Let's be friends.

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We see Dimitri as she sees KO running around the parking lot excitedly while Rad and Enid were cleaning up what was left of Darrell's body.

KO: Wow Dimitri I can't believe you stop that monster..

Dimitri: Well, shock rock did all the work.

Rad: Shock Rock?

Dimitri: The name of the alien I turned into a while ago.

Enid: Well that's a cool name for an alien.

Dimitri: *Blushes * Oh well... Thanks.

KO: Well I wanna be just like that Dimitri. *does imitation of fighting moves*

Enid: There's a lot more to being a hero than just fancy moves, kid. It takes hard work. This is us training under Mr. Gar to be great heroes.

KO: Whoa! So you guys are training by just, like, cleaning up garbage? Well, well, I could do that! I must do that.

Rad: Uh, we don't 'just' clean up garbage, kid. We also fight evil robots. *pushes the remaining of Darrell's body in the trashcan* Sometimes.

KO: Ooh. Sometimes. But wait, that means more than one times. How can there even be so many robots?!

Enid: *Walks to KO* Take a knee KO. *Gets on a knee and sees KO on his knees* I said knee not knees.

KO: Oh, *gets on one knee* Is this better?

Enid: Yes, now look. When a dumb nerd and a dumb factory love each other very much, they waste a lot of time and money making dumb robots to attack the plaza.

KO: Dumb nerd? Dumb nerd! What dumb nerd!?

Rad: *narrows his eyes* Lord Buttman.

KO: *narrowing his eyes* Of course, the buttman.

Dimitri: Buttman?

Enid: He means Lord Boxman. And KO  are you seriously trying to tell me that you didn't notice that giant evil factory across the street?

They then looked across the street and saw the factory boxmore as KO's mind literally blew as the others laughed at him as we see a man looking through a window through the blinds.

Box man: Gross.

he then looked at his watch as Darrell was heard screaming as his head crashed into the office and on the desk.

Darrell: Oh, hi dad. I'm back.

Boxman: Aaaaaand?

Darrell: And... I failed you.

Boxman: No... You failed me! *picks up Darrell's head and walked through the factory.

Boxman: Do you know why I send you robots over to destroy Lakewood Plaza? To eliminate friendship! Lakewood Plaza is crawling with friendship!

Darrell: *sees more of himself* Hey look, more me's.

Boxman: Silence! You see Darrell--

Then a round purple robot ran to him.

Ernesto:  If I could just have a sliver of your time, Lord Boxman. A client, uh, just called.

Boxman: Ernesto 2199 , can you not see that I'm trying to focus on getting upset about some kids across the street having fun?!

Lord Boxman pulls out a switch, which blows up Ernesto's head.
As they approach an office area, two Ernestos are seen laughing around the cooler.

Lord Boxman : I hate people enjoying each other.

The two Ernestos slink back to their cubicles.

Lord Boxman: When people enjoy each other, they don't buy evil fighting robots. * Approaches a presentation room* This is a graph of our sales.

The graph displays a slow decline in sales.
Darrell: Ooh, math!

Lord Boxman: Now watch what happens when we introduce friendship to the equation.

Lord Boxman presses a button on a remote. The graph plummets, displaying little to no sales.

Lord Boxman See? *Brings Darrell to his face, getting angrier*
Friendship, lowers, our, GRAPHS! Besides, it's just plain disgusting.

Lord Boxman finishes up his tour at a furnace, which he approached to and opens the hatch.

Darrell: Hey, cool, fire! Is this supposed to teach me like, how friendship makes you feel?

Lord Boxman No. *Throws Darrell's head in* It's supposed to teach you to never fail me again! *he then closes the hatch*

Darrell* Sadly while melting* I deserve this.

A giant claw was seen as it moves in and drops another Darrell in front of Lord Boxman.

Darrell: Yeah, I deserved that. But I won't fail you next time boss! *Salutes*

Lord Boxman : *walks away* Silence.

Lord Boxman walks back to his throne and sits down he then reaches over to peer out the window.

Lord Boxman : Ooh, those rotten kids! *turns around and then peers again* Still alive. *Grunts while turning back, then screams* Ooooh, I just--

Lord Boxman starts babbling and whimpering while having a tantrum on his throne, before tiring himself out and panting. Once he calms down, a "ding" sound comes from a conveyor belt on the side and another robot comes out.
Shannon: Never send a 1.0 robot to do a 2.0's job, Dad.

She then backflips into the air, produces saw blades from her hands and feet, and 'skates' around the room before retracting them.

Lord Boxman: Ah, Shannon. My spoiled teenage daughter. Do you have a plan?

Shannon: Of course. *Chuckles*

Lord Boxman: Then go succeed where your brother Darrell failed, and ruin those rotten kids!

Shannon: Trust me, they won't even know what hit 'em. *Smears lipstick around mouth very badly*

We then go to the plaza as Rad was seen opening a box as KO was seen over his shoulder.

KO: So, can my brother and I hang out with you guys? *Pops over to Rad's other shoulder* And be friends? *Pops out of the box* Then we could both work hard to become great heroes, too!

Rad: Kid, you and your bro can't just hang out here.

KO: But you guys do.

Rad: That's cause it's our job.

KO: Ohhhhhhh. Then can my brother and I have a job, too?

Rad: Not just anyone can work here. You gotta have mad skills, like this.

Rad then shoots a levitation beam out of his finger towards some cereal boxes stacked on a shelf and re-stacks them on a higher shelf as Colewort was then caught while trying to grab one of them and is sent through the roof.

Rad: *blows his finger* See?

KO: That was beautiful!

Rad: [Blushes] Yeah? *Clears his throat* Yeah, yeah, it was. [Chuckle] I can show you some other cool moves if you--

Enid: Rad!

Enid was seen at the counter.

Enid: Magazines. Restock them.

KO then ran to Enid as Dimitri stood in place as he blushed bright ad his jacket as Rad was him.

Rad: Hello? Earth to Dimitri?

Dimitri: Huh? What?

Rad: Dude why'd you zone out?

Dimitri: I was zoning out?

Rad: Yeah. It happened when you saw Enid and- *realizes* Oh I see what this is.

Dimitri: You do?

Rad: You totally have a crush on Enid!

Dimitri: What!? No! No I don't!

Rad: *sing song* You like Enid! You like Enid!

Dimitri then punched Rad on the head making his head go into his body.

Rad: *muffled* Hey I can see my spleen from here.

Dimitri: So what if I have a crush?

Rad: *pulls his head out* Dude, you should tell her how you feel.

Dimitri: I just don't think I'm ready yet.

Rad: But dude you should tell her you're feelings. If you do you'll enter dating and you need to be totally macho to get her attention.  *brings out boxes with numbers on them from 1 to 18 with his levitation beam* You'll get to stage one hugging, then stage two smooching, then down the road to stage 5 where you and Enid will be closer than ever then stage 8  where you and Enid will bring each other special gifts, very special.

Dimitri: *points at the box labeled 18* What about stage 18?

Rad: You stay away from that! *sees Dimitri looking at him* Do not do stage 18!

Dimitri: Dude, I got no idea what you're talking about.

Rad: Don't worry about it dude, just follow my advice and you'll naturally move to stage one.

Dimitri: hmmm, never gonna happen.

He then walked to KO as he saw him at the counter.

KO: Hi Enid! I would like a job here, please along with my brother.

Enid: K.O., you do not wanna spend your days looking at all this.
K.O.: Yeah, I do! *While rocking himself while holding onto counter* I can help! I can do anything!

Enid: Oh, anything, huh? How about this?

Enid shoots a fireball out of her foot as it ricocheted all over the bodega until it hits a pair of sunglasses. The sunglasses then fly off the shelf and landed over Enid's eyes.

K.O.: Um... Oh, my brother can do this other cool thing. Show her Dimitri.

Dimitri: I don't know about this KO.

KO: Please.

Dimitri: Well... Alright.

He then fired a energy fist from his fist as it hits a pair of sunglasses and landed over his eyes.

Enid: Wow that's was pretty cool.

Dimitri: *blushes* Uh... Thanks.

Then Colewort was seen falling down as a levitation beam caught him.

Enid: Good catch Rad.

Rad: That's not me.

Enid: Wait if your not doing it then who is?

They then looked and saw Dimitri who was using a levitation beam from this finger like Rad.

Rad: Hey how did you get my powers?

Dimitri: That's my power if I see anyone using their powers I can mimic their powers as my own.

Rad: That's super awesome

Dimitri: Hey KO, can you wait for me outside?

KO: Ok.

He then walked outside.

KO: I wonder what would be a way to have Rad and Enid be our friends. Maybe we can bake them a cake. Or maybe we can show them our rare pow cards. Or maybe a can wear a baseball hat backwards.

As he was thinking we then see Shannon appear wearing a poor disguise as she walked to KO.

Shannon: Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice your... unemployment. You know, these days if you wanna work at a place like Gar's, you gotta do something really special.

KO: A résumé?

Shannon: No, no, no, no. I'm talking something like... infiltrating Lord Boxman's lair! And maybe like, defeating him, all by yourself.

KO: That's a, good idea! So good that Rad and Enid will have to hire me and my brother and want to be my friends. *Runs off to box more* Thanks for the help, ominous stranger! You're the best!

Shannon: *takes off the wig* Ch'yeah, obviously.

Then the doors of the bodega open as Dimitri, Rad and Enid came out.

Enid: KO?

Dimitri: Bro, where'd you go?

Rad: *sees Shannon* Hey what's that Shannon doing here?

We then cut to KO as he was running to Boxmore as he crossed the street and went inside Boxmore and saw many Darrells working

KO: Wo-o-o-ow! All right, a sneaking mission.

He then started to sneak around the Darrells as he heads to a door and closed it.

Darrell: Hey.

KO: Hee hee hee, perfect stealth.

He then put on a box with a face drawn on it as two Ernestos were seen talking to each other and saw KO walking by in wide sideways steps.

KO: Beep! Boop, boop, morp, boop, blorp!

Ernesto: Should... we be offended by that?

KO then walked into an empty room as he took off the box.

KO: Yep! If getting in was this simple, beating up this box fella should be as easy as a slice of sweet potato pie!

Then a platform rose as restraints appeared and held KO down as Boxman came out from the shadows on a floating front desk.

Boxman: Sweet potato pie, was it?

KO: Uh, who are you?

Box man: Isn't it obvious?

KO: *Thinking* Shoot, what was it again? Buttman?

Boxman: Lord Boxman! I've had my eye on you, you know. I see you got yourself a little 'friendship' going with those two goons from Gar's.

KO: Friendship?

Boxman: Yes, it's disgusting. And I hate it, and I want it destroyed!

KO: Y-You really think they wanna be my friend?

Boxman: Not anymore. Do these look like faces of friendship?

He pressed a button as a screen was shown as Dimitri, Rad and Enid were seen with angered and determined looks on their faces as Rad was seen holding Shannon by her leg.

Boxman: They found out you came here, K.O., and they're clearly seething with rage at having to waste their time rescuing a nuisance like you.

KO: They weren't supposed to come get me. I was going to beat you and prove my worth!

Boxman: All you did was fall into my trap!

KO: No...

Boxman: Yes. And after this foolish stunt, they're gonna beat you up.

KO: No!

Boxman: And after that they'll never wanna play with you again! *laughs maniacally*


We then see Dimitri, Rad and Enid running through Boxnore as they fought through the robots as Boxman and KO watched through the screen.

Boxman: Prince Peach Fuzz, The Sarcasm Queen and that brother of yours are headed right this way! Getting scared, are we?

KO: Wha-- What?

Boxman: Why, you see what they do to people who get in their way.

Dimitri, Rad and Enid were seen destroying a jethro on the screen.

Boxman: And seeing as I'd hate to get in their way, I'll just put you between us.

Boxman then flipped some switches as KO was released as Boxman retreated to a distance.

Boxman: Blinds!

Then some blinds appeared as he looked through them.

Boxman: Now to watch from the shadows, like a total creep.

KO: I guess Lord Boxman was right. Rad and Enid will never want to be my friends after this.

Then the doors were busted open as Rad threw Shannon near KO.

KO: Aah! *backs away* I promise I won't get in your way again!

Then Dimitri came at KO and grabbed him.

Boxman: Yes! Crush him you fool!

Then Dimitri hugged KO.

Dimitri: I'm so glad your ok little bro.

KO: You are?

Dimitri: Yeah, mom would kill me if she found put something bad happen to you.

KO: So your not mad?

Dimitri: No we're not mad.

Enid: Yeah, we like having you around.

Dimitri then looked at Boxman at a distance as his eyes narrowed angrily.

Dimitri: Hold on bro, I got something to take care of.

He then transformed into Heatblast as he walked up to Boxman and burned the blinds away.

Dimitri: Listen here punk I don't like what you were planning.

Boxman: How did you fins out about it?

Dimitri then thought back.


We see Dimitri facing Shannon.

Dimitri: Where is my brother?

Shannon: He went into Boxmore Boxman planned to have you guys hurt him.

Dimitri: What!? Not on my watch!

Shannon: Guys you have to fight me.

Dimitri: But we can't do that.

Shannon: Please, you have to make it look real. I don't want my dad to know I helped you guys.

Dimitri: Alright.

Flashback end.

Dimitri: Let's just say I have my ways. Now listen here bub, I'm in a good mood so I'll leave you be but if I find out you were using him for another plan of yours I'll give you a few weeks of from boxmore to the hospital, got it?

Boxman: Yes.

Dimitri: Good. *changes back* Let's go guys.

They then started to walk out of Boxmore as KO looked at KO.

KO: That was amazing bro.

Dimitri: Hey, when someone messes with my little brother they mess with me.

Rad: Mr. Ga--

Then Mr. Has appeared in front of them.

Mr. Gar: Why aren't you two at your posts!?

Enid: We were out rescuing Dimitri's brother here, sir!

Gar: Oh, okay. Now send these two home and get back to work!

Enid: As can't we keep them? They seem really good at cleaning.

Rad: Yeah they seem like plaza material and we can use the extra help.

Gar: No.

Rad and Enid: What?

Mr. Gar: We don't need anymore employees! You just need to quit slacking so much. *starts walking away while looking at Rad and Enid.* And besides, a recommendation from the two of you means squat.

He then turned and saw Carol was in front of him as he froze.

Carol: What about a recommendation from me? Come on, Gar, just give them the job.

Gar: *Stamers and mutters: Okay fine!

Carol: I appreciate it.

She then touched Gar on the shoulder as he stiffens and then get blown away by the wind.

Carol: Congratulations, sweeties! I'll meet you two in the car.

She then walks away.

Dimitri: What just happened?

Enid: I think you and KO just got hired.

She then puts a vest on KO.

Rad: We ran out of crop tops.

KO then got excited as he threw his fist into the air and made a power fist as it was launched into the air sky and explodes into a peace sign.

Rad: Whoa KO, I didn't know you could do that.

KO: Do what?

Dimitri: We'll explain later.


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