Chapter 2

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Yul wakes up a bit late from his usual time but still not too late for school. He washes himself and prepares himself. He then moves down and sit with his family in the dining room.

“Morning dad. Morning mom.”

Mr Kwon and Mrs Kwon smile at him. Yul replies with his own sweet smile and eat breakfast. Mr Kwon is reading today newspaper.

“Ah. Mr Jung is running for senator for the new election. The town people must have been proud having him staying here.”

Yul chokes her food unexpectedly. He looks at his father.

“He what? REALLY?”

Mr Kwon eyes Yul suspiciously. His son never has shown any interest in politics before. Mr Kwon put down the paper.

“You seem to be VERY interested with this topic.”

Yul looks at his father and suddenly realize about his own weird reaction. He didn’t answer the question but continue on eating. Yul quickly takes his bag and stands up. He moves to kiss his mother cheek and leave the table.

“Goodbye dad!”

Mr Kwon shakes his head. He looks at his wife.

“Don’t look at me. He’s the one who have your traits.”


Jessica is having some bad headache. She doesn’t want to go to school but she can’t just skip school. She prepares herself and left the Jung mansion. Jessica starts her engine and drive away.

‘God my head hurt so much’

Jessica couldn’t see the road clearly and the headache really affects her. Jessica pulls away. She uses her thumbs and starts slowly rubbing her temple.



Yul on his way to school and spots Jessica sport car at the side road. He is reluctant to go but thinking that Jessica might needs help, Yul with a heavy heart moves toward the car. He slowly knocks on the driver car window. Yul waits for a moment. No answers.

“Are you ok? If you want, I can help you.”

Yul was hoping for Jessica to answer back but still nothing. With the dark window tint, it is impossible for Yul to determine the girl condition. Yul hands hold onto the door handle but his inner self stops him.

‘What if she doesn’t want you to disturb her?’

‘She might be sick or something. Why would she park here?’

‘Or she is having some ‘fun’ with Donghae.’

“Aish…No one is having fun early in the morning!”

Yul open the door slowly and notice Jessica face on the steering wheel. She’s sweating a lot. Yul quickly push the girl back slowly. Jessica face shows the girl in so much pain. Yul taps the girl shoulder gently.

“Jessica. Are you sick?”

Jessica scrunches her face even more. She could hear a voice but couldn’t open her eyes.

“…headache…Too much….”

Yul face turns worried. He gently squeezes the girl forehead hoping the pain will subside for a while. But Jessica face is still the same. Pain.

“I’ll take you home. Ok?”

Jessica didn’t care who the person is anymore. She only wants the pain to go away. Jessica nods her head. Yul open the back door and slowly picks her up bridal style. He tries to be gentle to avoid hurting the girl more. Safely put her on the backseat, Yul get into the driver seat and drives Jessica back home. Since her father is a very famous person, everyone knows where they live including Yul.

“Hang in there Jessica.”


“Where is Yul?”

Tiffany questions stops Taeng from staring at his girlfriend.

“He maybe might be late. He still has 10 minutes left.”

Taeng answer it half heartedly. Tiffany notices Taeng tones, quickly react.

“What with the tone Taeng?”

Taeng looks at Tiffany and smile. He forgets how much his girlfriend hates that kind of tone.

“I’m sorry Fany-ah. I’m just to occupy staring at you.”

Tiffany blush hearing it. Taeng grins. He knows he had hit the soft part. Well, Kim Taeng is a player. Of course he would know a lot of pick up lines. But when Tiffany came into his life, Taeng love is only for her.

“Well….you always makes me blush….stop that…”

Taeng leans forward but as soon as he was about to kisses Tiffany, someone pull him back.

“Yah! What the heck?”

Sooyoung laughs at him. Taeng eyes if could kill someone, Sooyoung would have been dead. Tiffany smiles at Sooyoung and Sunny.

“Sorry for that Taeng.”

Sunny pulls Sooyoung down to seat next to her. Since they still have another 10 minutes, Sunny doesn’t want to attract teachers at them especially in the cafeteria.

“Where’s Yul?”

Sunny question at Tiffany since Taeng and Sooyoung is still having some glaring competition.

“I don’t know. I did call him but he didn’t pick up.”

Tiffany shakes her head. Sunny pick up her phone and dial Yul numbers but like Tiffany, she also fail to reach the boy.

“Yul rarely does this. Maybe he has some emergencies?”

Sooyoung voice interrupts Sunny thought. He and Taeng seem to have stopped attacking each other.

‘I have a bad feeling about this.’

But before Tiffany could voice out her thought, the school bell rings. Taeyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung march towards their class while Tiffany goes to her class. Tiffany is the only one with a different class from the others.


Yul stops in front of the Jung mansion. He carefully picks up Jessica from the back seat and held her firmly in her arms. Yul moves to the door and push the door bell. After a moment, someone with an apron opens up the door.

‘Must be the maid.’

Yuri smiles at her.

“I found her at the road side saying she has a headache. I thought I should send her home.”

The maid quickly usher Yul to takes Jessica up to her bedroom. He slowly put the ice princess down on her bed. Yul then takes the blanket and cover Jessica with it. He looks at Jessica.

“I wish we are still like before. Take care of yourself Jessica.”

Yul turns around and soon saw a picture on top of a table near the door. Yul could feel her heart tighten.


"Oppa. Do your best. I'm rooting for you."

Yul couldn't stops his tears from rolling down. He is the best in everything but he couldn't stop this from happening.

"Promise me you'll play the ball for me."


He turns to Jessica and smile sadly. He then turns again and walks to the door. Before he left, Yul voice trail inside the room.

“I miss you.”

Chapter 3

Skipping school is something that Yul hate to do. School is important to him but if it for Jessica….


Yul unconsciously bump into a girl. She falls onto the floor groans in pain. Yul quickly help the girl up and bow apologetically.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you! I’m sorry!”

The girl laughs a little seeing Yul like this. She quickly stops him and makes him to look at her.

“It’s ok. I know you didn’t mean it.”

Yul stare at the girl and smile sheepishly. Her face looks angelic. Her laugh sounds like a rhyme to Yul. Yul didn’t want to blink his eyes afraid that the girl might disappear. Realizing that Yul just stare at her, the girl snaps her fingers in front of Yul.

“I’m still here you know.”

He startles. Yul feel embarrass of himself for acting like that. He grins awkwardly.

“Staring at other people isn’t nice Mr….”

“Kwon Yul!”

Yul quick respond makes the girl laugh at him. He scratches his head and sweating a lot.

‘Aish…Stop acting awkward Yul!’

The girl stops laughing and hold out her hand towards Yuri.

“Victoria Song. Nice to meet you, Yul.”


School had ended with unattended Yul. Taeng walks home with Tiffany since Sooyoung and Sunny are going for a date. Taeng is thinking. Tiffany notices her boyfriend silence, intertwines their fingers together.

“What are you thinking Tae?”

Taeng looks at Tiffany. His eyes are full of curiosity.

“Did you notice that Jessica was absent too?”

Tiffany nods her head. Taeng stops walking and turns to face his girlfriend.

“Yul being absent the same day as Jessica is too coincidence. Something’s wrong.”

Tiffany stares at him and sigh deeply.

“Tae, you’re being paranoid. I’m sure they are at home recovering from some sickness.”

Taeng couldn’t help but to agree with Tiffany but history tells her otherwise.

“Fany-ah, remember how Yul have this crazy instinct when it comes to Jessica?”


They were at camping. Yul doesn’t feel so good. Not that his body is sick but this awkward feelings always comes to him. The feeling that tells him that Jessica is in trouble.

“I’m going to search for her. You guys wait here.”

Before Taeng and Sooyoung could stop him, Yul was out of their sight.

“Why bother for her? Mind telling me again Taeng?”

Taeng didn’t answer it. He keeps his eyes at the forest praying nothing will happen to them.

“Jessica! Jessica!”

Yul voice echoed inside the forest. He won’t satisfy until he found Jessica. He keeps his pace and hoping to bump into the girl. Why bother saving her? Yul couldn’t answer it. Soon his eyes caught on something. A body. Yul quicken his pace and reach to the body. It’s Jessica.

“Jessica? Wake up!”

Yul places his finger on Jessica nose. The girl is still breathing. Yul try to shakes her up but fail. Desperately, Yul carry the girl bridal style and walks quickly to the camp.

“Hang in there Jessica.”


Tiffany silence said it all. Taeng know how much Tiffany hates the topic. Not just Tiffany but the others too. Everyone keep their promise to not tell anyone. Taeng could still remember what happen next.


Donghae punch Yul. Yul falls to the ground. He holds his own jaw.

“Don’t go near Jessica again!”

Yul clench his teeth and stands up. Without giving any fight, Yul walks away. Soon, Jessica is conscious again. The only face she saw was Donghae. She shoots herself up and hugs him.

“Thank you for saving me.”


Tiffany couldn’t help but to hate Jessica even more.

“She really never knew who save her. I pity her.”

Taeng sigh. He then takes Tiffany hands and starts walking again.

“Never once.”


Jessica wakes up feeling slightly tired. She looks around and notices the familiar surrounding. Her own bedroom.

“Baby, you’re awake?”

Jessica turns her head towards the voice. Donghae stands at the door smiling. Jessica smile too.

“You send me home?”

Donghae nods his head. If Jessica thinks like that why would he change it?

“I got a bad headache.”

Donghae sits next to Jessica and slowly rubs her back.

“You need rest. I’ll wait here, ok?”

Jessica nods her head and smile at Donghae. He pulls up the blanket and cover Jessica with it. Jessica who is still tired, snooze of easily.

“You need REST for TONIGHT.”

Donghae smirks and left the room. Soon, everything is going to go his way.




Yoona tries to chase Yul but fail to do so since Yul runs faster than she is. Yul laughs at his sister.

“Yoong come on! We don’t want to miss the movie!”

Yoona stops and pucker her lips sulking. Yul who saw it immediately stop and smile at her. He then moves back and playfully slaps the girl cheek.

“Stop that. Aish…”

Yoona stick out her tongue and sulk even more. Yul laughs at her a little. He then bent both his knees with his back facing Yoona.

“Come on. I’ll carry you.”

Yoona couldn’t help but to smile seeing Yul like this. Yul always takes care of her. She smiles a lot more and hops on his back. Yul push his self up with Yoona on his back and starts walking again.

“Oppa? Can we stay forever like this?”

“You want to?”

Yul sense something on Yoona voice but he couldn’t tell what it is.

“I want to stay forever with you. Just you and me and mom and dad. Just us.”

Yoona lands her head on Yul back.

“One day, you’re going to have your won life Yoong.”

Yoona didn’t answer. Yul stops.

“But I’ll promise you I’ll be there.”


Yul open his eyes. That dream keeps coming back. It haunts Yul until now. Yul shift in his bed. For the past 4 years, he has been sleeping alone. No Yoona.

“I miss you Yoong. I miss Jessica and I miss us.”


Donghae brings Jessica food inside her bedroom. Jessica is having a shower. Dongahe smile and put down the tray on a table beside the bed.

‘Take your time baby, Tonight I’m making my territory.’

Jessica parents had a dinner invitations in town. So Jessica is left with the maids and since Donghae is around, the maid had gone home. Jessica comes out with her bath robe. She sits down and tries to dry her hair. Donghae looks at her and smile.

“I make you some food. Dinner?”

Jessica smile and nods her head. She moves to the bed and sit next to Donghae. He feed Jessica and an evil smile crept on his lip. He’ll let the girl finish up the food. After a half an hour, finally Jessica finishes up her food. Donghae put down the plate.

“I miss you.”

Donghae lightly place a kiss on Jessica right cheek. He caresses the girl left cheek.

“I love you.”

Jessica feels something different with Donghae but she keeps it quiet.

“I NEED you.”

Donghae kisses Jessica lips deep. When he feels that Jessica plays long with him, Donghae slowly push the girl slowly and let her lay down on her bed with Donghae hovers on top of her.

“Donghae, I……”

Donghae starts to place kisses around her face. Jessica tries to resist but the lust takes over her.

“I’m making you mine.”

That night, Jessica surrenders herself to Donghae NEEDS. She couldn’t even think straight anymore and to make things worse, Donghae succeed in two things. First, at last he could taste her and second, he won the bet.

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