Pranks a lot

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We see Dimitri and Ashton with their friends as they were walking to a shop as it had a tall clown on the front holding a sign reading palace of pranks as Ashton then saw the clown and then let out a high pitched scream and ran behind Mary

Ashton: CLOWN!

Mary: Honey, calm down.

Dimitri: Yeah dude, it's not even real. (knocks on the clown) See? It's fake.

Ashton: Oh. (sees the others were snickering as he came out from behind Mary) I knew that

Elisa: And did you just scream like a little girl?

Ashton: No. (blushes in embarrassment) Maybe.

Eri: What is this place?

Dimitri: This my little sister is the palace of pranks, one of the greatest novelty shops here. All of the greatest pranksters shop here. I should know. (holds up a membership card) And I even got my gag jelly beans can there.

He then held up a jelly bean can as they saw it and Duck grabbed it.

Duck: Thanks man.

Dimitri: Duck wait, it's a booby trap.

Ashton: I don't think he's listening.

We then see Duck open the can as fake snakes popped out.

Duck: Huh?

Dimitri: Come on, I'll show you guys the inside.

We then see them going inside as they saw various pranks and gags.

Ashton: Wow, you actually shop here?

Dimitri: Yeah, pretty cool huh? (sees Duck is missing) Where's Duck?

Duck: (from an aisle) Hey jelly beans.

Then they saw fake snakes pop out from an aisle.

Duck: Oh come on! Not again!

Ashton: (Laughs) I think I'm gonna like it here.

We then see an old man wearing a blue shirt and brown pants and an eyepatch walk up to Dimitri.

Frank: Good to see ya Dimitri. How's my number one customer doing?

Dimitri: Great Frank, these are some friends of mine I want ya to meet.

Frank then walked to the group.

Frank: Well pleasure to meet you all.

Rad then shook Frank's hand and then got electrocuted as Ashton laughed at it.

Ashton: Oh man! The oldest gag in the book.

Frank: That's right boy, the granddaddy of all pranks. (holds up his hand to show a buzzer) The joy buzzer.

Eri: I don't get it.

Frank: You don't have to get it, the prank for the enjoyment of the prankster.

Dimitri: He's right, he's basically a prank master, I learned all I know from him. So what's new Frank?

Frank: Well this came in just this morning. (he holds up some gum to Rad) Have some gum.

Rad then took a piece of gum and ate it as they saw Rad explode.

Frank: Ha! Exploding chewing gum. Only 9.99.

Ashton: I'll take ten.

Dimitri: Anything else?

Frank: (holds up a dollar) Well you can get this fake gag dolled for one dollar, fooling your friends into thinking you have a real dollar.

Ashton: What else do ya got?

Frank: (holds up a whoopee cushion) a whoopee cushion?

Dimitri: Nah.

Frank: (holds up fake vomit) Fake vomit?

Ashton: No.

Frank: (shows real vomit) Real vomit?

Eri: Ew.

Dimitri: Don't you have anything that's good?

Frank: Well, there is one thing I've been saving for a real top of the line prankster. (holds up a spray can) Invisible spray.

KO: Wow. We'll take it.

Frank: Good choice, now be careful with that stuff kids, it stains clothes.

Dimitri: Thanks.

We later see everyone outside as they had the spray can.

Dimitri: The ultimate prank, invisible spray.

KO: What do we do with it?

Eri: Oh I got it, we can spray the mystery machine and ride in it.

Fred: Wait what?!

Dimitri: Hmmm, that's ingenious Eri, when people see us we'll be floating in midair.

We then see a thought bubble show the gang driving in the mystery machine which was invisible as people saw them.

Man: They're floating in midair!

Woman: How do they do that?

Rad: Man, that's the ultimate prank ever! Good idea Eri!

Dimitri: Let's go.

We then see the group walking off as we then see Rad as he took off all his clothes and dropped them.

Rad: Alright, I'm ready.

The others came and saw Rad without his clothes on.

Ashton: Rad why did you take off your clothes?

Rad: The spray stains clothes right?

Barry: (reads the warning label) He's right.

We then see Barry run around everyone as we then see a pile of everyone's clothes on the ground as everyone is seen covering themselves.

Ashton: Rad when this is over, I'm gonna kill you.

Rad: But I get to spray the van.

Dimitri: Rad it's Eri's idea.

Rad: But I said it was a good idea. So gimme that!

Dimitri and Rad then started to fight over the can trying to grab it as Rad then pressed on the top of the can making it spray on the pile of clothes as everyone then saw their clothes disappear.

KO: Hey, the invisible spray works!

Enid: Rad you idiot! Look what you did!

Ashton: Now I'm really gonna kill you!

They then looked and saw a bus with people there.

Driver: And on your right if you look, you'll see a group of naked people fighting over a can of paint!

Then the passengers laughed as we saw the bus drive away.

Ashton: Look, let's just find our clothes.

We then see Ashton patting the ground trying to find their clothes as Rad then sprayed Ashton's face as it disappeared as Isabela gasped and then fainted.

Ashton: Oh now you're gonna pay for that!

Ashton then grabbed the invisible spray and sprayed Rad's arms making them invisible.

Ashton: How do you like that?

Rad: Bring it on dude, bring it on!

Dimitri then stood in between Ashton and Rad.

Dimitri: No people, let's be smart and bring it off.

Katsuki: Oh, so now the copycat is gonna preach to us?

We then see everyone begin to argue as it broke down into a fight over the spray. We then see a flashcard reading twenty minutes later.

French Narrator: Twenty minutes later.

We then see the group as they were invisible as Ashton saw the can was empty.

Ashton: It's empty? Aw great!

He then threw the can away.

Mary: I think I found our clothes.

Then a ripping sound was heard.

Mary: Oops, um I think these are Isabela's

Isabela: What?!

Dimitri: Let's just go home and get cleaned up.

Nora: Hey do any of you know what time it is?

Ashton: Oh sure it's... Half past invisible.

Dimitri: We'll ask this guy. (to a man) Excuse me sir but do you have the time?

Man: (checks his watch) Oh sure it's 11:23.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Man: (turns to Dimitri) Don't mention it.

He then noticed that nobody was there

KO: Don't mention what?

Man: Uh... Who said that?

KO: Me.

Man: (Screams as his eyes pop out) Ghosts!

He then ran away as his eyes landed on the ground as they screamed and then jumped to a car and drove away.

Rad: Hey Ko's not a ghost! Well, the nerve of that guy and his driving eyeballs!

Dimitri: (Gasps) I just have an idea!

Ashton: What is it?

Dimitri: Ok, we're invisible right?

Ashton: Oh I get it, since he thought we were ghosts we can haunt everyone here, it's the ultimate prank!

Dimitri: That's right, now let's scare some suckers.

We then go to the Madrigal Casita as we see the madrigals were doing their own things as Dolores heard Eri giggling and looked out the window and saw nothing.

Dolores: Weird, I thought I heard someone.

Then Julieta saw a plate of food on the floor.

Julieta: I thought we left that on the table.

Then Fèlix noticed an old guitar on the table.

Fèlix: Didn't we toss that out yesterday?

Pepa then noticed multiple portraits of Eri on the walls.

Pepa: And since when did we acquire all these portraits of Eri?

She then turned and saw Dimitri, Ashton, Mirabel, Isabela and Eri all wearing white sheets while moaning like ghosts.

Ashton: We're ghosts.

Alma: I figured it had to be you. Now take off those sheets.

Alma then removed the sheets as everyone then saw that no one was there.

Luisa: It is ghosts!

We then see the Madrigals run out of the house screaming as we see Dimitri and Ashton laughing.

Ashton: That was priceless!

Isabela: Ok, so who's next?

Ashton: I have an idea.

We then go to Boxmore as we see Boxman was writing plans on a board as we then see his marker was taken away as we then see the marker drew a mustache on Lord Boxman's face as he hears a ghostly moan as we see Boxman burst through the wall running away.

Boxman: Ghosts!

We then went to a beach as a surfer was there and saw multiple surfboards riding waves.

Group: (ghostly) Cowabunga!

Surfer: Ghosts!

He then fell off his board and screamed.

Woman: Ghosts!

Man: Ghosts!

Old man: Ghosts!

Girl: Ghosts!

Boy: (holding toast) Toast.

We then see a man in the bathroom.

Man: Ghosts!

We later see the gang as they were reading newspapers.

Dimitri: It's amazing, everyone thinks we're all ghosts.

Ashton: We just have one guy left to scare and we'll be done.

He then sees an article as it shows a man with long black hair and was looking tired.

Ashton: Shota Aizawa.

Izuku: He's our class teacher.

Uraraka: And look, the paper says that Aizawa isn't afraid of ghosts.

Ashton: (laughs evilly) We'll see about that. And it says that he is at UA High School.

We then went to a building that was shaped like an H as it was night time and we saw Aizawa looking through a window.

Aizawa: Ghosts? We'll see about that.

He then hears a door open as he hears ghostly moans as he then sees a desk lift up and thrown at him as he then used his scarf to grab the desk and threw it to the wall as he then started see objects being thrown at him as he began to dodged them as he ran out of the classroom as he then saw the exit close.

Aizawa: So that's how it's gonna be.

We then see a few lunch trays get thrown at Aizawa as he then dodged the projectiles as we see him run to the cafeteria as he was then tripped by a rope as he fell down as he saw the many objects coming as he then used his scarf to grab a sprinkler as he pulled the top off as it began to spray water along with the rest of the sprinklers as we see the group reappear as Aizawa saw them.

Aizawa: So it was you all behind this.

Ashton: We do not know who you are talking about.

Dimitri: Uh Ash.

Ashton: What?

Dimitri: We're visible again.

Ashton then looked down and realized that Dimitri was right as he and the others screamed and covered themselves as they attempted to run away but were caught by Aizawa's scarf.

Aizawa: So you all were these ghosts?

Ashton: Yeah, but here's a surprise.

He aimed his hand to try and make his smack hand but saw his hand remained the same.

Ashton: What's going on with my powers?

Aizawa: I have a quirk that let's me nullify any of your powers just by looking at you.

Izuku: We're really sorry about this.

Eri: Please don't hurt us.

Aizawa: Well since you haven't done any harm I suppose I can do that.

Ashton: Yes, just let us go.

Aizawa: Fine.

He then released them all as he then looked at them and noticed they were all naked.

Aizawa: Any particular reason you all are naked?

Uraraka: Yeah, the invisible spray stains clothes.

Aizawa: I see, I suggest you all head back home before someone sees you in the nude.

Ashton: Yeah, we should get going now.

We then see them all head outside.

Ashton: Well I say it was fun while it lasted.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Rad: At least nothing bad happened and nobody saw us.

Then a light shines on them as we see an audience which consists of everyone that they had pranked as we see Midnight who was seen at the roof who was pointing a spotlight on them.

Midnight: UA High presents... Live nude pranksters! Staring The Lakewood Plaza ghosts!

We then see the audience cheering as we see the group as they were seen trying to cover themselves.

Katsuki: Oh yeah? Why don't you all take a picture, it lasts longer.

We then see the audience start to take pictures of them.

Ashton: Nice going there loudmouth.

Rad: Least it can't get any worse.

Ashton: Any worse? How can this possibly get any worse?!

We go to the next day as we see everyone at the kincaid residence as everyone was having breakfast as Carol was reading a newspaper.

Carol: So what have you all been up to yesterday?

Ashton: Nothing much.

Carol: Really? Nothing?

Ashton: Yeah, nothing.

Carol: Then how do you explain this?

Carol then showed them the newspaper that showed an article reading "Nude pranksters." As it shows a picture of the group naked trying to cover themselves.

Dimitri: Uh... It's a long story.


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