To the fountain and returning home

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We see a giant leaf being pushed as we see Dimitri, Ashton, and Jack as they are walking.

Dimitri: Is this the way Jack?

Jack: I could've sworn it was somewhere right around here

He then pushed a leaf as Ashton noticed a drip of water was defying gravity as watches it as it traveled upwards, then took it with his finger. It goes from finger to finger as he plays with it. He squints through it, moving his hand here and there across a rock wall in front of him. The camera goes very close to the droplet, revealing a symbol. Finally the droplet breaks free of his finger's grip and it floats upwards, Ashton's eyes following its path. The full carving is revealed, panning down to a cave entrance. A bird flies into it as Jack smiles. We later see them along with Blackbeard and his crew as they were seen going into the cavern as they then walked to a wall.

Ashton: It's a dead end.

Dimitri: Hey Ashton, you remember those Chalices?

Ashton: Yeah, why?

Dimitri: When I grabbed them I saw they had words carved into them. I think it said Aqua de Vida.

We then see water flowing across the floor along to the wall as it was being collected into a pool above their heads as Dimitri then put his hand in it as he got sucked into the pool as we see Dimitri as he was seen coming out of the pool as he then looked and saw the fountain of youth. An archway with water pouring out of its middle. Lighted by beautiful sunlight coming from above the trees surrounding it. We then see the others come out of the pool as they see the fountain.

Ashton: There it is, the fountain.

Dimitri: That means Blackbeard will have what he wants and we'll have what we want. (sees something) Oh no.

Ashton: It's Barbossa isn't it.

Dimitri: Yup and he brought friends.

Barbossa was seen as his crew was with him as well.

Barbossa: Edward Teach! For crimes committed on the high seas, by the authority granted to me by His Majesty the King, with a goodly amount of personal satisfaction, I hereby place you in the custody of the court, and declare you to be my prisoner.

Blackbeard: (walks to barbossa) My trick's out, is that it?

Barbossa: Such crimes do include but are not limited to: piracy, treason, murder, torture of the most heinous sort, including the brutal theft of one used, twisted, hairy right leg! (brandishes sword)

Blackbeard: (takes out his sword) You...dare face this sword?

Barbossa: This far away from your ship? Aye.

Blackbeard: Aye. That be the cold breath of Fate I feel down my nape. But I'll have one last fight, by God! KILL THEM ALL!

We then see everyone ready to fight as Jack comes to them all.

Jack: Whoah, whoah, hang on a minute! I just... I just need to understand something. Right, so. (gestures from Barbossa to Blackbeard) You will fight against them, they will fight against you all on account of him (Barbossa to Blackbeard again) wanting to kill him? Where is the sense? (Scrum shrugs) Exactly. I say, let them fight each other! While we lay back, watch, and have a drink, place some wages! Eh?!?

Scrum: ...Aye. (puts away his sword)

Ashton: Oh boy.

Barbossa: KILL THEM!

Blackbeard: NO QUARTER!

We then see everyone as they began to fight as we see Dimitri and Ashton both trying to stay alive while fighting some men.

Ashton: Ok this is kinda fun.

Dimitri: I know right.

We then see Blackbeard and Barbossa fighting.

Blackbeard: Ha! I expected Fate to put up more of a fight, eh?

Barbossa punches him in the face, they repeatedly attempt stabbing motions at each other. Finally Blackbeard trips his peg leg, making him fall into the shallow puddles.

Blackbeard: (approaching him) I will not have that smile on your face as I strike you down!

The two then lock swords.

Barbossa: Take a gander, Edward Teach.

Blackbeard slowly turns around to see what he's talking about, the Spaniard and his men have arrived. Blackbeard turns completely around to see soldiers appearing from above from ledges. Groves appears in front of the Fountain, drops his sword, and unfurls the British flag.

Groves: This land is hereby forever claimed from the glorious name of His Majesty, King George-

A gunshot fires out, piercing through the flag and killing Groves instantly. Groves falls to the ground and the flag drapes over him where he rests. Blackbeard immediately looks at the source of the gunshot

Spaniard: (lowers pistol, hands it to one of his men) Someone makes a note of that man's bravery.

Ashton: Oh no.

Spaniard: Only God can grant eternal life. Not this pagan water. Men! Destroy this profane temple. his men grab weapons and start to pull down the columns)

Ashton: The Fountain!

We see the Spaniard and Blackbeard approach each other.

Spaniard: (points sword at Blackbeard) You are a fool. You seek in this place what only faith can provide.

We see British soldiers drag Groves' and Gillette's bodies away.

Blackbeard: (as Barbossa appears behind him) Faith. In faith there is light enough to see but darkness enough to blind.

Just then, Barbossa slashes his wrist, leaving a bloody deep cut. Blackbeard drops the sword and looks at his hand.

Blackbeard: What devilry is this?

He spins around but Barbossa stabs him straight in the (lower left part) stomach. Pushes in the sword a bit deeper.

Barbossa: For the Pearl.

Angelica: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???!!!!???

Barbossa drops him, and Angelica immediately runs over. She grabs the sword's blade.


Angelica pulls out the sword but her palm is cut. She slowly looks up at him fearfully

Barbossa: I'm not such the fool to take on Blackbeard without a little...venomous advantage.

Angelica: (looks at Ashton, worriedly) Ashton...

He turned around. Meanwhile the Spanish are still pulling down columns we then see them start floating in the air as we see Ashton as Gravattack as he was making the Spanish float up as we see Dimitri as he grabbed the chalices and held the bottle with the mermaid tear as Dimitri went to the remains of the fountain as he collected the water with the two chalices as Dimitri put the mermaid tear in one of the chalices as Ashton then sent the spanish away and changed back as he grabbed one of the chalices as they went to Angelica and Blackbeard.

Ashton: (holds the chalice) Drink this. This one has the tear. (to Blackbeard) You must drink the other.

Angelica: No.

Ashton: We cannot save you both. One of you must sacrifice.
Angelica: You take it, Father...for your soul.

Blackbeard glances at Dimitri and Ashton

Dimitri: Captain Teach. She's dying. You must save your daughter. (offers the Chalice)

Blackbeard: This one takes life. (points at the Chalice Dimitri is holding) This one has the tear and gives life. (points at the one Ashton is holding)

Ashton: Aye. Hurry.

Blackbeard snatches the Chalice Ashton was holding and drinks it as Angelica looks sadly at him

Blackbeard: Angelica... (gestures at the other) me, my child.

Ashton: ( she takes the chalice Dimitri was holding and drinks) No.

Blackbeard: Oh...

Angelica: (whisper) I love you, Father.

Dimitri and Ashton then got up and started to walk but they both stopped.

Ashton: Hold on. Actually, I think it was the other way around. I think the chalice Dimitri was holding had the tear and the chalice I was holding had the other bit.


Ashton: Dimitri and I may have the tendency to help people but we're no dopes. We both switched chalices in case you tried to betray us. I'm sorry sir.

They then see water coming from the fountain as they see it come to blackbeard and start to surround him as they watch his skin get torn off as they watch him become nothing but a skeleton.

Dimitri: Farewell Blackbeard.

We later see them at the queen anne's revenge as we see Angelica handing them the bottle with the black pearl in it.

Angelica: Here you go, I always keep my promise.

Ashton: Thank you. Jack you should have it.

Jack: Thank you lad.

Dimitri: Well I guess this means we'll have to head home now.

Ashton: Yeah, it was fun being here.

Angelica: Ashton, I want to come with you both.

Ashton: Well ok.

Dimitri: Then it is time to head home.

We then see Dimitri holding the gem as we see Ashton, Angelica and Dimitri vanish as we see the three as they appeared back in the present at home.

Ashton: We're back home.

Dimitri: It was fun being in the past but the future's so much better

We then see the others coming as they saw them.

KO: You guys are back.

Eri: But why are you both dressed like pirates?

Ashton: It's a long story.

Dimitri: But it was an amazing adventure.


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