mystery duel disl mix up

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We see the group as they were seen going into a curio shop as some were seen looking around.

Dimitri: Hey guys do ya think I can buy this golden watch? (holds up a golden pocket watch and swings it to the group) It could be good for hypnosis.

Ashton: Seems like a good idea.

Katsuki: Good luck with that, I can't be hypnotized. No way, can't be hypnotized. I can't be-

Then we see Katsuki as he was seen going around acting like a monkey as the others watched.

Dimitri: Huh?

Dimitri then snapped his fingers as we then see Katsuki fall face first to the floor.

Katsuki: Told ya, can't be hypnotized.

Ashton showed him a video of Katsuki acting like a monkey

Ashton: That's you stupid.

KO: Dimitri, can I try?

Dimitri: Why not. Here ya go. (hands him the watch)

KO: Thanks.

He then walked to Daphne and Jessica.

KO: Look what I have. Listen to my voice.

Daphne: That's cute.

KO: (turns to Dimitri and Ashton) It's not working guys.

Ashton: Swing it back and forth.

KO: (swings the watch) Thanks. When I snap my fingers, you two will become... (snaps his fingers) giant man eating worms.

We then see Daphne and Jessica both twitch as they both fall to the floor and bend moving forward and then both leap at Dimitri and Ashton constricting them and go under the floor.

KO: No wait, you are both big hairy bats.

Then Jessica and Daphne both jumped out and both grabbed Dimitri and Asbton with their teeth and started to fly as the others watched.

Ashton: Get us down!

KO: Turn into zombies.

Then they fell to the floor as Dimitri and Ashton both saw Daphne and Jessica get up acting as zombies and turned to them as they were both seen being picked up by them.

KO: Ok, maybe scary fire breathing zombies is enough

Ashton: KO when I get my hands on you you'll get such a thrashing!

Dimitri: Bro! Make it stop!

KO: Ok, back to Daphne and Jessica.

He then snapped his fingers as Jessica and Daphne both return to normal as Ashton gets up and sees something on the shelves

Ashton: Whoa what's this thing?

He then picked it up as it was revealed to be a Duel disk.

Ashton: Whoa. This thing is cool.

Dimitri: Hey I think I've seen that before, I think it was for a card game called Duel Monsters.

Ashton: And do the cards look like this?

Ashton grabs a deck box on the shelf and opened it as a woman with long black hair and a red outfit appeared

Ashton: Does anyone else see the hot lady?

Dimitri: I see it, and the card that is Elemental Hero Burstinatrix.

Ashton: What a name. I'll take this duel disk and the decks Mr Shopkeeper. One deck for me and one deck for Dimitri.

Shopkeeper: That will be $100. And as a bonus you and a friend of your choice will receive the chance to enroll at the exclusive Duel Academy.

Ashton: That's awesome! Dimitri you in?

Dimitri: I'm in.

Ashton: Then it's a deal.

He then handed the shopkeeper a hundred dollars.

Ashton: Looks like we'll get to go to duel academy.

Dimitri: Nice.

We then see them leaving the shop as we go to the back as we see two figures wearing black robes come into the shop as we see the shopkeeper was writing notes and then sees the hooded men.

Hooded man: We have come for the cards and duel disk.

Shopkeeper: But I no longer have the cards and duel disk, they were just purchased by a young man just a few hours ago

Hooded man: Then we will find him.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen getting on a ferry as they looked at the sea.

Ashton: This is gonna be awesome, being in duel academy.

Dimitri: Yeah. And Through the cards I got for my deck include the Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl

Ashton: Yugi's main cards? Awesome. The deck I have has those too, along with the elemental heroes and blue eyes white dragon.

Dimitri: Cool.

We then see the ferry arriving at Duel Academy as we see the two about to get off the ferry but someone came to them.

Yugi: You both are becoming duelists aren't you?

Dimitri: Yeah. We're both trying out for the academy.

Yugi then smiled as he was seen reaching into his deck box.

Yugi: You don't say.

Ashton: Yeah.

Dimitri and Ashton both turned and saw Yugi.

Dimitri: Hey you're-

Yugi: (holds out a few cards) Why don't you both take these? Something just tells me that they belong with you two.

Dimitri and Ashton both took the cards.

Ashton: Really?

Yugi: Good luck.

Ashton: Hey we'll both make you proud.

Yugi then turned to them and gave them a thumbs up as we see Dimitri and Ashton both going to the duel academy as the two headed inside as we see them at the dueling arena as they saw many duelists were doing duels.

Ashton: Let's see what these decks can do.

Dimitri: Right.

We see Dimitri as he was seen at a dueling area as he sees his opponent was a young man with grey hair wearing a silver suit.

Dimitri: Let's duel.

Aster: Get your game on.

Dimitri's LP: 8000

Aster's LP: 8000

Aster: I'll go first and I'll start by summoning Destiny Hero Diamond Dude in attack mode.

We then see a warrior covered with diamonds appear on the field.

Destiny Hero Diamond Dude Atk 1400 Def 1600.

Aster: Next I'll play his special ability, I can excavate the top card of my deck and if it's a spell card I get to send it to the graveyard.

He then drew the top card and looked at it as it was a card called graceful charity.

Aster: And look at that, graceful charity.

He then sent it to the graveyard.

Aster: And I'll play one card face down and end my turn.

Dimitri: Cool, now it's my turn. (draws a card) I'll start by summoning Berry Magician Girl in attack mode.

We then see a small magician girl with fairy wings wearing a pink outfit appear.

Berry Magician Girl Atk 400 Def 400

Dimitri: And thanks to Berry Magician Girl's ability when she was summoned, I get to add a Magician Girl monster from my deck to my hand. and I'll pick Chocolate Magician Girl. (adds the card to his hand) And I'll play a card face down and end my turn.

Aster: Then I draw (draws a card) And with Diamond Dude's ability I can activate the spell card I sent to the graveyard last turn. And with Graceful Charity I draw three cards (draws three cards) and then I get rid of two. (sends two cards to the graveyard) And I'll play the field spell clock tower prison.

We then see the area transform into a prison with a tall clocktower

Dimitri: What is this?

Aster: Clock Tower Prison, at each of your standby phases this field spell gains a clock counter and I can play my face down Eternal Dread (plays his face down card) it gives clock tower prison two clock counters.

We then see the little hand on the clock tower move to six o'clock.

Aster: And now Diamond Dude, attack that Berry Magician Girl

We then see Diamond Dude charge at Berry Magician Girl.

Dimitri: You activated her ability, if she's targeted for an attack I can special summon a magician girl from my deck to the field and I'll bring out Dark Magician Girl.

We then see a blonde girl wearing a pink and light blue spellcaster outfit appear on the field.

Dark Magician Girl Atk 2000 Def 1700

Dimitri: And thanks to Berry Magician Girl's ability it switches her to defense mode.

Berry Magician Girl then switched to defense mode as we see Diamond Dude come at her but then stopped as he then brought his hand to Berry Magician Girl's face and gently flicked her as she then cried and was then destroyed into pixels.

Aster: Consider yourself lucky, I'll place two cards face down and end my turn.

Dimitri: Cool now it's back to me. (draws a card)

Aster: Remember, at each of your standby phases, clock tower prison gains a clock counter.

As he drew a card we saw the little hand on the clock tower moved to nine o'clock.

Dimitri: And I'll play the card I drew. I can special summon Palladium Oracle Mahad in attack mode.

We then see a spellcaster with gold armor appear on the field.

Palladium Oracle Mahad Atk 2500 Def 2100

Dimitri: Now what should I have my friend do here? Oh I know Mahad, attack Diamond Dude, and here's a bonus, Mahad's ability can double his attack points if he's battling a monster that's a dark attribute.

We then see Mahad started to glow gold

Palladium Oracle Mahad Atk 2500 - 5000

Dimitri: And now it's showtime! Mahad take out Diamond Dude!

We then see Mahad fire a sphere of gold energy at Diamond Dude destroying him

Aster's LP: 8000- 4400

Dimitri: And Dark Magician girl can go for a direct attack.

We then see Dark Magician Girl come at Aster.

Aster: I don't think so. Go! (reveals. face down) Negate attack!

We then see a red wind blow Dark Magician Girl back to Dimitri's side of the field.

Dimitri: Alright, I'll end my turn with a face down. (places a facedown)

Aster: Now it's my turn. First I'll play monster reborn and revive Diamond Dude.

We then see Diamond Dude reappear on the field.

Aster: And I'll play double summon and it let's me summon two monsters and I'll summon Destiny Hero Dread Servant in attack mode and Defender in defense mode.

We then see a warrior with a spear appear as a warrior made of stone appears on the field.

Destiny Hero Dread Servant Atk 400 Def 700.

Destiny Hero Defender Atk 100 Def 2700.

Aster: And Dread Servant's ability allows me to place a clock counter on clock tower prison.

We then see the little hand on the clock move to 12 o'clock as the clock tower started to chime loudly

Dimitri: The hell's going on?

Aster: Since clock tower prison has four or more clock counters that means there is a special bonus for me. And next I'll end my turn with a face down card.

Dimitri: Alright, Next I'll start by having dark magician girl attack dread servant

Dark Magician Girl then sent a dark burning attack at Dread Servant destroying it as Dimitri saw Aster didn't take any damage

Dimitri: What the?

Aster: My field spell protects me from battle damage if it has four or more clock counters and I get to play dread servant's ability if it was destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard I can destroy a spell or trap i have and I choose clock tower prison.

Dimitri then saw Clock Tower Prison get destroyed.

Dimitri: Why destroy your own spell?

Aster: Cause my field spell has another ability if it was destroyed while having four or more clock counters I can special summon Destiny Hero Dread Master.

Dimitri: Oh crud.

We them see from the wreckage of the clock tower as a large muscular man with shackles and a mask appear on the field.

Destiny Hero Dread Master Atk ? Def ?

Aster: And Dread Master's ability allows me to special summon two destiny heroes from my graveyard and I'll summon Celestial and Fear Monger.

We then see two warriors appear as one had a blade disk on its back and the other had jet wings and a cannon on its arm.

Destiny Hero Celestial Atk 1600 Def 1400

Destiny Hero Fear Monger Atk 1000 Def 1000

Aster: And Dread Master's ability allows him to have attack and defense points equal to the combined destiny heroes on my field.

Destiny Hero DreadMaster Atk ? Def ? - Atk 4100 Def 4100

Dimitri: Ruh roh. I'll end my turn.

Aster: My draw. (draws a card) And next I play Axe of despair and equip it to Dreadmaster giving him a thousand more attack points.

We then see an axe appear as Dreadmaster grabs it.

Destiny Hero Dreadmaster Atk 4100 - 5100

Aster: Now Dreadmaster attack Mahad.

We then see Dreadmaster come at Mahad.

Dimitri: Remember if he battles a dark attribute monster his attack is double which means he can save me from taking too much damage.

Palladium Oracle Mahad Atk 2500 - 5000

Dreadmaster then slashed Mahad, destroying him.

Dimitri's LP: 8000 - 7900

Dimitri: I activate Mahad's second ability, if he was destroyed by battle or card effect I can special summon a certain monster from my hand, deck or graveyard and I will special summon the king of games ace card, Dark Magician.

We then see a spellcaster wearing purple robes appear on the field.

Dark Magician Atk 2500 Def 2100

Dimitri: God I've always wanted to do that.

Aster: Alright, I'll end my turn.

Dimitri: Ok, I draw.

Aster: And here's something as long as Destiny Hero Defender is in defense mode you get to draw another card.

Dimitri: Cool.

Dimitri then drew two cards and looked at it as he saw it was a spell card that showed a dragon on it.

Dimitri: Hey, that can work. (looks at Aster) I think the tables are turned.

Aster: What?

Dimitri: This. (shows the spell card) I play a spell card, the eye of Timaeus.

He then activated the spell card as we then see a dragon appear on the field.

Dimitri: And I'll use it and Dark Magician Girl to bring out Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight.

We then see Dark Magician Girl glow as she was seen on Timaeus wearing knight armor.

Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight Atk 2600 Def 1700

Aster: Impressive, but it still not enough to beat my Dreadmaster.

Dimitri: I know but her special ability can. By sending a card in my hand to the graveyard I can target a monster you have and destroy it. And I choose (points at Dreadmaster) Dreadmaster.

We then see Timaeus as he fires a blast of fire at Dreadmaster.

Dimitri: And I'll play a card's effect from my hand I send a card from my hand to the graveyard and special summon Apprentice Illusion Magician.

We then see a sorceress with tan skin appear wearing purple clothes.

Apprentice Illusion Magician Atk 2000 Def 1700

Dimitri: And Dark Magician Girl Dragon Knight still has her attack. Now take out Diamond Dude.

We then see Dark Magician Girl come at Diamond Dude while ruding Timaeus as she slashed Diamond Dude destroying him.

Aster's LP: 4400 - 3200

Dimitri: Now Dark Magician, Attack Fear Monger, Dark Magic Attack!

We then see Dark Magician sent a blast at Fear Monger Destroying him.

Aster's LP: 3200 - 1700

Aster: I play Fear Monger's ability when he was destroyed i can special summon a destiny hero And I'll bring back Dreadmaster.

We then see Dread Master appear on the field.

Destiny Hero Dreadmaster Atk 1700 Def 1700

Dimitri: I'll end my turn.

Aster: And now it's my turn. And I'll sacrifice Dreadmaster, Celestial and Defender to summon Destiny Hero Dogma.

We then see the three monsters vanish as we see a warrior wearing demonic looking armor appear.

Destiny Hero Dogma Atk 3400 Def 2400

Aster: Now Dogma, attack Dark Magician.

We then see Dogma fore a purple blast as it heads to Dark Magician.

Dimitri: Not so fast, I play my face down. (reveals a face down) Scrap Iron Scarecrow.

We then see a scarecrow made of scrap iron appear as it blocks the blast.

Dimitri: And I can place it face down instead of sending it to the graveyard.

He then put it face down again.

Aster: Fine I end my turn.

Dimitri: Cool my go.

Aster: Not so fast. Dogma go!

We then see Dogma send an energy blast at Dimitri as it hurt him.

Dimitri's LP: 7900 - 3950

Aster: Dogma's ability lets me cut your life points in half at your standby phase after he was special summoned.

Dimitri: Fine. I play the spell card united we stand and equip it to Dark magician and it gives him 800 attack points for every monster on my field including himself.

Dark Magician Atk 2500 - 4900

Aster: That's enough to beat my dogma!

Dimitri: That's right, now Dark Magician attack!

We then see Dark Magician send a blast at Dogma.

Aster: I don't think so. Go! (plays a face down) D Shield!

We then see Dogma switch to defense mode as the blast didn't destroy him.

Dimitri: What?

Aster: It's a trap card it switches Dogma to defense mode and equips itself on him and he gets to stay on the field.

Dimitri: That's cool. I end my turn.

Aster: Thank you, but flattery won't get you anywhere. Now it's my turn, first I switch Dogma to attack mode, so stand up.

We then see Dogma stand up.

Aster: Then I play this equip spell, Heavy Storm Blade.

We then see a bladed fan weapon appear as Dogma grabbed it.

Aster: Bow Dogma attack Dark Magician.

Dimitri: Dude, my monster is stronger than yours why attack.

Aster: I'll answer it with four words. My heavy storm blade.

We then see the heavy storm blade begin to spin creating a strong wind.

Aster: When a destiny hero equipped with heavy storm blade attacks, every spell and trap on the field is instantly destroyed.

We then see all the spells and traps get destroyed.

Aster: And now, Dark Magician loses a few attack points.

Dark Magician Atk 4900 - 2500

Aster: Now attack!

We then see Dogma attack as we then see Dark Magician and Dogma clash with each other as the heavy storm blade starts to crack.

Aster: No fair!

Dimitri: What's the problem? Oh, you're wondering why Dark Magician didn't bite the dust, aren't ya?

Aster: Maybe. Kind of. Yes.

Dimitri: Well it's thanks to Apprentice Illusion Magician, if a spellcaster is attacked or attacks I can tribute her and give that spell caster 2000 attack points.

Dark Magician Atk 2500 - 4500

Aster: (thinking) Then that means he wins.

We then see Dark Magician make a dark Magic attack destroying Dogma.

Aster's LP: 1700 - 0

Dimitri: And that is that.

Dimitri then walked to Aster and held his hand out.

Dimitri: It was fun dueling with ya, you were quite a challenge.

Aster then looked at Dimitri, seeing him holding his hand out and then smiled as he shook his hand.

Aster: Thank you, you're actually pretty good for a newbie.

Dimitri: Thanks. We should do this again sometime.

Aster: You're on.

We later see Dimitri as he was walking to the area where all the students were and noticed that Ashton wasn't around.

Dimitri: Ashton? Buddy? Where'd ya go? Ashton, where are you?

???: What's going on here?

Dimitri turns to see a group of students

Dimitri: Oh, I was looking for my friend Ashton, I can't find him

Alexis: We can help you look for him.

Dimitri: Thanks. I'm Dimitri, Dimitri Kincaid.

Alexis: I'm Alexis. This is Jaden, Syrus, Zane, and my brother Atticus.

Dimitri: Hi. Well I guess for starters we can ask anyone here if they've seen Ashton.

Zane: I saw him get grabbed by these hooded guys.

Dimitri: Oh no, he got kidnapped, then that means we have a mystery on our hands. Zane, where did you see those men take Ashton?

Zane: Yeah by the abandoned dorm.

Dimitri: Then let's go.

We then see them going to an old abandoned dorm as Dimitri opened the door as they went inside as the door shut leaving the place pitch black.

Syrus: Hey, it's too dark. Somebody turn on a light.

Then a green flash was seen as a light started to illuminate the room.

Syrus: That's better.

He then looked and saw that the light source was coming from Dimitri as he was Heatblast.

Syrus: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Dimitri: Look, I know I look weird as this, but it's no reason to freak out Syrus.

Syrus: Wait, Dimitri?

Dimitri: Yeah, it's me. I have this watch that lets me turn into many kinds of aliens. But let's find Ashton.

We then see then walking through the old dorm as they then see a light switch as they flipped it as the lights came on as they then see a door and opened it as they saw Ashton was tied up and gagged.

Dimitri: (changes back) Ashton, what happened?

He then ran to Ashton and removed the gag and untied him.

Ashton: Those creeps in black grabbed me and stole my duel disk and left me here

Dimitri: But why would they want a Duel disk?

Syrus: Guys, look.

They then came to Syrus and saw a coop as many pigeons were in it.

Jaden: Pigeons?

Dimitri: Not just pigeons, these are messenger pigeons

Syrus: Messenger pigeons?

Ashton: People used to use them to send messages over long distances.

Alexis: But the question is who is using them?

Dimitri: Maybe you should ask him.

They then turned and saw a masked cloaked figure.

Syrus: Let's get out of here.

Dimitri then turned into Abatoon as he then pulled out a stick.

Dimitri: You don't scare us buster. (makes a like with the sword) Go on, I dare ya to cross the line, but I warn you I know karate, kung fu and tai quan do.

The ghost then stepped across the line.

Dimitri: Hmmm. Then how about this line? (makes another line)

The ghost then stepped across the second line as Dimitri then made a third line as the ghost stepped across that line and then grabbed the stick from Dimitri's hand and snapped it in half.

Ashton: I don't think he wants to play anymore.

Dimitri: Then let's jet!

They then ran as Dimitri opened a door and they saw the masked hooded men.

Dimitri: It's the scare pair!

They all then started to run as the ghosts started to chase them as we then see them exiting a door as they saw the ghost run by as Dimitri changed back.

Dimitri: That was close.

Alexis: Her, I got this from one of those messenger pigeons. (holds a piece of paper) It says "Paris Texas, Doomcalibur Knight."

Syrus: What does that mean?

Ashton: I think it means that this mystery is just about wrapped up.

Dimitri: Then it's trapping time.

We later see the group as they were seen in a room with a life size replica of the mouse trap board game.

Dimitri: This trap will definitely.

Syrus: It seems a bit crazy.

Ashton: Let's get those ghosts to come to us.

We later see the ghosts in the hall as they saw Dimitri and Ashton.

Dimitri: Hey, over here! This way!

They then started to run as we see the ghosts started to chase them as they ran to the room as the rope was tripped causing a ball to get hit by a broom with a boot making it roll down a rain gutter as it rolled down a pipe asit was lifted up by a mechanism as it went into a bathtub and fell out landing on a seesaw making a dummy get launched and land in a barrel it pulled a rope making a cage come down and trapping the three ghosts as they saw them.

Ashton: Never underestimate the power of a crazy trap.

We later see the rest of the Duel academy students and staff in the outside of the dorm as we see the ghosts were unmasked as the masked ghost was revealed to be a man.

Zane: From the beginning we all suspected that Dr Crowler was the leader of an international smuggling ring, but could never get any evidence to prove it.

Dimitri: Well this duel disk will give you guys all the evidence you need.

Ashton: Each month one of these duel disks gets sent to Dr Crowler from out of the country.

Dimitri: (opens the duel disk extra deck compartment and pulls out a roll of recording tape) Inside this duel disk is a roll of recording tape with the information of the locations of rare cards.

Ashton: They play the tapes, write down the information on small slips of paper and send them to the rest of their gang through messenger pigeons.

Aster: But how did you two get the Duel disk?

Ashton: By accident, it was delivered to a curio shop by mistake where I bought it.

Dimitri: And this ghost getup was used to scare away anyone who got curious about this old dorm.

Crowler: That's right, and especially meddling slackers.

Ashton: And all this has made me hungry.

Dimitri: I got a cookie but we'll have to jump for it. Ready? Go!

He tossed the cookie up in the air as he and Ashton both jumped to grab it but failed as the crashed to the ground as we see the cookie on the ground as we then see a mouse come out of the dorm as it ran to the cookie and then ate it.

Mouse: Scooby Dooby Doo!

It then ran into the hole in the wall of the old dorm as Dimitri and Ashton saw it.

Dimitri: Did you just see that Ash?

Ashton: Yeah, we got outfoxed by a mouse.

The others then started to laugh as Dimitri and Ashton started to laugh as well.


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