly is she?

Charlie: Well Vaggie takes time to warm up.

Dimitri: Oh, ok. And you seem cheerful for a demon.

Charlie: Thanks.

As Dimitri and Charlie were talking to each other Vaggie was seen with a face looking like she wanted to murder Dimitri.

Angel: You ok Vags?

Vaggie: *while gritting her teeth*  I'm fine.

Angel: If you say so.

Vaggie looked at Dimitri and Charlie and saw Charlie was laughing which made her ball her hands

Ashton: Calm down lady. He's just making her laugh.

Angel: Yeah, and if Charlie wants to hang out with the guy, let her.

Ashton: Yeah, Dimitri's a good person. He would never do anything bad.

Vaggie: I'm leaving.

She then started to walk away as the others saw her leaving.

Husk: Is she ok?

Charlie: I think she just needs some alone time.

At night we see Dimitri getting ready for bed as he heads to his room.

Rias: Is something wrong Dimitri?

Dimitri: It's just I can't stop thinking about Vaggie from earlier, it looked like she hated me.

Rias: I think she only needs time to warm up to you. Let's get to bed.

Dimitri: Alright.

Rias: You know, you seem to be taking the fact of sleeping with me in bed in a calm manner now even when you know I sleep in the nude.

Dimitri: Figured it would be time to get used to it.

Rias: Well come on let's get some sleep.

Dimitri: Alright.

As they went to bed we go to the plaza as it was dark as we see someone walking by as a figure was seen following him as the man turned he saw the figure and screamed, the next day we see Dimitri walking to the plaza and saw everyone was gathered at a crime scene as he came to them.

Dimitri: What happened here? Are you dressing up as the dragon man again Ash?

Ashton: Don't look at me, I was sandwiched between Midnight and Mt Lady all night.

Dimitri: But what happened last night?

Ashton: Apparently someone got kidnapped last night.

Dimitri: That's weird.

KO: What's this?

KO then picked up a pow card as he saw it had Dimitri on it.

Dimitri: It's... my pow card.

KO: How did it get here?

Ashton: I'll hold onto it.

He then took the card and put it up.

Dimitri: Let's check the security footage from last night. Maybe it'll help us figure out what's happening.

Ashton: Good idea D.

We then see them looking through the security footage as they look at the screen.

Ashton: Alright, let's see what happened last night.

The screen then showed the outside of the plaza as they saw the person who was taken and saw the figure along with two other figures behind the person.

Dimitri: Hey Ash, can you enhance this shot?

Ashton: Sure, let me brighten the image a bit, raise the sharpness a bit and... hey.

They then looked at the image as they saw the three figure were Dimitri, KO, and Carol

Dimitri: Is that... me, KO and Mom?

KO: But how? we were at home last night.

Dimitri: There is no way that is us.

Ashton: Yeah. KO and Carol were asleep and you were having naked cuddle time with Rias.

Dimitri: Dude, not in front of him. *points at KO*

KO: What did he say?

Dimitri: Nothing, I'll explain when you're  older.

KO: But-

Dimitri: When you're older.

KO: Ok.

Ashton: Let's try looking for clues.

Dimitri: Right.

We later see the group looking around the plaza.

Dimitri: Why would someone try to frame me?

Ashton: I don't know, but we need to figure this out if we want to prove you are innocent.

Dimitri: Well I better go alien for this.

He then slammed his watch as he became Wildmutt.

Rook: Excellent idea Dimitri, with the vulpimancer's keen sense of smell you should be able to find more clues.

Dimitri then smiled in response as he began to walk around the plaza sniffing for clues as he then came to the gang with a red jacket in his mouth as Ashton took it.

Ashton: A red jacket?

Dimitri: *changes back* I found it in the woods.

Kara: First Dimitri's pow card, then a red jacket. Doesn't it seem a bit off to you guys?

Babs: Kinda.

Ashton: We need to find more clues to be sure.

We then see the gang going through the woods as they look around.

Dimitri: Still doesn't make sense why would someone wanna blame me?

Ashton: It can't be Issei because he's still in jail.

Rias: Whoever it is must have some hatred over Dimitri.

Daphne: But Ashton, was there anything else from the video like when Charlie and her friends came to the plaza.

Ashton: Well I did find this.

He showed Daphne his phone as a video of Vaggie at a clothing store was seen there.

Daphne: There's no way that Vaggie was there.

Ashton: Maybe, but we should keep looking for clues.

Dimitri: Good call.

KO: Hey guys I found a clue.

They came to KO as he was seen holding a tube of glue.

Enid: Glue?

Dimitri: Wait, this is industrial strength glue.

Ashton: This stuff is used for making costumes.

Dimitri: Guess that's a third clue then.

Ashton: Right, we better go check on the plaza for any other kidnapping.

They then returned to the plaza as Ashton thought of something.

Ashton: You know something guys?

Mary: What?

Ashton: Remember the pow card of Dimitri we found and the red jacket?

Wil: Yeah, why?

Ashton: It's obvious that someone just planted those items there to make it look like Dimitri was behind this.

Ava: You're right. So it is possible that someone just wanted to blame him for a crime.

Dimitri then had Ashton turn his head and saw Charlie who was with what appeared to be her parents.

Ashton: Lucifer? *bows in respect* Your majesty, I wasn't expecting you to show up sir.

Dimitri: Why are you even here?

Lucifer: Charlotte told us about the sudden kidnapping that has recently happened here. And I have heard that you are the human who is with Rias Gremory.

Lilith: Ashton dear what happened to your face?

Ashton: It's a long story, but we're trying to figure out who is behind this.

Lilith: Then perhaps we can help you.

Ashton: Really?

Lilith: Anything for you.

Ashton: Thanks.

Dimitri: Hey Ash, can I see that pow card you got?

Ashton: Sure.

He handed Dimitri the pow card as he examined it.

Dimitri: Just as I suspected, it's brand new.

Ashton: Which meant somebody wanted us to find it.

Ashton: And something is telling me that we're getting close to whoever is behind this.

Dimitri: So what do we do now?

Ashton: Set up a trap and draw out the kidnappers.

Later at night we see Dimitri, KO, and Carol standing outside of the plaza as the others were hiding in a van.

Hal: Why are they being bait?

Ashton: Well if the person behind this wants Dimitri, then it's Dimitri they're gonna get. So all we can do is wait.

Then bushes were rustling as Dimitri noticed.

Dimitri: Get ready, we got company.

They then looked as they saw were look alikes of Dimitri, KO and Carol come out from the bushes as their eyes were bright red as they saw them.

Dimitri: Well that is a bit disturbing.

KO: I think we all should run.

They then started to run.

Ashton: Come on guys, let's follow them.

The van then drove off as we see Dimitri, KO and Carol running off as the doppelgängers were chasing them as they leaped towards them as they then ran through the woods and split up as we see Dimitri and KO hiding as the doppelgängers ran off as they came out as Carol's doppelgänger was seen hiding and acted as Carol who was out of breath as Dimitri and KO came to her but then saw she was fake and ran off with the van with the group in it as the Carol faker saw them and then grabbed a tree and pulled it out and then swung it at them making them turn as we see Dimitri and KO running as their doubles ran by as the two stopped and then saw them as they acted as their reflection as they mimicked their every move until Dimitri and KO both pulled their chins and ran as the double ran after them as the two ran down the woods and stopped as they were at a cliff and we see Carol swing by and grabbed the two.

KO: Mom!

Dimitri: Rock!

Carol: Thank you boys.

Dimitri: No, not you rock, just rock!

They then crashed into a rock as they slid down as we saw their doppelgängers coming and had them cornered as we saw Ashton at a distance.

Ashton: Now!

Then Lilith pulled a rope as a loge then swung down and whacked the fakers sending them flying to a trampoline as they then landed on a cart and rolled down the hill and got caught in a net as everyone came.

KO: You know Dimitri, I think I never wanna look in a mirror again.

Dimitri: Me too.

Ashton: Now let's see who's behind the evil Dimitri.

He then pulled on the faker of Dimitri's head and removed the mask as it was revealed to be Vaggie.

All: Vaggie?!

Charlie: Vaggie? But I don't understand, why did you do it?

Vaggie: I did it because of him!

Dimitri: Me? What did I ever do to you?

Vaggie: Ever since Charlie met you that's all she ever talks about. Dimitri said this, Dimitri said that, Dimitri saved the day, Dimitri is a kind and supportive big brother to KO. That's all I ever heard from Charlie nonstop.

Velma: Vaggie thought that the easiest way to get Dimitri away from Charlie would be to frame him for a crime so Charlie would be all hers.

Ashton: She heard from us that Dimitri would never do anything bad, that's what gave her the idea.

Jessica then walks to the doppelgängers of KO and Carol and unmasks them.

Jessica: She hired extras to play Dimitri's brother and mom and a Hollywood makeup artist to create the masks and costumes.

Ashton: That explains the industrial strength glue we found.

Vaggie: Yeah, I dressed up as Dimitri and kidnapped someone, and I planted a Pow card of him in the crime scene hoping to throw suspicion his way.

Wil: But she made some mistakes.

Ashton: The pow card we found was brand new, which told us that someone wanted us to find it, but the clue I got was the video of her.

He then showed his phone with the video of Vaggie at the clothes store.

Daphne: I knew it! That wasn't her!

Ashton: No, it was her. But if you look closely you'll see the jackets in the background were the same as the one we found.

Angel: But there's one thing I don't get, where's the guy Vags kidnapped?

Ashton: Easy.

We then see them going to a cabin that was in the woods as Ashton opens the door to see that the person was ok

Ashton: Vaggie kept him in this building, she was gonna let him go so he would be sure to identify Dimitri to the authorities.

Charlie: *slaps Vaggie* How could you do that?!

Lucifer: Well, since it's clear to see that no one was hurt, I think Vaggie can make up for what she had done with community service. Isn't that right Lilith?

Lilith: I couldn't agree more.

They then grabbed Vaggie as she looked at Charlie.

Vaggie: You're a great person Charlie, you were the best demon I met and my girl, and I did all this for my own selfish ends. *looks down in guilt* I'm very sorry. Wait for me Charlie?

Charlie: Of course.

Vaggie: *smiles* Then I'll see you after my 300 hours are up.

Then Lucifer and Lilith took Vaggie away as the others looked at her.

Alastor: She would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddlesome children.

The next day we see everyone at the plaza as Dimitri saw Charlie with her friends coming.

Charlie: Hey guys.

Dimitri: Hey Charlie. Where's Vaggie?

KO: Isn't she doing community service?

Charlie: I talked to my dad and he agreed to let Vaggie do it but around the plaza see?

She then pointed at Vaggie who was seen wearing a orange jumpsuit and was picking up trash off the ground

Daphne: Orange is not her color.

Vaggie then looked to see there was more trash for her to pick up as she then saw Dimitri put a can in her bag.

Vaggie: What do you want?

Dimitri: Just thought you could use some help, I am a hero, we help people.

Vaggie: You're helping me? After what I tried to do to you?

Dimitri: Of course.

Vaggie: But why? You remember I tried to frame you for a crime. Why are you forgiving me so easily?

Dimitri: Well yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. After all, that is why we call it the present.

Vaggie: So you're really gonna help me?

Dimitri: Yes, we all are.

He then pointed at the group as they were seen picking up trash.

Ashton: We decided that you needed some help so we are helping ya out.

Vaggie: Well I promise to make up for what I did.

Enid: You don't have to do that.

Vaggie: But I want to, I'm so sorry I tried to frame Dimitri. I'll try to help you guys next time.

Carol: Well, apology accepted. But if you ever pull a stunt like that again you will be in for a world of pain.

Vaggie: I won't.

Dimitri: Well then we'll help you out until then.

Vaggie then smiled as she and the others cleaned up the trash.


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