Through the tournament

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We see everyone as they were seen at the lakeside.

Dumbledore: (over loudspeaker) Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These six treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own.

We see Dimitri, Ashton, and Harryas they were seen holding plants

Ashton: And Neville just said to eat this stuff?

Harry: That's what he said.

Dimitri: And how long does the effect of this stuff last exactly?

Harry: I have no idea.

Ashton: Down the hatch I guess.

Dimitri: So we just eat this, go in the lake, find what we need and come back as quickly as possible.

The three then eat the plants as they start to gag on it as we see them get pushed into the water by Nevile as the three were sent into the water as the three were seen in the water as they saw their hands and feet become fins and have gills. At the crowd we see Dimitri, Ashton and Harry jump out of the water like dolphins and the crowd cheered for them as we see the three swimming through the water as they then heard a singing voice echoing through the lake.

Ashton: Come on, the voice is coming from that direction.

We then see them swimming to where the voice was coming from as they look to see Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, a blonde girl from Beauxbatons, Rias, and Carmelita tied in place by their ankles with rope.

Ashton: Carmelita!

Dimitri: Hold on, we're coming!

They then swam to them as they saw Cedric as he had freed Cho Chang and tapped his watch to let them know that they are running out of time as we see Dimitri and Ashton swimming to Rias and Carmelita to free them.

Ashton: Who tied these knots Batman?!

Dimitri: Just hurry and get them to the surface

Ashton and Dimitri then got them both free as they looked to see a shark coming and saw it had legs and saw it was Krum as he freed Hermione and swam up to the surface as Dimitri and Ashton were seen bringing Rias and Carmelita to the surface as Dimitri and Ashton noticed the girl from Beauxbatons was still tied down

Ashton: I'm going back down for her!

Dimitir then nodded as he proceeded to bring both Rias and Carmelita to the surface as we see them come up to the surface as they woke up and looked around

Carmelita: (says where the f am I in Spanish)

Rias: (Sees Dimitri) Dimitri, what's going on?

Dimitri: It's a long story.

Harry: Where's Ashton?

Dimitri: He went to save the girl Fleur was supposed to save

As Dimitri said that the blonde girl comes and Ashton shoots out of the lake and lands on the platform the crowd was standing on covered in scratches and bite marks

Ashton: I say to thee OW!!!!!

We then see The others coming out of the lake as we see Carmelita run to him.

Carmelita: Ashton, are you alright? (cups Ashton's cheeks)

Ashton: I'm fine.

Carmelita: Good. (brings Ashton's face close to her's) Then what in the name of all that is decent is going on?

Ashton: Magic Contest.

Dimitri: We'll explain when we get inside and get you both inside and dried up.

We later see them in the Gryffindor tower as Carmelita and Rias were seen wearing only towels as Dimitri and Ashton were both explaining everything to them.

Dimitri: And so me and Ashton are both competing in the Triwizard tournament. Our names got entered in this thing but we didn't do it.

Ashton: So we have no choice but to participate in the tournament as champions.

Carmelita: I see.

Rias: But why us?

Dimitri: We have no earthly idea.

Ashton: We assume that you two are something important to us in the second task.

Rias: Alright, and seeing that we're here I suppose that all we can both do is cheer for you two.

Ashton: We appreciate that.

Ashton kisses Carmelita on the cheek.

Carmelita: Thank you.

Ashton: Anytime Carm.

Dimitri: Well I think we should be getting ready for tomorrow.

Ashton: That's right with the third challenge coming up.

Dimitri: So we better get to bed then.

Ashton: Yeah, we all should.

Carmelita: Then I'll be sleeping with Ashton if I'm staying here.

Ashton: Ok, then I'll be heading to bed.

Dimitri: And guess that means Rias is gonna be bunking with me. Oh and Rias no nakedness while we're here.

Rias: Why not?

Dimitri: One, cause this is a school and two there are perverts here and this belongs to me and me alone.

Ashton: Dude that sounds so wrong!

Dimitri: Hey, I am only stating the fact that she's my girlfriend, you would've done the same if it involved Carmelita.

Ashton: Good point. But we all should head to bed now.

Dimitri: Alright, good night.

Ashton: Good night.

Dimitri: And remember Rias, no nakedness.

Rias: (pouts) Meanie.

Dimitri: It's for your own good, I'm just trying to keep you safe.

Rias: Oh alright, but when we come back home I will be sleeping the way I usually sleep.

Dimitri: Alright. Let's just get some sleep.

Rias then grabbed Dimitri as we see he was being hugged by her in bed and Dimitri was seen held close to her chest. We see Ashton as Carmelita was seen holding him close to her in his bed as Carmelita was keeping Ashton close to her chest.

Ashton: Yup, just like old times.

We see Dimitri as he was seen coming out of the room in the gryffindor tower as he was seen walking through the hall as he sees Ashton.

Dimitri: Ashton?

Ashton: (sees Dimitri) Couldn't sleep?

Dimitri: Yeah.

Ashton: Me neither, I'm just thinking about what we have to go through tomorrow.

Dimitri: Like the third task of the Triwizard game which could possibly be the hardest one of all?

Ashton: Yeah, but why do I have this feeling that something really bad is gonna happen?

Dimitri: You're not the only one having that feeling dude.

Ashton: Well whatever it is we should worry about it tomorrow.

Dimitri: Right, so we better get ready for tomorrow.

Ashton: Ok.

We see the two as they went to their rooms as we went to the next day as we see a crowd gathered around a maze as we see Dimitri, Ashton, Harry, Cedric, Fleur and Krum all at the entrance of the maze

Dumbledore: Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizards Cup in the center of the maze, only he knows its exact position. Our champions must navigate through the maze and find it and the one to do so shall be the winner! Now as Mr. Diggory, Potter, Kincaid, and Salazar finished the second task with a tie they shall enter the maze first, followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. Champions prepare yourselves!

We see the champions all come to the entrance of the maze as we see Ashton give Carmelita and Fleur kisses on the cheek

Ashton: Wish me luck.

Carmelita: Go win this Ash.

Ashton: Thanks.

We then see the cannon fire as we see the champions go into the maze through different entrances as we see Dimitri as he sees the entrance close behind him and a heavy mist sets in as he looks up and sees the maze is many stories tall as we see Ashton as he was seen traversing through the maze as he hears screaming and he sees Fleur running.

Ashton: Fleur? What's wrong?

Ashton then looked and saw something coming as he then sees a blast of magic as he grabs Fleur and ducks avoiding the attack as he then sees the walls starting to move closing in.

Ashton: (helps Fleur up) Move!

He and Fleur began to run as we see them running as the walls were starting to close as they then tripped and saw plantlife trying to pull them in as they tried to get them off as they then see the plants get burned by a blast of fire and they looked to see Dimitri as Swampfire.

Ashton: Alright Swampfire!

Dimitri: Figured you guys need a green thumb.

Dimitri then moved his hand as we then see the walls started to open as Cedric and Harry found them

Ashton: Hey guys!

Dimitri: Now let's find that cup.

Harry: Look there it is!

They then saw the cup as they all came to it.

Ashton: We came this far, so all together.

Dimitri: On three.

Ashton: One.

Cedric: Two.

Fleur: Three!

They then grabbed the cup as we then see them land in a graveyard.

Ashton: Guys?

Dimitri: The cup, it's a portkey!

Harry then looked around and sees that they were next to a statue of the angel of death

Harry: We are in so much trouble

Ashton: What is it Harry?

Harry: I've been here, in my dreams.

Harry clutches his forehead as Ashton does the same

Dimitri: What's going on?

Harry: Guys, get to the cup!

Ashton: Cedric, get Fleur to safety!

They then looked to see a man as he was seen carrying a deformed baby

Baby: Kill the spare.

The man then fired a spell at Cedric only for a wall of vines to block it

Dimitri: Oh no you don't

Then we see the statues grab them, trapping them as we see Wormtail walk to a cauldron.

Baby: Do it, now!

We then see Wormtail drop something into the cauldron.

Wormtail: Bones of the father, unwillingly given.

A bone then hovers in the air under Wormtail's control as it drops into the cauldron.

Wormtail: Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed.

Wormtail then took out a knife and cut his hand off as it fell into the cauldron.

Wormtail: Blood of the enemy forcibly taken.

Wormtail then came to Harry and cut his arm and dripped some of his blood into the cauldron

Wormtail: Machines of the monster given back.

Wormtail then came to Ashton as grabbed his eye and dropped it into the cauldron

Wormtail: The dark lord will rise again!

The cauldron then burst into flames as they all look to see a man emerging from the cauldron

Dimitri: It's him.

Ashton: Oh god that is unsettling.

Voldemort: My wand Wormtail.

Wormtail then came to Voldemort and handed him his wand as we see death eaters come

Ashton: Hey baldy!

Dimitri: You better let us go!

Ashton: Dimitri let me handle this.

Dimitri: Alright.

Ashton: Just get to the cup with the others and I'll be right behind you.

Dimitri: Alright.

Dimitri then broke free as he then started to get the others to the cup as he then turned to see Ashton.

Dimitri: But, I can't leave him behind. That's not right. I need to help him. I can't be like my dad.

TDimitri: Do you finally see the truth?

Dimitri then started to scream and clutch his head as he fell to his knees.

TDimitri: Do you know the true face of villainy?

Dimitri then looked to see his shadow as it had white glowing eyes.

TDimitri: They condemn the innocent to slavery. Pretend they do not see their agony. (looks at Dimitri) Just as you once did. But another story must begin.

Dimitri then fell to his hands and knees.

TDimitri: Now, show your father that you will cast a different shadow. I am thou, thou art I... If you yet seek your true destiny, we will see it done.

Dimitri then slammed his fist to the ground as the shadow's eyes vanished.

Dimitri: Fine, seal the contract.

We then see Ashton as he was seen dodging a blast of magic and firing a blast of fire as Voldemort only sent it back to him, sending him back as he sees Dimitri coming.

Ashton: Dimitri, I thought I told you to head back with the others.

Dimitri: I'm not leaving you behind, I can't let you get killed, you said it to me once, what would your kids be like without you?

Ashton: You're... You're right. I can't leave them behind.

Mysterious Voice: Are you willing to protect the ones you love with your very life?

Ashton then screamed and held his head.

Mysterious Voice: Are you willing to sacrifice everything you have to save them? Is the former street thief ready to risk his life? Shall the hero seize his own destiny?

Ashton: Yes I'll do whatever just make it stop!

Mysterious Voices: Then you may only call our names. I am thou, thou art I, our names are...

Ashton: WINDOM!!!

Dimitri: RAYEARTH!!!

We then see the two were engulfed in light as we see the light fade as the two were seen in knight armor as Dimitri's was red with fire as Ashton's was green with wings as the death eaters look in shock as we see Dimitri raising up his arm wielding a war claw and sent a powerful slash as it knocked the death eaters far away

Ashton: You guys get to Hogwarts. I have to make a pit stop and get some people out of prison for good behavior.

Dimitri: Very well.

We then see them heading to the cup as they ported to Hogwarts as we see Ashton as he took off into the sky as we see him heading to Azkaban as we see him going in as he was seen going to a cell.

Ashton: Hey pretty lady.

We then see the cell had a woman inside

Bellatrix: Die you filthy muggle!

Ashton: Hey I'm just here to get you out along with freeing you from mind control and proving your cousin's innocence.

Bellatrix: Why should I believe you?

Ashton: Cause I brought someone that is gonna take you and your cousin's place in Azkaban. Say hello Pettigrew!

He then held up Wormtail as Bellatrix smiled.

Bellatrix: I see now.

We then go to Hogwarts as we see Ashton coming to the others.

Dimitri: Ash, glad you came.

Ashton: Sorry I was a bit late, I just had to pick up a few people and drop off the real criminal

Dimitri: Well it's nice to know that will be good. We should get you to a doctor or a healer and fix that eye

Ashton: Yeah.

We then see them walking together.

Piper: Guys, I am starting to think that something is suspicious.

Dimitri: What?

Piper: Don't you two think that it's a coincidence that you two and Harry had your names in the goblet of fire and that you three had wound up in that graveyard?

Ashton: And had my eye yanked out of my face!

Piper: My point is someone must have set this whole thing up from the very beginning.

Ashton: But who could have planned all this?

Piper: (Thinks for a minute) I think I might, Ash, you and Dimitri get Dumbledore and the professors and meet me at Professor Moody's office, I'll explain when you're there.

Dimitri: Come on Ash.

Ashton: Right.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton as they were accompanied by Dumbledore and the professors as they were seen going to the door to Moody's office as Piper was seen there.

Ashton: Ok we're here, now what?

Piper: I'll show you.

She then blasted the door open as we see Moody get knocked into a chair.

Piper: Ash, Dimitri hold him down!

Dimitri and Ashton then ran to Moody and held him as we see Piper come to Moody and she poured a bottle of liquid into Moody's mouth.

Piper: Are you Alastor Moody?

Moody: No.

Piper: Is he in this room?

Moody then nodded his head yes as he looked at the chest.

Piper: Guys, stand back.

She then pointed her wand at the chest as we see it open up as a series of smaller chests began to open up as the smallest chest was revealed to be deep as they all looked to see the real Alastor Moody was in there.

Ashton: Wait, if that's Professor Moody (points at "Moody) then who's that?

Piper then held up one of Moody's bottles and sniffed it.

Piper: Just as I thought, it's Polyjuice potion.

Ashton: What's that?

Piper: It's a potion used to make people change into anyone. Look.

They all looked to see "Moody" shake around as he then removed the fake eye as they watched him change into a man as he looked at everyone.

Ashton: Who's that?

Dumbledore: Barty Crouch Jr.

Piper: And the one who put your names in the goblet of fire.

Ashton then clenched his fist in anger.

Ashton: I lost an eye because of this douche?! I AM PISSED!!!!!!!

Ashton then tackled Barty Jr and started to pound him.

Dumbledore: You three done well.

Dimitri: Well you should be thanking Piper, she's the one who figured the mystery out.

Piper: Hey, when you travel with friends who are mystery solvers, you pick up a thing or two.

Dumbledore: Sirius, get Harry to the hospital wing. I'll take to our American friends

Sirius: Yes.

We later see them in Dumbledore's office as he hands Ashton a glass ball

Ashton: What's this?

Dumbledore: That is an enchanted glass eye.

Ashton then put the eye in his eye socket as he then looked to see that he was able to see the skeletons of everyone in the room

Ashton: Gah! Skeletons!

Dimitri: Ash, I think that eye is letting you see our skeletons.

Ashton: Really? How do I make it stop?

Dumbledore: Give it a few smacks.

Ashton then smacked the eye a few times as he then looked to see that he could see them normally.

Ashton: That's better.

Dimitri: Well that was nice of you to give him a new eye Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: Oh it's no trouble at all. He can now fire spells from his eye.

Ashton: Ok, that is cool, thanks for the new eye Dumbledore. I suppose after what happened we all have to head home don't we?

Dumbledore: You three are always welcome to Hogwarts.

Ashton: Thank you sir.

Dimitri: We should see how everyone is doing.

We then go to the outside of Hogwarts as we see that everyone was getting ready to head home.

Ashton: Well this sure was fun.

Dimitri: Yeah. Maybe we could do this again.

Ashton: But next time let's leave Voldemort out of it.

Dimitri: Agreed, so this means we will be going to see our Uncle?

Ashton: It does.

Dimitri: Then let's do it.


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