D Is For Demon

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Lance's P.O.V.
I'm sitting with my friends in the fields on the outskirts of heaven, just near the border of hell. We come here a lot, even though angels aren't supposed to. It's very peaceful, warm and no one else is ever here.

Every time I come here I always look over to the boarder of hell and wonder what it would be like. I've always wanted to go see hell, but it's dangerous for an angel to go there. I've heard horror stories of angels being killed, hunted or having their wings cut off.

"Hey Lance, want to race?" Hunk asks, snapping me from my thoughts

"Yeah, I'm going to win!" I say jumping up

My white wings open up behind me and I flap them a few times before taking off. Hunk rises up after me and we get ready to go. Pidge is the judge and will tell us who won or lost.

"3, 2, 1 go!" Pidge calls and Hunk and I are off

We've raced so many times so I know the way. Hunk and I fly around the large trees, under the rock arch and over to animal fields. I try to push further and harder, I have to win. Hunk is very close behind me and he could overtake me at any time.

As we reach the final stretch I flap my wings harder than I ever have and cross though the twin trees which are where we started. I come to a stop and look behind me to see if I won. Hunk comes to a stop next to me and I smile.

"Did I win?" I ask

"I think so buddy." Hunk replies and we fly back to sit next to Pidge

"Lance won." She says simply

We hear a lot of yelling over the big ravine that separates heaven and hell.

"What do you reckon's going on over there?" Hunk asks

"No idea." I reply "I kind of want to find out."

"Lance, you know it's to dangerous." Hunk says "Angels can't go to hell."

"I know, but I'm getting bored here." I say "I really wish I could go."

We all look over to the boarder but no one says anything. I start to formulate a plan in my head, I really want to go...

I can sneak there under the cover of darkness. I can hide my wings on command so that's ok, if everything turns south then I can fly away. I'll just wear a dark cloak with a hood to hide my face with my white markings.

I don't want to put Hunk and Pidge in danger so I'll go without them. I just need to go see hell, for some reason I'm drawn to it. Surely if it's just a few hours it won't make a difference. There used to be an old myth about when demons touch angels it makes them impure but it's not true, it was just a story to scare children into not running away.

"We should probably be getting back." Pidge says

"Yeah, it's getting late." I reply and we stand up to fly back

As we take off I sneak one more glance at hell and fly away. I feel myself bubbling with excitement at the thought of finally seeing hell. It will be amazing, maybe they'll even be a cute demon there... not that it would really matter.

**Time skip to midnight**

Lance's P.O.V.
Under the cover of darkness I pull on my cloak and sneak out of the house, Pidge and Hunk are fast asleep. I fly to the edge of heaven and look over to hell. Flying over the ravine will be easy but where can I land that I won't be spotted.

There are a few  burnt trees that should give me enough cover to hide my wings and walk out. I quickly fly over the ravine, the nervousness levels inside me rise and I land by the burnt trees. I hide my wings and pull up my hood, hiding my marks.

I walk through the small forest and it connects to some sort of back street. I keep walking down the alley and I see bright colours at the end. I pick up the pace, walking faster and when I arrive at the end I see so many people.

I walk out and blend into the crowd, luckily there are other people in dark cloaks so I don't stick out. This is amazing, in heaven everything is pale and pastel but here the colours are so deep and vibrant.

What should I go see first? I follow the street and end up at a market place, I have no money but it's still nice to look at everything. This is nothing like we were told, yes it's dark but it isn't gloomy, it's creepy but not scary. The demons look like us but with dark black bat wings.

I feel a pair of eyes on my but I don't risk looking up. I continue walking and eventually the feeling fades away. After a while of looking at the market I continue walking down the street, looking at the pretty lights. I hear footsteps close behind me and my heart starts to beat faster.

Down the alley ways I can see people doing things that would be illegal in heaven, street fighting, drugs, you name it. I make sure I don't make eye contact as to make myself a target.

"Hey stop!" I hear someone behind me yell and I turn to see a demon walking towards me

"Can I help you?" I ask

"Ya don't belong 'ere." He says glaring

"I'm sorry?" I reply confused

"Yer from heaven aren't ya?" He asks and I take a step back

"No, of course not." I say

He suddenly grabs my hood and pulls it off, revealing my white marks.

"Hey everyone!" He shouts, catching the attention of the people around us "This one 'ere's an angel'!"

I try to shake him off of me but I can't, my wings are still hidden so they're safe but I might need to summon them to escape.

"Get off of me!" I exclaim trying to push hum away but his grip is to strong

"Why don't you let him go?" Someone says landing in front of us and everyone falls silent

It's a boy, about my age with a black mullet and dark purple eyes. He has fangs and black wings making him look like a real demon.

"Kogane..." The man mutters "Here to see the angel?"

"Let him go." 'Kogane' states

"Do you want to have a little fun with him." The man says pushing me towards Kogane and I land into his chest

He places his arms around me as if to protect he and he glares at them. His wings open and he flaps them, pulling us both off the ground. I'm terrified at this point, who is this and where is he taking me?

He must be strong if he can fly as well as hold me and go this fast, everyone seemed scared of him so maybe he's important. We land outside some sort of cabin and he walks inside, pulling me after him. Then he turns and looks at me.

"What's an angel doing out here?" He asks

"I just wanted to see hell." I reply "Please don't hurt me."

"I won't hurt you, this is just my first time seeing an angel." He states "What's your name?"

"Lance." I say

"Keith." He replies "I thought angels had wings?"

"I do." I reply pulling off my cloak gently and summoning my white wings

"Wow..." He whispers "They're beautiful."

I blush lightly at his compliment and properly look at him. He has black boots, tight leather pants and a black leather jacket with a symbol of a rose with BoM under it. The lack of shirt shows off his abs. He has two small horns on his head, above his ears.

He looks very different to me, my cloak covered my clothes so I stayed in my white tunic, it's got a shortish skirt so it cuts off on my mid thigh. It shows my arms and neck as well. We look like polar opposites.

"You can touch them if you want." I say opening up my wings

He reached out a hand and touches my wings, the second he touches them I feel a spark between us and we look into each others eyes, he has really pretty eyes...

"Did you feel that?" He asks

"Yeah I did." I reply

He takes a step closer towards me and I don't move away, he touches my wings again but our eyes stay connected.

"They're so soft." He says and he sneaks a look at his wings

"I like yours, they're more mysterious." I say, slowly reaching out a hand to touch them

In this moment it feels like everything just makes sense. We slowly lean forward and before I know what we're doing our lips connect. This is what was calling me, Keith was what was calling me.

His lips are soft, it's kind of ironic. This tough demon that wears black and leather is so soft with me. I barely know anything about him and I'm kissing him, it just feels so right.

"Do you think we're soulmates?" Keith asks

"I think so." I reply

"You'll come back right?" He asks

"Yeah, now I have someone waiting for me." I reply

He takes me to the living room and we begin to talk about ourselves, I feel like we've been friends for years. He's so different to the other demons that attacked me.

"I really need to go." I say after a while "I'll come back tomorrow night."

"I'll wait for you." He replies and I hug him tightly

"See you later Keith." I say and put on my cloak again

We give each other a final goodbye kiss and I sneak out of the house. I sneak to the edge of hell and fly back over to heaven, I can't wait to see him again. I need to keep this a secret though.

**Time skip to a few months later**

Lance's P.O.V.
It's been a few months since I met Keith and I've been visiting him almost every night. We became boyfriends pretty quickly and we got very close. We still have to keep it a secret though but I don't mind that at all. It's safer this way.

That's where I'm headed now, I'm heading to Keith's house. He can't come to mine because it's to risky. I arrive outside his house and I knock on the door. Keith opens it quickly and I jump on him, wrapping him in a hug.

He is wearing his leather jacket and no shirt which I always love, he looks really hot. Damn I'm getting hard, I need to calm down.

"Missed me?" Keith asks wrapping his arms and wings around me

"Of course." I say

He brings me inside and we land on the couch, I press my lips against his. The kiss becomes more heated as our hands roam each other's bodies and Keith pushes his tongue into my mouth. I feel ready to take me next step

I softly roll my hips on his lap and he grabs my hips softly, holding me down more.

"So an angel can be dirty?" He asks with a smirk

"If were tempted right." I reply

"Well demons are all about temptation." Keith whispers "I'll make you scream my name until both heaven and hell know you belong to me."

He connects our lips again and the kiss is more passionate and heavy. I love the feeling of Keith being so close to me. He kisses down my neck and sucks on one particular spot.

"If you leave marks people will find out." I say

"Then let them." He replies "Just cover it up with a scarf of jacket."

"Ngh~" I moan as Keith connects his lips to my neck again

His hands go to my butt and he pushes under my tunic to my ass.

"Lacy underwear?" He asks

"What else did you expect from an angel." I say "Lace is known for purity."

"You won't be so pure after this." Keith says pushing his hands past the lace and he gropes my ass-cheeks

"Ngh Keith~" I groan

"Patience angel." He says and connects our lips again "How about you prepare me so I don't go in dry?"

"I've never done this before..." I say quietly

"I'll tell you what to do." He says rubbing my cheek and kissing me again

I nod and slide off of his lap to my knees in the floor in front of me.

"Start by unzipping my pants." He instructs and I do so

I can see his erection though his dark red boxers. I pull down his boxers and his erection springs out.

"Lick up and down, then take it into your mouth but be careful not to hurt yourself." He says

I experimentally lick up and down the length and he groans softly. I think he likes it. I continue to lick softly until he softly pulls my mouth to the tip using my hair. I take the tip into my mouth, everything seems to come naturally from there.

I lower my head and suck softly, trying to get some more moans out of him, it works and he moans loudly. I move faster and he places a hand in my hair, pushing me up and down.

"Use your tongue as well." Keith instructs and I do so

I move my tongue around his member and feel the veins which seem to be more sensitive. I feel him twitch and with a loud moan he cums into my mouth and I look up at him with my mouth slightly open to show the white fluid.

"Swallow." He says and I listen

I swallow and Keith pulls me up again onto his lap, pulling down my lace underwear in the process. He lifts up my short tunic and rubs out members together.

Keith rubs some of the cum off of the corner of my lip and he rubs it over his fingers and he the, moves them to my ass.

"It feels weird at first but it'll feel better soon." Keith says, kissing my neck softly

He pushes a finger into me and it does feel weird but I don't make any noises. I want to see if it feels better. When he adds a second and third finger making it feel better and I squirm in pleasure.

"Please Keith, I need more~" I say

He removes his fingers and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he kisses me deeply. He carries me to the bedroom. He leans over the bed and places me on the mattress with him above me. He takes off his pants, boxers and boots properly.

He pushes my legs apart while our lips stay connected and lines up with my hole.

"Ready?" He asks

"Yeah." I reply and he pushes into me

I moan loudly and buck my hips up to feel him more. He thrusts in and out hitting deep inside of me with each move. I hold onto him tightly and we continue making out which he thrusts in and out of me.

I roll my hips up trying to meet his thrusts and his hands hold my waist, rubbing circles around them. I feel a tightness in my abdomen, it feels so good.

"Keith, I feel tight~" I moan

"You're going to cum, it's the best feeling." Keith says and thrusts farther

As he whispers in my ear the knot snaps and I release all over his bare chest and my white tunic. He slows down the pace and something hot fills me up inside. That felt amazing, although now my tunic is dirty.

"Did that feel good?" Keith asks pulling out

"Mm-hm~" I say rubbing my eye tiredly "I'm all dirty though."

Keith helps in removing my white tunic and I lay down in the bed completely exhausted.

"You can stay here until we clean your clothes ok?" Keith asks

"Ok." I reply pulling him to me under the covers

"I love you my angel." He says

"And I love you demon." I reply

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