Heroes enter parenthood

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At the Kincaid residence we see Dimitri and Ashton leaving the house as they quietly close the door as they were both seen heading to the bodega as Enid sees them.

Enid: You two are here early.

Dimitri: We figured we get a head start in work before the babies are born.

Ashton: Yeah, and Carol had been going on and on about her going to be a grandmother.

Dimitri: Tell me about it, she even took the liberty of making a nursery at home and got as much baby supplies as possible.

Enid: Really?

Ashton: Oh big time. She even bought every brand of baby food.

Dimitri: Mom seems very excited about this.

Ashton: Well she wanted to be a grandma, and thanks to you she will be today.

Dimitri: And it has been very rough with the girls through their pregnancy.

Ashton: Big time, one time me and Carmelita were eating dinner one night and she punched me in the face.

Enid: Why?

Ashton: She accused me of calling her fat.

Dimitri: One time when me and Asuka went to the beach, she complained about how hot it was and I pointed out that it was only 79 degrees and she told me to turn off the sun.

Ashton: Well you should have seen Amelia, when she was through mood swings, she tried shooting my thing off.

Dimitri: I definitely remember when me and Rias watched a movie she went through a lot of things, first she laughed a lot through funny scenes, then she started crying, and finally kicked me below the belt.

Enid: Ouch.

Dimitri: And It hurt like hell.

Ashton: I know how you feel man.

Dimitri: But it will be worth it.

Ashton: Yeah, it will be nice to know we are gonna be dads.

Dimitri: True that.

Dimitri then looked down as he was thinking about his father as Ashton noticed.

Ashton: Thinking about your dad?

Dimitri: Yeah, I just wished that he would have been here to see them.

Ashton: Well I'm sure he would be very proud of you.

Dimitri: Thanks man.

Ashton: Anytime man.

We later see them doing work at the plaza as we see the phone ringing as Enid answers it.

Enid: Hello? (hears the caller) Ok, Dimitri, it's for you.

Dimitri then walks to Enid and takes the phone.

Dimitri: Gar's Hero Supply and Bodega. (hears chattering) Ok, alright, I see. Me and Ashton will be there as soon as possible, bye.

He then hung the phone up as Ashton looked at Dimitri.

Ashton: Who was it?

Dimitri: The Doctor.

Ashton: Are the girls ok?

Dimitri: He said that they just went into labor.

Ashton: Oh ok. (realizes what Dimitri just said) OH NO!

Enid: Dimitri, you seemed to take this very calmly.

Dimitri: Ashton on the other hand is not.

Ashton: Dude why are you just standing there?! We have to get to the hospital!

Ashton whistles and his motorcycle appears in front of him as he then gets on it and drives off to the hospital as we see Dimitri become Steel Wing and fly off as we see the two arriving at the hospital as we see the two going to a counter as they both came to the clerk.

Dimitri: Excuse us, can you tell us which room Rias, Asuka, Carmelita and Amelia are in?

Ashton: Please?

Clerk: Of course, what you two have to do is head up to the third floor.

Ashton: Alright.

Clerk: And it's in room 42.

Dimitri: Ok.

Clerk: If you both reach 46 you two have gone too far.

Ashton: Thanks.

We then see the two heading to room 42 as we see the others trying to go in as well but were stopped by the doctor.

Doctor: I'm sorry, but only the fathers are allowed in the delivery room.

Ashton: We're here!

Dimitri: Sorry about him, he is a nervous wreck.

We then see the two enter the room as we see the others waiting outside.

Eri: Are they gonna be ok?

Lexi: They'll be fine.

Eri: Ok.

We then hear the girls in the room screaming in pain



KO: They sound pretty angry.

Wil: Pregnant ladies always sound like that when the babies come out. And I should know.

We then continued to hear the girls screaming as the others were waiting.

KO: (looks around and sees Carol isn't around) Hey Eri, where's mom?

Eri: I thought she was with you KO.

After a while of screaming in the delivery room we see six babies were being given to their mothers as we see one was being held by Carol who was seen dressed as a nurse.

Carol: No one will ever hurt any of you as long as I'm here.

Dimitri is seen with Asuka as he looks at Carol.

Dimitri: Ok mom, can Asuka hold her baby.

Carol: If I were mom I'd say yes, but I'm the nurse, Jessica. Here you go anyway.

She then handed Asuka the baby as the baby was a girl.

Dimitri: You know Asuka, she's beautiful. She looks just like you.

Asuka: Flatterer.

We then see Eri popping her head out of the door.

Eri: Can we come in?

Ashton: Of course.

We then see the others come in as they see Carmelita was holding a boy, Amelia was holding a boy and girl along with Rias as the twins she had both had red hair.

Ashton: Carm, our son is really something.

Carmelita: I'd say he's a real chip off the old block.

Ashton: He really is yours.

KO: Do they have names?

Carmelita: Well I have one in mind Conner.

Ashton: Hey that's a wonderful name, Conner Salazar.

Amelia: These two are here too you know.

Ashton: Oh jeez I'm sorry.

Amelia: It's alright, and I was thinking of calling these two Samuel and Sarah.

Ashton: Those sound wonderful.

Dimitri: So Asuka, have you thought of a name?

Asuka: Yes, Asuna.

Dimitri: That's perfect. Rias, what about you?

Rias: Of course, Rayna and Russell.

Dimitri: They're great names.

Ashton: I think they will love being with us.

Dimitri: Yeah.

After a few days in the hospital we see the girls were discharged as we see them arriving home with their babies as everyone was at home.

Ashton: You know I think it'll be fun raising these kids

Dimitri: Yeah.

Dimitri was seen holding Asuna as she was holding a rattle and sees Bakugou as she threw her rattle at him as it hit Bakugou in the face.

Bakugou: Why you little!

He then tried to grab Asuna but was grabbed by Deku.

Deku: Stop, she's only a baby.

Bakugou: Getting away with this crap is why kids are such brats these days!

Ashton: Oh, like you? You finally admit that you're a brat?

Bakugou: Shut it you clown!

Ashton: How about you make me!

Dimitri: Guys, please, no fighting. We don't want to send the wrong message to the babies.

He then sees that Bakugou and Ashton weren't listening as the two were just yelling at each other until we see Carol grab them both by their lips shutting them both up.

Carol: Now I'm going to let go of your lips, and when I do I want you both to be on your best behavior. Understand?

Ashton nodded his head yes as Carol let their lips go as they both deflated as we see Rias was holding Rayna and Russell.

Dimitri: You know Rias, I think Rayna and Russell both inherited your red hair.

Rias: No way, they have your hair.

Dimitri: No they have blue hair? Wait what?

Ashton: One thing about parents and their kids, the parents always argue about-

Ashton then saw Rias' babies' hair change from blue to red to green.

Ashton: Ok, what is going on here.

Dimitri: Rayna and Russell's hair are changing colors.

Eri: How did they do that?

Ashton: Must be something from Rias' side of the family.

Dimitri: Perhaps.

Ashton then looked and saw Conner as he was holding Carmelita's tail

Ashton: Looks like Conner is a mama's boy in the making.

Carmelita: He sure looks like it.

She then put Connor down as Ashton then noticed Conner was holding Carmelita's shock pistol.

Ashton: (Gasps) Conner, put that down that is not a toy!

He then screams and ducks as a blast from Conner comes out of a blaster from his arm

Ashton: You don't think he can scan and copy technology do you?

Carmelita: From the looks of it, Conner got that from your nanites.

Dimitri: Well this would be more interesting, raising kids that happen to have powers is gonna be tough

Ashton: And if my kids have my temper I'm in trouble.

Dimitri: Let's hope not.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen in the nursery as Ashton was holding Connor and Dimitri had Asuna as they both were reading them a bedtime story as Conner and Asuna were both looking like they were about to fall asleep.

Dimitri: And the two brave knights rescued the beautiful princesses and all lived happily ever after. The End.

We then see the two put Conner and Asuna in their cribs as we see them both leaving the nursery as they walk to the living room.

Ashton: You know D, never thought being a parent would be interesting.

Dimitri: Me neither dude.


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