Heroes in Peach Creek

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We see Dimitri and Ashton as they were both seen in a sink drain as the two were seen looking inside it.

Ashton: Remind me again why we are here?

Dimitri: We just need to find what is causing this sink drain to clog up. (sees a hairball) There.

Dimitri then grabbed the hair ball and removed it.

Ashton: You sure being here is a good idea? I mean what if someone turned on the water?

Dimitri: We'll be fine as long as the water isn't-

They then see water coming.

Dimitri: On.

We then see the water sweep the two away as we see them both being taken away by the water in the pipe as we later see them coming out of a pipe as they both change back.

Ashton: Great idea dude, now we're both probably miles from home and we don't even know where we are.

Dimitri then looks around as he sees that they are both in a backyard as they saw a shed and many animals from chickens, pigs, a goat and cows.

Dimitri: Looks like we're in someone's backyard.

Then they both ducked as they saw a boy with blue hair was swinging a fish at them as Ashton grabbed it.

Ashton: What's your problem man?

Rolf: Victor we have poachers!

Then the goat heard Rolf as it then acted like a bull and charged.

Dimitri: Victor?

They both turned and saw Victor.

Ashton: Nice goat!

They then started to run as they see Victor was running after them as they jumped over a fence.

Dimitri: That was close.

Ashton: Let's go see where we-

Then Victor's head burst through the fence and rammed the two as they were both sent flying into the air.


We then see the two land in a junkyard as we see Dimitri land on a mattress as Ashton hits a fridge.

Ashton: Ow...

Dimitri: Get up dude, let's look around.

Ashton: Alright.

They then got up as they started to walk around the junkyard as Dimitri and Ashton saw an old van that had hot rod flames.

Ashton: This thing has been here for a long time.

Dimitri: And we can fix it.

Ashton: How?

Dimitri: We're in a junkyard, look around. This place is probably overflowing with raw materials. And we know the perfect alien for this.

Dimitri then used his watch and turned into Jury Rigg as Ashton saw him leaping to an old car.

Dimitri: Disassemble!

Dimitri then started to take apart the car while throwing pieces to the van as Dimitri started to leap to more cars taking out parts needed to fix the van as he then jumped to the van.

Dimitri: Reassemble! Fix! Fix! Fix! Fix!

We then see Dimitri as he was seen putting the parts he took as Ashton saw Dimitri standing on top of the van as it looked good as new

Ashton: And I assume you made a key for this thing?

Dimitri: Well I had enough metal left over to make three copies (holds up the keys)

Ashton: Nice, let's take it out for a spin.

They then got into the van as Ashton started it up.

Dimitri: The nitro boosters will get us out of this junkyard.

Ashton: Nitro boosters?!

Dimitri: While I was fixing up this van I put in some modifications.

He then pushed a button as we saw the van drove off in a fast speed as we saw it go up a hill like a ramp and flew into the air.

Dimitri: Activate the parachute.

We then see a parachute open up as we see the van land to the ground and was parked on the street.

Dimitri: Perfect parking.

Ashton was seen as his hair and face was messed up

Ashton: Ouch. Face hurts.

Dimitri: I think I see a sign.

They both looked and saw the sign reading "Peach Creek"

Ashton: Peach Creek?

Dimitri: Well at least we know where we are now.

Ashton: Yeah, guess so.

They then saw a stand with a sign reading Bottomless Ed.

Ashton: Bottomless Ed?

Eddy: That's right.

They then see a short boy with three hairs come to them as he points to a boy with a green jacket as a boy with a hat was with him.

Eddy: Be amazed, watch bottomless Ed eat (pulls out a large tv) this humongous tv!

Ashton: Well that's a thousand dollars down the drain.

Eddy: For you both only a quarter.

Ashton: Well seeing how it would be impossible for a human to eat a tv, we'll both give you a nickel.

Eddy: A quarter.

Ashton: A nickel.

Dimitri: Well to humor you I'll give ya three quarters. (puts the quarters in the jar

Eddy: Go on lumpy.

Ed then grabbed the tv with a fork and then ate it whole as Dimitri and Ashton stood shocked at what they had seen.

Dimitri: Wow.

Ashton: That's disturbing.

Dimitri: But it is nothing compared to what we've seen.

Ashton: And trust us, we have seen a lot of things before.

Dimitri: And you probably have never seen this.

Dimitri then used his watch and became Shinaqua as Double D saw him.

Double D: Incredible.

Dimitri: Did we fail to mention that we both have watches that let us turn into many different aliens?

Then Ed came at Dimitri and hugged him tightly as Dimitri was trying to get out of his hug.

Ed: (pets Dimitri) Purr like a froggy. Purr like a froggy. Purr like a froggy.

Dimitri: Frogs don't purr! Let me go!

Dimitri then slipped out of Ed's grip.

Dimitri: Ok, let's start with introductions. My name is Dimitri.

Ed: My name is Ed.

Eddy: And I'm Eddy.

Double D: My name is Edd also but with two D's

Ashton: My name is Ashton. Nice to meet you all.

Dimitri: Seeing what you guys do I assume that you all do everyday?

Double D: Yes.

Ashton: Well then can you guys just think of something even better or more creative.

Dimitri: And besides we both need to find our way back home.

Eddy: Well maybe we can visit you guys.

Dimitri: Well I suppose it won't hurt if you guys come see us.

Ashton: As long as you guys don't try to annoy us.

Eddy: Annoy? That's it! We can use an alien and turn it into the most annoying pest in the world.

We later see them in a shed as we see Ed was laughing and pulling chains as we see a table with a cloth covering something as we see Ashton, Eddy, Double D and Ed look at it.

Eddy: Ready?

Ashton: I guess.

We then see Ashton remove the cloth.

Eddy: Repulsive.

It was revealed to be Dimitri as Abatoon as he was seen wearing a big red bow tie as he stretched his face and then laugh.

Ashton: A bow tie?

Eddy: It's the most annoying thing to wear I can think of.

Ashton: Why do I even bother.

Double D: Well I suggest something a little more on topic. Anchovies. (holds a can of anchovies) The person who invented this smelly salty fish dish should have been imprisoned for the rest of their life.

Double D then spoon fed Dimitri a big glob of anchovy paste and brushed his teeth with it as we then see Ed put glue on Dimitri's foot and then put a wooden block on it.

Ed: I glued a block of wood to Dimitri's foot.

Ashton: Ed, why did you glue a block of wood to Dimitri's foot?

Eddy: Dimitri, people really like it when you say WHY ALL THE TIME!

Dimitri: They do? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Ed: And people really like it when you poke them in the head. (he demonstrates by poking both Eddy and Ashton on the head) Poke, poke, poke.

Eddy: Ed!

Ashton: Stop it!

Ed: See? Eddy and Ashton like it.

Dimitri: (laughs) YEEEEE-HAAAAA!

Eddy: Dimitri do that again!


As he said that a stench cloud of anchovies blew into Ashton's face as he then coughed from the smell.

Ashton: Oh god!

Eddy: Oh man, we're gonna be rich! C'mon Dimitri, let's get cracking.

Dimitri: No problem.

He then cracked his knuckles as Ed covered his ears.


Ashton: That's disgusting.

Eddy: I'm sorry, did I say rich? I meant SUPER-RICH! Let's pester!

We then go and see a boy and girl watching a birdhouse as they were having a picnic.

Jimmy: Do you think swallows will visit our birdhouse? Sarah?

Sarah: We'd be lucky if a squirrel used it, Jimmy! ( Hears tapping) Jimmy! It's a woodpecker, do you hear it? (looks at Jimmy) Huh?

We then see Dimitri as he was seen poking Jimmy in the head.

Jimmy: Aah! What did I do?

Dimitri: Are you looking at birds?

We then see the stench cloud as it went to Jimmy's nostrils.

Jimmy: Fishy breath...

He then fainted as Sarah leaped at Dimitri.

Sarah: You're asking for trouble, bub!

Dimitri: (pokes Sarah in the head) Poke, poke, poke!

Sarah then fell down and looked to see Dimitri was gone.

Sarah: Where'd he go?

Dimitri: (off-screen) YEE-HAA!

Jimmy: Jumping Jehoshaphat!

We then see the bird house as Dimitri stuck his head out like a cuckoo bird.

Dimitri: YEE-HAA!

Jimmy: Sarah! He's gonna scare the swallows!

Sarah: Get out of there!

Dimitri: (pops his head out) Why? (Pops his head back in)

Sarah: Cause I said so.

Dimitri: (repeats) Why?

Sarah: Cause you're bugging us.

Dimitri (repeats again) Why?

Sarah: Cause your stupid!

Dimitri: (repeats yet again) Why?

We then see the Eds and Ashton come to the scene.

Eddy: For a lousy quarter, let us get that pest off your back.

Sarah: Get lost Eddy!

Jimmy: But Sarah, think of the swallows.

Sarah: (rolls her eyes) Oh brother.

Jimmy: (Gives Eddy a quarter) Swallows are beautiful.

Eddy: Ed, fetch!

Ed then ran to the tree and pulled it down to his eye level as he then jumped into the birdhouse and went inside it

Ashton: Dimitri get out of there!

We then see Ed come out carrying Dimitri as he then disposes of him over the fence.

Ed: The pest has left the building!

Ashton: Who's next?

We then see a kid wearing a hat as he was in his garage as we then see Dimitri as he was seen riding a bike.

Dimitri: Hey! I found a bike! I found a bike!

Kevin then saw Dimitri riding the bike as his eyes widened.

Kevin: Hey, that's my bike! (chases after Dimitri) COME BACK HERE!

We then see Ashton and the eds watching Kevin chase Dimitri around.

Ashton: You know, we can get rid of him for ya for a buck.

Kevin: Get lost dork.

Then a crash was heard as we see Dimitri was covered in parts of Kevin's bike.

Dimitri: Look at me! I'm the bike fairy! Catch me if ya can! (runs off laughing)

Ashton: So?

Kevin: Fine.

He then handed Ashton five bucks as Ashton then saw Dimitri running by as he grabbed him and picked him up.

Ashton: We'll take care of this pest.

We later see the Eds and Ashton at Rolf's home as we see a large box as Dimitri was contained in it.

Eddy: Ashton, provoke our creation.

Ashton then opened the slot on the door and stuck a broom in it.

Dimitri: YEE-HAA! Poke, poke! Why? Why? Why? (with each "why", he yanks on the broom) YEE-HAA!

Ashton then pulled out the remains of the broom as the door opened and Dimitri was released as we see him going to Rolf as he was eating a sandwich.

Dimitri: Are you gonna share that sandwich?

The stink cloud then came to Rolf as Rolf smelled it.

Rolf: Anchovy paste. Nineteen... fifty-two! A fine year.

Dimitri: Poke. Poke. Poke! (pokes Rolf in the head)

Rolf: Ho ho! Rolf is honored by your knowledge of the shepherd's customary salute!

Eddy stood in shock seeing what was happening.

Ashton: Guess Rolf isn't annoyed by it at all.

We then see Eddy come to Dimitri and whisper something into his ear and he then walks to Rolf and smacks him in the face as Rolf looks at him.

Rolf: Ho ho, Rolf is impressed of your knowledge of the song of Rolf's village. (smacks Dimitri) That's my horse!

Dimitri then stood and understood what he meant.

Dimitri: (smacks Rolf) That's my horse!

Rolf: (grabs a barrel) That's my horse! (slams it on Dimitri)

Dimitri: (grabs a wheelbarrow) That's my horse! (slams it on Rolf.

Ashton was seen tapping his foot to the music as he watched.

Ashton: That's a neat song.

Eddy then whispered into Dimitri's ear.

Dimitri: Why?

Eddy: Don't milk it. (crouches to the ground) Take cover!

Dimitri: Hey Rolf watch this.

He then cracked his knuckles and twists as it gets Rolf and the animals attention as Dimitri spins around contorting his body as the animals the stampede.

Rolf; Stampede!

He then ran as Ed saw the animals and screamed as he grabbed Ashton, Double D, and Eddy and ran into the box as the animals ran in and the box closed trapping them all in it as Dimitri came and saw Eddy's face.

Eddy: Dimitri, I'll give you a nickle if you let us out.

Dimitri: A dollar. (cracks his knuckles)

Then the animals started to go insane inside the box.


Ashton: Eddy! Give him a dollar!

Dimitri: Two dollars. (cracks his arms)

Then the animals then started to go crazy making the shed bounce around.


Dimitri: Three dollars. (cracks his legs)

Then the animals start going crazy again.



Dimitri: Ok.

He then opened the door as the animals ran out as Ashton came out and gave Dimitri the ten bucks and changed him back.

Ashton: That was fun while it lasted

Dimitri: I think we should head home. I gotta get rid of this fish breath.

Ashton: Agreed.

We later see them going home as we see Dimitri brushing his teeth as we see Jessica as he sees her.

Dimitri: Oh hey Jess.

We then see the cloud come as Jessica then smells it.

Jessica: Ugh! (fans the air) What did you eat?

Dimitri: Anchovy paste. (brushes his teeth) That's why I'm brushing my teeth.

Jessica: Do I even need to know why you had anchovy paste?

Ashton was seen walking by.

Ashton: Me and our new friends used him as a pest to get money to get him off people's backs.

Jessica: Isn't that a scam?

Ashton: Yeah.

Dimitri: But we learned not to do that again.

Ashton: Agreed.


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