Snooze you lose

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We see Ashton as he was in his room as he looked tired and couldn't fall asleep.

Ashton: Damn it, why can't I sleep.

He then looked outside his room and saw the others dancing to loud music.

Ashton: Hey! Keep it down! I haven't had sleep for 4 days!

Ed: That's good!

Ashton: No it's not! I have an audition for a music performance tomorrow and I'm a nervous wreck.

We then see Dimitri appear behind Ashton as Abatoon startling him.

Dimitri: Try walking, that works for me.

Ashton: You know normally, I jump up and scream when you appear like that as Abatoon. But I'm so tired I'm just gonna take your advice.

We then see Ashton walk outside as he was trying to make himself tired.

Ashton: Taking a walk, walk, walk.... walk...

He then walked by a pet shop and saw puppies sleeping, he was seen walking by a tv shop as the tvs showed sheep jumping over a fence, as he then walked past a hobo who was sleeping as he was seen walking to the house as he then fell asleep on the floor as the morning came and we see Dimitri walk out and he sees Ashton asleep on the floor.

Dimitri: Ashton, wake up. (sees Ashton is still asleep) Ashton? Oh no. He has an audition today. Ed, help me wake Ashton up.

Ed: Ok. (runs to Ashton and starts pounding him) WAKE UP, LITTLE ASHTON, WAKE UP!!!

Ashton only snored as he was still asleep as we see Dimitri pour hot coffee in his mouth burning it.

Dimitri and Ed: Wake up!

Ashton was seen still sleeping as we see Dimitri and Ed playing loud music in Ashton's face.

Dimitri and Ed: WAKE UP!

Ashton was seen asleep and didn't hear any of it as Dimitri opened his eye and sees a message reading "out cold"

Dimitri: What do we do now Ashton won't make it to his audition.

Ed: We'll have to create another Ashton in a lab.

Dimitri: That's it.

The scene changes to Dimitri and Ed creating a monstrous version of Ashton in a laboratory. They take him out of the tank and set him down as Dimitri gives the monster a guitar. But instead of playing music, it goes wild and crashes through a wall as It then proceeds to rampage across town.

Ed: Eureka!

Dimitri: No Ed, it failed!

Ed: Maybe we can climb in Ashton and play him like a puppet.

Dimitri: That's it, we'll climb inside Ashton and play him like a puppet.

Ed: Who's dumb idea was that?

Dimitri: (points at Ed) Yours.

Ed: Sounds good to me.

We later see Dimitri as Abatoon as Ed was with him.

Dimitri: Okay, Ed, you go in first and control his arms and legs. Then I'll go in and control the brain.

Ed: Okie dokie.

He then climbed inside of Ashton like a suit and tried to fit inside Ashton.

Ed: Ok, get on my shoulders.

Dimitri then got on Ed's shoulders and closed Ashton's mouth and painted his eye lids to look like he was awake as we see Dimitri and Ed inside if Ashton as Dimitri was holding his brain.

Dimitri: Ok Ed, I'm gonna see if I can make Ashton talk. (grabs Ashton's mouth and starts moving it and talks like Ashton) My name is Ashton, and I think Radicles is a lamebrain. (laughs)

Ed: (laughs) Wow, you sound more like him than—than Ashton! (laughs)

Dimitri: Ok Ed, we gotta date with the orchestra.

We then see them walking outside as Ed was moving Ashton around wobbly making him bump into several people and hit a cop.

Cop: Hey twinkle toes, you're in a no dancing zone. (points at a no dancing zone sign)

Dimitri: Ed, I just realized I don't know where the concert hall is. (puts on a pilot cap and plugs in a plane control in Ashton's brain) Let's ask someone.

We then see Ashton flying around like a airplane as he lands in front of a old woman.

Dimitri: (as Ashton) Excuse me ma'am, I'm looking for the concert hall.

The old woman then looks at Ashton and sees Dimitri struggling to stay in Ashton.

Old Woman: Young man, you don't need a concert hall. You need a hospital.

We then see a ringmaster come and sees Ashton.

Ringmaster: Great god, you're hideous!

He then removed his hat to reveal a second head.

Second head: I manage a freak show and you're exactly the kind of act I need.

A kid was seen walking to Ashton with his mother.

Kid: Mommy, look! It's Frankenstein!

Then many people walk towards Ashton as Dimitri looked and saw a bus as it was heading to the concert hall.

Dimitri: Ed look, that bus is going to the concert hall!

We then see Ed moving Ashton to the buss as we see as we see them making Ashton pull out a quarter from his pocket but drops it as Dimitri made Ashton smile nervously as the bus driver narrowed his eyes at him.

Dimitri: Ed, do you have any change?

Ed: Hold on.

He then reached into his arm pit and pulled out a quarter and gave it to Dimitri.

Dimitri: Bleh.

We then see Dimitri's arm come out of Ashton's ear and puts the quarter into the slot.

Bus driver: Hey, I wasn't born yesterday. That'll be three fares.

Dimitri: Fine.

We then see Dimitri put two more quarters into the slot as they went to their seats.

Bus driver: What some people won't do to cheat the system.

We then see the bus drive off as we later see it arrive at the concert hall and dropped Dimitri and Ed off and drove off as we see them making Ashton walk to the door.

Conductor: AND DON'T COME BACK!!!

We then see a musician as he had a clarinet wrapped around his head.

Musician: Man, that conductor's brutal.

Ed then made them enter the concert hall and then tripped making them fall down the stairs as Ashton was still asleep and spat Dimitri and Ed out as Dimitir landed on the floor head first and Ed landed on top of him as Ashton then landed on them and got the two inside of him again.

Dimitri: (As Ashton) I was just, oh, um, (picks up a music stand]) the thing is not on the thing. (throws the music stand) Oh, uh...

Conductor: Who is that imbecile?

Man: Ashton Salazar, apparently he's a guitar player.

Conductor: Alright, whenever you're ready.

Dimitri: (whispers) The guitar, where's his guitar?

Ed: Oh I got it.

Ed then made Ashton turn around as it was revealed that Ashton's guitar was on his butt.

Dimitri: Eww, why did you put it there?

Ed: I guess I never actually thought of the moment where we'd have to play it.

Dimitri was seen digging in Ashton's brain.

Dimitri: Let's see, the ability to play guitar has got to be in his brain somewhere. (squeezes Ashton's brain) It's just a matter of squeezing it out.

Dimitri then made Ashton play the guitar with his face as Ed was making Ashton play guitar badly as we see the others watching.

Kara: Has Ashton lost his marbles?

Zee: I don't know?

The conductor then got angry as he bent a trumpet and tossed it.

Confused : Alright thank you! Next!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then we sse Ed made Ashton grab the guitar and play it beautifully as the conductor stopped getting angry as we see Ed making Aston play guitar beautifully and dancing elegantly and we see Dimitri was conducting the music with Ashton's brain.

Diana: He is wonderous.

Conductor: He's magnificent.

We then see Ashton as he then started to wake up and see where he was.

Ashton: W-what's going on here? Where am I? (gasps) I'm at the audition. I'm playing, but I'm not in control. I-I feel like I've been taken over by something.

We then see Ashton trying to regain control.

Ed: What's happening?

Dimitri: (sees Ashton's brain shaking) I don't know. I'm losing control!

Ashton was seen flopping around while playing the guitar trying to regain control.

Ashton: Must... gain... control...

He then crashed into something.

Conductor: That's an unusual playing style but still he sounds magnificent.

Dimitri: Ed, I don't think I can command his brain much longer!

Ed: Me neither!

Ashton: What was that?

He turned his eyes and saw Dimitri and Ed were inside him and Ed

Ashton: Dimitri?! Ed?! You're inside me?! How did this happen? (uses his eyes to punch Dimitri) Get out of my mind! Get out of my body just... GET OUT!

We then see Ashton slamming himself around the floor trying to get Dimitri and Ed out of him as we see Dimitri's arms come out of his ears and pulled on his hair as we see Dimitri biting his brain and Ed was punching his insides as we then see Ashton threw Dimitri and Ed up out of him as they laid on the floor.

Dimitri and Ed: Ta da...

Ashton: Oh I am going to thrash you two!

Conductor: You're a wizard. A magical, musical wizard.

Diana: Excellent performance Ashton.

Zee: You were amazing Ashton.

Ashton: I was? I mean of course I was. I am a musician.

He then held up his guitar.

Conductor: Yes, yes! Oh, bring us to (throws his clipboard away) ecstasy, maestro!

Ashton: I envy you common people. For you are about to have the glorious honor of hearing me play wake me up by Avicii for I am in full control.

Ashton then started to play the guitar as music began to play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton: Feeling my way through the darkness Guided by a beating heart I can't tell where the journey will end But I know where to start They tell me I'm too young to understand They say I'm caught up in a dream Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes Well that's fine by me So wake me up when it's all over When I'm wiser and I'm older All this time I was finding myself, and I Didn't know I was lost So wake me up when it's all over When I'm wiser and I'm older All this time I was finding myself, and I Didn't know I was lost I tried carrying the weight of the world But I only have two hands Hope I get the chance to travel the world But I don't have any plans Wish that I could stay forever this young Not afraid to close my eyes Life's a game made for everyone And love is a prize So wake me up when it's all over When I'm wiser and I'm older All this time I was finding myself, and I Didn't know I was lost So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older All this time I was finding myself, and I I didn't know I was lost I didn't know I was lost I didn't know I was lost I didn't know I was lost I didn't know.

Ashton then took a bow as everyone clapped for him. We later see everyone at home as we see Dimitri coming in the house as he had a black eye and a few bruises as Ashton followed him.

Dimitri: Come on dude, I said I was sorry!

Ashton: Shut it before I break your kneecaps.

Dimitri: That thrashing wasn't necessary.

Ashton: It serves you and Ed right for using me like a puppet. You know I hate that!

Dimitri: We had no choice! You were sleeping like a rock.

Ashton: You could have just woke me up.

Dimitri: I tried every kind of method and you just snored loudly.

Ashton: Did you try the Mary method?

Dimitri: The Mary what?

Ashton: It's where Mary wakes me up by kissing me.

Dimitri: Well I haven't thought of that, but look at the bright side Ash, at least you get to perform in the orchestra.

Ashton: I guess you're right.

Dimitri then heard his phone ringing and answered it.

Dimitri: Hello? (hears chattering) Oh, ok. Ah ha. I see. Bye.

He then hung up as Ashton looked at him.

Ashton: What is it?

Dimitri: It was Azmuth, he told me that they escaped and they took some experimental Omni cores.

Ashton: Oh smoof. Not them... Anyone but them.

We then go to a cave as we see many machines and tools were seen as we hear welding and we see a box of pizza and a plate of sushi as we see a hand grabs a slice of pizza and another grabs some sushi as we see it was Dev-N and Claudius as they were both working on something as Dev-N took a bite out of his pizza slice and Claudius ate some sushi as we see the two have made two watches as they then place the Omni cores.

Claudius: It is done.

Dev-N: We have completed, no we have exceeded.

Claudius: We are one step closer to gaining our true forms. (goes through the aliens) no, we have the omegatrix and ultimatrix

???: Having trouble?

They both turned and saw Draven as he walked out of the shadows.

Claudius: The Gamatrix and Betatrix are both linked to Kincaid and Salazar's Omegatrix and Ultimatrix, with their dna as the defaults.

Draven: Perhaps I can help you, if you serve me and help me gain what I desire, I will help you both gain what you both desire.

Dev-N: If it involves us regaining our original forms we will help you.

Draven: Then I glad to have your servitude to me.

Claudius: We will serve you only to regain our true forms and to gain revenge on Dimitri and Ashton.


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