Let's be heroes

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We see Dimitri and KO as they were sitting at the back seats of the car as we see Carol coming into the car.

Carol: Ready to go kids?

Dimitri: Yeah, we're ready.

Carol: I know coming to work with your mom and brother isn't too cool for a boy your age, but your babysitter's fighting the Flu this week.

KO: *Holds up their respective Pow Cards* Again? The Flu doesn't stand a chance against Judy! She's like the toughest fighter in the neighborhood!

We then see Punching Judy beating up the Flu in the background, sending it flying with an uppercut to land on the car's windshield.

KO: See?

Carol then wiped the flu off the windshield as Punching Judy went after him.

Punching Judy: Sorry, Carol!

Carol: Go get em hon! *buckles her seatbelt in* We better get out of here before things turn really ugly! Destination, K.O.?

KO: Lakewood. Plaza. Turbo!

The car then started to drive off as we see them going to a plaza as KO Looking out the window, smiling and eyes darting around before he shakes his head

KO: Oh! Can't get distracted. *Opens his Pow Card collection*

Carol: If you train hard enough K.O., you can be one, too!

Dimitri: Mom's right bro.

KO: *Looks up from his Pow Card book* Huh? *Slightly sorrowful* You're both just saying that 'cause you're my mom and older brother...

Carol: Ha! Maybe. But remember this, K.O. You don't start out as a hero. You become one.

Dimitri: It's true bro.

KO: *Shocked*I can become a hero? *He imagines his potential future self in a stylized scene* But where do I begin? Will I wake up as a hero one day? Do I get a cool transformation sequence? *Stops fantasizing* Or maybe I just need a change of clothes. Or maybe I need... *Looks at Mr. Gar's card* less clothes?

Carol then parked the car at the plaza as she steps out of the car

Carol: Everyone in that binder of yours came from humble beginnings, K.O. I mean, even Mr. Gar had to work hard to become the hero he is today.

KO: I don't know about that. I bet he was always level eleven.

Carol: Not when your brother and I first met him.

Dimitri and KO both walked out of the car and followed Carol.

KO: You know Mr. Gar.

Carol: Of course! He runs the whole plaza. Kinda hard to miss him.

They then looked up at the sky.

Dimitri: And speak of the devil here he comes.

Then a flying car drops down from the sky and Mr. Gar comes out by kicking the roof and front-flipping out.

Mr. Gar: Employees!

Then we see a buff alien and girl with purple hair come to him.

Rad and Enid: Yes sir, Mr Gar sir!

Mr. Gar: We got a stack of last month's magazines to throw out...

KO was seen looking at Mr Gar.

KO: He's just too cool!

Mr. Gar: ...in the front! Step on it, people! Let's go, go, go!

Enid and Rad then ran off to do their jobs.

Mr. Gar: Mondays am I right?

Carol: *clears her throat* Morning, Gar!

Mr Gar then got petrified by Carol's presence before his head breaks free to look at her.

Mr. Gar: Uh, uh, morning, Carol! *sees Carol hold up KO and brings Dimitri to her* and, uh, Carol's offsprings.

They then started to walk off.

KO: *looking back at Mr. Gar* It was nice to meet you! Wow! Maybe if I hang around here long enough, Mr. Gar's hero-ness will rub off on me.

Carol: Eh, you could try that, but I'd rather stick to the classic methods.

We then see the three walk into the fitness dojo as they saw three women as they gasped and saw Dimitri and KO.

Ginger: Carol! Don't tell me those are your boys!

Carol: Dimitri, KO, you both remember Gertie, Ginger, and Gladys, don't you?

Carol handed KO to Gertie as she proceeds to hug him.

Dimitri: Of course how can we forget mom's best students?

KO: Guess what! I'm going to become a hero!

Gladys: Aww! K.O., you're too much.

Carol: *Standing up, wiping her hands* Okay, we're set to begin, class!

The women ignored her, still adoring K.O.

Carol: Class!? *sighs in frustration and crossing arms as she started walking*

K.O.: *While dancing* Ha, ha, ha! Me!
A smash is heard off-screen while Carol punches her last plank. When the frame pans, it poofs into dust.

Carol: *With false surprise* Oh, no! My last plank! Darn it! K.O., I'm gonna need you to go down to the bodega and fetch me some more planks. A-and get a little something for yourself. Dimitri please go with your brother.

Dimitri: Yes mom.

We then see the two walking out of the fitness dojo and walk together to the bodega as K.O. repeatedly blows raspberries while he and Dimitri walked together.

Dimitri: Remember buddy, look for what you want, get mom some planks and that's it.

KO: Ok. *Sees many heroes at the plaza* Whoa! So many heroes! *Gasps as he says pulls out two Pow Card.* Sparko, Shy Ninja!

Shy Ninja then vanished as a rubber ducky was seen as the two walked in the plaza together as KO picked up a laser sword, flame gauntlets and a bath towel as he then slipped and made a mess as Rad came.

Rad: Oh, great. I spent the last four hours pretending to clean the store, and now I got to do it for real?

KO: Oh, hi, there, *reads his name tag* Rad. What a rad name.

Rad: Yeah, it's short for Radicles. Back on my home planet, it's a really cool and rare name, too.

KO:  Whoa! You're an alien?

Rad: Yeah.

KO: *Shakes Rad's hand* I'm K.O. *points at Dimitri* and this is my big brother Dimitri, Say, um, can you show me where the lightning nachos are?

The scene cuts to K.O. looking excitedly at the nachos while Rad pours an electrified light-blue sauce over it.

Rad: So, you're choosing the path of the hero, huh? I'm pretty heroic myself. Level 2, if you must know. *Eats a chip as he gets shocked by electricity*

K.O.: Well, anyway, thanks for your help, Rad. we better check out—
Rad: *Stepping in front of K.O. and Dimitri* Oh, so you two need photographic evidence of my righteous feats?

K.O.: Not now. I believe y—

Rad: If you insist... *Pulls out cellphone and shows photos to K.O. and Dimitri* Here's one of me doing my famous power belly flop on a bad guy. And here's me getting the drop on the Chip Damage. Don't worry, we're cool now. *Accidentally shows a photo of a kitten* And here's me—
K.O.Aww, who's the kitty?

Rad*Pulls the phone away in shock* Aah! Uh, uh, she's nobody! It's nothing! *Rad then walks away.*

Dimitri: That's a shocker.

Dimitri then looked and saw Enid at the counter as he then started to blush

KO then noticed Dimitri in his state.

KO: Are you ok bro?

Dimitri: I-I-I'm f-fine...

KO: I got the boards so let's check them out.

He then grabbed Dimitri's arm and dragged him to the counter as Dimitri saw Enid.

KO: Hi, there. My name's K.O. *points at Dimitri* and this is my brother Dimitri. How are you?

Enid: Uh, Enid. And, uh, well, I'm here.

KO: Yeah, here! It's gotta be so much fun coming here every day.

Enid: I take it you've never worked in customer service? *looks at Dimitri and saw him blushing* What's with your face?

Dimitri: N-n-nothing... I'm... Fine....

KO: Nope. I'm a little kid. But I can imagine it— rubbing elbows with the bravest and toughest heroes. *Sighs* You must be exhausted from all that making a difference.

KO: You know, once I buy this stuff, *Places products on counter* I'll be a hero myself! My mom's gonna be so proud of me.

Enid:Hopefully proud enough to foot the huge bill you just racked up.

K.O.: Oh, right.

He then paid for the things as we see the two walk out of the bodega.

Dimitri: Well that went well.

Then everyone began to ran screaming in terror as Dimitri looked to see a portal open up and a box came falling out as it lands at the ground near the plaza as it opens up and reveals a red robot with one eye.

Darrell: I am Darrell, and I've come to destroy!

KO: Hi Darrell.

Dimitri: KO, go to the fitness dojo, I'll take care of this clown.

KO: Ok.

He then ran to the fitness dojo as Rad and Enid came and saw Dimitri.

Dimitri: I'll take him on.

Enid: Whoa, hold up, you don't stand a chance against that thing.

Rad: I think he's got it.

Enid: What, you think Dimitri can beat him?

Rad: Oh. Oh, no, no, no. I meant Darrell's got it. *Chuckles* That kid's gonna get wrecked.

Dimitri: Don't be so sure about that.

He then started to dial an alien as he then transformed into a alien made of blue energy with stone armor

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dimitri: Shock Rock! Oh yeah, time what this guy can do.

He then ran at Darrell as Darrell saw him and then fired a blast at him but the blast got absorbed I to his body as Dimitri smiled at it.

Dimitri: You are in so much trouble.

He then made a ball of blue energy as he then threw it at Darrell making him fly into the air as he crashed into the ground as Dimitri then charged at him and punched Darrell as he stumbled back a bit as Dimitri then kicked Darrell in the face as he was sent to a car and hit it as he got up and growled in frustration.

Darrell: You can't beat me!

Dimitri: Oh I think I can beat you.

He then made blue energy as it became a boomerang.

Enid: Is that a blue boomerang??

Dimitri: A blue Bluemerang.

He then threw the Bluemerang at Darrell as he ducked as it flew past him.

Darrell: Ha! You missed!

Dimitri: Did I?

Then the boomerang started to turn around as Darrell saw it coming as it hit him and exploded as Darrell's head flew and hit the ground as Dimitri picked his head up.

Dimitri: You know something tin man?

Darrell: What?

Dimitri: You should have quit while you were ahead. *makes a baseball bat* Batter up!

He then tossed Darrell's head as Dimitri hit it with the bat making it fly in the sky and land at the factory across the street as Dimitri dusted his hands off.

Dimitri: Well that's that.

He then see Enid and Rad looking at him in complete shock.

Rad: Dude... That was... AWESOME!!!

Enid: How did you do that?

Dimitri: I have a watch that lets me turn into many different super cool aliens.

Rad: Whoa, that's totally macho.

Dimitri: *changes back* Yeah it is macho, and it even helps with things around my life.

We then see Mr Gar come out as he sees the mess as he turns to Enid and Rad: You two clean up this mess!

Enid and Rad: Yes sir!

They then ran to clean up the mess as KO came and saw Dimitri.

KO: What happened?

Dimitri: I just took care of a evil robot.

KO: Wow, I wish I got to see it.

Dimitri: I'll tell you everything in a while right now let's go see the two we just met.

They then walked to Enid and Rad were sweeping up the mess as Dimitri blushed as he saw Enid.

Dimitri: *thinking * Why am I feeling like this around Enid? Is this... Love?

Rad and Enid then looked at Dimitri.

Rad: *chuckles* Yo, Enid, check out Dimitri. Nice face, right?

Enid: Ah... I dunno. I could get used to it.

They then continue to sweep up the mess.

End! Hope you like it cause more will be coming soon and be ready for a surprise soon.

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