To dimension 23

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We see everyone as they were seen going to the storage of the plaza as we see them going through things.

Eri: What are we doing again?

Dimitri: Emptying out some stuff.

Eri: Ok. (sees a machine) What's that?

She then pressed a button and we then saw the entire place rumble as it stopped.

Rad: Was that an earthquake?

Enid: Let's check it out.

We then see them walk out of the plaza as they then see that an explosion was happening as we see what looked like Dimitri but younger by 14 years old and the color of his attire was blue as he was seen with an omnitrix which was blue and gold.

Dimitri: Guys, is that me?

Ashton: Yeah, but he looks younger than you.

Brian: I think we were sent to another dimension.

Dimitri 23: Alright time for...

We then see him slam his watch as he turns into Arctiguana.

Dimitri 23: Freeze lizard.

They then looked and saw what looked like Heatblast and blasted fire at Dimitri 23 as he made an ice blast as the blasts created a smoke screen as the others watched.

Dimitri: I need to go out there and help.

Leon: But dude, won't that change history?

Ashton: This is dimension travel not time travel you twit.

Dimitri: He's right so it means we can help.

Dimitri the ran as he slammed his watch as he became Water Hazard.

Dimitri: Water Hazard against an alternate Heatblast? Well ok.

Dimitri then sent a blast of water at the heatblast only for him to dodge it

Heatblast: Ah Dimitri my old friend. Still upset that I killed your hippie girlfriend and ate her liver?

Dimitri: (changes to Heatblast and went Omni Kix) What did you just say?

Heatblast: Looks like I touched a nerve there. Hahahahahahaha!

Dimitri then ran at Heatblast as he then changed back to reveal it was Ashton but was 14 and then changed to venom and then grabbed Dimitri and threw him at a car and threw another at him.

Ashton 23: I should have killed that red lantern bench sooner! This is the most fun I've ever had!

We then see Dimitir burst out as he was Venom.

Dimitri: What did you just say?

Ashton: (looks at his symbiote) It seems we have competition.

We then see the two come at each other as Dimitri threw a punch only for Ashton 23 to grab his hand and threw him at a sign as Dimitri got up and then leaped at Ashton 23

Ashton 23: I have Jessica's eyes in a box if you want them. Hahahahaha!

Dimitri then growled and became shinaqua and went omni kix as he sent a powerful jet stream of water at Ashton 23 sending him to a wall.

Dimitri: Shut up.

Dimitir then came at him and started to hit him multiple times and then Ashton 23 started to laugh even louder as Dimitir got made at the laughing.

Dimitri: I said shut up!!!

He then punched him, sending him across a building.

Dimitri: Man, he was annoying.

Then a black webbing came and stuck on Dimitri's back and he was pulled and was swung to a building hitting it.

Ashton 23: Oh no you don't!

He then started to swing Dimitri around many buildings smashing them as he was then pinned to the wall by Ashton 23 as he grabbed his armor's chestplate and ripped it off

Omegatrix: Suit compromised

Ashton 23: Oh candy bar! I'm gonna get a candy bar!

Then the symbiote brought the armor piece inside as we see Ashton 23 was now in a symbiote version of the Omni Kix armor.

Ashton 23: Omni Kix armor, you outdone yourself Dimitri. I underestimated you this time. Now for what I came for!

We then see a blade appear out of Ashton 23's arm and try to stab Dimitri as he quickly moves out of the way and then changes back to human as Ashton 23 saw him.

Ashton 23: You're not Dimitri. Oh well brains are brains.

We then see Ashton 23 as he brought his arm down to slice Dimitri as Dimitri closed his eyes but opened one to see the blade had stopped

Ashton 23: What are you doing? You listen to me!

Dimitri: Oh, looks like the tables have turned Mr. Crazy Face.

We then see Ashton 23 was now locked in place as Dimitri picked him up and brought him to the others.

Dimitri: Ashton, this might come as a shock to ya but look who I just got.

He then showed Ashton his counterpart

Ashton: Whoa, it's like I'm looking in a mirror. An ugly mirror

Ashton 23: Let me go so I can eat your brains!

Dimitri: Not gonna happen buster, you're on time out.

Ashton 23 tries to grab Dimitri

Ashton 23: I will eat your brain fake Dimitri!

Dimitri: Fake? Try a dimensional counterpart.

Ashton: Ok, we need to find out what is making my evil twin here crazy.

Ashton 23: I always wondered what my own brains taste like. Come here!

Dimitri then looked and saw his counterpart.

Dimitri 23: Who are you?

Dimitri: Let's just say that me and you are the same in a way. (holds up his watch)

Dimitri 23: No way.

Dimitri: Right now let's get mr nutty here inside.

We later see them inside as we see Dendy was using her hackpack.

Dimitri: What do you got, Dendy?

Dendy: It appears that this version of Ashton is legitimately crazy and cannibalistic.

Ashton: Yeah, we already noticed that, but what's making him act like this?

Dendy: Nothing. There's no mind control device, no foreign serum, nothing.

Ashton: Ok, but still how could I become a psychotic creep?

Ashton 23: Feed me!

Dimitri: Shut up! So Dendy, you're saying that nothing is controlling this dimension's Ashton at all?

Dendy: Precisely.

KO: But why is our friend here being so mean in this world?

Ashton 23: I'm not talking until I get some brains.

Ashton: Ok you're done.

Ashton then punched his counterpart in the face knocking him out.

Dimitri: (to his counterpart) So, Dimitri, what is with him?

Dimitri 23: He's my arch enemy.

Dimitri: Ok, but any idea on why he is like, well this?

Dimitri 23: Nope! And I don't care and I ain't talking until I get my agent here.

Dimitri: You know what, me and my double are gonna be out for a bit, the rest of you stay here and keep an eye on Loony-Pants here in case he wakes up.

He then walked off with his counterpart following him as the others looked at the unconscious Ashton 23.

Zee: I am not going anywhere near that thing.

Ashton: Ouch Zee. I know he's crazy but that's still me you're talking about.

Zee: Oh, sorry.

Ashton: But look, we still have to make sure that he doesn't get loose.

Zee: Right but who?

They all then looked at Rad as his eyes widened we then go to Dimitir and his counterpart as they were seen at a screen showing a silhouette of an alien with it reading "Who is Alien 47"

Dimitri 23: It's a little mystery and a bit of sucker bait. Who is alien 47?

Dimitri looked at the silhouette and noticed it looked like Shock Rock.

Dimitri: Looks like Shock Rock.

Dimitri 23: Whoa, great name. I was gonna go with Thunder Stone. So when Shock Rock is revealed, guess what I do! That's right. I stop using one alien, he goes back to the 46 vault for a few years and he makes a big comeback.

Dimitri then goes to his phone and sees a voicemail from Carol and plays it.

Carol's voice: Dimitri, call me when you get this?

Dimitri 23: Whoa, was that mom? I haven't thought about her in years

Dimitri: Wait, there's no mom here? Then how did you learn to use your Omegatrix?

Dimitri 23: You mean my hero watch? It turns me into aliens I use to fight Ashton and bad aliens, nothing to learn about. I've been thinking.

Then an explosion was heard as they turned and saw two robbers with money running to a car and drove off.

Dimitri 23: Maybe you flash me some more of your aliens, in case there's one I haven't unlocked yet.

Dimitri then used his watch as he then turned into Steel Wing.

Dimitri: Let's put a stop to this.

Dimitri 23: Uh, I already got that one. (sees Dimitri fly off) Hey! We got cops for crooks and stuff.

Dimitri: Well you can't just let them get away.

Dimitri: Just hold them till I call in the cameras.

We see Dimitri flying after the crooks as seen Dimitri flew above them and shot metal feathers at the tires popping them as we see the car crash to a wall and the crooks held up whte flags signaling that they surrender as Dimitri 23 came to Dimitri.

Dimitri 23: That was awesome. So do you call the cops?

Dimitri: Cops? We're heroes.

We then go to the others as they were seen keeping their distance from the unconscious Ashton 23.

Carmelita: Any ideas on keeping him contained?

Ashton: Let's make an asylum cell.

KO: What's an asylum?

Ashton: Jail for crazy people. That should keep him contained.

We then went to Dimitri as he was seen as a Humungosaur as Dimitri 23 looked at him.

Dimitri 23: Dino-Mighty. (sees Dimitri become Shinaqua) Tai Quan Toad. (sees Dimitri turn to Grey Matter) Brain Frog. (sees Dimitri become Wildmutt) Dognabbit. It's a pun. Get it?

Dimitri: (Changes back) Oh I get it. (Quietly) God your names suck.

Dimitri 23: I heard that. My names don't suck.

Dimitri: Then why give the aliens hero names?

Dimitri 23: They focus on test grade.

Dimitri: Of course.

They then see an explosion as they look to see Ashton 23 in venom form was out as the others came.

Dimitri: What happened? I thought you guys were keeping an eye on him?

Ashton: We were building him a cell until the great blue idiot had the great idea to let him off his chain!

Rad: Hey! I'm sorry.

Dimitri: Let's just stop him.

Diimitri and Dimitri 23 both used their watches as they were Machino and Shocksquach.

Dimitri 23: Electricyeti.

Dimitri: I call this one Machino.

Dimitri 23: Nice, I got Robot Man

Ashton: I just died a little inside.

Dimitri: Ash you and my double keep him occupied I have an idea.

Ashton: Ok.

They then ran towards Ashton 23 as Dimitri turned to Ibuki.

Dimitri: Ibuki do you have your guitar?

Ibuki: Sure do, why?

Dimitri: Cause I'm gonna need you to do some shredding.

We then see Ashton as Heatblast as he fired a blast of fire at his double as Ashton 23 dodged it and then hit Ashton as we see Dimitri 23 came at Ashton23 and hit him as we see Dimitri was plugging a guitar cable in his back as we see Ibuki as she plugged the other end of the cable to her guitar as we see speakers come out of Dimitri as he was aiming at Ashton 23.

Dimitri: Ibuki, now!

We then see Ibuki play her guitar as we see the speakers leat out the music in a super sonic blast as we see the blast hit Ashton 23 as it caused him to hold his head in pain and screamed in pain

Dimitri: Sorry Ash 23, but you have to face the music.

Ashton 23: Stop! You're giving me a headache!

Ibuki: Does it feel like your head's gonna explode?

We then see Ashton 23 continue to scream in pain

???: Stop!

Ashton: I know that voice.

Dimitri: He's here.

Kirigiri: Who's here?

Ashton: Azmuth.

They then turned and saw Azmuth but his eye color was blue and his clothes were the same color

Azmuth 23: You bet he is. Azmuth of the galvan.

Dimitri 23: What do you want?

Dimitri: Cool your jets, he's the one who made your watch.

Dimitri 23: My hero watch?

Azmuth: It's called an Omnitrix.

Rad: How did you know we were here?

Azmuth: The frequency of that sonic blast was so powerful I could hear it half a galaxy away

Asahina: But we were just.

Azmuth 23: Save it, I know. (turns to Ashton 23) Ashton had taken the nanotechnology from your Omnitrix. (walks to Ashton 23) I warned you of the dangers that symbiote causes! You ignored me.

Ashton 23: Shut up! I'm gonna cut off your legs and serve them deep fried with garlic butter!

Azmuth 23: I told you the symbiote was beyond you. You could have doomed us all.

Naegi: Wait, so this universe was at stake?

Azmuth 23: If he absorbed more of the Omnitrix the universe would have collapsed in on itself

Ashton: Wow.

Azmuth 23: (To Ashton 23) Ashton, through your arrogant act I sentence you to the null void in a solitary cell where no one can find you.

Azmuth 23 then jumped up to Ashton 23's wrist and removed the ultimatrix as we see the omni kix armor return to the omega trix as we see Azmuth pull out a device as we see the symbite was removed from Ashton 23.

Azmuth 23: For countless murders and cannibalism, you are hereby stripped of your Ultimatrix and Symbiote.

Ashton 23: No, you can't!

Azmuth: I have.

Ashton 23: I hate you!!!

We then see Ashton 23 vanish as the others look at Azmuth 23.

Azmuth: He won't bother you anymore, you're on your own.

Dimitri: But you think you can teach him how to use his omnitrix (points at Dimitri 23)

Azmuth: With pleasure.

Dimitri 23: And maybe you can help Ashton be good.

Ashton: D?

Dimitri 23: What he did was wrong but it doesn't mean he's beyond help. (looks at Ashton) Don't you think that would be something your Dimitri would do if you were in that situation?

Ashton: Well said. Well see ya later.

We later see them as they were seen in their dimension as the boys were seen relaxing

Ashton: I'm starting to get a little hungry. Does anyone have any brains or a liver?

The guys then looked at Ashton.

Ashton: Just kidding. I prefer pineapple pizza to people.

Dimitri: Well I'm glad that we are friends.

Ashton: Same here.

Ashton then looked and saw Grayson as he had a metal arm.

Ashton: What happened to your arm?

Grayson: It's... complicated.

???: Wow.

They then froze as they hid behind a rock as they saw the girls in towels as they came into the hot spring.

Piper: It's so big.

Rowan: Is this a mixed bath?

Jessica: It switches every so often. After eight it's women only. The door to the men side should've automatically closed

Zee: Which means we have this place to ourselves.

We then see the boys as they look terrified seeing the girls.

Andruw: What are they doing here?

Ashton: We must have entered after the time allotment switched.

Dimitri: Guys, we gotta get out of here.

Ashton: Come on.

We then see them sneaking through the other side as we see the girls relaxing in the hot springs.

Mary: This is nice.

Zee: Tell me about it, this is just what I need.

Then a sound was heard.

Daphne: Huh? What was that?

Carmelita: Is someone there?

We then see the girls go to where the sound came from and see the boys.

Ashton: (nervously chuckles) Hi girls.

Daphne: Wait, were you... peeping on us?

Carmelita: Explain yourselves now!

Piper: Yeah, you pervs!

Rowan: Double, no, quadruple pervs!

Ashton: If you would give us five minutes we will explain!

Andruw: The bath time changed right after we came in.

Dimitri: We didn't see anything, honest.

Ashton: Yeah, see we-

Mary: No excuses!

We then see Mary as she came at the boys and started to pummel Ashton's face

Ashton: (choking) I still love you Mary.

Dimitri: Why do I have the feeling the same thing will happen to the rest of us.

Naegi: Uh, Dimitri?

Dimitri: The girls are all ready to pummel us to the ground aren't they?

KO: Yep.

Ashton: (choking) KO get the time sheet before I suffocate!

KO: Ok.

We then see the rest of the boys start to get pummeled as we see KO run out of the dust cloud as he grabs the time sheet and reads it.

KO: The time-thing really did change.

Dimitri: KO hurry!

Ashton: (choking) I'm still getting choked here!

Dimitri was seen on the ground as we see Jessica and Asuka both on his back and pulling his arms.

Dimitri: You're both breaking my arms!

Jessica: Only cause we can't reach your neck!

KO: Everyone stop!

We then see everyone had immediately stopped as if someone had hit the pause button as some of the girls were seen wielding their weapons.

KO: Ok move again but don't kill the boys.

Everyone then resumed moving.

Ashton: Thank you KO.

KO: Listen, this is all just a big misunderstanding, we didn't know that the time-thing had changed.

Dimitri: He's right, we weren't peeping on any of you girls, we swear. Right guys.

The boys were all seen badly injured as they all did a thumbs up as they're response.

Dimitri: See?

Ashton tries talking but nothing comes out and mimes that he needs a pen and paper

Piper: I got this.

She then got her wand and made a pen and paper appear as Ashton grabbed them and started writing on the paper and shows it to the others

Ashton: "Great now I can't talk. Thanks a lot Mary!"

Asahina: What happened?

Togami: It appears that Ashton had been strangled for so long that it damaged his voice box, therefore disabling his ability to talk.

Ashton taps his nose signifying that Togami was right on the money then Everette came to Ashton and yanked out a few hairs as Ashton let out a silent scream and punched Everette in the face

Dimitri: Looks like Ashton will be mute for a while.

Ashton writes down something else and shows it to Mary

Ashton: "You're sleeping on the couch for two weeks!"

Mary: My bad.

Dimitri: So...

Jessica: Let us never speak of this again.

Dimitri: Agreed. Let's just go home.

We then see them leave the hot springs to head home.


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