New employees

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We see Dimitri walking through the sidewalk as he had a lemon in his hand and took a bite out of it as he was seen walking to Lakewood Plaza as he was walking to the plaza a boy ran by and ran around him.

Mataro: Whoa! Sorry!

He then ran off to an alley.

Mataro: That was a piece of cake.

He then saw that he was holding a half eaten lemon.

Mataro: What?! I could have sworn I grabbed his wallet.

Dimitri: That wasn't very nice, snowflake.

He then turned and saw Dimitri.

Dimitri: Stealing half eaten lemons from people? Are you really that desperate to grab a snack?

Mataro: Don't be getting all cute with me punk, I get way more action than you ever will!

Ashton: Hey D. The shrimp bugging you?

Dimitri: I was just gonna teach this punk a lesson.

Ashton: Don't bother. *demonic voice* Allow me.

Dimitri: Ok.

But as Ashton was about to grab Mataro a backpack was seen tossed at Mataro hitting him.

Ashton: What the?

Mako: Hold it!

They then saw a girl tackle Mataro pinning him to the ground.

Mako: Mugging folks at the crack of dawn again huh?

Mataro: Crap! It's my big sister!

Mako: *grabs Mataro in a headlock* How many times do I have to tell you to stop taking people down and get your fanny to school. Do you have a death wish or something?

Mataro: I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!

They then watched Mataro as he was seen running off to school.

Mako: Dumb little jerk. *turns to Dimitri and Ashton* Sorry about that.

Ashton: Whatever.

Dimitri: Well thanks for the help, now me and Ash are gonna be going to our jobs.

Mako: Where do you two work?

Ashton: Gar's bodega.

Mako: Wow, that's where we're going to start our new jobs.

Ashton: Wait what?!

Dimitri: We? What do you mean "we"?

Mako: Me and my friend Ryuko, I found a job application and decided to get us both jobs here.

Ashton: Ryuko is coming here?

Mako: Yeah, you know her?

Ashton: You two weren't followed by anyone but the shrimp were you?

Mako: Nope, why do you ask?

Ashton: *nervous chuckle* No reason.

Dimitri then saw a girl with black hair and a red streak in her hair and wearing a black school uniform.

Dimitri: Mako, is that Ryuko?

Mako: That is her! Hey Ryuko! Over here!

Ryuko then saw Mako, Dimitri and Ashton as she walked to them.

Dimitri: Hold on.

Dimitri then searched his pocket and he pulled out a pow card as it had Ryuko on it.

Dimitri: Yup, that's her alright.

Mako then grabbed the pow card and looked at it.

Mako: Wow! Ryuko look! There's a card with you in it!

She then handed Ryuko the pow card as Ryuko saw it.

Ryuko: Huh. Cool

Dimitri: Um Ryuko, can I have that pow card back please?

Ryuko: Ok.

She then handed Dimitri the pow card.

Dimitri: Well since you two will be our new co-workers let's show you the bodega.

They then walked inside the bodega as they saw Enid, Rad and KO.

Dimitri: Guys, we would like you to meet our new employees, Ryuko and Mako.

Then KO came up to Ryuko's face.

KO: Hi! My name's KO, it's really nice to meet you.

Then Ryuko pushed KO off

Ryuko: Get out of my face!

Dimitri: Bro, what were you thinking?

Ryuko: Wait brother? He's your brother? I'm so sorry.

Dimitri: It's alright, KO just likes to meet new friends.

Ashton: Since you met KO, *points at Rad and Enid* over there is Rad and Enid.

Ryuko: So what do you guys mostly do here?

Dimitri: Keep the plaza clean, stock up shelves and there are also times where we also fight robots.

Ryuko: Huh, sounds like you guys have fun with your jobs.

Ashton: Yeah.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton as they were both stocking up the shelves.

Mako: Oh Dimitri, Ashton!

They both turned and saw Mako was flying towards the two and ducked as Mako then crashed into a trashcan as she then got up.

Mako: Aw, why did you both dodge me like that?

Ashton: That's what people do when weirdos come flying at them.

Mako: Aw, I was just trying to give my besties a hug.

Dimitri: Besties?

Mako: Yeah, we're coworkers now so we're totally besties.

Ashton: We are not besties.

Mako: Can I help you guys?

Ashton: Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?

Mako: Not until 4. But can I help, please?

Ashton: Fine. *hands Mako a box of supplies* Here you can hold the box.

Mako: Alright.

Dimitri: Uh Mako, why don't you make yourself useful and grab the mop and bucket, it's the first closet on the left.

Mako: Ok. *starts walking* I know what to do, they must think I'll walk past the closet and open some other door.

We then see her walking past the supply closet as she then opens a door next to it.

Ashton: Now that Mako's out of the way we can finish stocking these shelves up, and there's absolutely no way she can screw things up. Absolutely no way.

Then a crash was heard as Dimitri and Ashton perked up at the noise and turned to see Mako as they both saw a mess.

Ashton: Mako!

Mako: Oops.

We later see the mess was cleaned back up as we see them outside.

Dimitri: Well even though Mako made a mishap, perhaps we can find her a job she can do right.

Ashton: Perhaps mop up the floors.

Dimitri: Yeah, better have her do that while we fight boxmore bots. *sees the sky turn purple* Oh and speak of the devil, it's time for the main part.

They then saw a box come out from a portal and lands at the ground near the bodega as it opens up to reveal a robot that looks like a black and red hedgehog

Dimitri: Uh, are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?

Ashton: You mean the robot that looks like a video game character.

Dimitri: Yup. Alright let's do this. *to his watch* Ok watch, surprise me.

He then slammed his watch as he became a reptilian humanoid wearing a green and black suit wearing gauntlets that resemble grenades as the badge was seen on his chest.

Dimitri: Crash Cannon! Ok who's this?

Ashton: So what can this guy do?

Dimitri: No idea, but let's find out.

They then saw Ryuko held up her hand that was wearing a red glove with a pin in it as she removed it as she was wearing a very revealing outfit

Ashton started to panicking as he spots a young woman with a katana staring at the robot

Ashton: I gotta get out of here. D, you gotta hide me! *sees Dimitri was fighting the robot with Ryuko* Fine! I'll hide myself!

He then ran off to hide as we see Dimitri as he saw the robot coming and grabbed it as he was starting to sweat as a drip of sweat exploded when it hit the ground

Dimitri: Oh ho ho! You are in so much trouble!

He then brought his hand which had sweat on it to the robot's face as it made an explosion damaging it heavily

Ryuko: Explosive sweat? Nice.

Dimitri: Nice is right! *looks at his gauntlets* And I think I know what these are for.

He then raised his arm at the robot as he had his finger on the pin of his gauntlet.

Dimitri: Hasta la vista baby!

He then released the pin as the gauntlet released a blast as it destroyed the robot as the pieces were scattered.

Dimitri: Lakewood plaza one, Boxmore zero.

Ryuko: Pretty good back there.

Dimitri: Thanks, although I want to ask what's the deal with the outfit I won't because it's none of my business.

Ryuko: It was made by my dad to help me be stronger.

Dimitri: But why is it so... like that?

Ryuko: I don't know, ok, don't judge me.

Dimitri: I'm not judging, I think the look fits you.

Ryuko: Thanks I guess.

Carol: Son!

Dimitri then turned and saw Carol who was covering KO's eyes and was a little angry

Ryuko: Who is that?

Dimitri: That's... *changes back* my mom. *smiles nervously* Uh, hi mom.

Carol: Don't you "Hi Mom" me!

KO: *while his eyes are covered* Who turned out the lights?

Carol: Hush KO. Mommy is grounding your big brother.

Dimitri: For what?!

Carol: You know why. *points at Ryuko* Her outfit is highly inappropriate!

Dimitri: But you can't ground me, I'm a hero!

Carol: The heck I can't! I'm still your mother!

Ashton: HEY! LET GO OF ME!

They then turned and saw Ashton who was being grabbed by four people.

Dimitri: Uh, can we discuss this later? Right now Ash needs help.

Carol: Fine. *to the group of four* Hey! Leave him alone!

They then ran to the four people who had their grip on Ashton.

Dimitri: What did he ever do to you guys?

The biggest of the four showed him a wanted poster with Ashton's face on it

Gamagori: He's wanted for numerous thefts back home in Japan.

Ashton: I was only taking what I needed to survive! I was freaking homeless! And you're gonna put me to death over a few loaves of bread!

Dimitri: Look, can't we just talk this out?

Gamagori: I'm afraid not. The guilty must be punished.

Dimitri: Alright then you leave me no choice.

He then dropped a smoke bomb covering the area in smoke as he grabbed Ashton and vanished

Houka: It appears he's more resourceful than he looks.

Satsuki: Find them.

Elite four: Yes lady satsuki.

Satsuki then looked at the plaza

Satsuki: This plaza is now under new management. Mine.

Rad: Hey, you can't just take the plaza. Mr. Gar owns the plaza.

Gamagori: Lady Satsuki can and will. Order must be made.

We then go to see Dimitri and Ashton who were hiding in an alleyway.

Dimitri: Ashton, explain to us why this lady is after you, I thought you would owe someone something.

Ashton: I was homeless ok! I had no family or friends and I had to live in a freaking box!

Dimitri: Oh, sorry to hear that but think of it now, since we met your life changed, you now have us. If we can talk to Satsuki we can have her change her mind and let you go.

Ashton: Yeah right. I'm out of here.

Ashton then started to walk away and began to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton: "Riffraff, street rat" I don't buy that If only they'd look closer Would they see a poor boy? No, sirree​​ They'd find out There's so much more to me.

He then pulled out his phone and saw a photo of himself with Dimitri, KO, Rad and Enid together as he then sighed.

Ashton: Maybe Dimitri is right, if I hadn't met him I'd still be a thief.

He then ran off to find Dimitri as we see Dimitri who was standing in place who was looking at something as Ashton came to him.

Ashton: Hey, D, I want to tell you I'm in with your plan. *sees Dimitri looking at something* What is it?

Dimitri then made Ashton look at the direction he was facing and saw Lakewood Plaza as they saw the elite four at the bodega.

Ashton: Looks like we won't be getting in that easy.

Dimitri: *sees white sheets* Ash I have an idea, *grabs the sheets* what if we disguise ourselves with these.

Ashton: Ok if you say so.

We then see the two wearing the sheets as cloaks as they walk in the plaza.

Dimitri: *whispers* Just act natural.

They then walked to the bodega doors as they both bowed to the elite four as they then bowed back letting them go inside.

Nonon: Are you guys stupid?! He's getting away!

The others then turned and saw Dimitri and Ashton as Uzu then grabbed Ashton's hood

Uzu: So thief. Thought you could escape us? What do you say now?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton: Um, Sayonara?

They both then started to run away leaving their cloaks behind as we see them going to a wrestling ring as they saw the ring as we see Gamagori enter as he looked around as we see Dimitri as Crash Cannon and Ashton as Quad Smack both wrestling with each other as Ashton then fell on Gamagori as Dimitri and he both ran out as we see Uzu and Houka both going to a building as we see Enid dressed as a geisha as she made some tea and placed peppers in them as she made two cups of tea and handed to Uzu and Houka as they both drank it and then ran out of the building as we see Dimitri and Ashton who were at the counter as the elite four came as they both were dressed like Sushi chefs as Nonon made an order as the two began to make their order as they brought their food to them and started to eat we see Dimitri and Ashton sneaking up behind them and wrap then up in seaweed. We then see the two hiding in a dumpster as they peeked out to see if the elite four were around.

Ashton: *Whispers* You see them?

Dimitri: *whispers* No sign of them. I think we lost them.

???: Lost who?

They then looked and saw an orange female robot

Dimitri: Shannon?

Ashton: Hi sweetie.

Dimitri: You know her?

Ashton: She's my girlfriend.

Dimitri: Oh.

Shannon: What are you two doing?

Dimitri: Long story short, we're hiding from someone and trying to get someone to change their mind and see Ashton has changed.

Shannon: Oh.

Ashton: *sees Satsuki walking by* Get down D!

They both then ducked as Satsuki was seen walking near the alleyway as Ashton was about to sneeze but Dimitri covered his mouth as Ashton sighed only for an explosion to go off as they both peaked out and saw a building starting to collapse.

Dimitri: *to Ashton* Ash, we need to help.

Ashton: But Satsuki.

Dimitri: Dude, we're heroes, we need to do what's right. So come on.

Ashton: You're right.

They both then got out of the dumpster as we see the two going to the building as we see Dimitri turn into an alien that was yellow and resembled an armadillo with pistons in its arms with the badge on his chest.

Dimitri: Armodrillo!

He then morphed his hand into a drill and then created a hole as Ashton went inside

Satsuki: What is he doing!?

Dimitri: Saving people. Ask yourself this Satsuki, would a thief risk his own life to save innocent lives? Ashton is not the person you thought he was anymore.

We then see Ashton as he was leading people out of the building

Man: My son, he's still inside!

Dimitri: Don't worry, I'll get him out quick

He then tapped his badge and became a tiger alien who was dressed as a lucha wrestler with the badge on his belt.

Dimitri: Rath! Lemme tell ya something watch, even Rath knows this isn't a job for Rath! *points at the man* And you! Stop worrying!

We then see Dimitri and Ashton in the building.

Dimitri: Hello, tiny boy with a worried dad?

Then a beam fell by and embers got on Dimitri's face.

Dimitri: You wanna piece of Rath fire? You got it! *punches himself in the face*

They then hear a boy scream as we see a boy holding a teddy bear as he sees the ceiling coming down but was held by Dimitri.

Boy: Kitty!

Dimitri: Kitty? Kitty?! *throws the ceiling and picks the boy up.* Lemme tell ya something tiny nearsighted boy with a worried dad.

Ashton: Come on!

They then started to run out of the building as they came out.

Man: Son!

He then ran to his son and hugged him.

Boy: *gasps* My teddy! I dropped my teddy!

He then turned to Dimitri and Ashton.

Dimitri: *deadpans* Of course you did.

Ashton: Have no fear.

Ashton gives the boy his bear

Ashton: Teddy is here.

Boy: Teddy! *hugs his teddy bear*

Dimitri then changed back as they saw the Elite four coming to them as Dimitri stood in front of Ashton.

Satsuki: Stop.

The elite four then turned to Satsuki in surprise

Nonon: But he's right there!

Satsuki: After witnessing what he had done, I realize now that he is a hero. And I humbly ask for his forgiveness.

Ashton: It's ok.

Satsuki: *to Dimitri, Enid, Rad, Gar, Carol and Ko* And you all can have your plaza back, I am very sorry for what I've done.

Dimitri: It's alright, we all make mistakes.

Satsuki: Then perhaps it means I still have a few lessons to learn.

Ashton then held his hand out to her.

Ashton: *points to the others* Maybe if you work at the bodega, we can teach you.

Satsuki then shook his hand

Satsuki: It would be my honor.

Dimitri: So that means you'll be our co worker.

Satsuki: Indeed it does.

Dimitri: Then we look forward to working with you.

Satsuki: Likewise.

Gamagori: Then we will join your plaza as well.

Ashton: Alright, welcome to the plaza.

KO: *hugs Satsuki* Great to meet you new friend.

Dimitri: Right, we haven't properly introduce ourselves, I'm Dimitri, *points at the others* And that's Enid, Rad, Shannon *points at KO* And you already met my little brother KO.

Satsuki: It is a pleasure to meet you all.

Dimitri: Same here with us.

Carol: I'm glad to see that you were able to clear Ashton's name but you're still grounded.

Dimitri: What?! Come on!

Carol: Don't back talk mister or you're grounded for longer!

Dimitri: Sorry mom.

Ashton: Dimitri mind filling me in on why you're grounded?

Dimitri: It involves Ryuko's outfit that mom said was inappropriate.

Ashton: Oh.

Mako: Hey guys, guess what? My family, Ryuko and I moved into your neighborhood.

Ashton: What?!

Mako: That's right, we're gonna be your neighbors now.

Ashton: Great, if having her as a co worker was bad enough now she's our neighbor. Somebody please kill me now.

Dimitri: Well we better get used to it.

Carol: *grabs Dimitri's ear* And you're coming with me young man.

Dimitri: Ow!

He was seen being dragged away by Carol as the others watched.


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