Monsters in quahog

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We see at a park as amusement park games were set up as we see Dimitri was doing a ring toss game as snotlout came to him.

Snotlout: What is this?

Dimitri: Amusement park games, Eddy had this idea to make money and we have to demonstrate the point of these games.

Ashton was seen at a whack a mole game as it was called "Whack a Moron"

Ashton: Watch.

He started it up as we see Ed pop up.

Ed: Whack me!

Ashton tried to hit him but missed as we see Tuffnut come out.

Tuffnut: Whack me!

He tried to hit him hut failed as Ruffnut popped out.

Ruffnut: Whack me!

She then ducked and avoided Ashton's hit as Peter came out.

Peter: Whack me!

He then ducked, avoiding Ashton's hit as they all popped out.

Ed, Peter, Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Whack me!

Ashton: Hold still idiots so I can smash Peter's brain in!

They then ducked into the holes.

Dimitri: Bravo, well done Ash, your skill and expertise makes me wanna throw caution into the wind and give you all my money.

Ashton: Ah shaddup!

Ed then popped out along with Peter, Ruff and Tuff as they saw a monster cut out.

Ed: Monsters! We want to be monsters!

They then stood up hitting Ashton and sent him to a strength tester knocking it down as it fell on Ashton as they ran to the cut out and popped out of the monster.

Ed: We are monsters! (Roars and growls) I am just a monster in a boy's body.

Dimitri: If only for a day I could enjoy the serenity of their world.

Ashton then got up as he was seen with the muscular body from the strength tester game on his chest.

Ashton: Hey!

Ashton then ran to the four as they were acting like monsters.

Ashton: Why do you four always have to WRECK EVERYTHING?!?!

Ashton then tackled the four and started beating them up more specifically Peter.

Ed: But Ashton we just wanna be monsters!

Brian: You know Ash, those four could be on to something.

Ashton: What are you talking about?

Dimitri: Picture this Ash, what if Ed, Peter, Ruff and Tuff were really monsters? Their overactive imaginations could lead to big entertainment.

Ashton: Hmmm, you know that does sound cool to watch. Let's do it.

Dimitri: Let's go.

We later see them in the Griffin's house as we see Ed, Peter, Ruff and Tuff are in monster costumes while Ruff and Tuff were in one costume with them both in it.

Eddy: You four better not mess this up.

Ed: (turns to Eddy) We will be the best monsters we can be Eddy.

Ashton: I'm sure you will, here try these on.

Ashton then put masks on the four.

Dimitri: Me and Ash will get the mirrors.

Ashton: You all look very convincing.

They then went to get mirrors leaving Eddy and Snotlout alone with them.

Snotlout: This is gonna be fun.

Eddy: They should have born monsters.

They then started to wait as we seen in Ed, Peter, Ruffnut and Tuffnut's eyes as their visions started to take on a red tint.

Eddy: Man what are they doing? Making mirrors.

They then looked at Ed, Peter, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

Snotlout: What's with them?



Snotlout: Oh crud!

We then outside the house at the window as we see three silhouettes come towards Eddy and Snotlout and attack them as a crashing sound is heard as we see Dimitri and Ashton come down the stairs.

Dimitri: We're back.

Ashton and Dimitri then saw the living room was trashed as Eddy and Snotlout were seen on the floor all beaten up and a massive hole in the wall was seen.

Ashton: What the hell happened here? It's like a tornado hit this room?

Eddy: (gets up) They're animals...

Dimitri: Wait, Ed, Peter, Ruff and Tuff did this?

Snotlout: Who else?!

Eddy: Those idiots attacked us and busted through the wall growling like monsters and Peter grabbed Donna.

Ashton: What?!

Dimitri: We told you guys about their overactive imaginations.

Eddy: Don't look at us, we're the ones who got overimaginated all over.

Dimitri: They're prone to overstimulation, they can't control themselves.

Snotlout: You guys were the ones who dressed them up!

Dimitri: Let's just find them.

We then see them going to a playground as they saw it was all destroyed.

Dimitri: Whoa.

Eddy then saw the swings were all bent to the shape of a chicken as he started to laugh.

Dimitri: This is worse than we thought.

Ashton: This isn't simple as pretending or playacting guys. Ed, Peter and the twins actually believe they're monsters.

Dimitri: We gotta find them and fast.

We then go to a construction site as we see some of the group were there as they heard a roar was heard making Shaggy and Scooby jump in fear as Chris, Hal, and Rad noticed a bag of cheetos.

Chris: Oh boy, snacks.

Hal: Score!

Rad: Awesome.

We then see Dimitri, Ashton, Eddy and Snotlout coming as they saw a tail coming to Chris, Hal and Rad as he was eating the cheetos unaware of the tail.

Dimitri: Chris, look out!

But it was too late as the tail then constricted Rad, Hal and Chris immobilizing them as it pulled them away into a direction.

Eddy: Did you see that?! (Laughs)

Dimitri: What have we done?!

Ashton: We've actually created monsters. This is worse than the time I walked in on your mom taking a shower.

Dimitri: Wait what?

Ashton: Uh oh.

We see a flashback as Ashton was seen walking to the bathroom.

Ashton: I'm gonna be in the shower if anyone needs

He then froze to see Carol was in the shower as he then slowly backed away and closed the door and then fell face first to the floor.

Dimitri: Memo to me, memo to me strangle you when this is over

Dimitri then walked off as we saw the others were searching as they heard another roar as Lois turned and saw Chris' hat on the ground.

Lois: Guys, I think something took Chris.

They then looked to see three shadows looming over them as they then screamed and ran off as we see Dimitri, Ashton, Eddy and Snotlout watching.

Eddy: Did you see that?

Snotlout: They scared the pants off of them! (Laughs)

Dimitri: I fail to see the humor in this.

We then see the others as they were seen running to a house as they went inside as Eddy came to the door.

Eddy: (Bangs on the door) HELP ME! DON'T LET THE MONSTERS EAT ME!!! (Laughs)

Dimitri then pushed Eddy aside and went to the door.

Dimitri: There's no need to be alarmed. They're just playing. They wouldn't even hurt a fly, well they're actually attracted to them.

Ashton: Let's head to the back.

We see the front door was barricaded as they noticed it was silent as we see the door was forced open as we see a tentacle and two arms grab Fred, Joe and Quagmire and pulled them away as we go to the back as we see Eddy trying to open the windows.

Eddy: What's with these stupid windows?!

Dimitri then came to a door and opened it.

Eddy: I hate it when you do that.

We then see the others running as they crashed into them.

Ashton: Ow...

They then see three shadows looming over them as they see Edzilla, Peter was a giant orc like monster and the twins were a two headed dragon as they started to roar.

Eddy: Nice entrance.

The others started to scream as Ashton then started to hear a sound.

Ashton: Huh, what's that?

Then a blast fired to the ground preventing the three from coming closer as they saw a dragon with black scales.

Hiccup: Toothless?

Dimitri: And he's not alone.

They then saw four more dragons coming.

Dimitri: Ash, I have an idea.

Dimitri then whispered into Ashton's ear as we see the monsters coming as Dimitri held up a chicken and Ashton held up a case of beer as the three monsters stopped as Dimitri and Ashton threw the chicken and beer making the three go after them.

Dimitri: *points to a tree house* Come on, to thag tree house, hurry.

We then see them all going to a tree house as they all went inside it.

Dimitri: Let's remain calm, we'll be safe here.

Meg: Are you sure Dimitri?

Dimitri opens the trapdoor.

Dimitri: They're in their own little world now.

It was revealed that the three monsters were seen circling around the tree.

Daphne: We're trapped.

Piper: Now what do we do?

Dimitri: There's only one thing, someone needs to go down there and give them a timeout. I'll go.

Eddy: Killjoy.

Ashton: Shut it Eddy.

Then we see the tree house move as we see outside as it was revealed to be Edzilla banging his head on the tree along with the RuffTuff Dragon as we see the treehouse start to fall apart as everyone falls down as we see some come out of the wreckage.

Ashton: Everyone alright?

Then Edzilla, RuffTuff Dragon and Peter Orc came out as they were seen holding Daphne, Meg, Rias and Carmelita.

Daphne: Help!

Carmelita: Let go!

Dimitri: We're sorry girls!

Ashton: They're just trying to be the best monsters they can-

Eddy then came up in a daze.

Eddy: Hey, if you find any teeth laying around, they're mine.

He then fell down as we later see Edzilla, RuffTuff Dragon and Peter Orc going to the basement of the Griffin's house as they were seen dragging Meg, Carmelita, Daphne and Rias.

Daphne: Where are you taking us?

They then held the four girls up as they saw their mouths opening up.

Meg: Please don't eat us!

They then held up boxes of cereal as the three monsters chomped down on them and chewed up the cereal as they then spat the cereal on Meg, Carmelita, Daphne and Rias covering them head to toe in the cereal.

Daphne: Ok, that is just gross.

Meg: This is so humiliating.

They then stuck the four onto the wall along with the rest of their victims as Dimitri and Ashton were seen watching through a window.

Dimitri: They must be acting out a childish fantasy

Ashton: Or in Peter's case pure stupidity.

Eddy: (laughs) They stuck them to the wall with chewed up cereal! Man they're good!

Ashton: This isn't funny at all! (sees the window opening) They're coming! Hide!

They then hid in a bush as we see the monsters come out and look around as they went into the town as Eddy popped out.

Eddy: What idiots.

Dimitri: Guys come on.

They then went into the basement as they saw the others stuck to the wall.

Ashton: Hang on ladies I'm gonna you down

Eddy: What?

Dimitri: Come on Eddy! Enough is enough, look at them!

Eddy: Fine, we'll get 'em down. For fifty cents a pop.

Ashton: Eddy!

They then froze in horror as they saw three shadows looming behind Eddy.

Eddy: What? (holds up a jar) No skin off my bones. (chuckles) Who's first?

We then see saliva dripping down as it drips into Eddy's jar as Eddy noticed the drool in the jar as he looked up to see Edzilla, RuffTuff Dragon and Peter Orc standing behind them as they opened their mouth ready to eat Eddy as he froze in fear only to be pulled away by Dimitri and Ashton as they were cornered by the three monsters.


The monsters then roared at them.

Dimitri: Hold it right there you four! Haven't you caused enough trouble for today?

Joe: Look at that, Dimitri's yelling at them.

Dimitri: It's all fun and games until someone gets suspended from a wall.

Then the three monsters roared at them as we see the masks get pulled off by someone as Ed, Peter, Ruffnut and Tuffnut were revealed as they saw them.

Ed: Hiya guys.

We then see Roberta as she is seen holding the masks.

Roberta: Hey, mom said you guys can't have any parties unless I'm invited.

Ashton: Thanks Roberta.

Donna: Sweetie?

Roberta: Mom!

She then ran to Roberta and tried to pull her off the wall.

Meg: Ed, the twins and dad pretended to be monsters, and they terrorized the living hell out of us.

Donna: Roberta, be careful. (feels Roberta pulling hard) Sweetie, stop that's too hard!

Then Roberta was pulled into Donna and she plunged face first into Donna's back as we see Roberta trying to pull free but was stuck.

Dimitri: This will take a while.

Later on we see Dimitri and Ashton hiding in the mystery machine.

Dimitri: Ash, I don't think hiding here will save us from harm's way when they come looking for us when we were responsible for all this.

Ashton: Relax, I always keep a couple of years worth of supplies for when the heat gets turned up. (grabs a can of hot dogs) They'll forget about us in no time. (looks around) Hey, did you see a can opener?

Ed then popped out of the can Ashton was holding.

Ed: I am Can-Opener-Man! (holds up the can opener)

Dimitri: What the?

Then Peter came out covered in hot dogs.

Peter: I am Hot Dog Man!

Then Ruff and Tuff came covered in toilet paper.

Ruffnut: We're the toilet paper twins!

Dimitri: Guys, calm down!

Ed: (sees a tissue box) No, no wait!

Ashton: Ed, gimme the stupid can opener!

Ed: (puts the tissue box on his head) I am tissue head!

Dimitri: We lost them Ash.

Ed: I will blow your nose!

The mystery machine was seen moving around.

Ashton and Dimitri: Guys! Stop!

Ed: No, no wait!

Ed, Peter, Ruffnut and Tuffnut then popped out from the roof of the mystery machine.

Ed: We are van buddies! Drive in us!



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