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Chapter 4

5 weeks later….

Yul is on his way for another date with Victoria. He is nervous because today is a special day. Today, he is finally going to confess.


Victoria voice makes Yul turh to his right side and saw the girl standing. He smiles and makes his way to her.

“For you.”

Yul holds out a single rose to Victoria with a wide smile plastered on his face. Victoria takes it and smells it.

“Thank you Yul.”

Yul the takes her hand and kisses it. He had dated Victoria for the past 4 weeks and Yul starts to fall for the girl. Victoria caring attitude draws Yul at her.

“Where are we going to?”

Victoria question makes Yul grins like a kid. He then intertwines their fingers and led the girl.

“Do you trust me?”

Victoria nods her head. She then lands her head on Yul shoulder.

“I do. Why?”

Yul didn’t answer and keep on walking. He really likes Victoria. He just want to makes the day memorable.


Jessica walks around her room. She’s waiting for something. Her heart beat faster than usual. Jessica keeps looking at the item in her hand. Still no progress. She’s getting anxious.

“How much longer do I have to wait?”

Jessica looks at the thing once more. This time she saw it. Unconsciously, the item falls on the floor. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She could see her life crumble in front of her.


Donghae relax his back on Jessica bed post. He’s panting and sweating a lot. Jessica couldn’t even move and feels sore all over her body especially down below.

“Thank you baby.”

Donghae smile sweetly at Jessica and play the girls fingers. Jessica looks up with a worried face.

“Why didn’t you use any protection?”

Donghae looks at her but keeps on playing with her fingers.

“I couldn’t control it. I’m sorry.”

Donghae fakes a sad face in front of Jessica. Jessica could feel her eyes become teary. What happen if she got pregnant?

“I….I could get…..pregnant….”

Her words come out stuttering. Donghae leans down and kisses Jessica forehead.

“Nothing is going to happen. Trust me.”

Donghae then hugs the girl and let her cry on his shoulder. Jessica felt that Donghae loves her so much. Everything he does is for her. She trusts Donghae. But unknown to Jessica, Donghae eyes is full of hatred.


“It’s happening.”

Jessica slumps down on her bed and cries herself out. She needs to find Donghae.


The basketball team has started training a few hours before. Despite what happen between Donghae and Taeng the previous weeks, including Taeng hatred towards Donghae, both players have been the team dynamic duo. Taeng is the only star player who hates his own teammate’s attitude.

“OK guys settle down! Take 5!”

Tiffany is sitting on the far bench away from the team watching the training. Taeng takes his bag and moves to Tiffany.

“I thought you have a meeting with the student council?”

Tiffany hands him a water bottle and flash her eyes smile. Taeng could feel his energy boost seeing her eyes smile.

“Those smiles belong to only me. Ok?”

Taeng grins before he sits down in front of Tiffany.

“Reschedule. Too many that could talk but less who knows how to work. I hate it.”

Taeng laughs looking at Tiffany sulking face. He then playfully rummages her hair.

“Yah! My hair!”

Tiffany slaps Taeng shoulder and fixes her hair.

“Isn’t that Jessica?”

Taeng voice makes Tiffany looks up and saw Jessica coming from the North entrance into the basketball indoor hall.

‘She looks trouble.’

Taeng and Tiffany keep their eyes on her. Jessica is talking to Donghae. Soon it looks like they are arguing. Jessica stomps out crying while Donghae just turn around and walks back to his friends laughing.

“Ok. What happen?”

Taeng looks confuse. Tiffany grabs Taeng by his hand. He turns and faces her.

“Something happen. I think I should go and after her.”

Taeng nods his head. Something is definitely wrong and someone needs to talk to Jessica. A girl.


Yul brings Victoria to a beach. He likes it here especially since he despises anything relates with basketball. Yul stops when they reach Yul hangout spot. Yul turn and face her. He carefully caresses the girl cheek using her hand.

“I have something to tell you.”

Victoria who is still looks confuses with Yul sudden behavior just flash her familiar smile.


Yul then cup the girl face before kisses her on the lips. It was just a second but Yul felt it long.

“Would you be my girlfriend?”

Victoria is indeed surprise. She looks deep into Yul eyes and smile again. She circles her arms around Yul neck and kisses the boy deep. They didn’t let go of each other until breathing becomes difficult. Yul looks dumfounded but enjoy it.

“I take that as yes?”

Victoria kisses him again.


Tiffany tries to cope up with Jessica but since Jessica is a cheer leader, following her is a difficult task for someone like Tiffany who believes in office work. The only things Jessica is capable of doing is running away.

“Jess! Wait!”

Tiffany yells as loud as she could. Jessica heard it but didn’t even bother to stop.

“What do you want Tiff!”

Tiffany could feel her breathing becomes short. She stops and bent a little initiating herself lacks of stamina.

“Wait….Could least…talk? Donghae…..he makes…a bet…with the…team…He’s going to…’do’…it with…Taeng…he heard it….I’m want to…warn you…”

Tiffany words stab Jessica deep in her heart. She stops and turns back. Her cheeks are wet with her tears. She clenches her fist tightly.

“Too late Tiff! He WON!”

Jessica starts running again and left Tiffany in the state of shock. Her eyes widen.


“Donghae isn’t a good guy Jess.”

Jessica turns and slaps Tiffany hard in her face. Tiffany could feel pain stinging on her cheek.

“Shut up Tiff! What do you know about him! You even dated the school player!”

Tiffany couldn’t believe her. Jessica turns her back on her best friend just because of Donghae.

“Jess, I’m trying to save you! Taeng didn’t lie. I saw him!”

Jessica turns away.

“Choose Tiff. ME OR TAENG!”

Tiffany startles. Jessica can’t do this to her. They are friends for a long time.


Jessica scoffs.

“From now on, we’re not best friend anymore. YOU NEVER CAME INTO MY LIFE.”


“Jess….I’m sorry…”

Tiffany eyes starts to tears. She couldn’t contain it anymore and let it falls down.


Jessica runs like she could run forever. But no one could do that. When her feet felt tired, Jessica fell to the ground scraping her legs. The pain wasn’t nothing compare to the pain in her heart. Her eyes swollen and while her cheeks are visible with a line showing her tears dry on it. Jessica clutches on her chest and cry even more. Crying with a pain of broken heart.


“We need to talk.”

Jessica stops in front of Donghae who is laughing with his friend. Seeing her girlfriend, Donghae excuses himself and takes Jessica to a corner far from his teammates.

“What is it?”

Jessica controls her tears from falling down. She clenches the hem of her shirt tightly.


She couldn’t utter the words properly. Jessica was scared. But she has to trust Donghae and she is still holding on to Donghae promises.

“Baby? What is it? You can talk to me.”

Donghae rubs her palm on Jessica shoulder trying to ease out his girlfriend. He flash his familiar smile.


His jaw drops. His hand froze. Donghae could feel his heart stops beating. The news was unexpected. He pulls his hand away and looks at Jessica.

“You’re kidding right?”

Donghae is hoping that Jessica would just nods her head but she didn’t. She shakes her head slowly. Donghae takes one step back.

“How long?”

Donghae swallow his saliva and feels it go down his throat roughly.

“Two weeks.”

Dongahe starts to panic. He can’t afford to have a child in his teen years.

“We can do an abortion…….Things will still be the same.”

Jessica looks at Donghae. She is indeed shock with Donghae method of solving it. She made a mistake before, why adding it.

“I can’t. We made mistake Donghae, I don’t want to make another mistake.”

He fidgets in his stands. He doesn’t like it.

“I can’t have this baby. I’m too young. You’re too young.”

Jessica could feel a thousand needles punch her heart. Donghae doesn’t want to be responsible.

“No! You said you’re going to take the responsibility!”

Jessica is half shouting at the moment. She tries to hit Donghae on his chest but Donghae manages to catch her hand.


Jessica tears falls down uncontrollable. Jessica couldn’t wait there anymore and hear out Donghae making more excuses. Enough is enough. Jessica couldn’t utter any single words and run away from the basketball court.


Jessica didn’t know what to do anymore. She couldn’t even think straight. She could feel her heart throbbing loudly. Her breathe come out irregularly. Everything that she built collapses in front of her.

“Yul…It’s too painful…I can’t..take it..anymore….”


Yul is on his way back home after sending Victoria. He takes a different route today since he want to spend the time walking thinking about Victoria. Now, he surely can brag at the Soosun couple that Kwon Yul indeed has a girlfriend now. Yul smiles to himself. From far away, Yul could see a person near a building laying facing down. Without hesitate, Yul runs at the person. He turns the person and startle looking at the face.


Yul didn’t wait any longer and carry the girl in his arms back to her house. He indeed worries looking at Jessica in this state right now. She’s unconscious. Yul manages to reach her house in less than 30 minutes. He knocks and let himself in after a maid open the door.

“Bring me some water, please!”

The maid nods while Yul climb up the stairs and into Jessica room. He carefully put the girl down on the bed and waits for the maid. The maid comes up and gives Yul the glass. Yul carefully picks Jessica up by her neck and slowly fills her mouth with the water. Jessica drinks it slowly. After that, Yul put her down gently.

“What happening to you Jessica?”

Jessica opens her eyes and sees a familiar figure. Kwon Yul. Jessica hugs him and cries on his shoulder.

“Please, I’m sorry……I’m sorry…..”

Yul pats her back. Jessica soon fells asleep on Yul shoulder. He removes her and let her lays on her bed once again. He tucks her in gently.

“I wish things are easier for me.”


Jessica wakes up and felt her head a bit light. She scrunches her eyes to see her surrounding hoping to see the face she misses so much. But he wasn’t there.

“It’s only a dream. It felt real.”

Jessica turns her head to the left and saw her father and mother seating on her chairs.


Mr Jung face was so serious while Mrs Jung is crying. Jessica face looks puzzle. Mr Jung raises up his hand and show Jessica an item.

‘Pregnancy test kit!’

Jessica fidgets a bit. Mr Jung found it. She does forget to throw it away.

“Who’s the father, Jessica?”

Jessica couldn’t look at her father eyes. How can she tell her father about someone who never had the intentions to be responsible? Mr Jung stands up and throws the kit away. He’s so furious.

“I ask you one more time. Who’s the father, Jessica?”

Jessica closes her eyes. She couldn’t even breathe right. She feels her throat tighten. But she needs to give an answer to her father.

“Yul. Kwon Yul.”


“How long has it been Kwon?”

Mr Kwon didn’t let his eyes left Mr Jung’s. He remembers talking to the man years ago. His eyes is still the same. Fearless.

“Not long enough for me to forget you.”

Mr Jung laughs loudly. The Kwon never fail to entertain him.

“Visiting an old friend isn’t wrong is it?”

Mr Kwon scoffs loudly. His eyes are full of rage. He would never forget the face.



Mr Kwon shouts at Mr Jung. The Jung just smirks and left the room earlier.

“Give me back MY DAUGHTER!”

Mr Jung turns and throws some stack of cash towards the Kwon.

“Money isn’t a problem to me Kwon. Goodbye!”


“What do you want now Jung?”

Mr Jung sits down and makes himself comfortable in the Kwon residence.

“I’ll cut to the chase. My daughter is pregnant with your SON CHILD.”

Mr Kwon froze on spot. Mrs Kwon who is carrying a tray of food, let it crash to the floor.


Mr Jung smirks. Typical reactions.

“Your son isn’t some angel Kwon. I’m a public figure. I can’t afford people to know that my DAUGHTER is pregnant. I can’t kill the baby either, I’m not that cruel. So I’m giving your son another chance.”

Mrs Kwon looks at Mr Jung with teary eyes. She moves forwards reduce her distance with Mr Jung.

“What do you mean?”

Mr Jung smiles. He hates the Kwon but what can he do. His career depends on the boy decision.



Yul spend the night with Victoria since her father and mother needs to be in Canada for a conference. He wakes up with Victoria head on his broad chest. They spent the night talking and Yul couldn’t remember when both of them fall to sleep. Victoria sleepy face looks lovely. Yul places a kiss on her forehead. Voctoria stirs a bit and slowly opens her eyes.


Victoria smiles at Yul and rubs her eyes. Yul smiles back.

“What time is it?”

Yul looks at his watch.


Victoria takes Yul arm and wraps it around her waist.

“I don’t want to get up.”

Yul chuckles looking at her girlfriend

“I make you a nice breakfast if you get up.”

Victoria opens her eyes and stares back at Yul.

“You would?”

Yul kiss her forehead again and smile.

“I promise it will taste good.”

Victoria thinks about it a few second before jerk herself up. Yul grins and push himself up too.

“Go and take a shower while I prepare something, ok?”

Victoria looks at Yul and smile. She wraps her arms around Yul neck.

“Why don’t both of us have shower together?”

Yul eyes widen. His girlfriend tries to seduce him in her own house. Nice.

“You want to?”

Victoria leans in and kisses Yul passionately. It a sign she wants it. Yul enjoy the kiss but soon loosens Victoria hug. He looks at the girl and circles his arms around the slimmer waist.

“Not now. Go and clean up. I’ll wait downstairs.”

Victoria smiles and let Yul go. She walks to the bathroom while Yul proceed downstairs.

‘I love you Yul.’


Preparing a breakfast is an easy task for Yul. Kwon household are born with cooking talent. He learns to cook with the help of his mother. Yul place the dishes onto the dining table and smiles looking at it.


“Oppa. This tastes good!”

Yoona almost shouts at Yul. She enjoys every food especially if it comes from the family.

“I’m a better cooker than you Yoong.”

Yoona slaps Yul on the shoulder and pouts. She even put down the fork and just stares at the food. Yul grins. His sister would never be able to resist food. Yul use the fork and takes a bite of his own dish.


Yoona looks at Yul and the food repeatedly. Yul eating it makes Yoona gulping hardly.

“I need more of this…”

Yul didn’t stop eating and let Yoona stares at him. Yoona quickly takes the fork away and glare at her oppa.

“It’s my FOOD! Don’t take it!”

Yul laughs at her and let Yoona do whatever she wants.


Victoria hugs Yul from the back. Yul smile.

“You’re done?”

She nods her head. Yul loosens the hug and turn himself to face Victoria.

“Sit down and try my food.”

Victoria let go of Yul and sits down. The foods smell nice. She likes it. But before Victoria could utter any words, Yul phone rings.

“Hi dad.”

Yul frowns. Victoria notices it and look at him. His eyes look worried.

“Ok dad. I’m coming home now.”

He shoves the phone back into his pocket jeans and turns towards Victoria.

“My family needs me at home. I’ll pick you up for school tomorrow.”

Yul walks towards Victoria. He then leans down and pecks on her lip. Victoria nods and smile. He then walks to the door and let himself out. As soon as Yul was out of her sight, Victoria couldn’t help but feels worry about him.

‘Did something happen?’


Taeng and Tiffany spent the weekend together since both of them always been busy in school. So as an alternative, Taeng would always pack his stuff and do a sleep over in Tiffany house. The Hwang family welcome Taeng with open arms as long as they don’t do anything fishy inside the house.

“Sooyoung has really been quiet. Too much Sunny-ism in his head?”

Tiffany shakes her head seeing Taeng laughing loudly.

“If Sunny heard that,…..”

Taeng place his palm on Tiffany mouth. He smiles awkwardly.

“Ok..Ok…I don’t want to feel bunny wrath today, please?”

Tiffany pushes away Taeng hands. She stands up and proceeds to the door. Taeng quickly jerk himself up and grabs her wrist. He spun the girl towards him.

“Where are you going Ms Hwang?”

Tiffany rolls her eyes use her hand as a shield from being hug by Taeng. Taeng dorky self turns serious.

“You know, sometimes your mood swings scare me.”

Tiffany let her eyes met with Taeng. They stood there staring at each other.

“I miss you. A lot.”

Taeng slowly brings his free hand and caresses Tiffany cheek. His other hand is still holding onto Tiffany waist.

“Me too.”

Tiffany reply is enough for Taeng. He leans in and places his lip on the girl. They kiss like there isn’t tomorrow. The kiss feels like their first kiss. Slow but still full of love. Taeng pull away a bit and let his forehead on Tiffany’s. Tiffany let her eyes drown deep into Taeng.

“Sometimes I envy Sunny, Sooyoung always has time for her. I wish you could have a lot of free time too.”

Taeng rubs his hand along Tiffany waist. He could, if he can.

“I wish we both born as nobody. Not a basketball so called superstar or Student body president. Then, I could always be with you.”

Tiffany smile sadly. Taeng is right. Both of them have been busy with school. She circles her arms around Taeng neck.

“I’m grateful to meet you Fany. You change me to who I am now. I never thought that one day I’ll fall in love with you but they were right. Love is BLIND and I’m BLINDED by YOUR LOVE.”

Tiffany could feel Taeng breath near her face. Their heart is beating together. Everything somehow makes sense to Tiffany.

“But I’m content with what we have now. As long as I have you, I’m fine with it.”

Taeng is about to kisses the girl again but was stops by Tiffany’s mother.

“Miyoung, Sooyoung and Sunny came. They are in the living room.”

Tiffany mother didn’t even knock. She just opens the door and assumes nothing happen. Tifany blush madly. She let Taeng go and turns to her mother. Mrs Hwang laughs a little seeing her daughter blushing. Tiffany push her mother slowly indicates her embarrassment to be caught by her mother like that.


Taeng chuckles. His mushroom feeling embarrass looks cute.


Yul stands in front of Jessica house. He clenches his fist hard. His doesn’t smile like always. Yul is mad. No, he’s furious. How could Jessica do that to him?


He doesn’t even bother to knock the door. Yul kicks the door hard. When he wants to punch the door, Mr Jung stood firmly in front of it. Yul looks at the man directly.


Mr Jung pushes Yul to his garden. Yul restrain himself from punching him out of respect.

“There is nothing to talk about boy! Go home!”

Yul doesn’t care anymore. He looks up at Jessica porch and shouts again.


Mr Jung signal one of his bodyguards to take Yul away. Yul tries to get out his grip but the man was too strong for a teenager like him. He’s struggling. The man pushes Yul onto the ground. His face kisses the soil. Mr Jung moves toward him.

“If I were you, I leave this place. Jessica doesn’t want to talk to you.”

Yul is breathing heavily. He tries to push himself up but fail. Mr Jung signals his bodyguards to take Yul away. They pull Yul and push him into a car and drives away. Jessica runs to her room porch to stops her father but she was too late.

‘Yul, I’m sorry.’

Mr Jung looks up. Jessica eyes met with him.

“You make me do this. Go inside Jessica!”


When they reach to a silent road, the guards pull Yul out and beat him badly. Once they settle, Yul couldn’t even move. He’s totally injured. The guards jerk Yul head a bit and one of them kneel.

“This is a message by the Jung family. Hurt their daughter, you’re family will be next.”

They let him go and didn’t bother to help him. The guards get into the car and drive away leaving Yul. Yul could feel his body in pain. Every single flesh felt sore. He tries to push himself up but he couldn’t even move his hand with that much force.


Yul pass out.


Sooyoung intertwines his finger with Sunny waiting for Taeny couple to come down. Sunny drinks the water that Mrs Hwang brought in earlier.

“Where are they? I’m hungry!”

Sooyoung complains makes Sunny send him a piercing glare. Sooyoung could feel his body shaken witnessing the glare.

“Behave Youngie or no lunch for you.”

Sooyoung keeps her silent and didn’t complain anymore. Tiffany and Taeng soon emerge makes Sooyoung smile happily inside. The faster they come down, the faster he can eat.

Taeng smirks looking at a silent Sooyoung.

‘Sunny must have done something to make him quiet.’

Tiffany takes the seat near to Sunny while Taeng sits down in front of Sooyoung.

“No hungry complain Soo?”

Taeng question makes Sooyoung turns his head to Taeng and makes a you-die-if-you-mention-that kind of signal. Tiffany laughs at him while Sunny taps her won head slowly. Sometimes she wonders if Sooyoung could ever forget about food.

“Where’s Yul?”

Sunny questions make the others stare at her. All look dumbfounded. Taeng pulls out his phone and dial Yul phone. But no one answer. He tries again but it is still the same. TAeng shakes his head.

“Where did he go?”

Sooyoung tries to remember if Yul did say something to him at school before but he couldn’t recall on anything.

“He didn’t tell me anything about not coming today.”

Sunny fidgets uncomfortably in her seat. Yul will always inform them if he can’t make it.

“Taeng, can you try again?”

Before Taeng could punch the call button, Tiffany phone sound startles them. Tiffany quickly opens her phone and couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the name. She looks at Taeng.

“Jessica, Tae.”

Taeng nods to her. Tiffany proceeds to open the message.

To: Tiffany

Please find Yul. My father men took him.

From: Jessica

“Yul is in danger. We need to find him.”

Taeng takes the phone from Tiffany and reread the messages loudly. Sooyoung scoff while Sunny looks worried. Taeng shove the phone inside his pocket and gives his phone to Tiffany.

“I need this phone to contact Jessica if we can’t find him. Sunny, can you wait here with Tiffany? I’ll look for Yul with Soo.”

Sunny nods her head. Sooyoung and Taeng quickly walk away. They need to find Yul fast.

‘Be safe buddy.’

Chapter 6

Jessica cries as hard as she could. She didn’t mean to hurt Yul even more. As far as she knows, they aren’t the same person anymore. Not without Yoona. But she can’t live with someone who doesn’t want the baby. Not Donghae.


“I love kids. They are adorable.”

Yul smiles when he talks about children makes Jessica feels happy too.

“So if you have a child like right now, will you take care of her?”

Yul looks at Jessica and laughs. He then turns and watch Yoona playing with her friends.

“How do you know it will be her? Not he?”

Jessica pouts. Yul flash his warm smile again.

“I will. Kids, they are innocent. White cloth. We’re the one who put the color in. if I did make a mistake, I’ll take full responsibilities even though I’m still young.”


Jessica knows this isn’t fair for Yul but she couldn’t think of anything else. This is her only way. Jessica just hopes they could find yul and take care of him. Jessica takes a frame on her table. She looks at the picture and smiles with tears still wetting her cheek. She rubs her thumb on the picture.

“I’m sorry, Yoong.”


Taeng tries to call Yul again. He has been calling him for the past 15 minutes. He’s getting more worried. Sooyoung is on the phone with Sunny.

“No. We didn’t find him yet.”

Taeng didn’t pay any attention to their conversations. He’s trying to imagine himself as Mr Jung.

“If I don’t want people to know where I dump a kid, where should I do it?”

Sooyoung is still on the phone with Sunny. Suddenly Taeng turns and face him.

“I know where he is. Come on!”

Sooyoung quickly shut off his phone and follows Taeng. He doesn’t know where but he trust Taeng.


Taeng and Sooyoung arrive at the place. They look around and spotted a body facing the road tar. They quickly run to the body.


Taeng indeed guess the place right but they were a bit too late. Yul is unconscious. Taeng turns him and what he sees made him mad. Yul is pretty beaten up. Sooyoung quickly helps Taeng and move him into the car. They both get in and drives away. Taeng was furious. Sooyoung is cursing Jessica right at the moment.

“What did he do? This is ridiculous!”

Sooyoung leans back on his seat. He fails to help Yul when he needs it.


Sooyoung is a new guy in school. He doesn’t know anyone. He just tries to be good to everyone. Sooyoung was on his way back home when 5 male students stop him.

“You’re the new guy huh?”

Sooyoung nods his head. The boys laugh at him. Sooyoung keeps his silence. He doesn’t want to create troubles on his first day here.


One of the boy moves towards Sooyoung and tries to punch him but Sooyoung duck it in time. Looking at his friend fail attempts, the other four attacks at the same time. Sooyoung couldn’t handle them and was beaten. He closes his eyes. Then he couldn’t feel them punching him anymore. Sooyoung opens his eyes and saw two other boys. The taller guy offers him a hand.

“You’re ok?”

Sooyoung looks at both of them. He nods his head. The shorter boy kicks the bad guy again. He scoffs. The taller guy just shakes his head.

“I’m Kwon Yul. That short midget is Kim Taeng.”

“Yah! I’m not short!”


“Where are we going to take him? I don’t think sending him home will be a good idea. Mrs Kwon will freak out.”

Taeng looks at Sooyoung and nods his head. Sooyoung words make sense. They’ll bring him to Sooyoung house since his parents is away visiting his sister.


Sooyoung help Taeng to put Yul on the bed. They try to help clean him up but both of them feels a bit awkward. So, Taeng decides to call for the girls to take Sooyoung car back. They didn’t tell them about Yul condition yet since they know Sunny will go cursing while Tiffany will go babbling. Not a good reaction. Sunny and Tiffany arrives 10 minutes later. They walk in and charge towards their borfriend with the same question in mind.

“Did you find Yul?”

Taeng and Sooyoung nods together. They lead the girls to Sooyoung room. Once inside, Tiffany and Sunny could clearly see his face. Swollen.

“ What happen Tae?”

Taeng just shakes his head. Sunny looks at SOoyoung and saw the same reaction.

“We don’t know. He’s looks pretty beaten up. That’s all. We came a bit late.”

Sunny takes a cloth and soak it with the water inside a small bucket. She starts to wipe some of the dry blood on Yul face. Her hand trembles. Sooyoung moves to her side and smile sadly. Taeng hugs Tiffany from the side and both of them look at Yul.

“What makes the Jung do this to Yul?”

Taeng didn’t answer it. If they want to know why, they just have to wait for Yul to wake up.


Taeng sent Tiffany home since tomorrow is school. They arrive in front of Tiffany house.

“I’ll be staying with Sooyoung and take care of Yul. You’ll be fine?”

Tiffany smile and nods her head. Taeng kisses her cheek and proceed to his car. Once Taeng car is out from her sight, Tiffany takes out her phone.

Tiffany sighs deeply. This will be like old times. It just this time, she’s on Yul side. Not Jessica.


Sooyoung sent Sunny home after Taeng comes back. He don’t want Sunny to walks home even the girl assure him that she will be fine. Sooyoung also text Yul father to inform him that he’ll be in Sooyoung house using Yul phone. Taeng sits down the same place Sooyoung has been at since they found Yul. Beside the bed.

“Wake up, buddy.”

Yul didn’t even respond to him. Taeng keeps his eyes on the boy.

“Things have gone crazy huh?”

Taeng slump his back on the chair. He closes his eyes. He was about to drift into a deep sleep when he heard it.


Taeng open his eyes and quickly jerk up. He could see Yul looking at him with a tired eyes.

“Hey buddy. You sleep for too long.”

Yul smiles weakly at him. Taeng could feels Yul pain.

“You found me. I thought I’m going to die there.”

Taeng playfully hit Yul shoulder. He flashes his dorky smile.

“I won’t let that happen. Anyway, I’m the only one who can beat you like that. What happen?”

Yul smiles vanish. He looks up and breathes in hard.


“I’m home.”

Mr Kwon slaps Yul hard. He falls to the floor. Yul holds his cheek and looks at his father. Mrs Kwon is crying like crazy.


Mr Kwon eyes are red. Yul know those eyes. It is the look his gives when his is furious.


Yul looks confuse. What’s going on?

“I don’t get it dad. What’s happening?”

Mr Kwon grab Yul shirt collar and bring him near his face.

“Of all people, why Jessica?”

Yul looks at his father even more puzzle. What Jessica ahs anything to do with them or he?

“Dad, I don’t understand. Tell me if I’m wrong but please don’t be like this.”

Mr Kwon let him go and slump on a chair. Mrs Kwon moves to his son and cups his cheeks. She’s still crying.

“Why did you make Jessica pregnant? Is it about Yoona?”

Yul eys widen hearing the news. He looks at his mother and shakes his head.


Mr Kwon stands up and throws his cigarette away.


Yul looks at his father with his teary eyes.

“It wasn’t me! MOM! I DIDN’T DO IT!”

Yul turns and look at his mother. How could Jessica do this to him?

“Yul. I know you’re mad at Jessica because of Yoona but this isn’t the way.”

Mr Kwon keeps his eyes on his son. Yul looks down on the floor. Tears start to fall from his eyes.

“I did hate her mom but I would never do something like that! You got to believe me!”

Mr Kwon scoffs. Yul looks at his father.

“I don’t want to hear anything Kwon Yul! Next week, either you like it or not, you going to marry her. MY DECISION IS FINAL!”

Yul startles. He looks at his mother hoping that Mrs Kwon would at least believe him but he’s hoping too much.


“So you go to the Jung residence to talk to Jessica?”

Yul nods his head slowly. Taeng sighs deeply. Donghae and Jessica really piss him off right now.

“I don’t know what to do Taeng. How can I tell Victoria?”

Yul grips on the pillow as tightly as he could. Taeng exhale slowly.

“That jerk, Donghae! I’ll beat him up tomorrow!”

Taeng hit the chair armrest hard. Yul just stare at the ceiling. His life is about to crumple in front of his face.

“Taeng….she’s a killer….”


Tiffany sits down waiting patiently for Jessica to show up. She didn’t tell Taeng about this meeting. Knowing Taeng uncontrolled temper, bringing the boy to meet Jessica will only turn out trouble. It is better for Tiffany to go alone. She just hopes Jessica read the message.


Tiffany turns his head. Jessica stands in front of her. Tiffany gestures for Jessica to sit in front of her. Jessica complies and takes a seat.

“How are you Tiff?”

Tiffany looks at Jessica and smirks.

“Never better, ‘best friend’!”

Jessica could feel Tiffany wrath inside. She knows Tiffany long enough to read the girl mind.

“Why did we found Yul unconscious? Care to explain Jess?”

Jessica looks at Tiffany. Tiffany knows that face. Jessica looks surprise just like her.

“I’m sorry...”

Tiffany sighs. Now things become more difficult. Jessica tells everything that happens to Tiffany. Tiffany looks at her surprise.

“You told your father, it was Yul? Are you crazy? Jess, Yul hates you!”

Jessica looks down on the floor. She couldn’t bring her eyes to meet with Tiffany’s.

“I can’t believe this! Didn’t I tell you before that Donghae is a jerk? No. You prefer to believe that fishface than me! YOUR BEST FRIEND!”

Jessica looks up and wipes her tears.

“I had too! I can’t lose Yul! Not after what had happen before!”

Tiffany shakes her head.

“You still love Yul? Jess, remember what had happen?”


“You kill Yoong! I trust you to be a good sister to her!”

Jessica tries to comfort Yul but the boy push her away. His cheeks are wet with his own tears just like Jessica.

“Yul..I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…I couldn’t remember anything..”

Yul looks at her and push Jessica away again.

“You take my sister away! How can I forgive you!”

Jessica tries to take Yul hand but the boy keeps his distance. She really doesn’t remember what happen that night.

“I start to fall for you! How can I fall in love with my sister killer!”

Yul turns around and runs away. That was the last time they both ever spoke to each other.


Jessica cries even louder. Tiffany stands up and hugs her tight. If anyone knows Jessica secret, it is Tiffany.

“Don’t hurt him anymore Jess. He’s hurt enough. But I can’t let you marry Donghae. Take care of Yul. I know he’ll hate you but I want you to know I’m still your best friend and I’ll try to help.”

Tiffany let Jessica cries on her shoulder. No matter what had happen in the past, she never treats Jessica as a stranger.

“Tiff…I’m sorry…for…everything….

Chapter 7

Yul isn’t feeling too well but he promise Victoria to go to school together. So ignoring the bickering Sooyoung and Taeng piercing stare, he makes himself ready for school. Taeng just shakes his head and let the taller boy to do anything he pleases.

“Letting you sleep over was the best idea Taeng!”

Taeng looks at Sooyoung with a puzzle face plastered all over his face.

“He meant the food Tae.”

Yul quickly cuts in. Sooyoung digs in and didn’t bother to wait. Actually he never waits for anyone when it comes to food. Except for his Sunny bunny.

“Yah! You let me stay for food? I should have let you starve!”

Yul laughs at the two. At least this two never doubt him. Now, not even his parent trusts him. He smiles sadly. Taeng notices the sad face quickly shove Yul with his new pancake recipe. Well, it’s his mother recipe. He just changes it a bit.

“Eat up Yul! You need all the food for school today.”

Yul let his gaze fell on the food. Sooyoung nudges the boy.

“You need those when we beat that fishface.”

Yul looks at him and grins widely. He doesn’t know what to do without this two.

“Thanks you guys.”


Taeng left the house first to pick Tiffany since she lives a bit far from Sooyoung house. Sooyoung and Yul left together but separate after that because Sunny house is the opposite direction to Victoria house. Yul soon arrives in front of Victoria house. He knocks on the door and wait. Victoria opens the door and smile at Yul.


Yul smiles at the girl. Victoria closes the door and when she comes near to Yul, she notices all the bruises on the boy face.

“Yul, what happen to you?”

Victoria frowns. The last time she saw Yul, he was perfectly fine. Something had happen to him.

“Nothing Vic. Just some scratch.”

Victoria looks at Yul disbelieving. She gently places her palm on the bruises area. Yul winced in pain.

“Did you get into a fight? Tell me Yul.”

Yul gently holds Victoria hand. He brings the hand down and smiles again.

“Don’t worry about me. Can we go now? I don’t want to come late.”

Victoria nods her head and let the issue go. She hooks her hand around Yul arm. Yul looks at the girl and smile once again.

‘How am I going to tell you?’


The school seems normal. Victoria is in another class. Yul send her first then proceed to his class. When Yul was about to enter the classroom, he bump into Jessica. Jessica almost fall but Yul quickly reacts and grabs the girl by her waist. Jessica lands on Yul chest while Yul back on the wall. Yul looks directly into Jessica eyes. Those eyes make Yul anger subsides.

“I..I’m sorry..”

Jessica quickly pushes herself out from Yul arms and proceeds into the class. Yul, well he looks like he has been struck with lightning. Didn’t move.

“Yul? What are you doing here?”

Yul comes back to his senses when he heard Taeng voice.


Sooyoung snaps his fingers in front of the boy while Sunny looks very worried.

“Dude, you’re ok?”

Yul nods his head and laughs awkwardly. Sooyoung just roll his eyes and takes Sunny hand entering the classroom. Taeng follows after that.

“Kwon Yul! Don’t you want to come in?”

Yul looks at Taeng and nods again. He gestures the boy to go first. When Taeng finally leaves, Yul place his palm on his chest. His heart is beating faster than usual. Just like the first time.

“I can’t fall for you.”


Jessica didn’t sits next to Donghae. She takes the far seat on the back. She was alone. Jessica could feel her eyes starts to teary but she can’t cry now. She can feel a lot of eyes looking at her direction acting like she’s some kind of a freak.

‘You’re the reason everything happen Jessica.’

When Taeng and Sooyoung came in, Jessica let her eyes gaze on the ground but she can feel the two boy eyes on her. What made her mad was the fact that Donghae just ignored her. Like nothing had happened. Yul comes in a bit late from the Taeng and Sooyoung but Jessica didn’t dare to look at him. Not after they bump into each other a moment before. She didn’t know how long she had been staring the floor but hearing a voice forces her to look up.

“I still need an explanation Jung.”

Yul sits down next to Jessica and opens his book. He didn’t even look at Jessica but keep his eyes on Donghae.

“Your father beat me up yesterday and told me that my family will be next on the line if I don’t marry you. So I WILL MARRY YOU WITH TWO CONDITIONS. First, you have no right on my life including my love life. Second, once that baby born….”

Yul looks at Jessica and smirk.

“…I’m out from your life. Understand?”

Jessica could feel her heart broken hearing those conditions. But this is her choice. She has to accept it. Yul rolls his eyes and looks away. His heart is beating for the girl but his mind is the one that decides.

“Why did you come to school? Your boyfriend must have been telling the other guy how sweet you taste.”

Yul question startles Jessica. Her tears fall down slowly. Yul didn’t even bother by it. He keeps on talking.

“It likes in a movie where the popular guy slept with the dumb blonde. Unfortunately for me, I’m the one who’ll marry the dumb blonde.”

Jessica wipes away her tears and left the classroom. She runs into the bathroom and proceeds into one of the cubicle. She locks the door and slump her back on the door. Jessica cries as much as she can. She lost everything including her so called friend. Jessica misses her old friends. She misses Taeng, Tiffany, Sooyoung and Sunny. Most of all, she miss Yul. Jessica sobs even more.


Jessica stops crying when she heard someone calling her name. She knows the voice. Jessica opens the door and standing in front of her is Tiffany.

“I heard someone crying. I kind of recognize it’s your voice. What happen?”

Jessica hugs Tiffany. Tiffany gently rubs her back and let Jessica cries on her shoulder.

“I lost….everything Tiff. I can’t…take it…anymore…”

Tiffany pushes Jessica a bit and smiles at her.

“No you’re not. You still have me. Best friend forever, remember?”

Tiffany help Jessica wipes away her tears and held the girl hand guiding her into the music studio. She usher her to sits down.

“Why did come to school? You should rest at home.”

Jessica emotion is a bit stable after crying that much. She looks at Tiffany with her sad face.


“Let her take one day off.”

Mrs Jung tries to persuade her husband to let Jessica stay home today but Mr Jung ignore her.

“You’ll go to school! I can’t let the reporter sniffing around the school to humiliate me! I’ll not let some tomorrow newspaper title ‘The next senator daughter is pregnant while still in school calling herself as single mother’….”

Jessica didn’t dare to object to her father but to agree. After all, she has to face the consequences to her action.


Tiffany felt sorry for Jessica. Mr Jung didn’t help her to ease up the stress. He pressure even more.

“Did you talk to Yul?”

Jessica couldn’t tell Tiffany what had happen earlier. It’s all her fault for Yul to react like that. Jessica shakes her head. Tiffany sighs. She knows Jessica trying to lie to her. But since her mood swings is bad, Tiffany decides to let this slip away.

“How about you sit down with us at lunch?”

Jessica let her eyes gaze on Tiffany.

“I’m sure the others hate me Tiff.”

“Sit with us. Don’t worry.”


The class has start but still no Jessica. Yul feels a bit guilty for saying all those words.

‘Am I being harsh?’

‘She deserves it! Look what she had done to you.’

‘But, it wasn’t her fault totally. I can’t punish her alone.’

‘Answer me this. Did she ever care about you since Yoona incident?’

Yul let out a deep sigh. He then decides to look for her but stops when Jessica enters the room and sits down on her chair like nothing happen. Yul let her eyes gaze on the girl before looking back at the whiteboard.

“If you learn hard enough, I’m sure you won’t be stupid. Oh, I’m sorry. You’re born stupid. Stupid enough to be trick into bed. Lucky Donghae.”

Jessica tries to ignore all the harsh comment form Yul. She can’t let her emotions takes control of her.

“Donghae has been bragging to his teammates about you. He said you were very good. Since I’m marrying you, can I get it too?”

Jessica heart is throbbing in pain. She can’t let Yul win this. She can’t give up yet. Lucky Jessica, her teacher interrupt Yul and make him do some work in front. Sunny has been watching Yul and Jessica for a while now. She shakes her head. Sooyoung notices her and scribble something on the paper.

Sooyoung looks at Jessica and Yul repeatedly and sighs. Yul ego self didn’t really help them.


The bell rings makes Sooyoung smile widely. Recess is his favorite’s time of all.

“Food! Here I come. Hurry up Bunny.”

Sunny face palm herself seeing how energetic her boyfriend when it comes to food. Taeng exits the room to follow the hyper Sooyoung and Sunny to the cafeteria with intentions not to break Donghae apart since Yul doesn’t want things to go bad in school. Yul leaves the room and proceeds to Victoria class. Jessica just sits there.

“Hi baby.”

Jessica looks up and see Donghae grinning in front of her. She hates him.

“What do you want Donghae?”

Donghae takes a chair and sits in front of the blonde.

“I miss you.”

Jessica eyes widen. After everything that happens, Donghae can still act nothing?

“Shut up! Tiffany was right about you. I’m so stupid to believe you!”

Donghae smirks. He cups the girl face. Jessica tries to struggle but Donghae is much stronger than her.

“You know babe, I do miss ‘you’….”

Jessica knows what Donghae means by that. She tries to struggle free. Donghae pull the girl and push her at the wall locking her movement. His hand covers the girl mouth. His buddies just laugh and be his eyes on the hall in case anyone comes.

“Yul was a bit dumb to marry you.”


Yul forgets his phone in his bag. He taps his head.

“Ah…I need my phone.”

So he walks back to the class. He then saw 3 of Donghae friends lurking in front of the class door.

“What are they doing?”

Yul starts to feel different. He walks silently to the back door and try to look inside the classroom.


Yul burst into the classroom through the back door and shove Donghae away from Jessica. He then pushes Jessica behind him. His eyes linger around.

“Ah…the soon to be husband is here…Romantic.”

“Leave her alone Donghae.”

Donghae smirks. Kwon Yul trying to tell him what to do.

“What if I don’t?”

Jessica grab Yul arm and close her eyes.

“If you don’t, we’ll beat you up! I’m going to enjoy this.”

Yul looks to his right and saw Taeng and Sooyoung. He smiles. Taeng looks at Donghae full of despise. Sooyoung eyes never leave Donghae’s friends. Donghae steps backward and frowns.

“Fine. I’ll let her go. FOR NOW. Come on guys.”

Donghae immediately walks out from the class. Taeng and Sooyoung never let their eyes from them. As soon they left, Yul turns around and pushes Jessica away. He then turns around and walks away too. Sooyoung follows Yul but not Taeng. He looks at Jessica. Jessica didn’t look at Taeng. When Yul pushes her away, Jessica could feel her heart tore apart.

“Come on. I think you need to take lunch. Tiffany is waiting for you.”

Jessica looks up and saw Taeng smiling at her. She felt slightly worried since in the morning people doesn’t act nice towards her including Yul.

“I’m still mad at you Jessica for what you did to Yul but I can’t help to feel sorry for what had happen to you. You don’t deserve to be treated like this. This is too much.”

Jessica could feel her eyes teary again. Tiffany and Taeng didn’t angry towards her like Yul and others. Taeyeon holds out his hand to Jessica.

“Blaming you alone is unfair towards you. Donghae should be blame too.”


Yul sits down under a tree where he always spent his time there when he felt the world is against him. Yul just met with Victoria earlier and since news travel so fast, they got into an argument.


“Are you playing with me? I thought you were a sincere guy Yul!”

Yul tries to take the girl hand but Victoria refuses him.

“I want to tell you when the right time comes. I just…..”

Yul voice sounds very sad. He isn’t smiling as usual. Victoria felt betrayed.

“When? Everyone in school knows about it! I’m the last person to know! What else did you keep from me?”

Victoria backs away from Yul. Her eyes start to glister. Yul didn’t give up. He can’t let Victoria like this.

“I-I’m sorry….Please Vic. Please trust me. I’m not like that. Please…”

Yul grab the girl wrist and force her to look at him. Victoria keeps on struggling. She pushes Yul away and tries to get away but Yul manage to stops her by grabbing her hand once again.


Victoria starts to provoke Yul with all her yelling and shouting. Yul has enough problems. His life has been hell this past days and talking to Victoria didn’t help that much. He’s at his limit.


Victoria looks at Yul disbelieving. The words that come out from Yul makes Victoria realize how Yul never say those words to her. Yul never love her. Yul release Victoria wrist when he saw tears flowing down from her eyes. He said it. Out and clear.


Victoria runs away as fast as she could and left Yul standing there alone.


Yul shifts. He is sure right now, Victoria is no longer his girlfriend. Yul cover his face with both his palm.

“I’m sorry Victoria. I am so sorry.”

Chapter 8

Jessica sits down on her bed. She looks around and couldn’t help but to notices the changes in her room. Their room. Yul is now officially owns her. Jessica could hear water running down onto the floor. Yul is inside. They just got married for a few hours with only family attending. School has been the same for Jessica. She was strip from captaincy. Her cheerleaders hate her and the teacher treat her different. Her marriage is all over the newspaper and most importantly, Yul didn’t utter a single word to her. But lucky for her, Taeny had been good to Jessica when other despise her including Sooyoung.


Taeng brought Jessica to their table. Tiffany smiles at her and pull out a chair for her. Jessica couldn’t help but to feel happy inside. At least Tiffany forgives her and Taeng didn’t judge her harshly. Sunny smiles at Jessica.

“Hi Jess. Nice to have you here.”

Jessica eyes starts to teary again but it isn’t because of she feels sad but because of the warm welcome from her former close friends. Jessica sits down.

“Yah! What is she doing here?”

Sooyoung who just finish buying his food shouts at Jessica. Jessica could only lower her hand and didn’t dare to look at the taller boy directly. Sunny quickly stands up and tries to comfort an angry shikshin. Sooyoung eyes are still on Jessica.

“Soo! Don’t say that! She’s one of us.”

Taeng voice sounds calm. Tiffany throws a pleading looks at Sooyoung but the boy didn’t even effected by it.

“Us? She didn’t belong with us, Taeng! She left! Remember?”

Sunny tries her hard to stops Sooyoung but the boy didn’t care anymore. Jessica was the one who left.

“SOOYOUNG! Please! Can’t we just sits down and have a nice lunch?”

Sunny voice startles him. Sooyoung looks at Sunny disbelieving. He throws the food on the table and stomp away leaving the group. Sunny bows to Jessica and looks at her with a sad face.

“I’m sorry Jess. Forgive Sooyoung.”


Without force, her tears starts to wet her cheeks once more. Jessica has been crying a lot lately. Everything that happens makes her even vulnerable.

“I know I’m wrong, but can I at least be given a second chance?”

Jessica hugs her knees and cries herself out. Yul who has finish showering heard Jessica. He opens the door a bit and take a peek inside the bedroom and notices Jessica crying on their bed. Yul close the door and stay inside the bathroom.


Taeng is still training since the basketball youth championship is around the corner and his coach has been bickering to them about bringing the trophy back since they lost it the day Yul quits playing. Their hopes lay on Taeng and Donghae the freak shoulders. Taeng has been ignoring the guy and focus on his task. Things will be easier if Yul is still playing.

“Nice practice! I’ll see you guys tomorrow! Same time!”

All the members bow to the coach and scattered around the bench to relax a bit before packing home. Taeng as usual sits down a bit far from Donghae’s group with some of his teammates. One of them nudges Taeng.

“I heard Jessica is pregnant? Yul is the blacksheep?”

Taeng shakes his head and drinks some water from his water bottle. The short guy then speaks some more.

“The problem is the baby isn’t Yul’s. Someone else. Free sex.”

Taeng looks at him and push him until he lands on the floor.


Taeng moves forward and grab the boy by his shirt collar. His eyes are burning mad. He was just about to punch the guy when Tiffany came out from nowhere and holds Taeng arm. She looks at Taeng hoping to calm the boy.

“Tae, no! Don’t go down like them. Come on..”

Taeng still didn’t release his collar. Tiffany takes the opportunity and nudges Taeng to pleade him to let the boy go. Taeng slowly release his grips and let his hand down. Tiffany pull Taeng away from the group and takes Taeng bag. When they were about to leave, Tiffany heard the voice she hates the most.

“Chicken out Kim?”

Taeng turns around and looks at Donghae. If it wasn’t Tiffany is still holding on his arm, he would have jump on him instantly.

“The player, Kim Taeng, really listen to the geek?”

Tiffany quickly holds Taeng by wrapping her arms around the boy waist from the side. Taeng eyes Donghae like an angry eagle. His hand is shaking holding his anger. Before Donghae could utters another word, Tiffany pull taeyeon out from the gym and walks away. They arrive at the locker room. Taeng quickly let out a blow on one of the locker door. His is breathing hard.

“Tae. Please don’t hurt yourself.”

Tiffany is half crying at the moment. She can’t see Taeng hurt himself. Looking at a crying mushroom, Taeng hugs the girl and let her cry on him.

“I’m sorry mushroom. I couldn’t control my anger. I just want to punch him! He…..”

Tiffany silence Taeng with a deep kiss. Soon the kiss turns passionate. Taeng could taste Tiffany tears. He cups the girl face and pushes the girl slowly on the wall. Taeng release Tiffany lips and starts to leave kisses around her face.

“I’m sorry…I promise…I control…my anger…”

Tiffany could hear clearly Taeng words. She let Taeng explore her face and mouth. He soon stops and hugs the girl once more.

“I don’t know what I will do without you.”


Jessica is sleeping soundly on the bed after feeling tired crying non stop. Yul came out eventually from the bathroom and wears his jeans with a plain white tee. He looks at Jessica and sighs deeply. Yul moves toward the girl and sits down next to her. He could see some dry tears on the girl cheeks. He moves her hair. Yul stroks the girl hair and felt warm. He frowns.

“You have a fever. That’s why I don’t like you crying a lot.”

Yul stands up and walks to the bathroom. He takes a clean cloth and wet it. He then places the wet cloth on top of Jessica forehead. Yul then pull up the blanket and covers Jessica with it. He then takes some medicine with a glass of water and put it on a table beside the bed. Yul then write a note and left it on the table. He leaves the Jung mansion afterwards.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Donghae looks at a picture. He’s been staring at it for the past 30 minutes. The picture always has his attentions and he hates it. He could remember the day where things aren’t complicated like this but that one person changes it. Kwon Yul.


“Hyung wait up. I’m tired.”

The younger boy screams for his brother. Donghae smiles. They share the same passion, basketball but his younger brother is more talented than he is.

“Hurry up! You need to train for that scholarship remembers?”

The younger grins and fasten his pace. He needs to practice a lot more to win the scholarship. He’s rival is one of the best player in Korea, Kwon Yul.

“Let’s get started! I’m ready!”

Donghae pass the ball to his younger brother and let him do 1000 shots.


“I’m not done yet Kwon. I’ll make you suffer the way I felt it.”


Yul was out. He has been wondering around with no purpose. He’s battling with his ownself. A part of him wants to forgive Jessica and accept her while the other part hates her even more. He’s confused. Yul arrives at a beach unknowingly. He looks around and notices this was the beach he used to bring Yoona. Their favorite place. Yul lie down on the sand and stare at the sky. The sky he used to look at with Yoona. He misses his dongsaeng so much. Yul close his eyes.


Yul and Yoona are lie on the sandy beach. Yoona snuggle near to Yul and let his chest be her pillow. Yoona close her eyes.

“Oppa. Can I ask you something?”

Yul keep his eyes on the sky. Noticing Yul silences, Yoona keeps on talking.

“Do you like someone?”

Yul could feel his heart beating fast when Yoona utters the words. Yul places his right arm under his head as a pillow.

“I do.”

Yoona is smiling widely. She could feel Yul heart beating differently. She knows his heart rhythm.

“Sica unnie?”

Yul startles. Yoona really can read his thoughts.

“How did you know?”

Yoona shifts a bit and open her eyes.

“When you fall in love, you heart beats differently. I can see it in your eyes too.”

Yul tries to looks down on Yoona. He smiles.

“Did I guess it right?”

Yoona stares at the sky like Yul.

“But I don’t know if she likes me.”

Yoona jerk herself up and sits besides Yul. She grins.

“You need to tell her oppa. I bet she likes you too.”

Yul carefully raise his body up and looks at his sister.

“What if she hates me?”

Yoona smiles grew wider. She takes Yul hand and places it on her head.

“She won’t. No one hates my oppa. My Yul oppa is the best.”

Yul playfully push the girl and laughs.

“You’re fine with me and Sica?”

Yoona smiles and nods her head repeatedly. Yul push the girl once again. Yoona whines and hit Yul on his shoulder. They both laugh together.


Yul let out a deep sigh. He doesn’t hate Jessica for her mistake but he hates her for the pain she cause. Her family suffered when they lost Yoona. He could remember his mom always crying in the middle of the night to avoid Yul from seeing her in that states. His father lost his smile because of the tragedy. Yul didn’t lose just a siister. He lost half of his life when Yoona die. Their family was broken apart. It takes 1 full year to heal those wounds. Yul would never forget that.

“Yoong. What should I do? I love her so much but at the same time, I hate her too. I want to take care of her but apart of me want her to suffer. I want to be with her but I couldn’t come close. Everytime I see her gets hurt, I could feel it too. I’m confused. Help me Yoong.”

Tears start to fall from Yul eyes down on the sand. He doesn’t care if people see him like this. He just wants to let it out. He just wants thing to be like before.


Jessica wakes up feeling dizzy. She could feel her body weaken. She looks around and notices no Yul. Jessica was about to push herself up but stops when she felt a wet cloth on her head. Jessica slowly takes it and places it beside her.

‘Who put it?’

Jessica then notices a blanket on top of her. She remembers that she fall a sleep with no blanket. Jessica eyes catch on a note on the table. She reads in and put it down.


Jessica tries to stands up but as soon as she could stand, her head feel light. Jessica loses her balance and fall. But she didn’t hit the floor when two arms grab on her waist to support her. Her head lands on a broad chest. Jessica force herself to look at her savior.

“Didn’t I say to go to sleep? You like to make it hard huh?”

Yul words come out harsh but it sounds different to Jessica. His tone is different from before. He sounds concern. Yul slowly put Jessica back on the bed and place a new wet cloth on her forehead. He takes the medicine and help Jessica to swallow it. Yul pull the blanket once again.

“Go to sleep. I don’t want to take care of you tomorrow.”

Jessica couldn’t reply due to the medicine. Her eyes slowly close. Soon Jessica back to slumber land. Yul change his clothes and lie beside Jessica. He looks at the girl.

“I love you. I’m sorry.”

Yul carefully caresses Jessica cheek and place a kiss on it. That night, Yul didn’t sleep and wait for Jessica to heal.

Chapter 9

Mr Jung and his wife are already at the table taking their breakfast. Looking at his watch, the man groans. He calls for his maid.

“Go and wake up the kids. I don’t want them to be late.”

The maids comply with his orders and proceed upstairs. She knocks on the door.

“Ms Jung. Ms Jung. Pl……”

Before she could utter another words, the door swings open and stands in front of her is Yul. Yul looks at her.

“You can go now.”

Yul then closed the door without waiting for the maid to reply. He’s ready for school.

“Still early.”

Yul looks at the bed and let his eyes gaze at the blonde who is sleeping soundly. He sighs.

“How can I wake you up?”

Yul moves to the bedside and bent a little. He pushes the girl bang to the side and taps on her cheek twice. No response. Yul frowns. He tries again and this time he succeeded. Jessica wakes up. Yul straighten his body and look at the girl. Jessica who is still oblivious on her surrounding rubs her eyes.

“Wake up. Go and take your shower. Hurry up!”

Jessica looks at Yul and quickly dash for the bathroom when yul shouts at her. Yul walks downstairs without waiting for her. Jessica has finally clean up and wear her uniform. Jessica is smiling. Last night she dreamt of her prince taking care of her. She was hoping that she could stay there and never wakes up but it just a wish that will never fulfill. Jessica sighs. Today is the new day for both her and Yul since they now practically married to each other. She could imagine the school reactions and definitely everyone hates her right now.

“Yul, I’m scared. I don’t know what to do.”


Jessica comes down and saw her parents but no Yul. She couldn’t help but to feel disappointed. She lost her appetite. Mrs Jung who notices her daughter sudden reactions, flash her sad smile. Mr Jung knows what his daughter thinking about.

“He left without a word. Very rude.”

Jessica ignores her father and walks her way to the door.

“Goodbye dad, mom. I’m leaving for school.”

Jessica turns the door knob and walks outside before she close the door back. Jessica was surprised to saw Yul leaning on her car door. The boy face is expressionless.

“You’re late.”

Jessica feels happy inside seeing Yul waiting for her. At least he didn’t ignore her.

“I-I thought you’re gone to school already.”

Yul shove his hand into his pocket. He is still with the same look.

“I can’t just leave a pregnant girl go to school alone. Especially my own wife. Get in.”

Jessica didn’t notice when Yul did takes her car keys but she glad the boy did it and hearing Yul calling her wife is a good progress to her. It means Yul finally open up to her or at least didn’t act like he did last week. She gets in and looks at Yul but the boy didn’t bother to look at her. Suddenly Yul moves towards Jessica. She could feel her heart stops when Yul face is near to her. He’s breath is too near to Jessica. Yul slide the seat belt and buckle it for her and return back facing the front. Jessica could feel her heart beats faster and her face turns hot. She looks down embarrass. Yul didn’t notice it. He just drives away.


Yul park the car at Jessica usual parking spot. Jessica couldn’t help but to smile a little.

‘He remembers my parking spot.’

They both get out and walk to their locker. Yul and Jessica locker is far from each other. They should go separate ways when their reach the intersection but to her surprise, Yul follows her. Jessica stops and looks at him.

“You’re on….the other…side….”

Jessica words pictures her nervousness at the moment. Yul eyes didn’t leave her’s. Jessica heart is beating faster again. That was twice for that morning only.

“Walk. I’m not in the mood to talk with you.”

Yul words come out cold. He starts walking again and pulls the girl to follow him. Jessica didn’t argue and let Yul pull her. She doesn’t want to argue with the boy earliy in the morning.

Taeng as usual sends Tiffany first to her class before going to his class. He bumps into the newly wed couple and smile at Jessica before punch Yul shoulder playfully.

“Congratulations on your wedding!”

Yul just scoffs and starts to walk again. This time he didn’t wait for Jessica. Taeng shakes his head and allows Jessica to walks first.

“So, how’s Yul? He’s treating you nicely?”

Jessica flashes her weak smile. Taeng knows those smiles. He learns it by looking at Tiffany because both Tiffany and Jessica possess the same smile.

“I’m fine. Yul, he ignores me but it’s not his fault. It’s my fault. At least he still concern for me. I’m content with that.”

Taeng pats the girl shoulder and couldn’t help but to feel sympathy at her. Jessica knows Taeng and Tiffany are trying to cheer her on but Yul deserve to do that. She deserves to be treated like that. Yul didn’t deserve to be drag into this. They finally reach the classroom. Yul sits down at the back of the class while Taeng takes the seat in front of him. Jessica looks at the other seat because Yul just takes her seat. She doesn’t want people to talk about them especially Yul since he’s done nothing wrong. Jessica spotted the only table at the end of the class and walks herself there hoping people will ignore her. Yul grabs her wrist. He didn’t look at Jessica.

“Sit here.”

Jessica froze. She looks at Yul disbelievingly. Yul pull her down on the seat.

“I don’t want people talking about how I ignore you.”

Jessica eyes starts to glister. Yul is doing all this just to avoid averyone talking about him. She almost thought that Yul really care for her. Jessica wipes away her tears and focuses on the board. She can’t let her emotions play with her.


Yul eyes sometimes wander around just to let him takes a peek on the girl beside him. He saw Jessica tears. Yul want to wipe it away but he didn’t do it. He would constantly check the girl to make sure she’s comfortable. Yul read that pregnant woman needs to be in comfortable position. He knows he’s being cold to her but Yul is still battling inside. He just can’t make any decision yet.

‘Please just bear with me Sica.’


Donghae looks at the married couple. He clenches his fist and grinds his teeth. He was hoping for Yul to hate Jessica but it seems that Yul keep himself near the girl always. He’s plan didn’t go as he like. He slams his fist on the table when he saw Yul bringing a food and gives it to Jessica. One of his teammates pats his shoulder.

“Chill up. I heard Yul still giving the girl a cold side.”

Donghae looks at him.

“COLD? LOOK AT THEM! Yul was supposed to hate her. But instead of hating her, he stays with her!”

His teammate frowns. Donghae got a point. Yul looks comfortable being around Jessica.

“What should we do then?”

Donghae frowns. What can he do to make Yul mad at Jessica again? Suddenly Donghae smirks.

“I know what to do. We’ll provoke him. We’ll send this video to him. He’s going to be ballistic!”

All his teammates smile. Donghae could feel drama coming on.

‘I won’t let you live peacefully Kwon.’


Jessica is walking alone. She wants to go to the library. Taeng and Tiffany want to follow her but she just want to be alone for the moment. Yul was out from the class when the bell rings. Jessica could hear students talking about her. It pains her but Jessica didn’t react to it. She just wants to be alone. She goes into the library and moves to the furthest section. No one comes here and this is place where Jessica would go evrytime she wants some time out from life. She sits down on the floor and close her eyes.


“Jess. Let me and Taeng follow you.”

Tiffany voice sounds concern while Taeng nods at her. They’re worried if other students start to pick a fight with Jessica or throw something at her like they use to before this. Jessica smiles back.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Just go and have your lunch.”

Taeng looks at her and sigh deeply.

“Fine but please be careful. If anything happens don’t hesitate to call us.”

Jessica nods and walks away.


“Well, well, well. What we have here?”

Jessica looks up and saw two unfamiliar guys. The one who spoke grins at her. The other one smile evilly.

“You’re Jessica Jung right? The school sl*t?”

Jessica stands up and moves backwards. Her hand is shaking.

“I heard a lot about you. I heard you’re good.”

Jessica could feel her palms sweating. She backs some more until her back hit the wall. She wants to shout but the boy quickly forces his palm and covers her mouth with it. The other one pins her hand up. Jessica tears roll down.

“No one can hear you. I want to taste you too since Donghae said that you’ll do it for free.”

The one who pins her hand to the wall grins. He looks at his friend.

“You want to do it first or me? We had 10 more minutes before class starts.”

The boy smirks. He looks at Jessica and starts to unbutton her blouse. Jessica is shaking like crazy. Her tears didn’t stop them.

“Having fun?”

Both boys turn around and saw Yul standing behind them. Yul walks towards them.

“It’s none your business! Get out!”

He hisses at Yul. Yul throw a punch at the one who pins Jessica hand. He falls. Yul then turns facing the other guy and swiftly dodge his punch and grab his collar but before he could punch him, the librarian stops him.


The boys look at Yul and give him a warning before leaving the place. The Librarian shot a warning glare at Yul before he also leaves the section. Yul quickly turns around and support Jessica who is still tearing.

“I’m here…It’s fine now..”

Yul hugs her and let Jessica crying wetting his shirt. He runs his finger along the blonde girl hair. Jessica pushes her face into Yul chest and sobbing uncontrollably. Yul shouldn’t have left the girl before. He feels stupid for doing that.



Yul could feel his heart beating along with her’s.

“I go home…”

Yul loosen the hugs and look at Jessica. He misses those eyes. Yul wipes away her tears using his thumb.

“Ok. We’ll go home.”

Yuri hugs the girl waist and kisses her forehead. He then lands his forehead on her. He looks deep into Jessica eyes.

“I’ll take you home.”

‘I’m sorry Yoong.’


Sooyoung is sitting on a bench hear the field. He’s still remembers the day Jessica shove them away for Donghae. Until now, Sooyoung have a hard time accepting her back.


Jessica pushes Sunny away until the girl lands her butt on the floor. Sooyoung helps Sunny up and looks at Jessica.

“If you’re a boy, I would have punched you right now.”

Jessica smirks. She looks at Sooyoung.

“Stay out from my life. Tell that to your girlfriend.”

Sooyoung shakes his head.

“Why are you doing this?”

Jessica gazes at him and back at Sunny. She laughs.

“Well, you should ask yourself! I hate people who pretend!”

Sooyoung clench his fist. Sunny grabs his hand and looks at him.

“No, she’s our friend.”


“Want to share it with me?”

Sunny voice startles Sooyoung. He moves a bit to let his girlfriend to sits down. Sunny intertwines their finger and warmly smile at him.

“You’re still thinking about Jess?”

Sooyoung nods. Sunny let her forehead on Sooyoung’s.

“Can you forgive her?”

Sunny looks into Sooyoung eyes deeply. They gaze at each other longer.

“What if I can’t?”

Sunny use her free hand and caresses Sooyoung cheek. He closes his eyes savoring the touch.

“She deserves a second chance Youngie.”

Sooyoung opens his eyes. He hates it when Sunny is right.

Chapter 10

Tiffany is inside the student council room. It’s after school but she still caught up with some work. She wants to make sure all the paper works for the next month carnival is properly done and as president, Tiffany need do it properly.


She could feel arms cirling her neck and a warm breath on her head.

“Tae. The less you interrupt me, the faster I can get my job done.”

Taeng smiles. He let the girl go and sits down next to her. He keeps his eyes on the girl.

“How much longer?”

Tiffany didn’t look at Taeng and shakes her head. Taeng scratch the back of his head. Suddenly he flashes his familiar grins. He leans forward and kisses the girl shoulder. He then slowly moves down and leave a trail of wet kisses. Tiffany couldn’t concentrate if Taeng keeps this up. She still shivers even though the kisses were not on her skin.

“Tae. Please stops. I can’t concentrate like this.”

Taeng ignores her and go up and nibbles on the girl ear. Lucky them, no one is inside the room. Tiffany couldn’t control herself anymore and turn around before glue their lips together. Taeng smirks. He deepens the kiss and held tight on the girl waist. Tiffany closes her eyes and tilts her head a bit. Taeng waits for Tiffany to open her mouth before starts to taste her all over. Their tongue battles furiously. Tiffany let go of the kiss and pants. Taeng caresses the girl cheek.

“I don’t want you to overwork yourself. It’s getting late.”

She opens her eyes and gaze on Taeng. The boy always takes care of her. He is not the same Taeng she knows before.


“You love who?”

Jessica face shows how much the news shocks her. Tiffany tries to explain it to Jessica.

“I love Tae, Jess. I can’t deny that.”

Jessica looks at Tiffany with an angry face. She knows Taeng is Yul bestfriend but the guy is the school jerk. Every girl is his target.

“He’s the school jerk Tiff! What do you see on someone like that?”

Tiffany tries to hold Jessica to calm her down but Jessica just cross her arms and look at her in angry mode.

“He WAS a jerk. Not anymore. He’s sincere Jess. He loves me.”

Jessica couldn’t believe her ears. Tiffany really does fall for that jerk?

“Please Jess. I’m telling you this because I know you’ll support me. I need my bestfriend approval Jess before I could introduce him to my family.”

Jessica looks at her. Her arms cross loosens.

“Your family? Taeng wants to meet your family?”

Tiffany nods happily. Jessica smile as wide as she could and hugs her bestfriend.

“But if he hurts you, I’ll kill him myself!”


Tiffany lost in her thoughts and it makes Taeng worried.



Tiffany looks at Taeng with a confuse face. Taeng chuckles.

“You’re spacing out again.”

Tiffany looks down on the floor hiding her blush face. Taeng use his hands and cup the girl chin before raise it up to face him.

“Pack your things. I’ll send you home.”


Donghae watch the video and grins. He doesn’t hate Jessica but he does it for Yul. For revenge. He forwards the video into the web and tags every friend he knows in the school. One of his friends taps his shoulder.

“They will see your face too.”

Donghae looks at his friend and smirks.

“I’m not stupid. When I recorded it, I did make sure my face is invicible.”

His friend laughs. He watches the video too.

“She got a nice body. I envy you!”

Donghae looks back at the video and type in the the video name.

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Yul is on his was to buy something for Jessica since he wants to start a new chapter with the girl. At least by showing his concern maybe things will work out on its own. Yul smile thinking back the moment they come home.


Yul help Jessica into the bed and go to the wardrobe to find her a suitable cloth to change into. He found it and gives it to the girl while his eyes wander around. He’s still a bit embarrassed with what had happen in the school.

“Here. Change into this.”

Jessica takes it with her face still blushing. The events that happen earlier vanish from her mind when Yul comes in and save her. Jessica looks onto the floor. She couldn’t look at Yul while blushing madly. Yul just stand there.


Yul quickly interrupts her.

“You want anything?”

Jessica could feel the room heated up. She slowly looks at Yul.

“You…don’t mind…looking at me….while I change?”

Yul face suddenly turns red. That’s why Jessica didn’t change her cloth yet. Yul quickly dash for the bathroom and lock himself in. He then remembers something and unlocks the door. He goes out and stands back in front of Jessica while playing with his finger.


Jessica face blush even more. Jessica pulls the same stunt like Yul but unlike Yul she locks the bathroom door and didn’t go out.

‘Pabo Kwon Yul!’

Yul taps his forehead repeatedly. He sighs.

“Yah Kwon Yul! Why did you say that? Now she thinks you a pervert!”


“What are you doing to me Sica? I’m desperately in love with you.”

Yul is smiling like an idiot. It’s official, he can’t stop loving her. His phone rings. Yul look at the unknown ID and answer it.


“Kwon Yul.”

He could hear the stranger laughing at him. Yul frowns.

“I think you should go online. Go and watch it.”

“Watch what?”

The stranger just laughs even more and ended the call. Yul looks confuse. He then used his phone and get into the web.

“A video?”

Yul looks around and spotted a bench in the nearby park. He walks there and sits down. Yul play the video. His eyes widen seeing the video content.


Yul could hear moans coming from the familiar voice. Jessica movement in the video makes Yul grips on the phone tightly. His heart shattered into pieces. The old wound bleed again. Yul stops the video. He couldn’t look at it anymore. He looks up and throws the phone into the lake. Unconsciously, his cheeks wet with his tears.


Jessica is still waiting for Yul to come home. He promises he’ll be back soon but its night now and Jessica starts to worry.


“I’m going out to buy you something.”

Jessica looks at Yul shyly and nods her head. Yul moves to her and bend down kisses the girl forehead. Jessica was shocked. She looks up and she can see Yul blush too.

“Can I do that from now on? It felt right.”

Jessica slowly nods her head. Yul smiles at her and backs away to the door. Before he leaves Yul turns to face Jessica.

“I know….I have been cold to you. I’m..sorry. From now on, I promise I’ll take care of you.”


‘Where are you?’

Jessica pulls out her phone and dial Yul’s number once again but still nothing. Jessica punch in Tiffany’s number and call her bestfriend.


“Fany. Yul didn’t come home yet. I’m worried.”

Jessica starts to cry again. She felt something had happen to Yul and somehow connected with Donghae.

“Don’t go out Jess. I’ll call Taeng. We’ll pick you up.”

Jessica ends the call and wait for Tiffany to arrive. 10 minutes later, two cars arrive at her house. Jessica parents aren’t home so it doesn’t bother Tiffany to shouts at Jessica. Jessica runs at Tiffany who has climb out from the Taeng’s car and hug her.

“Yul is mssing. I’m afraid something had happen to him.”

Tiffany looks at Taeng with a worried face. Sooyoung is in the other car alone. Taeng inform him earlier.

“Me and Tiffany will go and find Yul. Soo can you stay with Jessica in case Yul comes back? We can’t leave Jessica alone. Who knows if anyone decides to come to her house tonight?”

Sooyoung stops his car engine and nods at Taeng. Tiffany let Jessica go and help to wipes her tears.

“We’ll find Yul. Don’t worry.”

Tiffany gets into the car and Taeng drives away. Jessica is still crying and Sooyoung doesn’t know what to do. He scratches his head.

“Erm..I think we should get in. It’s cold outside.”

Jessica didn’t budge and roots her leg on the ground. Sooyoung looks at her.

“Jessica, don’t worry. He’ll be safe. You’re pregnant, let’s go in.”

Jessica tears starts to fall even more when she heard the word pregnant. It isn’t Yul’s. Sooyoung remembers what Sunny told him earlier. He moves to her and hug the girl.

“I hate you for everything you’ve done to Yul and Sunny. Especially Sunny. I hate you for the problems you cause. I hate you for walking away. I hate you for blaming Yul for everything. But I can’t hate you for being my friend.”

Sooyoung smiles sadly.

“I’m a bad friend if I can’t forgive you. I’m a bad friend if I say I hate you and I’m a bad friend if I deny you a second chance. Jessica, I know it’s tough for you after what had happen, but I want you to know that no matter what you still have your friends around you. YOU STILL HAVE US. So, don’t cry and trust us. We’ll bring Yul back.”

Jessica nods her head. Sooyoung brings the girl inside.



Yul turns his head and saw Victoria behind him. He flashes his weak smile. Victoria notices the sad smile.

“Can I sit next to you?”

Yul nods his head and let Victoria to sits down next to him. Victoria notices his eyes red in color.

“Yul? What happen?”

Yul looks at Victoria and couldn’t stop his tears from flowing. Victoria cups his chin and wipes away the tears. She gazes at the face she loves so much.

“You can tell me Yul.”

Yul didn’t know where to start. He felt useless and idiot.

“Yul, is this about the video in the school post?”

Yul clench his fist hard. Victoria notices it and places her hand on top of his fist.

“I don’t know if I can do this Vic. It hurts.”

Victoria looks at Yul and smile.

“I hate Jessica for taking you away from me. I hate her for making you hurt. She’s a lucky girl to have you,Yul. I know its hard Yul but she needs you right now.”

Yul let his gaze on Victoria.

“When we dated, I notice you never said you love me. I always wonder why. But then I know why. You LOVE JESSICA. You never did forget her. You just shove those feelings deep inside of you. Yul, I can fight for you but I choose not because somehow you both are meant to be together.”

Yul shifts in his seat. Victoria makes yul to turn his face once again.

“I know she made a mistake before, but she don’t deserve to be treated like this Yul. Everyone in the school hates her. She lost everything Yul. Now, she only has you. Asked yourself this question Yul. Can you stop from loving her?”

Yul looks down on the ground. Can he ever stop loving Sica? Yul silences make Victoria gaze aaway from Yul.

“I envy her. SHE HAS YOU.”

Yul push his head up and face Victoria.

“Why do you help me Vic? I hurt you.”

Victoria smiles. A sincere smile.

“Because seeing you happy will make me happy even though your love isn’t for me.”

Yul looks at the lake and grip Victoria hand.

“I hope you find someone who’ll love you more than I did.”

Chapter 11

“Where did you go Yul?”


“Jessica was worried waiting for you.”


“You should call.”


Taeng sighs. He gives up trying to make a conversation with Yul. Tiffany turns her head to face Taeng and smile reassuringly.

“Yul, Don’t make Jess worried. She’s pregnant and pregnant girl can’t be stressed.”

Yul didn’t respond to Tiffany question. He just looks at the side window. When Tiffany is about to give up, Yul voice echo’s inside the car.

“Do you love Taeng, Tiff?”

Taeng looks at him weirdly.

“I love him with all my heart.”

Tiffany silently smiles at Taeng. The boy keeps his eyes on the road with a happy feeling inside.

“If Taeng cheated on you, what will you do?”

Tiffany startles. She knows where this conversation leads and she hates it. Tiffany needs to answer this carefully.

“I’ll be mad at him.”

Yul eyes are still outside. He shifts a little.

“Will you forgive him?”

Taeng could feel the tension inside. Why is Yul asking this entire question? Tiffany calmly replies to the question.

“I won’t not after he betrays me. But I’ll give him another chance to prove himself and to change for better.”

Tiffany didn’t turn away. She needs to know his answer. Yul looks at her with no expression.

“Eventhough with someone you once call friend?”


“I’ll be back. You still owe me that big steak you know.”

Donghae punch Yul shoulder and laughs. Yul groan in pain but soon smiling. Donghae will be leaving Korea because of family issues. He has been Yul best buddy through out the year.

“So I’m stuck here with Kyuhyun?”

Kyuhyun glare at Yul while both the other laughs even more.

“Yah! I’m not a baby! I can take care myself!”

Donghae mess his brother hair.

“Yeah you are. Be the best Hyun. I’m rooting for you!”

The younger boy nods while grinning. Yul smile seeing this two brother together for the last day today.


Taeng stops the car. He grips on the steering wheel.


Yul was about to open his mouth again when Taeng who has steps outside pull him out from the car too. Tiffany gasps. She knows that looks on Taeng face. He’s angry. Taeng push Yul until he lands on his butt.

“Stop this ego thing Yul! I had it!”

Yul push himself up and looks at Taeng. He clenches his fist.

“I let you hurt Jessica and I let you talk harsh at her! But I can’t tolerate it anymore! Everyone has forgiven her Yul! Wake up!”

Yul eyes were clouded with anger. He takes one step forward.

“You don’t KNOW what I felt Taeng! So shut up!”

Taeng tries to cool down but his eyes are still on Yul.


Yul scoffs. Taeng can’t possibly understand his feeling.

“She’s carrying someone else’s baby! How YOU FEEL IF SOMEONE ELSE COMES IN AND FU*K TIFFANY?”

That words cross the line. Taeng grips hard on his fist and pounces on him. He punches Yul twice. Yul try to dogde it but he can’t win against Taeng when it comes to speed. Yul try to counter it by sending his own punch but taeng manage to dodge it and swiftly lands a punch on his face and kick his stomach. Yul groans in pain. He kneels on the ground. Taeng comes in again and knee on Yul face. Yul put his hand in front of him but it was too late. The impact sends Yul back on the ground. His mouth is bleed. Taeng grab his chirt collar and brings him near.

“I had enough with you! Jessica needs YOU, Yul! She makes a mistake but she’s been punish with it for some time now! Grow up!”

Tiffany runs toward Taeng and hold onto his arm. She hopes it can calm him down a bit. Yul still didn’t respond. Taeng let him go and walk away pullng Tiffany with him. Then he heard a cry. Yul is crying. Something Taeng rarely sees.

“I-I love…her….But I don’t know…what to do…”

Yul words mix with his cries.

“I don’t know….what to do…”

Taeng turns around and move baack towards Yul and hug him.

“We’ll help you Yul. I promise.”


Jessica glances at the door. She has been doing it for the nth time. Sooyoung shakes his head and sighs deeply.

“Jessica. Don’t worry. Yul will come back and walk through that door. Just stop staring at it.”

Jessica eyes are swollen for cryng too much. It’s almost midnight but still no sign of Yul or Taeny. She turns her head and look at the TV but the show doesn’t help her to stop worrying. Jessica faces the door again when she heard someone steeping outside. The door than opens revealing Yul, Tiffany and Taeyeon behind it. Jessica can finally smile and runs toward Yul. She hugs the boy tight. Yul wraps his arm around the girl. Jessica face is on his chest but everyone can still hear her voice.

“Where did you go? I was so worried. Don’t do that again.”

Tiffany and Taeng looks at Yul and Jessica with a sad face. Both of them are hurt and in pain. Life seems hard on them. Jessica release her hug and look at Yul. She notices the cut on his lips.

“Yul? You cut your lips. What happen?”

Yul didn’t react to her question but keep his arms around her waist. He looks around from Sooyoung to Tiffany and to Taeng.

“Thank you guys. But can you leave us alone?”

Understand the words, the three of them starts to walk out from the house. Taeng and Yul looks at each other before Taeng bods and smile. Yul nods his head too. Jessica looks dumbfounded. She looks up and stares at Yul. The boy brings her to the couch and sits down. They sit facing each other. Yul holds her hand and gently rubs it.

“Sica. I want us to be honest with each other tonight. No more lies. Just the truth.”

Jessica slowly nods her head. Yul exhale deeply. He needs to know everything. Everything that happening right now confuses him.

“Do you LOVE me?”

Jessica eyes starts to tears. She looks down on the floor. But Yul cups her chin and brings her face up again.

“Tell me Sica. DO YOU LOVE ME?”

“I-I do..l-love you…”

Yul sighs. He moves his hand and gently caresses her cheek.

“Since when?”

Jessica looks at Yul and her tears slowly rolls down. Yul wipe it away with his thumb signaling Jessica to not be afraid.

“Since the first time I saw you. The first time when Yoona first introduce me to you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Yul could feel his heart beating faster. He never knows that Jessica do have feelings for him.

“I’m a girl Yul. I can’t just tell you how I felt. Remember our last night when we chat? I did reply the boy is you. Didn’t you read?”

Yul remembers it. He brings Jessica hand near to him.

“After what had happen to Yoona, I never open it. It reminds me of you.”

Jessica holds on to Yul hands on her cheek. Yul could feel himself feels frustrated hearing all this. All this while, Jessica loves him.

“But why did you go to Donghae?”

Jessica could feel herself tense hearing the name. Noticing his wife reactions to the name, Yul pull his hand from her cheek while bringing her hands down. He circles his thumb on her hands.

“Yul, you blame me for Yoong death. I even blame myself eventhough I couldn’t remember it. All those fights between our families frustrated me. That when Donghae comes into my life. He gives me support when you didn’t. To be honest Yul, I start to feel safe around him. He believes in me when you blame me.”

Yul close his eyes hearing all this explanation from Jessica. He did blame Jessica for everything when the accident happen to Yoong. And with all the evidence pointing at her, Yul just want someone to pay for Yoona death. That’s when he starts to learn hating Jessica.

“I start too carried away. I push my entire friend away for Donghae. Tiffany and Sunny tries to tell me about Donghae but I shove them away because I was so mad at you. I hurt both of them because of him. Everytime I see you, my heart felt ache. I follow everything Dongahe told me and I thought he was sincere with me. I was wrong.”

Jessica tears falls down again. Yul brings his hand and wipe it again away. He stares deep into Jessica eyes.

“I want to take revenge on you so I agree to be Donghae girlfriend. Everything changes for me. I got new friends, captain of cheerleader and popular girl. Like I said, I get carried away and did enjoy the attentions I got. At least at the time, I could forget you.”

Yul exhale slowly again. Both of them get carried away trying to prove each other faults.

“I was mad at you for what had happen to Yoong. I shove you away because I just want someone to be blame for it. It was you. I couldn’t fogive you because I don’t want to blame myself for her death. That is when we became enemy.”

Jessica is sobbing. This is all a misunderstanding. Yoona death is still unknown but Yul explaination make some of the burden on her shoulder be lifted away.

“Sica. Is Donghae the father?”

Jessica nods slowly. Yul could feel his heart throbbing badly. He kind of knows it but hearing it from Jessica make it sounds bitter to him.

“I make that mistake Yul and I’m not proud of it. I’m sorry for dragging you into this. I’m sorry.”

Yul Pull the girl into his hug and hush her. Yul remembers what Tiffany and Taeng told him in the car.


“She loves you.”

Yul look at Tiffany confuse. Jessica loves him?

“If she loves me, she wouldn’t go out with DOnghae.”

Tiffany looks at Yul and sigh.

“Two persons know this secret Yul. Me and Yoona.”

Yul head starts to play back on his memory. He remembers Yoona encourage him to confess to Jessica.

‘Yoona knew.’

Taeng look at him and with a smile but soon replace with a frown.

“Careful with Donghae, Yul. He’s up to something.”


“Sica, I love you. I can’t take back everything that I have said to you before. But I want to be with you now.”

~~RATED~~(DOn't read it if you below age or you just don't want.....)

Yul push her a bit and leans forward to her. Jessica tilts her head and let Yul come to her. They shared their first kiss after years of hatred. When their lips touch each other, both could feel the sensation and love in it. Yul deepen the kiss and wait for Jessica permission to enter her mouth. As soon as Jessica opens her mouth a bit, Yul didn’t wait long and taste every corner inside her mouth. While kissing the girl, Yul brings her to lie back on the couch with him hovering on top. They let go of each other lips and gaze deep into each other. Yul left hand is caressing her expose stomach. Jessica cups his face with her both hands.

“I want to be with you. I love you.”

Yul kiss her again but this time the kiss is a bit slow but still affectionate. Yul hands creeps up into her shirt. Jessica moans in his mouth. When he feels he touches her mounds, Yul stop. He looks into the girl eyes. Jessica nods shyly. Yul pull up her shirt and starts to kiss her neck. He leaves a trail of wet kisses along the neck to her shoulder line. Jessica moves her fingers and starts to unbutton his shirt. Then, she could feel something hard against her hip. Yul ignore Jessica surprise look and throw away his hsirt to expose his well built body to Jessica. Yul unhook her bra and throw it away. He jerk himself up and stare at her. He smiles.

“ You look beautiful.”

Jessica blushes hearing it. Yul leans down and kiss her chest. It starts with a light kiss but soon replace with sucking and licking around her breast. Yul play the hard nipple with his tongue and another side with his hands. Jessica bites her own lips to not moan loudly. Yul then use his other hand and caresses the girl down below.

‘She’s wet.’

Jessica couldn’t keep her voice down anymore.


Yul swiftly take the skirt and her panty and let it slip onto the floor. He unbuttons his jeans and let out his hard shaft. It’s throbbing and Yul need to ease the pain. Yul positions himself and let the tip of it penetrate into her opening slowly not to cause pain to Jessica. Jessica could feel Yul going into her. She grips tightly on the couch hoping to find something to hold onto. Seeing how easy it goes in, Yul push in more deep. Jessica arch her hack and could feel her wall tighten around it.

“Tell me if it’s hurt. I’ll stop..”

Jessica caresses his hand gently indicating she’s fine. Yul ramp slowly but soon fasten his pace. He hold Jessica waist and ramp in deeper. In and out. Jessica closes her eyes and bit her lips again. She could feel herself coming.


She came first but Yul isn’t yet. He keeps on ramming and Jessica is breathing hard. She comes for the second time and Yul shove in deep and stay there. Jessica could feel his warm juices inside of her. Jessica juices flow down on the couch. She comes twice. Yul pull out. Jessica could feel sore down there. She can’t even move her legs. Yul grins. He then brings her feet up to his shoulder and tongue play her openings. Jessica try to get away but Yul hold her thighs and taste her. Jessica comes again for the third time. Yul finish and turn Jessica to lie on him. Both couldn’t even breathe right. Jessica couldn’t feel her body down below due to the soreness. Yul hug her waist and Jessica lays her head on Yul chest.

“I think you’re mom going to be mad when she sees the couch.”



Chapter 12

Jessica woke up feeling a bit dizzy. She pushes the blanket away and goes to the bathroom. She just didn’t push the blanket but Yul’s arm around her too. Jessica vomits in the sink. She’s been like this for three days now. Her mom said that it is always like this when you’re pregnant but considering her’s is about a month now, this vomiting sickness should be cured already. She could feel someone rubs her back gently.

“Baby? You’re ok?”

Jessica nods her head and washes her mouth. She hates it when she had this morning sickness. She turns around and saw Yul with a concern face.

“I’m fine Yul. Morning sickness.”

Her explaination didn’t help Yul to calm down. He takes her hand and pulls her out towards the bed and makes her sits down.

“Is this why you always take a long time in bathroom?”

Jessica nods while still trying to not feel her mouth. Yul kneels down and looks at Jessica.

“Don’t go for school today. I’ll tell the teachers.”

Jessica cups his face and smiles. If this is heaven, she likes it already.

“Yul, I can’t. We have exams next week and I don’t want to be left out. Anyway I want to go to school so that I can spent more time..with you.”

Yul holds onto her hand and looks at Jessica with a sad eye.

“I can teach you. I mean…If I can’t we can have a group discussion and I’m sure Fany and Sunny can do the job better…PLEASE?”

Jessica shakes her head. She can’t let Yul go to school alone and get all the glares. At least she can take half of the glares from Yul.

“Yul, I can’t be at home not without you.”

Yul looks at her and sighs. Come to think of it, Jessica too is a stubborn person. Yul stands up and hug her. Jessica circles her arms around Yul waist and her face on his bare chest. She snuggles closer.

“Fine. Since I had a great night with you, I let you go this time. But if I sense something wrong, you’re heading home. Ok?”

Jessica face blush when she heard the word ‘great night’. Yul sometimes too staright forward.

“I don’t..want to talk..about last night…”

Her words come out stuttering. Yul smiles. He knows Jessica is feeling a bit shy. Yul decide to tease her more.

“You’re great. GOD I MISS IT ALREADY!”

Jessica pushes Yul away and pouts. Yul looks at her and hugs the girl once again. He bends and kisses her on top of her head.

“I’m glad we cleared everything. Now, I don’t really care what people going to say about us. I don’t give a damn.”

Jessica smiles. At last, she can claim Yul as hers. She can finally go to school and ignores everything. Jessica frowns.

“Yul, didn’t we sleep on the couch?”

Yul chuckles. Jessica just realizes that now?

“No. I carried you up to bed since you push me a lot on the couch.”

Jessica blush madly. She covers her face with Yul chest.

“You carry me up naked?”

Yul could feel Jessica warm face on his chest. He likes it.

“Yeah and I couldn’t take my eyes of you just like now.”

Jessica is confused. Now?


Jessica quickly let him go and dash to the bathroom. She locked it. SHE IS STILL NAKED. Jessica could hear Yul laughing at her from the outside.


Jessica could feel people glares at her but since she had Yul walking holding her hand, Jessica somehow feels secure and safe. Yul is typing a message on his phone.

“Come on.”

Yul looks at her and smiles. He interwtines their fingers slightly tight indicating that he’s fine.

“Yul? Somethings wrong?”

Yul face is so serious and it makes Jessica feels curious.

Jessica smiles back and follow Yul to their class. They sit down on their usual place. Yul eyes caught Donghae staring at them. Jessica is trying to wipe some of the dust on her table when she feels a warm sensation on her cheek. Yul plant a kiss on her cheek and smile at Jessica. The girl pushes Yul playfully and pouts.

“Don’t steal kisses from me.”

Yul smiles wider and leans in and pecks on her lips.

“This is ok?”

Jessica couldn’t help but to flash her familiar smile. Yul laughs a bit and glances towards Donghae without Jessica notices it.

‘Hurt her again and I’ll kill you.’

Donghae grunts. He could feel his blood boiling mad. Yul aren’t affected with the video?

‘You’re not a threat to me Kwon! I’m not done yet!’

Taeng had entered the class and saw Yul and Donghae staring at each other with a deadly glare. He moves to his seat and call his bestfriend.

“Yul, stop that. You guys are freaking me out.”

Jessica didn’t understand what Taeng tries to say but Yul looks at him and smirk. Taeng rise up her left eyebrow.

“ So you both are back together? Please say yes because my knuckle is a bit sore from punching you last night.”

‘That’s why Yul had a cut on his lips.’

Jessica sends a piercing glare at Taeng. Taeng quickly apologize to Jessica. Those cold stare isn’t something Taeng comfortable with.

“Yah Kwon Yul! Make your wife to stop glaring at me!”

Yul laughs at Taeng and let Jessica sends all her deadly glare at him.

“It’s for your punches last night Taeng.”

Yul couldn’t stop himself from saying it. Well, he definitely thanks Taeng for the I-punch-you-because-you’re –an-idiot act yesterday but seeing his bestfriend squirm under Jessica glares really amuse him.


DOnghae didn’t concentrate in class. His mind is flooded with thoughts on Yul and Jessica. He grip hard on his pen.

‘How did the video didn’t effect on Yul?’

He sometimes glances at them and saw Jessica and Yul happily smiling at each other like nothing had happen.

“Hae, I think you’re plan messed up. They become more intimate with each other.”

Donghae look at his friend and hiss.

“I don’t think Jessica saw the video. I still have a chance.”

His friend shakes his head. Not that he disapprove his method but he really want to know what had cause Donghae to be like this.

“I really don’t understand you. What did Yul do to make you hate him?”

DOnghae glare at him and stand up. He walks out from the class ignoring the teacher.



The bell rings. Yul rub his face with his palm. Studying isn’t something he likes unlike Jessica who could go for hours just studying. He looks to his left and see his wife is still concentrating solving the question earlier. He leans near to her ear.

“Sica baby, it is recess time. I hate to tell you this but I’m hungry and I don’t want books for my lunch.”

Jessica turns to look at Yul with her puppy eyes.

“Just a little bit then I’m done. Please?”

Yul shake his head and close her book. He then stand up and hold out his hand for Jessica.

“Let get some lunch. You need to eat. When we’re home, you can study all you want, ok?”

Jessica smiles shyly and takes Yul hand. Yul grins.

“Yah! Stop showing your PDA here. Gosh I wish Fany is the same class as us.”

Taeng exit the class without waiting for the others. Sunny who notices it look at Sooyoung.

“Where is he going?”

Sooyoung just rise up his shoulder. Yul couldn’t help but to laugh.

“Well, I bet his going to drag Fany-ah into the cafeteria.”

Sooyoung looks at him puzzled. Sunny shakes her head since she kind of reads Taeng mind right at the moment.

“He’s jealous huh?”

Tiffany walked out from her class and saw Taeng sulking near her class door.

‘This is new.’

The boy saw her and quickly dash towards her. Taeng sulking face makes Tiffany want to laughs but she knows this boy rarely do this. So laughing at him right now is a bad move.

“Tae, what happen?”

Taeng is sulking even more. Tiffany flashes her eye smile and wraps her hands around Taeng arm. She rests her head on his shoulder.

“Why are we not in the same class?”

“This is the reason to this long face?”

Taeng nods. Why can’t both of them in the same class?

“TAetae. I can’t just go to principle and ask for a class transfer without a reason. And since this class is near to the student body room, the school thought it will be good for me.”

Tiffany turns and looks Taeng direct into his eyes.

“I’m a basketball player. They should place me inside the court.”

Tiffany smiles at him and hugs his arm. Sooyoung and Sunny get the same class since a long time ago. While Yul is in the same class as his wife. Of course Taeng will be feeling a bit lonely.

“I promise you, I’ll spend the evening with you.”

Taeng eyes sparkle hearing it. He mood lift from gloomy to very bright. Tiffany chuckles at him. Her boy is hard to please but once she knows the way, it will be easy.

“I’m hungry from all those jealousy. Can we go now?”

Taeng happily brings Tiffany to the café.


Noises can be heard from the café. Everyone seems to eat while chatting among themselves. Some were just listening while others talk to them. Yul un-wraps the sandwich and give it to Jessica. She looks at him disbelieving.

“Yul, I can’t eat anymore. You give me too much food!”

Yul shakes his head and stuff the sandwich on inside Jessica hand.

“Pregnant women need a lot of food to stay healthy and I don’t want both my baby to starve.”

Jessica whines even more. Sunny look at them and smile. The storm has calm down.

“Both baby?”

Sooyoung couldn’t help but to ask. Sunny look at him and sighs. Her boyfriend can really be oblivious about anything.

“Youngie, Yul meant the baby and Jess.”

Sooyoung mouth turns into and O shape. He looks at Sunny and smiles.

“I want a baby too!”

Some of the student who passes by looks at him shockingly. Sunny covers her face with her palm while Jessica and yul laughs at Sooyoung loud voice.


Tiffany and Taeng arrive into the group and sit down. They saw a madly blushing Sunny with a still ovlivious Sooyoung trying to explain something at Sunny. They look at Yul and Jessica with a questioning face. Yul smirks.

“Don’t ask. You don’t want to know.”

Donghae signal some of his friends to follow him. They walk to Yul and his friends table. Taeng saw him and his face turn dark. Donghae and his friend stop in front of them.

“You still look happy Yul?”

Yul look at him full of hatred. He scoffs.

“What do you want Donghae?”

Sooyoung clench his fist while Taeng look at Donghae with a piercing glare. Donghae smirks.

“Didn’t you see the post yesterday?”

Taeng want to interrupt but Yul signals him to not interfere.

“Yeah I did. Why?”

Donghae laughs with his friend. One of them speaks.

“You did and you still sit down with her? You’re really is a loser Yul.”

Their laughs echo inside the café and make the other students to silent and looking at them.

“Yul, what are they talking about?”

Jessica voice makes Yul turn and smile at her. He stands up and places his hand firmly on the table.

“You have no business here Donghae. If I were you, I’ll leave.”

Donghae stop laughing but still smirking.

“So, tell me Jessica. You didn’t watch it did you?”

Taeng quickly stood up but Yul firmly place his arm across Taeng to make him stop.

“Watch what?”

Jessica couldn’t stand it anymore. Everyone seems to know about it. She had a feeling this has something to do with her.


Donghae puts his phone on the table and slide it to Jessica. Before Yul can stop her, Jessica hands are on the phone. She looks at the content and her eyes starts to tear. Jessica stops the video and place the phone down. She looks at Donghae with tears falling from her eyes.


Donghae is smiling triumphly. He knew Jessica didn’t know.

“I had a great time. You’re our new star movie.”

Donghae face forcefully turns to the right. He could feel a sharp pain on his cheek.

“I’ll make sure this confession will go to Mr Principle for further disciplinary action.”

Tiffany slaps on his cheek and her words make Donghae mad. He turns and was about to raise his hand when someone stop him. Taeng.

“I won’t hit her if I were you. Her boyfriend is a very hot tempered person.”

Yul moves at him and smirks.

“Delete those video or Tiffany here will make sure your life is miserable.”

Yul punch him hard until DOnghae butt lands on the floor. His friends try to help him but Donghae shove them away. Donghae lips bleed. He stands up but soon falls again when Sooyoung lands another punch on his face.

“Man that feels good!”

Yul grab his collar and brings him near.

“If you hurt Jessica one more time, I’ll make sure you pay for it.”

He pushes DOnghae away. Donghae friends drag him away from Yul and left the café. Yul looks around with an angry eye.


Everyone starts to look away and chat among themselves. Kwon Yul isn’t someone they like to mess with along with his buddies, Taeng and Sooyoung. Yul takes his seat ang hugs Jessica tightly.

“Shh..I’m here. Everything is going to be fine.”

Jessica let Yul to comfort her.

“You know?”

Yul looks down. He then lands his chin on her head.

“Yesterday. I didn’t tell you because I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

Jessica looks at Yul and then at Tiffany, Taeng, Sunny, Sooyoung before back at Yuk again.

“Thank you everyone.”

Tiffany smile warmly at her. Taeng and Sooyoung are indeed happy since they manage to hurt Donghae while Sunny pats Jessica back. Sooyoung then frowns.

“We kind of punch him in school. Doesn’t it count for disciplinary action?”

Taeng laughs.

“Don’t worry, I can easily handle that.”

Tiffany flashes her evil smile. At least she can do that for her friend.

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