Huntresses and thieves

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We see Dimitri in his bedroom as he was sleeping in bed as he woke up and let out a yawn and opened his eyes as he then looked to see that Rias was sleeping in his bed as Dimitri saw Rias was naked he screamed in shock and fell off the bed.

Dimitri: Rias why are you in my bed!? Wait, how did you even get in? And more importantly why are you naked?

Rias: (sleepily) This is how I always sleep. Also Your mom.

Dimitri: Mom!

Carol: Rias wanted to come here cause her home was being fumigated.

Dimitri: Oh, but why did you even let her sleep in my room?

Rias: (sleepily) Because I asked to.

Dimitri: Oh. Next time ask me please?

Rias: (sleepily) Alright. Now come back to bed.

Dimitri: But Rias, you're naked.

Rias: (sleepily) Don't care, just get in here before I hurt you.

Dimitri: But... (sighs) Fine.

Then Rias grabbed Dimitri and hugged him closely to her chest as he blushed as red as his jacket when he gets a phone call he pulled out his phone and saw that Ashton was calling

Dimitri: (Answers his phone) Hello?

Ashton: Get to the plaza quickly someone's chasing me!

Dimitri: Yeah about that, I have a situation of my own.

Ashton: Fine, ask your mom! I need-

???: Sorry the number you're trying to reach has his face in my chest. Please try again later.

Then the call ended as Dimitri looked at it.

Dimitri: Looks like Ash needs help, but I can't move. Mom!

Carol: What is it, Dimitri?

Dimitri: Ash needs your help at the plaza. Someone's after him again.

Carol: Ok, I'll go see who it is.

Dimitri: Thanks mom.

A few minutes later Carol arrives at the plaza to see Ashton fighting a woman in a black outfit

Ashton: Mary, leave me alone!

Carol: Ashton, you know this woman?

Mary: I'm his girlfriend of course.

Ashton: You're insane! Carol, help me out!

Carol: I'm coming!

She then came at Mary as she gets swatted into a wall

Mary: Let's go somewhere private.

Ashton: Let me go!

Mary was then hit by an electric ball as she turned to see Dimitri as he was Shock Rock.

Ashton: Mary leave him out of this! It's me you want!

Mary: You're right. Let's go for a fly.

She grabs Ashton and flies off and drops a knock out gas pellet as she and Ashton fly over the mountains he gets free and they fall through the mountain getting trapped in a cave in

Ashton: Great not only am I stuck in this cave I'm trapped in here with a crazy woman can this get any worse?

The wind picked up and it started to snow

Ashton: I had to open my big fat mouth.

With the group we see them as they were waking up from the gas

Carol: Ow. Anyone get the number on that truck?

Dimitri: That woman got away with Ashton. We need to find him.

Enid: What took you so long Dimitri?

Dimitri: It's called Rias being clingy!

Carol: Rescue Ashton now, complain about Rias later.

???: Maybe we can help.

They all turned and saw a group of people one of them having cat ears on her head

KO: Wow. Are you guys heroes?

Ruby: We're huntsmen and huntresses.

KO: Wow, my name's KO. *points at Dimitri* And that's my big brother Dimitri.

Weiss then looked at KO and then Dimitri a few times.

Weiss: I don't see any resemblance between you two.

Dimitri: We're half siblings actually.

Yang: So are Ruby and I.

Enid: Look, we need to find where Ashton is and rescue him.

Babs: Well we don't know where he is exactly but I do know that he's in the mountains.

She then showed her phone showing Ashton's location.

Glynda: Bad news is that there's a massive snowstorm above him.

Blake: But how did you know he was there?

Babs: The tracker on his phone duh, we all have one.

Kara: Babs for once can you please not be creepy?

Dimitri: But let's go before Ashton becomes a human popsicle.

We go to Ashton and Mary who was shivering due to the cold

Ashton: Here.

He takes his jacket off and hands it to her

Ashton: This should keep you warm.

Mary: Thank you, but won't you be cold?

Ashton: Don't worry about me. I've been through colder situations than this when I was a child living in a cardboard box hardens you against cold more times than not.

Mary: Oh.

Ashton: But tell me Mary, why were you trying to hurt me.

Mary: Draven wanted his creation back and sent me to get you.

Ashton: Draven, I should have expected as much.

Mary: But this situation we're in changed my mind to him. I want to stay with you.

Ashton: Well ok. For as long as we got until the frostbite kicks in. Might as well huddle to conserve body heat.

The two then huddled together to keep each other warm as we see the others going through the mountain trying to find Ashton as some were shivering from the cold.

Rad: H-h-have we found Ash yet?

Dimitri: No.

Rad: (shivering) I'm so c-c-c-cold that I'm shivering. (a piece of his hair chips off from the cold)

KO: (Shivering with icicles in his nose) I'm so cold I can use my nose drippings as chopsticks. (breaks the icicles off of his nose and uses them as chopsticks)

Hal: (Shivering and covered in snow) I'm so cold that.... I'm shivering.

KO: Maybe we can make a fire. (gets an idea) I got it! We'll use heatblast to keep warm.

KO then goes to Dimitri and reaches for his watch.

Dimitri: Hey! My watch!

KO then backed away while smiling nervously as he walked to Rad and Hal.

KO: The fire is not gonna magically appear out of nowhere.

Dimitri: Fine if it'll make you shut it.

Dimitri then transformed into heatblast

Dimitri: Happy now?

Rad: Much.

Dimitri: Let's just focus on finding Ashton.

Wil: Hey guys I found something!

They then ran to where Wil was as they saw a cave entrance that was closed off by fallen rocks

Dimitri: They must be in there. We gotta get them out.

Dimitri then tapped the badge as he then transformed into a being made of rocks as a red core was seen on his chest and the badge was on his head.

Dimitri: Who's this?

KO: Find out what he is later we gotta dig them out.

We then see the others removing the rocks as Dimitri then held his hand as the rocks started to float

Dimitri: Gravity powers? Sweet.

We go inside the cave as Ashton hears something

Ashton: Mary I think I hear something.

He then walked to where the sound was coming from as he backed up and shielded Mary from the rocks flying past his head.

Dimitri: Ash?

Ashton then looked and saw Dimitri.

Ashton: Mary, I think we're saved. Come on.

He then helped Mary up as they started to walk out of the cave as we later see them at the plaza as Ashton and Mary both had blankets over them as Mary scooted closer to Ashton

Mary: I'm still a little cold.

Ashton: Come here.

Ashton then brought Mary closer to him.

Mary: Thank you. And thank you all for rescuing us.

Dimitri: Anytime.

Ashton: D, what was the holdup with you that kept you busy?

Dimitri: Rias was clingy.

Ashton: Right.

Rias: Could you blame me if you were in the same situation with her?

Dimitri: That is a fair point but couldn't you at least have a shirt and some shorts on? I still can't get that image of you out of my head.

Ashton: Wait, she sleeps naked?

Dimitri: Yes.

Ashton bursts into laughter.

Dimitri: Stop that! It's not funny!

Ashton: How can I? You don't like the fact a beautiful woman sleeps naked in your bed!

Dimitri: She got in my bed when I was still sleeping.

Ashton: Well looks like you'll have to get used to it D, because you will be seeing it a lot more often. (laughs)

Dimitri: (sarcastically) Thank you Ashton for your undying support.

Ashton: No, thank you.

Carol: KO, cover your ears please.

KO: Ok. (covers his ears)

Carol: (Walks over to Dimitri and flicks him on the nose) Dimitri, you shouldn't be complaining about Rias sleeping with you without clothes. You're old enough to see a girl naked.

Dimitri: But mom-

Carol: No buts mister. Now you start acting your age.

Dimitri: Yes mom.

Ashton: Yeah, start acting your age D.

Carol: That goes the same for you too Ash.

Ashton: Yes Carol.

Mary: I also sleep nude.

Ashton started laughing again until Carol flicked him on the nose.

Ashton: Ow! (rubs his nose) What did I do?

Carol: It's not polite to laugh at other people's misfortune.

Ashton: I wasn't laughing at him!

Carol: You were just a few minutes ago.

Ashton: (waves his hand in front of her) I was not laughing at Dimitri.

As Ashton was talking to Carol Dimitri then got a feeling that he was being watched.

Dimitri: Ash, shush. (covers Ashton's mouth)

Ashton sniffs the air

Ashton: (muffled) I know that smell. A kind of smelly smell, a kind of smell that smells... smelly. Oh no.

Mary: What?

Ashton: Nora Valkyrie.

Wil: Who?

Ashton: Nora Valkyrie is a freaking psycho that uses a grenade launcher hammer!

Ashton then heard a noise as his eyes moved to where the noise was and saw a grenade fly at him

Ashton: Incoming!

He then dodged the grenade as he turned to see a muscled redhead looking down at him

Ashton: Hey Pyrrha! Long time no see!

Dimitri: Ashton, you know this girl?

Ashton: Old friend.

Dimitri: But who is Nora Valkyrie?

Then a grenade was seen flying towards them as it was sliced in half by Dimitri who was holding Enduring Crimson.

Ruby: (Gasps) OMG THAT IS SO COOL!

Blake: Wait I know that sword, that's Enduring Crimson.

Glynda: But the only person who had it was Kyrone

Dimitri: How do you know that name?

Glynda: I used to date your daddy.

Dimitri: Wait, you used to date my dad?

Weiss: But that's impossible, Kyrone doesn't have a son. Does he?

Dimitri: Hello! I'm right here!

Ruby: Wait, he's actually the son of the crimson swordsman?!

Glynda: Yes, he is Kyrone's son.

Dimitri: How did you know I was his son?

Glynda: That sword is only usable by the son of the previous owner.

Yang: So that means nobody can wield Enduring Crimson but him?

Glynda: That is correct Ms. Xiao Long.

Ruby: That's so cool! So what's his semblance?

Ashton: Sem what now?

Blake: Semblance, as in a person's abilities.

Dimitri: Well we mostly call them powers, and mine is power mimicry.

Ashton: You'll love this Blake. Watch.

Dimitri's eyes then glowed orange as he looked at Weiss

Dimitri: You. Hit me.

Weiss: Me? Hit you? Fine.

She then hit Dimitri in the face

Dimitri: That's the best you got, Ice Queen? I can take more.

Weiss: Alright, but remember, you wanted this.

Ashton: I'll take these.

He grabs her sword and suitcase from her.

Weiss: Hey!

Ashton: Shut up and punch him!

Weiss: Alright.

She then punched Dimitri as he was seen taking the punches from Weiss as the others watched.

KO: Why isn't Dimitri fighting back?

Ashton: You'll see.

Dimitri was seen slightly bruised as he saw Weiss ready to deliver a punch but caught her fist as Dimitri's eyes then turned red as his hair was on fire as he cracked his knuckles and smirked.

Dimitri: My turn.

He then punched Weiss in the gut as it sent her flying to a wall.

Yang: Wait, that's my semblance.

KO: What does it do?

Ruby: When Yang takes enough damage her hits get stronger.

Pyrrha: So that means-

Glynda: Dimitri took the hits on purpose.

Ashton: Bingo.

Blake: That's pretty smart.

Ashton: That's Dimitri for ya.

Ashton looks at the sword in his hand

Ashton: I think I'll keep this thing.

Weiss: But that's mine you scarred freak of nature!

KO: Uh oh.

Ashton then walked towards Weiss, having a look that he was beyond angry.

Ashton: What did you call me?!


He then pushed everyone inside the plaza as we then hear a loud explosion of pure rage as Weiss was heard screaming in pain as they then walked outside to see Ashton dusting his hands off as Weiss was on the ground in pain.

Ashton: Now maybe you'll think twice before insulting my face. Jerk.

KO: We forgot to mention that Ashton is kinda sensitive about his face.

Dimitri: Well now that we have met I think we can move on now.

Then a cable was seen coming towards Dimitri as he grabbed it and then pulled the cord as we see a woman wearing a red coat and hat come out from the bushes.

Dimitri: Nice try, but you have to get up way early in the morning to pull a trick like that.

He then threw a power fist at her as he saw that she dodged it as Dimitri started to throw more power fists at her as she was dodging the entire barrage as the others saw it.

Weiss: What is he doing? She's just dodging the attacks.

We see the woman run at Dimitri while dodging the power fists as she then kicks him, making him fall.

Carmen: Too bad, now I'll be taking that sword.

Dimitri then smiled as his eyes glowed green as we then saw green wires appear out of the trees and bushes as they started to wrap Carmen up holding her in place as Dimitri got up.

Dimitri: See, I mimicked Jessica's ring construct power, I just needed enough time to set up my little trap.

A flashback was seen as Dimitri was firing the power fists as we see the green wires slithering to the trees and bushes and aimed at Carmen.

Dimitri: You didn't realize I was using my power fists to keep you in one spot?

Ashton then noticed Dimitri's hand was glowing red.

Ashton: Dude, your hand.

Dimitri then noticed his hand as he then aimed it at Carmen as a red glow appeared and her eyes glowed red for a moment and she fell to the ground as Dimitri walked to her as she started to wake up while rubbing her head.

Carmen: What happened? Where am I?

Dimitri: Lakewood Plaza.

KO: Who are you? And why were you trying to steal my brother's sword?

Carmen: Carmen, Carmen Sandiego.

Ashton: The one thief more famous than I.

Dimitri: We want to know why you were trying to take my father's sword?

Carmen: VILE wants it and that's all I remember.

Dendy: I believe I have a theory, it would seem that VILE had Carmen under some type of mind control.

Ashton: God I hate mind control!

Rias: So they were making Carmen do what they wanted.

Dendy: Correct.

Ace: Hey Carmen, you know where those VILE guys are? I think we should pay them a little visit.

Ashton: Don't bother Ace. I know exactly where they are. I'm taking them down myself, no one follows me.

Dimitri: Ash mind if I go as well? If these guys wanted my father's sword, I'm giving them a piece of my mind.

Ashton: Fine.

We then go to Scotland as we see Dimitri and Ashton as they were Stinkfly and Skunkmoth as they flew to a castle and changed to normal and they drew Enduring Crimson and Myrtenaster

Ashton: Keep an eye out for stragglers. I'm going in.

Ashton then loaded fire dust into his sword

Ashton: Let there be carnage.

We then see the heads of VILE talking to each other when they notice a strange smell

Cleo: What is that smell?

Brunt: Smells like smoke.

They then hear footsteps and blood curdling screams as they saw some operatives on fire running out of the castle

Dimitri: You guys wanted Enduring Crimson so badly then here it is.

They then saw Dimitri walking out of the shadow as he had his sword on his hand as they saw Ashton burst into the room

Ashton: You're done. For good. Surrender or else.

Dimitri: And I take the word if I were you. He isn't in a pleasant mood at this moment.

They then looked at each other as they then raised their hands.

Ashton: Smart choice.

We later see the police arrive as they were taking away the remaining operatives as they were in handcuffs.

Tigress: "Promote Carmen to VILE faculty." Truly spectacular idea ladies.

Brunt, Bellum and Cleo: Aw shaddup!

Ashton: Officers, release Tigress, we'll be taking her in.

Officer: Ok Tigress times up.

They then released the cuffs from Tigress.

Ashton: We want you to help us out, your skills and efficiency could be used for a greater good than yourself.

Tigress: Really?

Ashton: Of course.

We then see cops carting Maelstrom as he was seen in a glass box.

Maelstrom: A criminal genius should not be jailed among lunatics.

We then see cops bring a second glass box as it showed a mime inside it as he turned to Maelstrom and started miming that he was crying

Guard: Shut up both of you.

Dimitri: Hold on officer, release the mime.

Ashton: No, don't release the mime. He's one step away from a clown.

Dimitri: I was just not playing the backwards game

Ashton: What are you- *realizes* Oh, I see what you did there.

We later see them at the plaza as the group saw them.

Enid: How'd it go?

Ashton: VILE is now down for good.

Dimitri: And authorities are on the lookout for any other remaining members. Some will just go into hiding until their services are required, others lacking the skills and leadership will simply pursue new passions.

Ashton: While Tigress will be with us to redeem herself and Carmelita will be keeping a close eye on her.

Carmen: I don't know what to say but, thank you

Dimitri: Anytime.

Ashton: It's just what us heroes do.

Carol: Do you need a place to stay?

Carmen: Why are you asking?

Carol: I am willing to let you stay with me and my family.

Rias: Carol if it doesn't trouble you but is it ok if I stay with you as well?

Carol: Of course, you can sleep in Dimitri's room.

Dimitri: Mom!

Ashton: Just start getting used to it. I am.

Dimitri: Alright.

Carmen: What's the problem with him?

Ashton: Rias sleeps in the nude.

Carmen: Now I feel uncomfortable.

Mary: It's not a big deal, I sleep in the nude as well.

Ashton: Not everyone has your level of modesty.

Dimitri: Let's just go home and get to bed.

At their home we see Dimitri walking to his room as he was wearing a white shirt and red pajama pants as he walked into his room he was then pulled to his bed by Rias.

Dimitri: You're naked again aren't you?

Rias: Yeah so?

Dimitri: Look it's not that it's a problem or something but I just didn't want to look like your ex.

Rias: Oh Dimitri, I would never think of you like you were Issei, you're quite the opposite. The perfect gentleman.

Dimitri: Really?

Rias: Of course and it's like your mother said, you're old enough to see a girl naked. I'm worried about Mary though.

Dimitri: Is it because of the fact she sleeps nude like you?

Rias: No. She's like Issei times 10.

Dimitri: Something tells me that Ashton is in a lot of trouble.

With Ashton we see him having his face shoved in between Mary's legs who was in his bed and she had no clothes on.

Ashton: Mary, can you please let me go so I can sleep!?

Mary: I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with "no chance in hell".

Ashton: This is going to be a long night.

Unbeknownst to them a ghost wearing a tattered ninja outfit was watching the house as the ghost then laughed evilly as it then vanished into the shadows leaving behind a single shuriken.


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