Through space

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We see Ashton as he was the fire alien.


He then ran around screaming.

Dimitri: Dude, you're fine.

Ashton: Sorry dude I don't swing that way.

Dimitri: I said your "fine"

Ashton: Oh. So what can this guy do?

Dimitri: Heatblast can shoot fire and fly on a flaming rock.

Amelia: I wonder if this Hot Shot can do the same.

Ashton: Say that's catchy. Hot Shot. I like it!

Dimitri: Ash I think your watch must have given the aliens mutations.

Ashton: Well I am an EVO so it makes sense.

Amelia: What is an EVO?

Ashton: It's short for Exponentially Variegated Organism.

Amelia: I see.

Dimitri: If that was what made the mutations on your aliens then that means it made your aliens stronger.

Ashton: That's a good bonus.

Dimitri: We should be prepared for what will be coming cause we have a long trip.

Ashton: Perfect. Gives me perfect time to figure what all these guys can do.

We then see Ashton and Dimitri in the middle of the deck where hologramatic targets are seen as we see Dimitri transform into a being made of diamond as the badge was on his belt as we see Ashton became the same alien but the only difference was the color of his crystal body was purple and was wearing a black and purple suit as the badge was on his chest.

Dimitri: Diamondhead!

Ashton: I'll call this guy Crystal Fist.

Dimitri: Eh. The name could use a bit of work.

They both then raised their arms as they both fired crystal shards as they started to hit the targets.

Ashton: This is definitely an awesome alien.

Dimitri: Yeah. Your aim is improving though.

Amelia and Wil: Narrowly missing us by inches.

They then looked and saw Amelia and Wil as they were both in poses against the wall as the shards were in the shapes of Wil and Amelia.

Ashton: Oops. Sorry guys.

Dimitri: Maybe we should move on to a different alien.

Ashton: Good call.

They both then tapped their badges as we see them as Dimitri was Shock Rock and Ashton was a mutated version of Shock Rock but he was purple and the moss on his armor was red.

Dimitri: I call this alien Shock Rock.

Ashton: Nice, I'll call this guy Overvolt.

Dimitri: Lame. How about Overload?

Ashton: That works too.

Dimitri: Here's a demo on what this guy does.

He then made a boomerang of blue electricity and threw it as it came back to him and grabbed it.

Dimitri: I call this a bluemerang.

Ashton then created a jagged version of the bluemerang as he then tossed it and it came back to him.

Ashton: Ok this is pretty cool.

Dimitri: One of the reasons I go alien. How much longer until we reach you know what?

Ashton: I think... Oh my god!

Ashton runs to the helm of the ship

Ashton: The star Permusa has gone SUPERNOVA!

They then looked to the star as we look to see meteors were coming as they were hitting the sails making holes as Dimitri then started throwing electric balls at incoming meteors when he heard screaming as he turned and saw Ashton was on the ground clutching his face.

Dimitri: Dude are you alright?


Ashton then moved his hands to reveal one side of his face was burned and his eye was blinded as Dimitri looked at the star.

Dimitri: Uh Ash... we got a problem.

Ashton: What is it?

Dimitri: The star is becoming a black hole!

They then saw the star was becoming a black hole


We then see the crew were putting on their lifelines and were securing their lifelines as we saw the crew closing up the sails as Dimitri looked at the black hole and then got an idea.

Dimitri: Ashton, tell the crew to open the sails.

Ashton: What?

Dimitri: We'll use the waves to ride our way out of here.

Amelia: Brilliant! Everyone, release the sails!

Crewmate: But we just finished tying them down!


We then see everyone releasing the sails as we see the waves start to move the ship as we see Arrow fall off the ship but his lifeline was holding onto him as he was trying to pull himself back to the ship as we see Scroop as he was about to reach to Arrow's lifeline and was about to cut it.

Dimitri: Aha!

Scroop then turned to see Dimitri was behind him.

Dimitri: Caught you red handed spider punk! *grabs Scroop with a levitation beam* Wait till the captain hears about this. Or I have a better idea I give you to my friend who recently got himself a new toy and an angry personality.

We then see the last wave free the ship from the black hole's pull as we see everyone is ok as we see Dimitri bringing Scroop to Ashton who was with Amelia.

Dimitri: I caught Scroop here attempting to cut Mr. Arrow's lifeline.

Amelia: Ashton dear. Take care of him.

Ashton: Aye Captain.

Ashton then turns into Hot Shot and grins menacingly as he then grabs Scroop and walks off to the lower deck.

Dimitri: Looks like Ashton will be having fun.

Amelia: I want to thank you for reporting what Scroop was doing.

KO: So if Dimitri didn't caught Scroop then

Amelia: Mr. Arrow would be sucked into the black hole right?

Dimitri: Yeah. Now Scroop will think twice before he tries to do a stunt like that. Amelia, how much longer until we reach our destination?

Amelia: We will be arriving soon.

Dimitri: Alright.

We later see Dimitri and KO as they were seen at the supplies as they were looking through the barrels and then hear footsteps and they see Ashton coming

Ashton: Hey guys.

Dimitri: Hey Ash, how are you feeling?

Ashton: My face still hurts from that meteor I took but otherwise ok. Amelia wrapped my face in bandages which should be off in a few weeks.

Dimitri: Alright, so how far are we at reaching you know what?

Ashton: Ssh. Get in the barrel someone's coming.

They then jumped into the barrel as they then looked through the hole as they saw Silver along with the rest of the crew.

KO: *whispers* It's Silver.

Dimitri: Shh.

Crewmate: Look, what we're saying is, we're sick of all this waiting.

Crewmate 2: We are wanting to move.

Mr. Silver: We don't move until we got the treasure in hand.

Crewmate: That human has Scroop in his friend's custody!

Mr. Silver: And whose fault was that? Scroop disobeyed an order.

Dimitri continued to listen to the conversation as he saw an arm go in the barrel and tried to reach for something as Dimitri put a fruit in his hand.

Mr. Silver: Any of you disobey an order like Scroop did with his little stunt with Mr. Arrow there'll be trouble.

They then left as Dimitri, Ashton and KO came out of the barrel.

Dimitri: Knew it. We got to warn the others about this.

Ashton: You guys grab Enid and Rad. Wil and I will grab Mr. Arrow and meet back in Amelia's stateroom.

Dimitri: On it.

We then see Dimitri and KO run off as they see Enid and Rad.

Dimitri: Enid, Rad, we need to get to the captain's stateroom right now. We'll explain everything there.

We then see them going to Amelia's stateroom as we see her and Arrow loading some pistols

Amelia: Filthy pirates I'll see they all hang!

Dimitri: We need to get that map out of here before silver gets his metal hand on it.

Amelia then went to the chest and got the map out of it.

Amelia: Dimitri, you and your brother guard this map with your lives.

She then tossed the map to the two only for morph to grab it and run off with it.

Dimitri: Morph! No!

KO: Morph, come back!

The two then ran after Morph as they followed him through the ship as they were at the longboats as Dimitri and KO saw Morph.

Dimitri: Morph buddy, bring it over here.

KO: Please Morph. We need it.

Dimitri: Yeah, just give us the map please.

Then Silver came and saw Morphe with the map.

Silver: Morph come here boy.

Dimitri: No, over here Morph, bring it to us.

Silver: Morph come to your dad.

Dimitri: Come on buddy.

Morph then looked at them and then went in the rope as KO and Dimitir ran to the rope and KO grabbed the map as the hatch began to open as we see the others in a long boat as Dimitri and KO got on the long boat as we see it going out of the ship and went down to treasure planet as we see a pirate on a laser cannon aiming at the long boat.

Silver: Hold your fire we'll lose the map!

The Pirate then fired a laser ball at them as they saw it.

Ashton: Incoming!

Ashton made one of his smack hands and punched the laser ball into space

Dimitri: Nice hit Ash.

Ashton: Thanks.

We then see the long boat as it landed at Treasure Planet.

Dimitri: Ok, KO, you got the map?

KO: Right here.

He then held up the map in his hand as they then saw the map became Morph.

Ashton: Morph?

Dimitri: Where's the map?

Morph then formed into the map inside the rope.

Enid: It's still on the ship?!

Dimitri: Let's just find a place to hide before those pirates get here.

Amelia: Dimitri. You, KO, Rad and Enid scout ahead

Dimitri: Aye Captain.

We then see them going through the woods as Dimitri had KO on his shoulders as they were walking through the trees as Dimitri heard rustling as he turned to see something was watching them.

Dimitri: Guys, we're not alone.

They then looked around as they then saw a robot and screamed in shock.

Robot: Oh this is fantastic! Carbon based life forms come to rescue me at last. *hugs Dimitri, KO, Enid and Rad* I just wanna hug you and squeeze you and hold you close.

Dimitri: Um can you let go now?

Robot: Sorry. *lets go of them* it's just i've been marooned for so long. I mean solitude's fun don't get me wrong for heaven's sake after a hundred years YOU GONE A LITTLE NUTS! *laughs* I'm sorry. I am.... My name is... What was it?

Morph then turned into the robot as a cuckoo bird came out of its head as Dimitri closed it.

BEN: BEN! Of course I'm BEN. Bio Electronic Navigator. And you all are?

Dimitri: Dimitri, and you already met Enid, Rad and my little brother KO.

Enid: Look we need to hide there's some pirates and-

BEN: Pirates! Oh don't get me started with pirates, I don't like them. I remember captain Flint, this guy had such a temper.

Dimitri: Wait, you knew Captain Flint?

BEN: I think he'd suffered from mood swings personally. I'm not a therapist but anyway do let me know if I'm rambling.

BEN: Treasure?

Enid: Yeah you know, Flint's trove, loot of a thousand worlds.

BEN: Well it's all... It's all a bit fuzzy. Wait, I remember. I do. Treasure! Lot's and lot's of treasure buried in a centroid in the mechanism, big door opening and closing opening and closing. And Captain Flint wanted to make sure that nobody could get to his treasure so I helped him and- *starts sparking as Dimitri slapped him* And you all are?

Dimitri: What about the treasure? the centroid of the mechanism?

BEN: I'm sorry, my memory isn't what it used to be. I lost my mind. you all wouldn't have it do you, the central memory piece.

Dimitri: No. But we should get going. And if you want to come you have to keep quiet and not touch. I think we should head-

BEN: Before we go out in our big search, can we make a quick stop at my place? *moves some plants to show a ruin*

Dimitri: Dude, I think you just solved our problem.

We then see the group as we see them going to BEN's home as they saw markings.

Ashton: Guys, these markings are just like the ones on the map.

Dimitri: We must be getting close. *helps Enid up in the entrance.

BEN: Sorry about the mess. You'd think in a hundred years I would've dusted a little more but, you know when you bachtin it, you tend to let things go. *sees Ashton carrying amelia and Dimitri holding Enid's hand* Isn't that sweet? I find old-fashioned romance touching, don't you? *holds up cups of oil* How about some drinks for the lovely couples?

Dimitri: No thanks, we don't drink. And me and Enid aren't a couple

Ashton: Plus I don't think those drinks are safe for organics to drink.

Dimitri: Well at least we'll be safe here in the meantime.

Amelia: Dimitri, stop anyone who tries to approach.

Ashton: Yes, now listen to me missy. Stop giving orders for one second. And lay down.

Amelia: Very forceful Ashton. Go on, say something else.

Ashton then smiled at her.

B.E.N.: Hey look! There's some more of your buddies!

Rad: Buddies?

Enid: Oh no.

BEN: Hey fellas! We're over here, fellas!

Then the pirates then started to shoot at BEN as Dimitri grabbed him and he and Ashton became Diamondhead and Crystal Fist and started firing diamonds at them.

Silver: Stop wasting your fire! Hello up there! If it's ok with the captain. I would like a few words with ya. No tricks, just a little palaver.

Amelia: Come to bargain for the map, doubtless.

Dimitri: Then that means...

Dimitri and Ashton: He thinks we still have it.

Dimitri: Ash cover me, I'm gonna talk to Silver

Ashton: On it.

Dimitri then walked over to Silver.

Dimitri: What do you want, Silver? And I would also suggest your buddies stay where they are, cause I have one of my friends out and aiming in case of any tricks. *points at Ashton aiming at Silver* My friend over there blasts you to kingdom come.

Silver: Look lad, about what I said back on the ship. I don't have any means to harm you or your friends. But listen, if we play our cards right we all will walk out of this rich as kings.

Dimitri: Look we just need some thought ok.

He then walked back to the others as night came as we see Dimitri and Ashton looking at the pirates camp.

Dimitri: Without the map we're dead.

Ashton: If we try to leave we're dead.

Dimitri: And if we stay here.

Morph: We're dead! We're dead! We're dead!

Ashton: I have an idea. KO, Enid you're with me.

Dimitri: Me and Rad should come as backup.

BEN: Well as you guys go on with your plan, I'm gonna slip out through the back door.

Dimitri: Wait, what did you say?

Ashton: Thanks BEN. You just completed part one of my plan.

We then see them at the pirates camp as they all saw the pirates were sleeping.

BEN: So how are we all gonna get to that ship?

Ashton: On that.

He then pointed at the pirates longboat as he then pressed the faceplate on his watch akd became a being that is black with blue circuitry lines on him with spiked shoulders and has a red eye as the badge was on his chest.

Ashton: Say hello to Bootleg.

He then leaped at the long boat and then merged with it as we saw the others get on and went up to the ship as we saw them getting on the ship.

Ashton: Alright guys the plan is we find the map and disable the laser cannons.

They then walked down to the bottom deck.

KO: Ok we'll find the map.

BEN: Alright, I'll disable the laser cannons.

He then went off to find the controls for the cannons.

Dimitri: Rad, go with him so he doesn't do anything stupid.

Rad: Fine.

He then followed BEN as we see the others at the longboats as Ashton went to the rope and pulled out the map.

Ashton: Got it. Let's get out of here.

Dimitri: And hopefully we can get out before-

Then the alarms went off as we saw Rad and BEN in a room with plugs.

BEN: Bad BEN. *puts the plug back.*

We see the others running to the exits.

Dimitri: He's gonna get us killed.

As they ran to the stairs they saw Scroop was there.

Ashton: Oh this just got fun.

Ashton then transformed into a four armed being with purple skin and in a red and black suit with the badge on his chest.

Ashton: Time for some Quad Smack.

Dimitri then slammed his watch and became a being resembling a plant as his head was yellow, red and orange like fire and the badge was on his stomach.

Dimitri: Swampfire!

They then came at Scroop as Ashton punched him to a wall as we see BEN and Rad were looking at the plugs.

BEN: Maybe this one shuts the cannons off.

He then pulled one plug as the lights went out.

Rad: Nope.

We then see Dimitri as he made a fire to see as he looked around as Ashton looked around and then tapped the badge and became Hot Shot and lit up the room as he saw Scroop.

Ashton: Peeka boo!

He then punched Scroop as Dimitri made a whip and hit Scroop with it as he became Shinaqua and sent a water blast at Scroop as we see BEN and Rad going through the plugs.

BEN: Maybe this is it.

He then pulled the plug as they started to float.

BEN: Maybe not.

We then see the others floating up as Ashton hits Scroop in the gut, sending him up to the top as Dimitri sends a water blast at Scroop, making him fly out into space.

Ashton: Later spider!

BEN: Back you go ya naughty plug!

The artificial gravity is activated and Ashton falls on his face

Ashton: Ow.

Dimitri: You ok dude?

Ashton: *muffled* Terrific.

Then BEN came out covered in plugs.

BEN: Laser cannons disconnect sir. That wasn't so bad.

Ashton: Memo to me; maim you when this is over.

We then see them returning to BEN's home through the back door.

Dimitri: We got the map.

As they came to the others they saw Silver and his crew as the others were held at gunpoint

Dimitri: Guys!

Ashton: Let them go.

Silver: The map.

They then looked at Silver as they handed the map to him.

Dimitri: You know you won't go far with it.

Silver then looked at the map and then tried to open it but couldn't.

Silver: *hands the map to Ashton* Open it!

Ashton: Ok ok! Just don't hurt them.

Silver: Then I'd suggest opening it quickly.

Ashton then pushed a few buttons and twisted it making it glow and project Treasure planet as it then created a line showing where the treasure is.

Dimitri: And if you're planning on going to the treasure we're going with ya.

Silver: Very well, we'll take them all.

We then see the group following the line with Ashton in front as they then stopped at a cliff.

Dimitri: A cliff?

Rad: Ash, I think this dumb map is busted.

Ashton: This doesn't make sense.

Dimitri looked at the cliff and saw a sphere-like hole on the ground and Dimitri took the map from Ashton's hand and ran to where the hole was.

Ashton: What are you doing?

Dimitri then placed the map in the hole as a projection of the entire galaxy and then they saw as a triangle shaped portal opened up as they saw it.

Dimitri: Ashton, remember what BEN said. a door opening and closing I think this is how Captain flint got around the galaxy.

Silver: But where is the treasure?

Ashton: It's... *realizes* Inside the centroid of the mechanism. The planet is the mechanism.

He then pressed the treasure planet as they saw the portal open showing the center of the planet as it was covered in gold.

And done! this will be a cliffhanger for now.

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