Heroes meet Gargoyles

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A tiki scare no fair

We see the group as they were seen arriving at the New York airport

Ashton: Ok my cousin should be around here somewhere.

KO: I didn't know that you had a cousin.

Ashton: Oh yeah you'll love her. She's a cop.

Dimitri: That's cool.

Eri: What's that?

Eri then pointed at a tall tower with statues plastered all over it

Ashton: That would be where we are supposed to meet my cousin.

Dimitri: Oh.

We then see them arriving at the tower as they see a woman with blue hair

Ashton: Elisa!

Ashton then ran to Elisa and hugged her.

Elisa: It's good to see you, cous!

Ashton: Elisa, I would like you to meet some friends of mine. They-

Elisa: Don't worry, they're just as you described them. Like your new family. KO, Eri, Carol, Andruw, Elliotte, Grayson, Piper, Rowan, and is this Dimitri?

Ashton: Yup.

Elisa: He doesn't look like he could fall over if the wind blows over him.

Dimitri: Hey!

Ashton: See, he even complains like a baby if he doesn't like what you say about him. Just kidding D I tease.

Dimitri: Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you Elisa.

Elisa: Ashton didn't mention that you were hot.

Dimitri: Well, mom said that I got my looks from my dad.

Ashton: Yeah and I got my looks from my chowderhead brothers.

KO: So Elisa, what is it about this building?

Elisa: You know how some museums say that history comes alive?

KO: Yes.

Elisa: Let's say the gargoyles upstairs literally come alive.

Ashton: Wanna meet them?

Eri: Sure, do you think they're friends with our friends from transylvania?

Elisa: You went to Transylvania?

Ashton: Yeah, it's a long story. But let's quickly get inside before someone tries to rob us.

We then see them going inside the building as we see them at the top as they saw statues of gargoyles.

Deku: Are those your friends?

Ashton: Oh just wait, the magic happens when the sun comes down.

They then see the sun setting as we see the statues begin to crack as we see the stone on the statues break off as we see the gargoyles spread their wings

Ashton: Never gets old.

We then see Eri and KO as they looked at them in awe as they walked to a gargoyle that was purple in color.

KO: Oh my gosh.

Ashton: Good evening Goliath my old friend.

Goliath: It is good to see you as well Ashton.

Eri: What are your names?

Ashton: Introduction time. Everyone I want you all to meet Goliath, Hudson, Brooklyn, Broadway, Lexington, Bronx, and Angela. Speaking of which, looking as beautiful as ever.

Angela: Thank you, it's good to see you again.

Eri: So are you all friends with our friends Dracula, Frank, Wayne, Murray, and Griffin?

Brooklyn: Sorry but no. We don't leave the city.

Eri: Oh.

Dimitri: Sorry about Eri, it's just we had some experience with meeting monsters.

KO: You guys have wings, does that mean you can fly?

Goliath: We cannot fly, we can only glide on the wind.

Ashton: (cough) Bullcrap! (coughs)

Dimitri: It's nice to meet you all. Any friends of Ashton's are friends to us.

Goliath: The same to you as well.

Ashton: Has Xanatos been causing trouble lately?

Rad: Xana-who?

Ashton: He's this rich guy who bought the castle the clan lived in 1000 years ago effectively breaking a curse that a magician placed on them

Enid: So how did he break the curse?

Ashton: It was said to end when the castle rose above the clouds the gargoyles' slumber would end.

Dimitri: Wow, I would kinda imagine that would happen if you put it on top of a tall freaking skyscraper.

Ashton: But their freedom came at a cost. The following evening Xanatos betrayed them.

Eri: Oh that is mean.

Ashton: Tell me about it. But he became only one of the clan's biggest foes.

Ashton turned away with a look of pain

Ashton: I'm gonna need some fresh air.

He then walked away as the others looked at the gargoyles.

Dimitri: So how fast can you guys go when in the air? I was thinking of doing some study to see how fast Steel Wing would go in flight.

Ashton: LET ME GO!

They look out the window and they see Ashton fighting a female gargoyle

Ashton: I'd rather not hurt someone like you as I don't believe in fighting girls but when they throw the first punch I have to defend myself.

Dimitri: Looks like he needs help.

Goliath: No. This is his fight.

Dimitri: Fine, and here I thought I would go alien.

Ashton: Don't worry, you might not but I can. And there is one difference that my aliens have between yours.

Rad: What's that?

We then see Ashton turn into Steel Wing but his coloring was bright red.

Ashton: I make this look good.

Hudson: What sorcery is this?

Rook: Ashton is not a sorcerer

Dimitri: It's his watch.

We then see Ashton knocking the female gargoyle out

Ashton: Let's get you on something soft.

We then see Ashton carry the female gargoyle inside the building as we see everyone inside as the female gargoyle was on a couch and heavily injured

Ashton: Elisa, get the first aid kit.

Elisa: On it.

Dimitri: (turns to machino) I'll scan her to see if anything isn't too serious.

Hudson: Do you have the same ability Ashton has, lad?

Ashton: Exactly Hudson. We both have watches that let us turn into creatures from the stars called extraterrestrials or as humans call them aliens. How is she D?

We see Dimitri's eyes as we see a screen as it was showing the injuries and condition the gargoyle was in.

Dimitri: So far she only has a broken arm, leg, and wing, a few minor scrapes, and has a deep laceration in her left side.

Ashton: Gonna need to cauterize it.

Ashton made a small flame appear on his index finger and placed it near the cut as her skin fused together.

Ashton: Gonna also need to stitch it up

We then see Elisa come with a first aid kit as we see them both patch up the female gargoyle's wounds

Ashton: She's gonna need to sleep for a few hours.

Dimitri: Alright, so we should let her rest then.

Ashton: I'll stay with her in case she wakes up. Goliath, could I borrow some of the books from your library?

Goliath: Be my guest.

Ashton: Thank you.

We then see the gargoyles come to the others.

Hudson: So these aliens you speak do they each come with names?

Dimitri: Well, me and Ashton sometimes make up names for them, I call this one...

He shows them a hologram of a fiery stone man

Dimitri: Heatblast for example.

Broadway: Cool.

Lexington: So what is the metal one you're being now?

Dimitri: Machino.

Lexington: Awesome.

Brooklyn: So does the watch keep you this way for long?

Dimitri: Well the watch has a timer for how long I can stay alien, it's to prevent it from damaging my dna. It used to last only ten minutes but now I can stay alien as long as I want. And it's all thanks to something called the master control, watch. Upgrade.

We then see Dimitri change into Upgrade.

Dimitri: Shinaqua.

He then turned into Shinaqua.

Dimitri: What this function does is lets me go alien by either calling out the form's name or just by thinking of it.

He turns from Shinaqua to Heatblast and finally back to human

Hudson: So how many of these forms can you turn into?

Dimitri: Well it kinda started off with about I think 80 forms but now I can turn into honestly I've lost count at 1,000,912.

Eri: And the same can go to Ashton.

Wil: But I think I like seeing them normal.

Carol: Wil has a point, just because you and Ashton can both be aliens all the time doesn't mean that you two should be aliens only.

Dimitri: We know.

Carol: I'm only pointing out that we don't know if there's any hidden flaws with the watches or if the aliens are too dangerous.

Dimitri: Well there was that one time Ashton turned into a giant purple monkey and tried to kill me.

Carol: My point exactly.

Dimitri: But we've been careful ever since.

Carol: Good, I just don't want you to get hurt.


Ashton: Ok OW! Land sakes Demona!

Wil: I'd say our friend is awake.

They then went to the room and saw Ashton clutching his nose as they saw Demona.

Eri: That's the lady gargoyle that Ashton was fighting.

Ashton: Not really fighting, we were just trying to impress each other. And now I have a broken nose.

Demona: Sorry. I thought you were another filthy human.

Ashton: You really shouldn't say that anymore since humans saved your life. When will you ever learn to let go of the hate?

Demona: Maybe after you spend the night with me.

Ashton: Well I can do that since I'm gonna need to keep an eye on your injuries to make sure they heal right. Now excuse me for a second.

Ashton then used his thumbs to fix his nose with another sickening CRACK!

Ashton: God that smarts!

Eri: Are you ok Ashton?

Ashton: I'm fine. Just gonna be a while before I can smell anything.

Dimitri: Ashton, you said that Xanatos was one of the clan's enemies. Who are the others?

Ashton: Well Demona for one.

Carol: Anyone else?

Ashton: There is Thailog. A clone of Goliath made by Xanatos but later turned on him to start his own plan to take over the world.

Dimitri: Sounds like Xanatos created a monster.

Ashton: Tell me about it. In fact the creature did this to me.

Ashton takes his shirt of revealing a very large burn mark

Dimitri: Yikes. That is ugly.

Ashton: He dunked me in a tank of acid just for kicks.

Dimitri: The next time I see that jerk, I'm gonna dunk him into acid to see how he likes it.

Angela walked over to Ashton and gave him a hug.

Ashton: Thanks Angie but I'm ok.

Dimitri: So what can we all do here while the night is still well night?

Ashton: Well we could see if my favorite place is open. Care for a glide, ladies?

Demona: That would be nice.

We later see them out as we see Dimitri and Ashton were Steel Wing and Jetray as we see them flew through the town we then see a building as we see three figures while two of them resembled ghosts were watching them as we go back to the others as we see them flying through the town as we see them arriving to where Ashton said they were going as we see they were at a pizza shop.

Ashton: Here we are.

Dimitri: A pizza shop, nice.

Ashton: It's my favorite place to go to in New York. They serve anyone that walks in. Even gargoyles

Eri: Cool.

Shaggy: Like I think I'm gonna enjoy this place, good pizza, and best of all...

Scooby and Shaggy: No monsters.

Demona: Care to rephrase that?

Dimitri: I believe what Shaggy and Scooby are trying to say is that we spent most of our time solving mysteries that have monsters and ghosts but are actually people in costumes so please try to forgive that.

Demona: I'll forgive it this one time.

Ashton: Thank you.

Demona: Treat me to some of this pizza and I would consider forgetting my mission to destroy humanity.

Ashton: Of course.

Rad: And plus it's a good night, what's the worst that can happen?

We then hear an explosion as everyone glared at Rad.

Dimitri: You just had to say it. You had to open your big fat mouth!

Ashton: Memo to me, maim you when this is over.

We then see them going to where the explosion was as we see Dimitri turn into Shinaqua and Ashton turn into Heatblast as they saw a fire and they saw what looked like Goliath but the difference was his skin was black, he had red eyes, his hair was white and he was wearing a blue loincloth

Ashton: Hey ugly! Did you miss me!

Thailog: Ashton, I see you haven't changed a bit, and seeing you have acquired new friends but so have I.

We then see two beings that appear as ghosts come out and come to Thailog.

Ignore the badge.

Dimitri: Ashton, am I hallucinating or am I seeing two Ghostfreaks?

Revenant: I prefer Revenant. And we both come for what you both possess

We then see Ghostfreak and Revenant come at Dimitri and Ashton and try to possess them.

Dimitri: Get... Off!

He and Ashton then threw Ghostfreak and Revenant off of them.

Ghostfreak: I should have expected this after Tennyson.

Revenant: It seems we cannot merge with you while you are aliens. No matter, time is on our side, sooner or later you both will have to turn human.

Carol: Well we have a surprise of our own.

We then see Carol holding a weapon as we see it fire a beam of light as we see Ghostfreak and Revenant dodging it but their arms were burnt.

Ghostfreak: (screams in pain) Daylight at night?!

Carol: A sun gun, projects a beam bright as the sun.

Revenant: Clever, but not clever enough.

We then see Revenant and Ghostfreak dodging the blasts and we see them enter Mineta and Kaminari's bodies when Carol tried to blast them with the sun gun but had no effect.

Ghostfreak: As long as we are both in host bodies your weapon has no effect.

We then see them both charge as they come at them as we see Dimitri and Ashton get in their way as we see them fight them as we see Dimitri use his tongue to wrap them up ad we see them exit Mineta and Kaminari as we see them enter Deku and Bakugou as we see Ashton face them and turned into Swampfire and threw seeds as vines grew out and trapped them.

Ashton: Play musical bodies all you want.

Dimitri: We'll just keep beating you two no matter which body you both use.

We then see Ghostfreak and Revenant exit Deku and Bakugou.

Revenant: You're right.

Ghostfreak: (looks at Elisa and Demona) Maybe we need new partners.

Revenant: Someone more interesting for you both to battle.

We then see them both going to Elisa and Demona as Dimitri and Ashton realize what they were planning.

Ashton: Elisa, Demona look out!

Elisa and Demona then saw Ghostfreak and Revenant coming to them as we see the two possess Elisa and Demona as we hear Ghostfreak and Revenant laughing sinisterly.

Ghostfreak: (In Elisa's body) Too late.

Revenant: (In Demona's body) Let's have some fun.

We then see them both come at Dimitri and Ashton as we see the two block the attacks as Ghostfreak lunged at Dimitri as he held him back and threw him at a wall as we see Dimitri walk to Elisa as she wakes up.

Elisa: Dimitri? What's-

We then see her eyes changed to black with purple irises as it showed Ghostfreak had taken back control and kicked Dimitri as we see him climb up to a building as Revenant followed him as Dimitri and Ashton followed them as we see them go to the top of a building as they saw Ghostfreak and Revenant.

Carol: Boys!

They looked and saw Carol climbing to the top and tossing the sun gun to them as Dimitri aimed it at them.

Dimitri: Come on out so we can fry you both.

Ghostfreak: I have a better idea, drop your weapon and change back and we can meld with you both and take over the world.

Ashton: Like hell we're doing that

We then see Ghostfreak walk to the edge of the building.

Ghostfreak: Then you better hope your cousin knows how to fly.

We then see the others coming as they see Ghostfreak at the edge of the roof.

Revenant: Better make your decision boys.

Ghostfreak: Because the next sound you both will hear is Elisa's screams as she takes a big dive (laughs)

Dimitri and Ashton then looked at Ghostfreak and saw they were in a tight spot as Dimitri then dropped the sun gun and turned back as we see Ghostfreak and Revenant both exit Elisa and Demona as we see them both go to Ashton and Dimitri and grabbed them as we see Dimitri and Ashton both use their watches as a flash was seen as we see Ghostfreak and Revenant.

Revenant: Together at last.

Then we see him and Ghostfreak both gagging as we see them both spit out Dimitri and Ashton as they were both Grey Matter

Ashton: That's enough to make me gag.

We then see them both jump over Revenant and Ghostfreak as they both enter a vent duct as they both were seen going through the building as we see Ghostfreak, Revenant and Thailog enter the building as they start looking around.

Ghostfreak: (to Thailog) Find them, Revenant and I cannot merge with either of them in their alien forms.

We see Dimitri and Ashton both hiding in a cupboard.

Dimitri: We need to stop them.

Ashton: I know how we can beat Thailog.

Dimitri: How? By exposing him to sunlight and turning him into stone?

Ashton: Exactly. (peaks out and notices a clock seeing the time was 5:40) But sunrise is only ten minutes away.

Dimitri: Then we'll just stall them.

We then see Ghostfreak, Revenant and Thailog going to the stairs.

Thailog: We should be right on top of them.

Ghostfreak then looked up and saw Dimitri as Machino and Ashton as Big Chill coming down.

Ghostfreak: Or they're above us!

We then see them both come down towards them as we see them land on Thailog as Dimitri sent two blasts at Ghostfreak and Revenant as Ashton blew ice at Thailog as we see the two running off.

Ashton: How much time do we have left?

Dimitri: (projects the current time as it reads 5:57) three minutes left.

Ashton: Then we should get going.

We then see them going to a room as many curtains on windows were seen as they see Thailog, Revenant and Ghostfreak coming.

Thailog: Nowhere left to run.

Ashton: Oh we weren't running, we were just leading you three right where we wanted you. Now!

We then see Dimitri as he pulls the curtains away revealing the sunlight as Ashton opened a few curtains up as well as we see the sunlight as we see Thailog as he turned to stone as Ghostfreak and Revenant both disintegrate into dust.

Dimitri: (walks to Thailog) Not so tough now are ya?

Ashton: Dimitri step aside.

Dimitri then moves aside as we see Ashton holding a sledgehammer.

Ashton: I've been wanting to do this for a long time

We then see Ashton raise the sledgehammer up as he then slammed it down on Thailog smashing him to tiny pieces.

Ashton: Good riddance. You son of a biscuit.

Dimitri: At least he won't bother the clan anymore.

Ashton: That was some good payback.

Dimitri: Let's go.

We then see them walking out of the building as we see them arriving to the others.

Dimitri: We took care of them.

Ashton: And Thailog won't be coming back, ever.

Dimitri: So that means we can continue our day without any interruptions.

Enid: Way ahead of you on that.

We see Enid holding up a roll of duct tape as we see Rad as his mouth was taped shut.

Rad: (Muffled ranting)

Ashton: You know, I actually prefer him like that. Rad never shuts up.

Dimitri: Ditto.

Ashton: Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?

Dimitri: Getting pizza.

Ashton: Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me.

We later see everyone at the pizza shop as we see them eating pizza.

Ashton: Just like old times.

Dimitri: Well this place is incredible dude.

Ashton: I know right, the best place to get pizza. (sees Demona not eating) Demona are you not hungry?

Demona: It's just I still remember what happened earlier.

Ashton: You mean when you and Elisa got possessed by evil ghost aliens?

Demona: Yes, it was just when he had taken control I was still able to see what was happening but I couldn't control myself.

Ashton: It's not your fault, you were being controlled. Has happened to me a few times too many

Demona: I see, and you recall about what you will do that will make me let go of the hatred for humans?

Ashton: I recall you requesting me to spend the night with you.

Demona: Yes, and I want to ensure that you keep your promise.

Ashton: I wasn't called Honest Ash for nothing.

Dimitri: I assume that it would be better than what happens to you through most nights. (realizes and covers his mouth) Oops.

Ashton: Finish that sentence and I swear to god I will hurt you.

Demona: Ashton, what is your friend talking about?

Ashton: Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Wonder Woman then gave Demona her lasso.

Demona: What is this?

Wonder Woman: The lasso of truth, those who are bound by it are forced to tell the truth.

Demona: Hmm, I see.

Demona then wrapped the lasso on Ashton.

Demona: So care to answer my question again?

Ashton: I sleep with a woman who is always naked at night. (Realizes and covers his mouth) Uh oh.

Demona: Oh I would like to meet this woman. I would like to ask why she sleeps nude.

Superwoman: Then why don't you ask her yourself.

Ashton: Oh boy.

Demona: Oh I like you.

Superwoman: Same with you.

Demona: So why do you always sleep in the nude?

Superwoman: I find it more comfortable.

Demona: Hmm, perhaps I could give it a try.

Rias: I sleep nude as well. I can't sleep unless I'm naked.

Elisa: Do you at least get dressed in the morning?

Rias: Yes.

Elisa: That's all I needed to know.

Dimitri: Ok, I think it's enough to share personal stuff now.

Ashton: Yeah, (looks at his watch) and would you look at the time, we should get home and get to bed.

Superwoman: That sounds like a great idea.

Demona: I agree.

Ashton: Uh oh.

We then see Ashton get pulled away by Superwoman, Demona and Angela.

Ashton: And once again I'm in trouble.

Dimitri watched Ashton being pulled away as he then felt that he was being watched

Dimitri: Rias and Elisa are staring at me like I'm a piece of meat aren't they?

The others then nodded their heads yes.

Dimitri: I kinda figured.

Then Rias and Elisa both grabbed Dimitri and we see them walking away as Dimitri was seen clinging on the floor while leaving scratch marks on the floor.

Dimitri: Mommy.

Elisa: That sounds like an excellent idea.

Rias: I agree, I should know cause I am a mother.

Dimitri: Wait, that's not what I meant! Don't get any ideas!

Elisa: (smirks) Too late.

Dimitri then turned white in fear as he was yanked out of the pizza shop.


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