Of mutinies of men

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We see Dimitri waking up as he looks around to see that he was on the floor of a ship.

Dimitri: God my head. Ashton? Jack?

Jack: Your friend is gone mate.

Dimitri: Wait, what? What just happened?

???: Get back to work!

Dimitri turned and saw a pale bald man pushing him and Jack out the door

Dimitri: Hey wait a second, what's going on? Where's my friend?

???: It's best not to ask questions the crew won't answer anyway. What with them being dead and all.

Dimitri: What?! Hold on, who are you?

Scrum: Scrum. It's my humble pleasure to welcome you and Captain Sparrow to the most fearsome of vessels, the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Dimitri: Queen Anne's Revenge? Oh no.

Zombie: I said get to work!

Dimitri turned and saw the zombie knock him to the floor when someone stops him from hurting Dimitri

Ashton: I'd recommend not doing that again.

Dimitri then turned and saw Ashton.

Dimitri: Ashton, you're ok.

Ashton: (whispers) Start scrubbing and he will leave you alone.

Dimitri then nodded as he began to scrub the deck.

Ashton: These two are under my supervision do you understand? Because if you have a problem I'd be happy to tell the first mate or the captain about it.

The zombie then looked at Ashton and then walked off

Ashton: That's what I thought. Sorry about him, he isn't the nicest zombie in the world.

Dimitri: I can see that.

Ashton: Are you and Jack ok?

Dimitri: We're fine, but we need to get off this ship and find the... you know what.

Ashton: Believe me Angelica and I are working on it. So for the time being we have to play along ok?

Jack: How do you know her?

Ashton: I had a run in with her.

Dimitri: Right, if any of the others hear they'll know something is up, so we just need to lay low until then.

Another zombie walks up to Ashton and roughly grabs him

Zombie: The first mate wants you and your friend.

Ashton: We'll be there.

We then see Ashton and Dimitri walking to Angelica.

Angelica: This must be Dimitri.

Ashton: That's him alright.

Dimitri: What did you want with us?

Angelica: I needed you two so I could tell you where the time gem is.

Dimitri: You know where it is?

Angelica: Yes, the Spanish have it

Ashton: That's great. Wait, no it isn't.

Dimitri: If the Spanish find out how the gem works they're gonna use it to come to our time.

Ashton: Then we need to get it back before they could even figure it out.

Dimitri: But we need to get off the ship first.

Angelica: My father won't let anyone off the ship unless we get the chalices, the mermaid, and arrive at the fountain.

Ashton: So getting out is gonna be extremely hard.

Dimitri: Of course, we're on Blackbeard's ship for god's sake!

Ashton: Exactly and even with the things me and you both have it won't be enough to escape.

Dimitri: Then what's the plan?

Ashton: We just need to wait for the Spanish and we make our move.

Dimitri: Alright. So we'll wait for our moment.

Ashton: So just try to keep a low profile around on this ship. Right now, Blackbeard wants us to find a mermaid.

Dimitri: Of course. Wait, where's Jack?

Ashton: I have a feeling he is up to something no good.

They then went to see that most of the crew were all fighting the zombies and causing a mutiny as they saw Jack.

Ashton: And I was right.

Jack: The ship is ours.

A door then opened as they all looked and saw Blackbeard walking as he saw them.

Blackbeard: Gentlemen.

He then took a sip from his drink and then threw it on the ground as it broke.

Blackbeard: I be placed in the bewilderment, there I was resting, then upon a sudden I hear an ungodly row on deck.

He then reaches down and rubs the jewels on his sword as we see the rigging move.

Blackbeard: Sailors abandoned their posts, without orders, without leave. Men, before the mast...taking the ship for themselves. What be that, First Mate?

Angelica: Mutiny, Captain.

Blackbeard: (hand to his ear) Again?

Angelica: Mutiny!

Blackbeard: Aye...mutiny.

We then see a rope slithers to one of the crewmates along with other ropes as well.

Backbeard: And what fate befalls mutineers, now we know the answer to that...do we not? Mutineers... HAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!

We then see the ropes grab all of the crew and jack and hoist them all up.

Ashton: Captain if I tell you who started this will you leave the rest of the crew alone.

Blackbeard: Very well.

Ashton: Thank you. I did it sir.

Dimitri: Ash, what are you-

Ashton: (covers Dimitri's mouth) I started this mutiny. I wanted the crew to survive the journey so I arranged this as a test to see how they would do. So take your anger out on me and leave my friends alone.

Blackbeard: Hmmm, seeing what this test of yours has made, I have to say that you have earned the right to live.

Ashton: Thank you.

Blackbeard: Just don't make me upset again.

Ashton: It won't happen again.

Blackbeard then walked off to his quarters as Dimitri was seen trying to get Ashton's hand off of his mouth as Ashton noticed and removed his hand as Dimitri gasped for air.

Ashton: Sorry buddy.

Dimitri: Alright so now what do we do?

Ashton: For now we do what Blackbeard says.

Dimitri: Alright.

Angelica: There is something you all should see.

We then see them going to the captain's quarters as we see Angelic open a door as they look and saw many bottles that have ships in them

Ashton: What are these things?

Angelica: Ships, he keeps each one as a prize. You all help me, and I will promise you your pick but I know what Jack wants.

She then showed them a bottle of a ship sailing on captured stormy seas as Jack saw it.

Jack: The Black Pearl in a bottle? Why is the Black Pearl in a bottle?

Angelica: Do we have a deal?

Ashton: We'll help you. We get the time gem and Jack gets the Pearl.

Dimitri: Yeah.

We later see the ship as we see a lighthouse at a far distance.

Blackbeard: All hands on deck! Set to the longboats!

We then see everyone getting the longboats as they were seen going to the lighthouse as they get on shore as they were setting up a huge net.

Blackbeard: Lay 'em out flat! No tangles! Make 'em look...pretty for our dainty guests. (to Angelica) We're going to need light. A lot of light.

Ashton: I'm on it Captain.

We then see Ashton as he is going to the lighthouse as he lights the oil as beams of light move around.

Angelica: The old moon in the arms of the new one. First of the summer. Perfect for hunting a mermaid's tear.

Dimitri: That light will no doubt draw them here. And with the others busy I might be able to get a tear without them noticing

Dimitri then jumped off the dock and landed in the water as he then transformed into Shinaqua as he was seen swimming in the water as he was looking around.

Dimitri: Alright, if I were a mermaid where would I be?

As Dimitri was looking around we saw a figure swimming by fast as Dimitri turned to see nothing was there as he then had a feeling that he was being watched.

Dimitri: I have a feeling I'm not alone.

Dimitri then looks around and then he sees a mermaid's tail swam by as Dimitri then swims after it as he then sees a group of mermaids.

Dimitri: Mermaids.

Dimitri then came to them as they saw him.

Mermaid: Why, isn't he a cutie?

Dimitri: Look I just came to get something from you and I'll be on my way. I just need a tear from you mermaids if that isn't too much to ask. I'm just trying to make sure that those pirates don't capture any of you.

Mermaid: Very well.

We go to Ashton as he sees Dimitri coming out of the water and change back as he was holding a small jar with a mermaid tear.

Dimitri: Got what we need.

Ashton: Good, now we need to find the chalices.

Dimitri: And if we remember correctly the chalices are in Ponce de Leon's ship.

Ashton: So we better get moving.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton along with Blackbeard's crew going through a jungle as we see them going through a swamp.

Dimitri: Ok so we know the ritual requires a mermaid's tear, two silver chalices and the water from the fountain.

Ashton: Yeah and we know that two people drink from the chalices one that has the tear and the one that doesn't and the person who had drank the one with the tear will have all the years that the person had lived and they could have lived if fate was ever so kind to them.

Dimitri: So we better find those chalices if we want to get what we want and go home.

Ashton: Believe me I know

We later see them as they came across a cliff as a river was seen from below.

Dimitri: Well would you look at that. Oh well, we tried.

Blackbeard: You two will jump.

Dimitri: Wait, you're serious? You want us to jump? Why would we do that?

Blackbeard then held up two dolls as Dimitri and Ashton saw the dolls looked exactly like them.

Ashton: Wait, are those voodoo dolls?

Dimitri: How did you even make them?

Ashton: Look don't do anything regrettable, we'll do it.

Dimitri and Ashton then both jumped off the cliff as they both land in the water as we later see them going through the jungle as they come to a clearing as they see an archway as they saw the Santiago.

Ashton: The Santiago.

Dimitri: Which means the chalices are in that ship.

Ashton: Hold on tight I'm climbing up that cliff.

We then see Ashton as he used his smack hands to grip the cliff side as Dimitri was holding on to him as Grey Matter as we see them arriving at the top as we see them inside the ship as they were in the cabin as they spot Ponce de Leon's skeleton.

Ashton: And I thought Captain Flint's skeleton was unsettling.

Dimitri: That definitely takes the cake.

Ashton: We better find those chalices and head out.

???: If forty pirates dreamt forty nights of treasure, it would not match the contents of this room.

Ashton: I know that voice. Barbossa.

They then look and saw Barbossa come out of the shadows.

Barbossa: You.

Dimitri: No you.

Barbossa: What are you two doing here?

Ashton: Blackbeard sent us. Besides, we just want to get back home to our families.

Dimitri: So just let us have those chalices and we can leave. We don't want to hurt you.

Ashton: My sword is much bigger than yours

Ashton makes his sword as we then see the ship start to tilt.

Dimitri: Dude put it away.

Ashton: Good idea.

He then made the sword go away as the ship regained balance.

Barbossa: We have to balance it out, or the whole ship will slide.

Dimitri: What if we use something of an equal weight? (grabs a vase) What about this?

We then see the ship start to tilt the other way.

Ashton: Put it back! Put it back!

Dimitri: Sorry! (puts the vase back)

Barbossa: We touch...NOTHING!

They then went back the other way as we see a chest come out from under the bed as two chalices are on its lid.

Dimitri: But what about that?

Barbossa: The chalices.

Barbossa then stepped back as we see the ship tild as the chest slides to him but we then see a bandage tendril grab the chest and we see Dimitri as he was Snare-Oh.

Dimitri: We'll be taking that.

Dimitri then opened the chest as he and Ashton then looked and saw that the chest had two rocks in it.

Ashton: Rocks? Why would there be- (realizes) Oh my god, the Spanish must have got to them before we did

Dimitri: That means we'll have to get the chalices from them along with the gem.

Ashton: That means we need to find them and fast.

We then go to the San Miguel fort as we see Dimitri and Ashton both hiding in the bushes.

Ashton: Let's split up, you go for the chalices and I'll find the gem.

Dimitri: On it.

We then see Dimitri ad he went through the bushes as we see him transform into grey matter as he jumped to a tree as he then jumped and landed on a tent as he crawled inside as he looked around and saw the chalices as they were on a table and saw a guard.

Dimitri: Now how do I get to the chalices? (gets an idea) I got it.

Dimitri then jumped to the guard as he then pinched him between his shoulder and neck as we then see the guard fell limp as Dimitri changed back.

Dimitri: Hephaestan Neuro Grip. Works every time

He then grabbed the chalices and changed into Ghostfreak as he then turned invisible and phased through the tent as we see Ashton as he was in a bush and sees a spanish soldier walking by as he then grabbed him and muffled him as he then started to beat him up in the bush as we see Ashton walk out of the bush as he was seen wearing the spanish soldier's clothes as he was seen going into a tent as he was seen looking around the tent as he then spotted the time gem as it was seen on a chest.

Ashton: That's our ticket out of here.

Ashton then grabbed the gem and headed out of the tent as we see Dimitri and Ashton come together.

Dimitri: Ok, we got the chalices and the gem.

Ashton: Let's get back to the Revenge before the Spanish realize the chalices and the gem are missing.

Dimitri: Agreed.

We then see them both leaving the camp to return to Blackbeard and his crew.

Ashton: We have the chalices Blackbeard.

Dimitri: And before we can give them to you, you will have to agree on a few conditions.

Blackbeard: Fine, what are they?

Ashton: One, we keep this. (holds up the time gem)

Dimitri: Two, you have to free us from your voodoo dolls.

Ashton: And three, Angelica and I have a romantic meal.

Dimitri: So do we have a deal, Blackbeard?

Blackbeard: Aye.

Ashton: Thank you, which means we get to go free and I get to have dinner with Angelica later.


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