Sailors from the stars

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We see the heroes as they were at the bodega as we see Dimitri, Ashton, KO, and Rad unloading boxes as Enid was on the counter reading a magazine.

Rad: This is taking forever.

Enid: Maybe it would go faster if you quit whining about it.

Rad: At least I'm doing something, you're just sitting there.

Enid: Excuse you, I am not just sitting here, I'm supervising.

Rad: Sure keep telling that to your-

then a ship fell from the sky and crashed nearby

Ashton: The rest of you stay here I'll go check that out

Ashton then stepped out of the bodega as he saw the ship and walked to it as he heard groaning coming from inside the ship

Ashton: Hey mister you ok in there?

He then saw the door opened up as a humanoid turtle came out clutching a chest as he then fell on the ground as Ashton then helped him up.

Ashton: Hey, are you alright?

Turtleman: He's coming. Can ye hear him? Gears and gyros clicking and whirring like the devil himself?!

Ashton: What are you talking about?

Billy: He's after me chest, that fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats. But they'll have to pry it from Billy Bones' cold dead fingers before I- *groans and collapse*

Ashton: Hold on.

Ashton then helped him up and walked to the plaza as he took him inside

Ashton: Guys he's hurt. Bad.

They then ran to him as Billy pointed at his chest.

Billy: Me chest.

Dimitri: Oh. *gives the chest to Billy* Here.

He then started to press a few buttons as the chest opened.

Billy: He'll be coming soon. *takes out an item wrapped in a cloth* I can't let them find this.

KO: Who's coming?

Billy: The cyborg. Beware the cyborg.

Billy then collapsed to the ground leaving the item in Ashton's hands

KO: What do we do now?

Ashton goes to the window and sees a group of large people

Ashton: We get out of here. Now.

They then began to run as they saw blasts coming from the walls as one of the blasts hit a stock of bombs making them explode setting everything on fire.

Ashton: Oh smoof.

They then ran out of the back door as we see the people enter the plaza as they started to go through the shelves searching for something as we see them running to Rad's van as they drove off as Dimitri and KO looked back and saw the bodega was going up in flames as we later see it going to Carol's home as we see them running inside as Dimitri was locking the doors and placing a shelf behind it

Ashton: Oh man Gar is gonna kill us!

Then knocking was heard on the door.

Rad: They're here! Hide!

He then ran to a closet and closed it.

Carol: What's going on? Open the door.

Dimitro checked the window and saw Carol was there.

Dimitri: It's mom.

Ashton: Carol some bad people attacked us at the bodega.

Carol: Just let me in and tell me everything.

???: Yeah what's going on?

Dimitri then moved the shelf and unlocked the door and opened it and saw Carol and Wil behind the door

Ashton: Wil! Thank goodness you're ok!

Carol: What is going on?

Dimitri: Long story short, we found this item and some bad people are after it.

Wil: What does this thing even look like?

Ashton then removed the cloth as he saw it was a golden sphere.

Ashton: It looks like an old piece of machinery.

Enid: Those guys went through a lot of trouble to get that thing.

KO: What can it do?

Ashton then pressed a few buttons on the sphere and then started to twist it a bit as it started to glow as a 3D grid and holograms of planets appeared

Ashton: It's space.

Dimitri: *sees earth* Wait, that's us right here. The planet Earth.

He then touched it as we see the planets and even galaxies fly past and stop at a planet whose rings form an X

Ashton: That must be some kind of Treasure Planet.

Dimitri: Treasure Planet? I heard about it. Mom used to tell me stories about it when I was KO's age. Flint's trove, the loot of a thousand worlds. You guys know what this means?

Ashton: It means all that treasure is only a boat ride away.

Dimitri: And whoever brings it back will hold an eternal place atop of the pantheon of explorers.

Then the map vanished.

KO: Mom, that's what we need to fix the plaza.

Carol: KO, there is no way-

Dimitri: But mom, you remember those stories.

Carol: That's all they were, stories.

KO: With all that treasure we can fix the plaza as good as new.

Dimitri: That's right, we'll be able to rebuild the plaza.

Carol: Well this is... it's just... I don't want to lose either of you boys. *to Wil* Tell them how dangerous this is.

Wil: It's totally risky, a bunch of kids traveling the entire galaxy alone.

Carol: Now we hear some sense.

Wil: Which is why I'm going with you.

Carol: What?!

Wil: I'll just use my savings to finance the trip, find a ship, hire a captain and a crew.

Ashton: Thank you Wil. This will definitely do.

KO: Yay! We get to go after all!

Carol: Ok! Ok! You're all grounded.

Dimitri: Look mom, I know you're worried about me and KO but we'll both be ok.

Ashton: Dimitri is right, there are worse things than a trip to space.

Carol: Are you saying this because it's the right thing or because you really want to go?

Ashton: Both. They'll be fine.

Carol: Alright. But you're still grounded when you get back.

Dimitri and KO: Ok mom.

Ashton: Alright. Then we all should start preparations for tomorrow we will be heading to the space port.

The next day we see the group as they were on a crescent moon shape space port as we see them walking around

Ashton: Truth be told I had no idea this is what the moon actually was.

Dimitri: Let's just focus on finding the ship.

Wil: Oh boys! Wait for me!

They all turned and saw Wil in a purple space suit

Ashton: Wil I thought we agreed no on the spacesuit.

Wil: Can you blame me if this is my color?

Enid: Let's just go find the ship.

Enid then walked off as Wil looked at her.

Wil: It's the suit isn't it?

Ashton: No offense Wil, but yeah it kinda is.

Wil: I knew I shouldn't have listened to that pushy two-headed saleswoman. This one said it would fit, that one said it was my color, I didn't know what to do, I got so flustered.

We see Dimitri and Enid as they were talking to a robot and alien.

Robot: Second boat to your right.

Alien: You can't miss it.

Dimitri: Thanks.

They then started to walk as they all saw the ship.

Wil: This is our ship, the RLS Legacy.

They then started to board onto the ship as they saw a stone alien.

KO: Good morning captain, is everything in tip top shape?

Arrow: That it is, young man. But I am not the captain, the captain's aloft.

They then looked up and saw a cat woman in a blue coat coming down from the sail and landed to the ground.

Ashton: D doesn't she have a POW card?

Dimitri: Let me check.

He then pulled out his pouch of pow cards as he then pulled out a card with the cat woman on it.

Dimitri: Here it is, Amelia Smollet.

Ashton: Wil, you hired the most famous starship captain ever?

Wil: Yes.

Amelia: Mr. Arrow I checked this miserable ship from stem to stern and I must say it's spot on, can you get nothing wrong?

Arrow: You flatter me Captain.

Amelia: Oh shut up Arrow you know I don't mean a word of it.

Amelia turns to the group and came face to face with Ashton with a giant blush on his face

Dimitri: Hello Captain, I'm Dimitri, this is Ashton and over there are Enid, Wil, Rad *holds up KO* And this is KO, my little brother.

Amelia said nothing and stared at Ashton

Dimitri: Um, Captain? Did you hear what I said?

Arrow: She means no rudeness to you and your friends, young man but she seems to have taken a liking to him.

Dimitri: *looks and saw Amelia was looking at Ashton* Oh I see. Not to interrupt her gaze on Ash but can we have a word with her in private, we have something to show her.

Amelia stops staring at Ashton

Amelia: What?

Dimitri: I was saying that we have something to show you in private ma'am.

Amelia: Come to my stateroom.

We then see the group were in Amelia's stateroom.

Dimitri: Thank you for bringing us here, Ashton, show her what we have.

Ashton then held up the map as he gave it to Amelia as she looked at the map and then walked to a cabinet as she placed it in a chest.

Amelia: For you all in the future you will refer to me as captain or ma'am, are we clear?

Dimitri: Yes ma'am.

Amelia: Thank you, this must be kept under lock and key.

She then locked the chest and closed the cabinet.

Amelia: Mr. Arrow please take these neophytes down to the galley. Some of them will be working for our cook Mr. Silver.

Rad: Cook?

Ashton: Rad shut up.

We then see the group walking to the galley.

Dimitri: Something smells good.

Wil: Oh thank you. I'm trying on a new perfume.

Ashton: I think he was talking about what is in the galley Wil.

Wil: Oh, that makes more sense.

Ashton: But you do smell nice.

Wil: Thank you.

As they reached the galley they heard whistling as they saw someone there.

Arrow: Mr. Silver.

Silver: Why Mr. Arrow sir, bringing in such fine looking distinguished gents and ladies to praise my humble galley. Had I known, I'd tucked in me shirt.

Dimitri then noticed that Silver had a mechanical arm, leg and eye as he gasped.

Dimitri: *whispers* The cyborg.

Arrow: This is Wilhamena, the financier of our voyage.

Silver: Love the outfit.

Silver's eye then started to trace a beam at Wil's suit.

Wil: Um, thank you, love the eye. This is Dimitri, Ashton, KO, Rad and my daughter Enid.

Silver: *brings his hand out to KO which had sharp utensils* KO.

KO then looked at Silver's arm seeing it had the utensils as Silver noticed and switched it back to a regular hand and brought it to KO as he only looked at it.

Silver: Ah, don't be too put up with the hunk of hardware.

He then brought down a few ingredients and his mechanical arm to cut them and placed them in the pan and then changed it to a knife and chopped some vegetables and held up his arm with his hand missing and it came out of the sleeve.

Mr. Silver: These gears have been tough getting used to, but they do come in mighty handy.

He then changed the arm to a flame and place the pan on it and then poured the ingredients in a pot and took a taste as he grabbed some bowls and placed the stew in and brought it to them.

Mr Silver: You folks have to try my famous bonzabeast stew.

They then looked at the bowls of stew as Ashton took a taste.

Ashton: It's very tangy but robust.

Mr. Silver: Old family recipe.

Then an eye popped out of the stew Rad had as he saw it.

Rad: Gah!

Mr. Silver: In Fact that was part of the old family. *laughs* I'm just kidding. I'm nothing if I'm not a kidder. Go on Dimitri have a swig.

Dimitri brought a spoonful of the stew up as the spoon then ate the stew as it then became a pink blob of goo.

Mr. Silver: Morph! You jiggle-headed blob of mischief!

Morph then changed into a straw as he then went in the bowl and ate the stew.

Mr. Silver: So that's where you was hiding!

Dimitri then saw Morph as he came to him and KO.

KO: What is that thing?

Morph: What is that thing?

Morph then morphed into a small version of KO.

Silver: He's a morph. I rescued the little shapeshifter on Proteus one. *morph comes to him and starts licking him* He took a shine to me. We've been together ever since.

Mr. Arrow: We're about to get underway, would you like to observe the launch?

Wil: Why of course.

Ashton: Yes sir.

They then walked out as the others were about to follow her.

Arrow: The rest will stay here, in your charge Mr. Silver.

Mr. Silver was seen having a spoonful of his stew and then spat it out in shock

Mr Silver: But Mr Arrow.

Arrow: Captain's orders Mr Silver.

He then left as Silver looked at the others.

Silver: So captain's put you all with me? Eh, who'd be a humble cyborg to argue with the captain?

Dimitri then looked at a barrel of fruit.

Dimitri: You know I've seen these fruits before at home, the planet Earth. Ever been there?

Silver: Can't say I have.

Enid: You know we met someone, he was looking for his cyborg buddy. What was his name again? Oh, Bones, Billy Bones. Perhaps you heard of him?

Silver: Bones? Bones? T'aint ringin any bells. Perhaps it was a different cyborg. Now off with you lot go watch the launch I'll have some work for you later.

They then started to walk out of the galley as Silver watched them leave.

Silver: We best be keeping a sharp eye on these ones, eh morph? We wouldn't want them staying into things they shouldn't.

We then see them walking out of the galley as they saw the ship about to launch as it rises in the air as it then took off launching Ashton backwards crashing into a wall

Ashton: *muffled* Ow.

We see Dimitri as he saw KO looking at the stars in space.

KO: Wow.

Dimitri: Yeah, it's pretty amazing lil bro.

As they were looking at the stars in space we see space whales float past the ship

Ashton: Pardon my forwardness Captain but growing up you were one of my personal heroes.

Amelia: Thank you. By the way your friend should steer clear of-

Dimitri gets covered in space whale snot while trying to take a picture of one of the space whales as Rad laughed at him.

Dimitri: A comedian huh? well two can play that game.

Dimitri then turned into a alien that had red armor and crab like features with the badge on his chest as he blasted water at Rad getting him completely soaked in water and hits a wall

Rad: Ok you'll pay for that.

Ashton: Hey! That's enough!

Rad: He started it.

Ashton: I don't care who started it, I just ended it.

Dimitri then changes back as we see the others looking around at the ship as we smee Silver coming

Silver: Lasses and lads, I have some friends I want you to meet.

KO: Really? Who?

Silver: Say hello to Mr. Mop. *throws a mop to them* And Mrs. Bucket. *throws a bucket to them*

Ashton: Ok that's a little funny.

We then see Dimitri was watching KO run around mopping the deck as a crew member walked by and bumped into Dimitri.

Dimitri: Hey, excuse you.

KO then looked and saw some of the crew mates were talking to each other as one turned to see KO as he quickly looked away as he continued mopping the floor as he then looked up to see a spider alien coming down the mast

Scroop: Cabin boys should mind their own business.

KO: Why? Is there something you're hiding?

Dimitri: Yeah. You got something to hide bright eyes?

Scroop then grabbed the two and pinned them.

Scroop: Maybe your ears don't work right?

KO: I think our noses work fine.

Scroop then got angry but then felt Dimitri grab his wrist and twist his arm.

Dimitri: If I were you I would let go of my brother or else I tear off your arms and feed them to you!

Scroop then released KO.

Dimitri: Good, now listen carefully, if I catch you touching one hair on KO's head it will be the last thing you do. Do I make myself clear?

Scroop: Transparently.

Dimitri: Good, now go before I change my mind.

Scroop then walked off as Dimitri looked at the rest of the crew.

Dimitri: Consider that a warning for the rest of you, if any of you mess with KO, you mess with me.

The crew then began to continue doing their work as Dimitri turned to KO.

Dimitri: You alright little bro?

KO: Yeah I'm fine.

Dimitri: Good, mom would kill me if anything happened to you.

We then see Ashton as he and Amelia had witnessed what Dimitri had done.

Amelia: Impressive, Dimitri was able to defend his brother.

Ashton: That's how Dimitri does things, he always makes sure no one messes with his brother.

Ashton then has an idea as a gauntlet-like device manifests on his arm.

Amelia: What is that?

Ashton: I just made a copy of Dimitri's watch. This thing can come in handy. And How I did it was I have these things called nanites inside me, nanites normally turn creatures into monsters but I can control them and can reverse those that lost control of theirs. Think of me as a living cure to mutants.

Amelia: That is interesting Ashton. But why does your watch look different than your friend's?

Ashton: Variety is the spice of life and my favorite spice is cayenne pepper.

Amelia: I suppose that makes sense.

Ashton: Yo D! How do I work this thing?

Dimitri: Usually I touch it and it would show the aliens that you want to become but I have no idea how yours is supposed to work. Try twisting the dial.

Ashton then twisted the dial as he saw the watch showed an alien that resembles heatblast but had bigger shoulders

Ashton: This guy looks kinda like your fire guy. Heatblast right?

Dimitri: Yeah, but he looks different.

Ashton then pressed it down as he became the alien as we see the color on the rocks on his torso were green as the rocks on his arms and legs were red as the fire on his head resembled a Mohawk and was red in color

Ashton: AAAAAHHH!!!!

And done!

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