We messed up

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We see the group as they were looking at rad as his arms had faces drawn on them as he used them as puppets.

Rad: *In a high-pitched voice.*I'm just gonna come out and say it, no offense. Oh, no. What is it? You're so beautiful. No, you are! I hate it! "Why can't you just accept you're the beautiful one? Why does it always have to be me?" "Shut up! You're making me blush! I'm so upset! "Stop it! You're making me blush! I'm so upset!" *Mr. Gar peeks out of a tile on the floor.*Oh, my gosh. Just kiss --

Then Mr Gar popped out from the floor.

Mr Gar: Rad you slacker!

It startled Rad as he saw him.

Me Gar: Unpack that box.

A box was seen as Rad came to it and opened it as it revealed mr Gar in it as he threw cat food to Enid as she scanned it and put it in a bag as Gar was at the counter with a check.

Mr Gar: Can I pay with a check?

Enid: Yes?

Mr Gar: *holds up a coupon* I also have a coupon. Hurry, I gotta get home and feed my cat. Don't disappoint me.

Enid then got frightened at that as she then scanned the check and coupon as Mr gar then grabbed the bag and had a thing that elders use.

Mr Gar: Someone help me to my car. KO, Ashton, Dimitri, whiskers can't wait all day. Don't disappoint me.

Dimitri: Oh uh yes sir, I mean ma'am I- gah come on Ash and KO let's help this elder citizen.

KO: Ok big bro.

Ashton: On it!

We then see Dimitri, Ashton and KO helping gar get to his car as they helped him get in as the three came into the Bodega.

Dimitri: Well that went well.

Ashton: I couldn't agree more.

Then Mr Gar came into the store With his car.

Mr Gar: *blows a whistle* Great job on operation old lady.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Then Gar noticed his watch beeping.

Mr Gar: Oh, that's my super top-secret mission alert. I'll leave you guys in charge of the store while I'm gone. *Begins to drive off.* Don't go into my office! And don't disappoint me.

He then drove off as they all looked at each other.

Ryuko: Sooo is Gar always like this at the bodega?

Enid: Pretty much.

KO: We should definitely not go into his office.

Dimitri: Yeah whatever's in there must be some personal business of his.

Rad: *high pitched voice and uses his puppet* Wonder what's in his office.

Enid: It's probably got... Stuff.

KO: Maybe Mr. Gar actually wants us to go into his office for training purposes. I mean, we could do our job better if we knew more about him. We could even make him proud.

Rad: Yeah, I mean, why else would he bring it up at all, right?

Enid: Well, since he's out doing important stuff, a peek couldn't hurt.

Dimitri: Well I guess I could check it out, I mean I haven't seen him in a while since...

Dimitri began to think and then shook it off.

Ashton: Since what?

Dimitri: It's complicated.

We then see them going into his office as it was just one small room.

Rad: What? Is this it?

Ryuko: It's kinda disappointing.

Then the floor opened making them all fall in it as they then landed on the floor with Enid sitting on Dimitri's chest.

Enid: You ok?

Dimitri: Yeah I'm fine.

Rad: Dudes, not in front of you know who.

We see Rad as he was covering KO's eyes.

KO: Hey, who turned off the lights?

Then Dimitri and Enid both realized the position they both were in as they both blushed and got up.

Dimitri: Dude it's not what you think.

Enid: Yeah it was just a coincidence.

Rad: Really?

Dimitri: Yeah it totally was.

Enid: Yep total coincidence.

Ashton: They have a good point there Rad.

Rad: Alright I believe you. *uncovers KO's eyes.*

KO: I can see.

They looked at the desk to see photos.

Dimitri: Hey there's one with Gar fighting lord boxman, and there's one with him shaking hands with the president of the universe, and there's one-

He then saw a photo of Carol but younger

Dimitri: Huh?

Enid: Woah, who's the babe?

Dimitri: That "babe" is me and KO's mom.

KO: Yeah that's our mom.

Dimitri: Why would Gar keep a photo of her?

Enid: Must be something personal, we should probably head back before something happens come on guys let's go.

Ashton: I'm with you.

As Dimitri was holding the photo they heard gar on the screen.

Mr Gar: Forgot my keys.

Dimitri then threw the photo in surprise as it was flying through the office as the others tried to catch it but it went to Rad.

Rad: I'll catch it with my freeze finger.

He then made a beam at the photo but destroyed it instead

Dimitri: What the heck man?!

Ashton: You destroyed it!

Rad: *looks at his fingers* Oh, wrong finger.

Enid: Rad, you clown! Now he's seriously gonna be disappointed!

Rad: Hey, don't go accusing me. We all committed this trespassing crime together.

Dimitri: And you committed vandalism by zapping that photo.

Ashton: Yeah dude.

Enid: What do we do, what do we do? Just imagine his reaction.

In her imagination we see Mr Gar looking disappointed.

Mr Gar: You've disappointed me!

His shout made Dimitri, Ashton, Mako, Ryuko, Rad, Enid and KO launch away from earth and to the moon as they all landed as gravestones were seen. In Rad's imagination we see Mr gar as he grabbed a laser as it was labeled disappointment laser on it blasting them all to the unemployment zone as a giant maggot ate them. In Dimitri, Ashton and KO's imagination we see the three at a dark area with a spotlight

KO: We did it sir we went to your office when you asked us not to we're so sorry. Can you ever forgive us?

Ashton: We didn't mean it.

Dimitri: We're very sorry.

Behind Mr. Gar are pink leaves falling from the trees with the breeze.

Mr Gar: Even though you three admitted your guilt, I will always be disappointed in you three, forever till the end of days. Goodbye KO, Ashton and Dimitri.

We then see him walk away as KO screamed no to him and The Earth explodes, shocking two aliens. The two aliens spoke in a foreign language which translates to "Daaaaaaaaaaaannng." As we then go to reality we see them all.

KO: On second thought, why don't you guys distract him while I go to mom and see if she can replace the photo.

Enid: Okay.

We then saw Dimitri, Ashton, Ryuko, Mako, Enid and Rad come out from Gar's office as you and the others saw Gar.

Dimitri: Hey Mr Gar.

Ashton: How's it going?

Mr Gar: Why are you all close to my office?

Dimitri: Oh we were just cleaning up your office door giving it that new door shine right guys?

Enid: Yeah and me and Dimitri just came up with a dance for you.

Dimitri: We did? *gets elbowed by Enid* ow. oh I mean of course we did and we wanted you to see it.

With KO we see him going to the fitness dojo as he saw Carol was there.

Carol: Hey peanut what's going on?

KO: Mom long story short I need you to put on your old outfit and take a photo of you in it.

Carol: Hmm, how about long story medium?

KO: Pbht! Enid, Rad, Ashton, Mako, Satsuiki, Ryuko, Dimitri and I snuck into Mr. Gar's office while he was out to learn more about him, but he came back, and we freaked out and accidentally destroyed an old photo he had of you. And I need to replace it before he sees it's gone, or he'll be really, really disappointed, and the world will explode! Help me please!

Carol: Gar still has photos from back then?

KO: Were you and Gar friends?

Carol: We used to know each other along with your brother until...


We see the a flashback as jazz music played as a building was seen and an explosion was seen from it as legs were seen running to the direction and we see a sandwich fall on the ground as we go to Carol.

Carol: It's grown up stuff.

We then cut to the others as Dimitri and Enid doing the dance as Dimitri caught Enid.

Dimitri and Enid: Ta da!

They both looked nervous as Mr. Gar looked at you with a face as he smiled.

Mr.Gar: Nice job you two I'll give it a ten.*holds up a ten sign*

Dimitri: Nice.

Dimitri and Enid: Thanks.

Mr Gar: Better get to my office.

Enid: Uh Mr Gar I... I saw someone in the magazine aisle... for twenty minutes.


Dimitri: Oh yeah I saw him too, and I heard he was gonna stay there for weeks and not buy anything.


We then see KO and Carol as she was going through her chest of old items and found her old outfit.

Carol: Here it is, but I don't think it's gonna fit. *sees KO* I have an idea.

We see Mr Gar as he was holding crinkly wrinkly up to his face.

Mr Gar: If you wanna read monster truck books for free, THEN GO TO THE LIBRARY!!!

He then threw him to a cheapskate cannon as it fired him out of it as it looked like he was heading to jail but instead landed in the library.

Crinkly Wrinkly: Books!

Librarian: Shhh!

Enid: Dude what's taking KO so long? We can't keep Gar occupied forever

Dimitri: I'll check on him. *ko's voice* Dimitri! Dimitri! *normal voice* Oh I hear my baby bro calling me, I better check on him.

He then went off to see KO as Gar was about to head to his office as Rad and Mako was there.

Rad: Gar Mako and I forgot how to... *grabs a mop* Mop. Oh please teach us sir. *mops with the handle on the floor*

Mako: Yeah, can you show us how to mop properly? *mops with the handle on the floor*

Dimitri was seen heading to the dojo as he saw KO in Carol's old outfit as Carol took a photo of it.

Dimitri: Dare I even ask.

KO: Mom is taking a photo of me to cover the old one.

Dimitri: *sighs* guess we'll have to make due with that one then.

We then see Mr Gar as he moped the entire store.

Mr Gar: And that is how you both mop like a real hero. A shiny floor makes way for a shiny heart. All the better to blind evildoers with.

Rad: Thanks sir.

Mako: Thank you so much.

Mr Gar: Unh-unh-unh-unh-unh! No time for chitchat. I've got to get back to my office, which is surely as immaculate as these floors.

Enid was there blocking the door.

Enid: Uh... Mr gar look! out the window!

Mr Gar: *Looks at the window* What am I looking at?

Rad was seen tapping the window as he had puppets of gar and boxman as he made it look like they were fighting as Mr Gar smiled at that we then saw Dimitri and KO come out from the vent as Gar heard the noise as they both hid behind a shelf as he came to it and they both went to the top of the shelf.

Mr Gar: *sniffs* Smells like guilt... And blueberries?

We then see them both going through the shelf as Gar checked the top as they both went down and hide in boxes as Gar walked past them and they both went to the door.

KO: We did it, the day is saved and Gar is none the wiser. Yeah!

Then they both high fives only for Gar to turn his head and see the two as they both saw him and head to the office.


He then marched his way to the office only for Rad, Ashton, Mako, Ryuko and Enid to block him but he went through them like a door as he heads to the office to see you both along with the others as he then saw the photo of KO


Enid: It was rad!

Rad: She said we should come down here.

As they were talking Dimitri and KO looked at each other and knew what to do.

Dimitri: Stop guys.

KO: We did it sir, we went to your office and accidentally destroyed the photo. Please don't be disappointed in us sir.

Mr Gar: KO, Dimitri, I wouldn't be disappointed if you had listened in the first place. BUT I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED!!!

Then his words acted like they hit them all in the gut as his head became big and shot a beam at them.

Mr Gar: HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!

Then the beam melted them as they were now puddles as Mr Gar was stomping on you all and he was about to say something else until he heard a familiar voice.

Carol: Hey boys I found a copy of that photo I thought I brought it over. *sees Gar* Oh.

Mr Gar: Uh... Carol. *mumbles*

Carol: Hey...Gar. Here you go.

She handed him the photo as she walked away.

Carol: I'll see you two at home later.

Dimitri: Later mom, *sees Gar* Soooo about the photo...

Mr.Gar: We are to never speak of this again. Agreed?

All: Agreed.

Mr Gar: Good. Now, get back to work.

They then left Gar's office as we see him going to a drawer as he looks at the photo and puts it with things from POINT and saw a newspaper article that said "POINT's youngest member." As he puts the photo in the drawer and closes it.


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