Chapter 9

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Months later,Bharath had rushed to the palace in tears.  Lakshman was wounded. Very badly. He could die. Meghanath , the son of Ravan was the cause of Lakshman's state.His life was on the brink. Urmila sat down abruptly on a seat nearby as Mandavi rushed towards her. The three Rajmatas were shocked to hear the news. 

They had never thought the possibilty of either Ram or Lakshman being wounded so badly. Urmila could not speak. A thousand thoughts zoomed in her head. No, he could not die. He promised he would come back. She was so lost to the outer world that she did not hear anything Bharat was saying. Her hopes rose when Bharat told them about a remedy in Mountain Sumeru of Dronagiri range. A herb named Sanjeevani. This was told by a physician in Lanka called Sushen. 

Ma Sumitra was sceptical. But Bharat assured her that it was true. Hanuman  was on his way to get that herb for Lakshman. Urmila's thoughts went through the books she had read. She had never heard of Sanjeevani or about  it's properties. Vaidyan Sushen had told it was a herb that had the power to cure serious nervous system problems. The most fatal of wounds could be treated with that herb alone. Lakshman could be cured provided that Hanuman brings it in time.

" And this very minute Hanuman might have brought the herb " said Bharat turning to Urmila.

" Might" whispered Urmila. She could not lose Lakshman. All these years, the only thing that kept her going was the thought of reuniting with her husband. She closed her eyes composing herself.  " He will be alright. He cannot die."  She turned away from the court and walked to the temple.  

Few days later, Bharat was back.Hanuman had brought the whole mountain as he could not find the herb. Lakshman was alright. Meghanath ( Indrajit) was beheaded by Lakshman. Sita was  alright , but still a captive of Lanka . Urmila's face broke into a smile. He was fine. Sita Didi was fine. He and Ram jija would do everything in their power to save her. War was going on.

Urmila felt helpless. She could do nothing to help her husband and jija to bring her sister back. She felt  impatient. She waited everyday for Bharat to come with some information. She let out her frustration in the arena, swiping her sword in the air  killing imaginary Lankans.

A little over a  week passed by and Urmila was no less anxious for news. She was returning from the temple when she spotted Bharat running towards the palace. She ran after him as swiftly as she could in her attire. As he entered the court room,  he shouted" They are coming!"  Shatrughan almost fell off his seat with shock.  People in the palace rushed to the court room.

Ram had killed Ravan. Sita was rescued. She had done Agnipariksha to prove her purity. Vibhishan, Ravan's brother who had helped Ram gain victory  was made the King of Lanka. Everyone was ecstatic with the news. After fourteen years, their return seemed too good to be true. Ayodhya rejoiced at the news. The palace, every street and house were cleaned and decorated to welcome them home. 

Urmila could not believe it was over. She was happy ofcourse but found herself restless. Why was Sita didi  subjected to Agni Pariksha? Did'nt Ram Jija believe  her to be pure?  Her sister was one of the most pure, sweet woman one could ever find. How could they doubt her chastity? She would ask Lakshman when he returned.  Just like the first day of the exile, Urmila could not sleep a wink. But this time it was because of excitement. 

The day finally arrived when Urmila was to reunite with Lakshman. Mandavi and Shrutkirti fawned over her trying to decorate her for Lakshman." I am no longer young, Mandavi! I am almost thirty four." Urmila said patiently as her sister did her hair in an intricate manner.

" You don't look a day older than twenty, didi" piped up Shrutkirti. Urmila could'nt help laughing. The whole day she was smiling giddily like a love sick adolescent. He is coming back with Sita didi and Ram jiju, She kept saying to herself.

The royal family stood in excitement in front of the palace to welcome their loved ones back home. And sure, they were there. Roars of the crowd drowned the sound of the conches and drums.  Urmila's eyes first fell on her sister. She was smiling,looking  beautiful as ever, but much much fragile and thin . Ram Jija was  by her side, holding didi's hand as if someone would snatch her away. Lakshman came to the other side of Ram Jiju's from the behind,  a grim look on his face, followed by Hanuman.

Urmila jumped slightly. It was as if time stood still. He looked more handsome,if it were possible. He had grown over the years. He had a beard now. His gait was more dignified, his physique more defined and chiseled. On one of his broad shoulders, a bow was slung . He still looked brooding.  Her eyes fell on the deep gash on his chest. Meghanath! It looked as if it had been deep and hurtful. The scar did not marr his beauty at all , infact it enhanced his attractiveness. It was as if she was meeting him for the first time. 

Lakshman's eyes  searched for Urmila. His arms ached to hold her. There she was! She does not age , he thought. She looked exactly the same as the day he had left her except that she had grown from a girl into a woman. Her face was exactly the same heart shaped, fair and beautiful. Their eyes met. Lakshman felt a terrible longing to hug her. She smiled. He felt he never had fully appreciated how beautiful she looked. Would she forgive him for leaving her alone for this long?

Formalities were to be done first,then only would he get his Mila alone. Tears of happiness could be seen everywhere. Lakshman felt relived as he hugged his mothers. From the corner of his eyes he could see Ram bhaiya hovering over Sita protectively as Sita and her sisters were having a tearful re- union. He had never seen  Urmila this happy ever . He would never leave her alone now. He felt someone catapult into him. He looked down to see the top of Urmila's head, her fingers dug into his back holding him tightly. He chuckled kissing her head ,enveloping her warm body with his arms. How could he have lived for fourteen years without her embrace,her presence? He lifted up her face. Dark khol lined her almond shaped eyes, her face looked more pretty  up close. Her lips made him want to kiss her. Involuntarily he leaned down as she bent her head so the kiss fell on her forehead. " Not now,Lakshman" Urmila murmured against his chest. Lakshman stiffened. Was she angry at him? 

He could talk to her well only after dinner. It was the most beautiful night in Ayodhya. People danced on the streets in joy. Ram was to be coronated a few days later. Soon, Urmila was in their chambers brushing her hair, waiting for Lakshman who had gone with Ram Jiju  to talk with their mothers. Two hours ago Sita, Mandavi, Shrutkirti had come to her chambers.The sisters had so much to talk and hear from Sita that they had reluctantly parted after wards. Urmila was sad that she could not have been with her husband through all the tough times in the forest after she heard the happenings from Sita. 

A small noise of the door shutting brought Urmila back to her surroundings. Lakshman stood leaning against the closed door. He looked ravishing. But his face was inscrutable. A  small tear escaped his eyes. " Forgive me,Mila" 

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