Heroes in quahog

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We see the group as they were seen in the Mystery Machine with Ashton driving

Ashton: You know something? For all the time I was a thief I've never been to Rhode Island.

Dimitri: Well I think it'll be nice to be here.

Ashton: Yeah, it will be nice to be here.

Piper: But I am still surprised to find out that Ashton is our cousin.

Dimitri: Me too.

Daphne: You sure this is the right place?

Dimitri: Of course, uncle Glenn lives in Quahog

Ashton: And he should be at 32 Spooner Street.

Brian: He's our neighbor, and that should be his house over there.

He then pointed at a house as the mystery machine stops as we see Dimitri and Ashton come out and walk to the door.

Ashton: Well, this is it.

Dimitri: Let's do this.

They then knock on the door as we see it open to see a man with a very big chin

Dimitri: Uncle Glenn?

Ashton: Glenn Quagmire?

Glenn: Yeah that's me.

Dimitri: Well it's good to see you, we're your nephews.

Glenn: Nephews?

Ashton: Yeah, Dimitri and I are both your nephews.

Kara: Hold on, how are we even sure that you guys are related to him?

Dimitri and Ashton: Giggity.

Glenn: Oh, I say that. Yep you're my nephews all right.

Ashton: We thought it would be ok to see you.

Dimitri: And we even brought friends with us.

Ashton: We thought we could see what the town is like.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Peter: And I know the perfect way. Quick to the Petercopter!

We then see Peter as he was seen running to a helicopter which was shaped like his head as he then started up the helicopter and immediately crashed in Joe's yard as he jumped out of it as it was tearing up the yard.

Peter: Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh my god! Oh!

We then see a man on a wheelchair come out and see what is happening.

Joe: Peter what the hell?!

Peter: Joe, Joe, get inside! The blades are still spinning!

Joe: Oh my god! Peter what is that thing?!

Peter: Joe! Joe! Get inside!

Joe: It's tearin up my yard! Oh my god!

Peter: No! No! Aaaah!

The Petercopter then stopped as the blades stopped spinning as we see Peter coming to Joe.

Peter: Oh Joe, oh I am sorry buddy.

Joe: It's ok. Look, it's ok.

Peter: Are you ok. Are you alright?

Joe: It's ok. I'm fine. Everybody's fine

Peter: Oh that was scary.

We then see the others looking at what had just happened as Ashton was seen looking like he was trying to contain his laughter


Ashton then fell to the ground rolling around while laughing and saying Giggity.

Dimitri: Ok, why don't we just check out the place.

We see everyone as they were seen going into town as they saw a basement full of kids

Ashton: The hell?

Dimitri: (Turns to Ashton) Report this to the authorities?

Ashton: Go get Joe.

Dimitri: My thoughts exactly.

We later see them as we see Joe putting an old man in a police car as it drives off.

Ashton: Serves you right for pedophilia you perverted old bastard.

Dimitri: Have a good time behind bars! So anything else to do on this tour.

Ashton: Well there is that place Uncle Glenn said that he hangs out called the drunken clam.

Dimitri: Yeah I could go for a drink.

Ashton: Let's go.

We later see them as they were arriving at a bar called The Drunken Clam as they went inside as they were at a table with Glenn.

Ashton: Quaint place Uncle.

Dimitri: We can see why you mostly come here when not getting chicks.

Ashton: Hey Barkeep. Whose leg do you have to hump to get a heart of Wakanda cocktail over here?

Jerome: Coming right up.

Ashton: Jerome? You work here?

Jerome: I own this bar.

Dimitri: You know him?

Ashton: He was the guy to get me to repent for my crimes.

Dimitri: Oh, that was nice of him.

Ashton: It was nice.

Glenn: So what have you both been doing?

Dimitri: Well for me I just happened to be working at a hero supply shop and training to be one of the greatest heroes

Glenn: Really? Oh that's just awesome

Ashton: I happen to be working there as well and it was thanks to Dimitri, he helped me find that I can be a better person.

Dimitri: Even though we are dealing with some problems like my dad being an unwitting supervillain.

Glenn: Whoa, that's a bit tough.

Dimitri: Yeah, but I still want to help him. He may have done terrible things but it doesn't mean that he's beyond help, my dad is still in there somewhere trying to take back control.

Ashton: He's right, I learn a lot from my time with him and the others particularly that people are still themselves no matter what they have become.

Dimitri: Thanks. Say I think I saw a shop when walking, we should check it out.

Ashton: That sounds like a good idea. Don't get too drunk Uncle.

Glenn: Alright.

We see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen inside an antique shop.

Dimitri: Thanks for coming with me, I thought this place would be nice to find mom a gift.

Ashton: Anytime, there is a lot of stuff here, you sure you know what your mom will like?

Dimitri: I've known mom for my entire life and she's a big fan of ancient Arabian antiques

Ashton: How about that?

Dimitri then looked and saw a purple lamp on a shelf.

Dimitri: Perfect, she's gonna love this.

We later see them walking out of the shop as Dimitri is seen holding the lamp.

Ashton: I have to say D, this is a nice lamp.

Dimitri: Yeah. This will look good on mom's shelf.

We later see them arriving to the others as they saw them.

Ashton: Hey guys.

Jessica: What do you guys have?

Dimitri: This is an Arabian antique, I bought it at a shop for mom.

Ashton: Hey it looks like there's some written on it.

Dimitri: Let's see if I can make out what it says.

Dimitri then leaned close to the lamp and read it.

KO: What does it say?

Dimitri: Hmm, it's a bit hard to read, there's a bit of a smudge on it.

Dimitri then rubbed the lamp to get the smudge off as we then saw the lamp started to shake as we saw the others backing up a bit as Dimitri then dropped the lamp as we then saw it shoot out purple smoke as the others watched.

???: Greetings master, I am here to grant anything that you desire, for I am-

Then coughing was heard as the others watched to see someone fanning away the smoke as they all saw that it was a girl with purple hair wearing a red bedlah outfit as she was seen trying to fan the smoke away.

Shantae: (coughs) Sorry, still working on my entrance.

Ashton: Wait, so this lamp actually has a genie in it?

Shantae: I'm technically a half genie. My name is Shantae.

Ashton: Right, sorry.

Shantae: It's ok. Where was I?

Rowan: Uh, something, something, master. Something, something, desire.

Shantae: Thank you.

KO: Wait, does this mean Dimitri gets anything he wants?

Shantae: That's right, he can wish for anything. But he has to be specific with his words

Dimitri: Alright, so I need to think of my three wishes carefully, got it.

Shantae: But before you think of your wishes we have to explain the rules. First off, you can't make a wish to kill someone, secondly, you can't make a wish to make someone fall in love with someone, thirdly you can't make a wish to bring people back from the dead.

Peter: (raises his hand) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Shantae: And the rules state that you can't make a wish for more wishes.

Ashton: So shut up Peter!

Peter: Aw man...

Ashton: If you so much as look at that lamp I'm hurting you.

Kara: But what is he gonna wish for?

Babs: Oh, wish for an ultra deluxe 1st edition Batman comic!

Hal: No, wish for a new football!

Rad: No! Wish for a super rad car!

Ashton: Everyone shut up! Dimitri bought the lamp so he gets to decide what he should wish for, so don't try to give him any ideas.

Dimitri: Hmmm, I can wish for anything I want.

Shantae: That's right, anything.

Dimitri: Hmmm, well what is it that you would wish for Shantae?

Shantae: Me?

Rad: What? First you get to wish whatever you want and now you want to ask what the genie wants?

Ashton: Shut the hell up Rad, genies have feelings and dreams too.

Shantae: Well nobody ever asked me that well... No, it's just pointless.

KO: What is it? Please tell us.

Shantae: Freedom.

Ashton: Of course. If I was your master I'd free you the first chance I got.

Peter: But why can't she be free?

Brian: Peter, the only way a genie can be free if their master wishes for it.

Shantae: Exactly and the last time that happened was about... never in 10,000 years.

Dimitri: Well I'll wish for your freedom.

Shantae: Really?

Dimitri: Of course, after I use my first two wishes for me and Ashton.

Ashton: Really? You're giving me a wish?

Dimitri: Yeah, and after that I'll use my third wish for Shantae's freedom.

Ashton: And no Peter I'm not wishing for anything for you!

Peter: Aw...

Dimitri: And neither will I. Selfish fat man child.

Ashton's ears prick up

Ashton: There's a pair of ladies in trouble. I'll be right back.

Ashton then left as we a mother and daughter both of them had dark skin as they were being held down by two homeless men

Ashton: Hey! Let them go, or you're gonna be sorry.

Homeless man: Really? You and what army bub.

Ashton then slammed his watch and transformed into Four Arms.

Ashton: This army ya bum. (Cracks his knuckles) Now get off the ladies or I'm gonna get nasty.

Ashton then started to walk up to them.

Ashton: So what's it gonna be? The easy way? (slams his fists) Or the hard way?

The two homeless men then ran off

Ashton: Good call. (changes back) Are you two ok?

Donna: Yeah. I haven't seen you before.

Ashton: Oh where are my manners? Hi, my name is Ashton Salazar. Don't tell me your names are Donna and Roberta Tubbs right?

Donna: Yeah, how'd you know?

Ashton: Your IDs fell out of your purses (holds up their IDs) Trust me I hope I didn't snoop I ain't that kind of guy.

Donna: I believe you.

Ashton: Well I was with my friends and I had the feeling that there was trouble and lo and behold there was. But come on let's get you two home and patched up.

We later see them with the others as we see Dimitri as he was wrapping up bandages on Donna and Roberta's wounds.

Dimitri: There.

Ashton: I didn't know you knew first aid Cous.

Dimitri: I did medical training when I was twelve.

Ashton: So with those patched up are you two ok?

Donna: Yeah, we're fine.

Ashton: In more ways than one. Giggity. Oops.

Dimitri: Force of habit?

Ashton: Yep. I swear I'm not a pervert.

Donna: Don't worry I believe you.

Brian: But still where did Dimitri even learn to do medical training?

Dimitri: Back when I was still in POINT, I took a lot of different kinds of things back as a junior member.

Ashton: Ok, remind me to tell us about your days in POINT.

Dimitri: I will, but most of the skills I learned from my mom.

Peter: You know what you are, a mama's-

Ashton grabs a knife and puts it to Peter's throat

Ashton: Finish that sentence and I swear to god I will slice you up so finely people will think I made roast beef.

Dimitri then calmly walked to Peter and then grabbed his arm and held it to his back twisting it making Peter scream in pain.

Dimitri: Still think I'm a mama's boy?

Peter: Uncle! Uncle!

Dimitri: Thought so. (Lets Peter go)

KO: So what are you and Ashton gonna wish for?

Dimitri: Well let's see, the first wish will be...

Ashton whispers something in Dimitri's ear

Dimitri: Oh that's good.

Dimitri then came to Shantae and whispered into her ear about the first wish.

Shantae: Are you sure about that?

Dimitri: Yes.

Shantae: Ok well your wish is my command.

Shantae then snapped her fingers as Meg was seen in a puff of smoke as they saw that Meg now looked beautiful.

Dimitri: Ok Ash, it's your turn.

Ashton: Thank you, Shantae I wish that I was able to summon any weapon from games and...

Ashton writes a note and hands it to Shantae

Shantae: Oh that's sweet. Done.

She then snapped her fingers as we see Joe get up from his chair

Joe: Impossible. I can walk again!

Ashton: You're welcome Uncle Joe.

KO: So that means Dimitri can make his last wish.

Dimitri: Shantae, I wish that you're free.

Shantae then looked to see the bracelets on her wrists had come off showing that she was now free.

Shantae: I can't believe it, I'm free, I'm finally free. I need to make sure that I am free. Guys ask me something quick.

Rad: Uh how about a fast car?

Shantae: No way!

Ashton: See, your free Shantae.

Shantae: Thank you guys.

Dimitri: I told you that we would grant you freedom, and we always make our promises.

Shantae: Thank you.

She then hugged Dimitri as the others watched.


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