Chapter 10

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* In some  Ramayana, Lakshman sleeps till the coronation, but I have deviated from that. Slight mature content.  People younger than fifteen may avoid this chapter.*

Urmila stepped  towards him hugging him. " I told you I was never angry" 

" Following my dharma as a brother, I neglected you. You could have married anyone and lived so happily..." said Lakshman quietly not looking at her.

" I donot mind,Lakshman. Your dharma is mine. You are my husband and I cannot imagine anyone in your place. Don't think like that" Urmila said trying to assure him.

" I feel so guilty,Mila. I missed fourteen years of our marriage. I made you go through so much. We were barely married a year and I left you alone in this new environment." said Lakshman sitting on the bed.

" This environment was never new or strange for me. I had my sisters with me. Ma Sumitra, Ma Kaushalya and Ma Kaikeyi never made me or my sisters feel as outsiders. Bharat and Shatrughan have almost become my brothers. We have so much time ahead of us, Lakshman. We are not young as we were before, but you make me feel young." She said taking his  hands in hers.

" I love you so much, Mila" he whispered hugging her close.

" I love you too" she sighed. The sound of his heart beating steadily was a great  comfort she had never experienced in the fourteen years. " You must be exhausted" she continued.

He yawned loudly. "That I am" He kissed her slowly. It was so sweet,  full of emotion. One of his hands slipped into her hair  and another around her waist as they continued their sweet caress of lips. Slowly she broke apart. He closed his eyes resting himself on the bed, pulling his wife close to him. She rested her head on his chest. Excitement had worn them down. Urmila could hear soft breaths of Lakshman as he went into deep sleep. The comfort of his presence brought sleep to her eyes.

A bright ray of light woke Lakshman up the next morning.It was usually Urmila who woke up before him, years ago. The soft bed and warmth of Urmila sleeping close to him made him sleep well. He felt fresh and fully awake. His eyes fell on the curled up form of Urmila next to him. He had never noticed how long her lashes were. Her hair spilled on the pillow beautifully like a waterfall. Her lips were slightly parted. He wanted to ravish her but did not want to wake her either. She seemed to look more beautiful with each passing second. She had blossomed into a lovely woman. Her clothes were disheveled from sleep. The midnight blue clothes accentuated every curve. No,he had to wake her up.

He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. Urmila opened one of her eyes and shifted closer to him and promptly went back to sleep. He kissed her again,his hands wandering. Her eyes fluttered open. She raised an eye brow looking at him. "Let me love my wife" he muttered softly.

She rolled over him softly pinning him to the bed. " You look more handsome in the morning." Her soft bossom pressed against his chest. She ran her fingers through his hair. It came till his shoulders now. She kissed him hungrily. It was passionate and needy. She felt giddy with pleasure. His fingers trailed up and down her spine making her arch backward. Her fingers skimmed over his torso, her lips moving against his neck. Lakshman growled softly as desire coursed through his body.

Before Urmila could realise, she was below him. Her breath hitched as his lips fondled her neck. She closed her eyes feeling the beautiful sensations she had'nt felt for a very long time. Years of restrained passion and love was unleashed. 

It was not till noon that Lakshman made his appearance at the court. No one expected him to come at all that day. But he had to help in the preparation for the coronation that was to happen soon. Bharat and Shatrughan had wide smiles on their face eager to tease Lakshman when he had hurried into the court room late but one sharp look from Ram had sobered them up. Lakshman wanted to come early but the sight of Urmila had addled his brain. He knew Bharat would tease him to no end and carefully avoided being alone with him the whole day. 

A couple of months passed by. Lakshman felt as if he was in heaven. The coronation was done with grandeur and Ram bhaiya and Sita bhabi were going to be parents soon! He was going to have a niece or a nephew. He felt nothing could ever go wrong. But he was mistaken. He would bite his words the very next day.

* Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I would be grateful if my mistakes are pointed out*

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