chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Yuri isn’t some popular guy. He’s nobody. He is just a Kwon. He decides it way back in junior high. But he likes it. His life is simple and peaceful. Attending high school becomes less trouble for him. It has been years since his family decided to move into the area. Now, today is his first day back to school as senior.

“Senior huh? One more and I’m free from here.”

Yuri steadies his walking pace and let his eyes enjoy the morning scenery. But, he’s hoping too much. A BMW Z4 drive fast from behind and hit a puddle of water near Yuri. The water splashes all over him. Yuri clenches his teeth and looks at the car.


Yuri yells as loud as possible. Now, his uniform is wet! The door car opens and reveals a blonde who looks at Yuri and scoff. She wasn’t alone because another girl comes out from the car too. The blonde walks towards Yuri. She smirks.

“You look where you’re heading, loser.”

Yuri grips on his fist tight. He would have thrown some punches to the blonde but he won’t hit a girl. Yuri just keeps his eyes on the girl and shakes his head. He starts to walks away trying to avoid her. Yuri didn’t like to fight. He also despised arguing for nothing.

“Chicken out? Coward.”

Yuri heard it but he keeps on walking and let the blonde curse him some more. No way is he going to let the girl crush her morning happy walks. The blonde goes berserk when Yuri ignores her. Signaling her friend, they get into the car once again. The blonde push her pedal hard and stops next to Yuri. She then splash Yuri face with the water from her bottle. Yuri looks at the blonde with a confuse face.

“Remember the name. JESSICA JUNG.”


Taeyeon put his most of his today books inside his locker before closing it. He looks at his watch and sigh.

‘You really likes to come late..Aish..’

Taeyeon is getting more worries. Yuri need to shows up now before the school bell rings. Suddenly his eyes caught on a boy running towards him. Taeyeon smiles. Yuri stops in front of him and breathing heavily.

“Yah! You’re almost late!”

Yuri ignores Taeyeon and quickly opens his locker and takes out a couple of books for the first period class. His shirt is still wet.

“I’m talking to you! Anyway why are you wet?”

Taeyeon eyes are still on Yuri. Did Yuri just dive in a pool or something?

“That idiot rams on puddle and wet me! God I hate her!”

Taeyeon looks at Yuri with a confuse face. Yuri rarely comes to school grumpy. He is always the cool and happy person. Taeyeon shifts from his standing.


Yuri slams his locker door. He looks at Taeyeon and slump his back on his locker.

“Ice princess.”

Taeyeon smirks. Now he knows what’s the problem is. Jessica Jung.

“Let her be. I mean why bother thinking about her? There are still a lot of girls around the school. Like this pretty lady over here. Nice butt.”

Taeyeon eyes follow the girl. Yuri looks at Taeyeon and sigh. What did he do to deserve having a byun best friend? Yuri ignores Taeyeon and walks away.

“Yah! Wait for me!”


Yuri and Taeyeon are in the same class. They sat next to each other. Yuri starts to open up his book while Taeyeon flirting with Sunny who seated behind them. No Sooyoung though.

“Where’s Sooyoung?”

Yuri voice stops their conversations. Sunny frowns.

“He said he’ll be late. Stupid Sooyoung.”

Taeyeon laughs while Yuri looks at his best friend and pushes him a little.

“If Sooyoung knows you trying to flirt with his girlfriend, you might turn to be even shorter Taeng.”

Taeyeon glare at Yuri. Yuri just laughs it out. He likes to tease the midget.

“At least Sooyoung and me have a girlfriend Yul. Go find one or I might consider you as gay.”

Yuri was about to push Taeyeon but stops when he saw the person that comes in. he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“No way.”

Jessica Jung is in the same class as Yuri. He looks at her and then shifts his eyes toward the other person. Lee Donghae, Jessica boyfriend. Taeyeon follows Yuri eyes and lands on the couple.

“The school ice couple. That makes my day.”

Sooyoung emerge out of no where. He takes his seat next to Sunny but keeps his eyes on the couple. Yuri turns away and scoffs.

“She makes me wet and now she in the same class as me! With Donghae! Great!”

Yuri words come out bitter. Jessica and Donghae are considered the most popular person in the school. One is the cheer leader captain while the other one is the school biggest basketball star. Donghae is Yuri’s fierce enemy.

“The only mutual relationship they had is popularity. Two most idiots!”

Taeyeon laughs it out. He hates Donghae too even though he’s a part of the basketball team. Donghae was the reason to Yuri retirement.

“Chill guys. I’m pretty sure they don’t care about us. Me of course. You both? I’m not sure.”

Sunny looks at Sooyoung and glares at him before Yuri could do it. Yuri smirks.

‘Good job Sunny!’

“Like the water Kwon?”

Donghae voices trail into Yuri ears. Yuri looks at him.

“You smell a lot. Thanks to my baby, you look clean today.”

Yuri shoots himself up and moves towards the couple. Donghae stands up too. They both stand in front of each other with flaring eyes. Taeyeon held Yuri back and try his best to takes his best friend to back away. Jessica smirks.

“Saving your girlfriend Taeyeon?”

Everything happens to fast. Taeyeon punch Donghae hard on his nose. He was about to throw another punch when Yuri and Sooyoung come in and hold him back. Sunny looks worried.


Their teacher voice stops the four of them. Taeyeon is still eyeing Donghae and Jessica.



Taeyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung and Sunny sit down in the cafeteria in their favorite spot. Taeyeon is still piss off with the earlier event.

“What do you want to eat Sunny?”

Soooung opens his mouth and asks his girlfriend. He stands up.

“Anything is fine.”

Sooyoung nods his head and heads to the counter. Yuri is playing with his phone while Taeyeon is still in anger mode. Taeyeon then feels a hand around his neck. He looks up and smiles. Those eyes smile never fail to makes him happy.

“You’re a bit late mushroom.”

Tiffany then let go of Taeyeon and takes her seat next to Taeyeon. Taeyeon leans in and kisses the girl before letting her to answer the question. Tiffany smiles.

“Extra works.”

Taeyeon nods his head and intertwines his fingers with Tiffany’s.

“You look grumpy Taetae. What happen?”

Taeyeon starts telling Tiffany what had happen while Sunny and Yuri listen to their conversation. Tiffany then turns her head and watches the basketball team and cheer leaders hang out around the same table. Jessica and Donghae are there too.

“I wonder what Jessica sees at Donghae.”

Sunny voice stops them. Everyone attentions are focus on Sunny. Sooyoung who has been back from buying foods too listen to their conversation.

“What do you mean bunny?”

Sunny looks at Sooyoung and let out a deep sigh.

“There’s a rumor about Donghae is trying to get into Jessica pants. I’m not sure though.”

Yuri looks puzzle.

“They didn’t do it yet? Anyway what is the problem with sleeping with your girlfriend?”

Sunny sigh again. Taeyeon kind of knows what is Sunny trying to tell.

“Donghae makes a bet with the other team members. He’s going to do it with no protection. Poor Jessica.”

Yuri looks at Taeyeon shockingly. He really hates Jessica but this bet Donghae trying to do is dangerous. What if Jessica gets pregnant? Mr Jung is a public figure. This kind of thing will effect his reputation.

“Well, it’s Jessica choice. Not us. Right?”

Everyone nods agreeing with Tiffany. Being an ice princess makes Jessica untouchable in school. She only hangs outs with the popular person. But deep down, they really felt sorry for her.


Yuri is currently at home. His mind is still lingers around the topic on Jessica. He knows how much he hates Jessica but he knows Donghae. He’ll make the bet and won it.


“I won! Wohoo!”

Donghae shouts happily. He won the bet. Yuri just looks at him and shakes his head.

“Do you really NEED to WIN everything?”

Donghae smirks. He put his hand on Yuri shoulder.

“Well my friend, I never back off from any bet. Not even once.”

Yuri frowns.

“Even though it involving the one you love?”

Donghae grins and nods his head. Yuri sighs deeply.


Yuri stares at the ceiling. He hates the other guy guts but most of all, he hates how he easily do things. Yuri slowly closes his eyes.

“Take care yourself Jessica.”

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