E Is For Elevator

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Lance's P.O.V.

"Lance I need those reports in half an hour." I hear my manager, Iverson say "And make sure they're not crappy this time."

Iverson storms away and I turn back to my computer to finish up the reports I was doing. He's obviously in a bad mood today, well isn't he always? I don't understand what was so bad about my reports last time though...

I work for Shirogane Industries as a secretary for Mr.Iverson. No it's not my dream job but it pays the rent, my Uni fees and I can afford food as well. When I finish my course in journalism I'll be able to travel the world and I won't be stuck at some desk job all day.

The downside to leaving this job is that I won't be able to see Mr.Shirogane anymore. Takashi Shirogane is the CEO of Shirogane industries and my crush for ages. We're only a few years apart in age and yet he's so successful, not to mention handsome, nice, sweet, funny and sexy.

He has black hair with a white tuft at the front that really suits him, he has a scar on his nose and a metal arm. He looks really strong and muscular, what I wouldn't give to have those arms around me. It doesn't matter how I feel about him though, we've never even spoken, he doesn't know I exist and he's all the way at the top while I'm stuck at the bottom.

Oh well I better get these reports finished and filed or else Iverson will yell at me again. Then I can finally go home and watch Netflix, probably order pizza and then go to bed. I open up the document and begin to fill out the information.

I finish my work in about 20 minutes and print them out, of course the printer jams right when I need it but I know just the places to hit so it starts working again. I place the reports on Iverson desk and head back to my desk to pack up for the day. It's getting late and it's almost dark outside.

After I pack up I head to the elevator and press the down button. When the elevator arrives I see no one is in there and smile softly, I hate crowded elevators. I press the button for the ground floor and take a step back, watching the doors close.

"Hold the elevator!" I hear someone call and without thinking I hit the 'open door' button

I don't want to be rude and close the door in someone's face, however seeing who came into the elevator I probably should have let the doors close.

Takashi Shirogane....

It's just a few minutes, I'll be fine. Not like he'd talk to me anyway, I mean he's probably to busy thinking about important matters to notice some secretary in the elevator.

The elevator doors close and we begin the descend down. Suddenly the elevator shakes, the lights flicker and I loose my balance, falling to the floor. I hold my breath, waiting for the elevator to free fall or the the lights to shut off completely but nothing happens.

"The elevator must have jammed." Mr.Shirogane says, extending a hand to help me up

I take his hand and stand up but I quickly let go. How long are we going to be stuck? What if the elevator breaks and falls? Is this how I die?! And I'm stuck with Takashi Shirogane! My crush! My boss! How could this day get any worse?

"I'll call my assistant to let him know." Mr.Shirogane says and pulls out his phone

I nod and take a step back to rest on the wall, this situation is absolute hell. I watch him dial the number for his assistant, Keith Kogane who I used to go to high school with. Apparently Keith doesn't answer so Mr.Shirogane looks through his phone contacts to find anyone else that would still be here.

"Iverson should still be here, I'll give him a call." He states, finding Iverson's contact

"Don't tell him I'm here, he's been begging for some time away from me and my 'crappy work'." I mutter to myself

"Excuse me?" Mr.Shirogane asks sounding confused

"S-Sorry, it's nothing." I say looking away

I can see out of the corner of my eye he keeps watching while he calls Iverson. Iverson picks up and Mr.Shirogane quickly tells him that the elevator is stuck. I hear Iverson say he'll tell maintenance and he'll get back to us soon.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Iverson calls back and says we'll be stuck for about three hours but there's no danger risk and it's just the cable that jammed. I feel a huge relief when I hear we won't free fall but it's still nerve wracking to be stuck with my crush.

"Ok thank you Iverson, I appreciate the help." Mr.Shirogane says and hangs up the phone

So now we're stuck for three hours in a small confined space. I wonder how this will play out...

"Lance correct?" Mr.Shirogane says breaking the silence, extending his hand to shake

"Yes, I already know who you are Mr.Shirogane." I reply

"Just call me Shiro." He says with a smile "So I guess we're stuck for three hours?"

"Yeah, I hope you're not missing anything important." I say

"Not really, I was just going to go for dinner and then finish some work." Shiro says

Conversation surprisingly comes easy with Shiro. He's not what I expected from my boss, he's really chill and calm. Soon we're both sitting in the floor of the elevator, talking about our interests and lives. What was I so worried about? Shiro's really nice and I actually don't hate being stuck with him.

Unconsciously we move closer together until we're sitting right next to each other. My heart is beating about a million miles per minute but I don't hate it.

"So what did you mean about Iverson wanting time away from you and your 'crappy work'?" Shiro asks

"It doesn't really matter." I reply "He just doesn't like me."

Shiro nods thoughtfully and then turns to me, I see nervousness in his eyes which makes me nervous as well.

"Can I be honest with you?" Shiro asks and I nod "I already knew who you were, I've known for some time now. Ever since you were first hired, I walked into the building one day and I wasn't expecting to see someone so beautiful waiting in the foyer to sign in."

I blush at Shiro calling me beautiful, is he confessing? I didn't even realise he knew who I was. This is going from the worst day ever to the best.

"I know I'm putting everything on the line right now" Shiro says "And I'd you don't feel the same then we're stuck here for the next few hours and it will be really awkward, but I really like you and when we get out of here I want to take you on a date."

"I would love to Shiro." I say happily "I really like you too."

We slowly lean to each other and press our lips together. The kiss is sweet and innocent but I want more. Shiro doesn't seem like the 'sweet and innocent' kind of guy. We pull apart from the kiss and the rejoin our lips for a second kiss.

Shiro pulls me so I'm sitting in his lap and he licks my bottom lip. I playfully don't open my mouth and Shiro's hands go from my waist to my ass, squeezing it. I gasp and he pushes his tongue into my mouth, we battle for dominance but he wins easily. His metal hand goes under the back of my shirt, making me shiver because it's a little cold. Shiro's other hand goes to my waist and rubs circles with his thumb.

"Wait, are there security cameras in here?" I ask

"No and we won't be free for another two hours so why don't we make the best of the situation?" Shiro asks

I smirk and roll my hips, feeling Shiro's hardening, clothed erection against mine. Shiro kisses me again, on the lips, then the corner of my mouth and then my neck. Shiro unbuttons my first few buttons to give him better access to my neck. He moves around a little until he finds my sweet spot and then pays sole attention to it. Shiro sucks, licks and bites my sweet spot, leaving a large purple hickey and a few bite marks.

"I can't go to work with this." I say

"Why not? Who would fire you?" Shiro replies with a chuckle "I'm the CEO after all. Just use some concealer."

Shiro kisses my collar bone, leaving another purplish hickey and then he unbuttons my shirt completely. He pulls it off and uses his cold metal hand to rub my chest and nipples, making them perk up and become very sensitive. I roll my hips again, feeling his erection and my pants become much tighter very quickly.

I pull off Shiro's black blazer and then his tie, I unbutton his shirt and pul it off as well. I was right about him being muscular, he literally looks like someone sculpted him out of stone. I softly rub my hands over his rock hard abs, hearing him groan from me touching the sensitive skin.

"Getting a bit handsy?" Shiro chuckles

We both stand up and I pull Shiro to me so he's pinning me to the elevator wall. He kisses my neck again and starts to unbuckle my pants. He pulls my pants down completely and I kick them off as well as my shoes, leaving me in my tight blue boxer-briefs.

Just as quickly Shiro unbuckles and takes off his own pants. Though his boxers I can see his election and it looks very large. I sink to my knees and pull down his boxers, I was right about him being big, he's massive.

I press a kiss to his tip and lick around the head which is leaking pre-cum. I open my mouth and take in his tip. I move my mouth down so I'm taking him about halfway. My mouth is straining to take him in but I don't care. I bob my head up and down, sucking and licking his member.

Shiro places a hand in my hair and pushes me further down his member. I relax my throat and take more of him in, not quite taking him to the base but Shiro seems satisfied with that. I'll be able to take him fully one day. I feel him twitch inside me and with a groan he cums into my mouth. I swallow and Shiro pulls me to my feet, turning me around so my chest is against the walls.

Shiro pushes his human fingers into my mouth and I suck on them, coating each one in a layer of saliva. He pulls his fingers out of my mouth and brushes them against my entrance. He adds one finger and then a second a few seconds after. He scissors his fingers, stretching me out. He adds a third finger and brushes against my prostate.

I moan and roll my hips back on Shiro's fingers. I can't be to loud because people could still hear. Shiro removes his fingers and I whine at the feeling of being empty. Then something else is pressed at my entrance.

"Please Shiro~" I beg

Shiro pushes into me slowly and doesn't stop until he's sheathed inside me. Shiro wraps his arms around my waist holding me up and I look to see my stomach is bulging slightly. Shiro pulls out about halfway before thrusting in again.

I cover my mouth before I scream in pleasure. Shiro sucks and bites on the back of my neck while he picks up speed and power in his thrusts. My legs start shaking from the pleasure but Shiro keeps holding me up. I roll my hips back in his member to match his thrusts and I can hear him groaning behind me.

"I'm close." Shiro says

"Me to~" I reply

After a few more minutes I feel Shiro release inside me, filling me up. I cum a few moments later with a breathless moan, breathing heavily.

Shiro and I stay connected while we catch our breath, he presses soft kisses on the back of my neck. Shiro pulls out, and I turn to look at him, we kiss again and then agree we should get dressed before the elevator starts working again.

After getting dressed and making sure we look presentable Shiro pulls me onto his lap and I begin to doze off.

"Didn't think I'd be having sex with my boss in the elevator when I went home today." I chuckle

"Me neither, but I'm glad it happened." Shiro replies

"Me too." I agree "I don't think I'll be able to walk though."

"How about I take you to my house and you can have the day off tomorrow?" Shiro offers

"Are you sure that's alright?" I ask

Shiro nods so I agree to stay at his house tomorrow. It's like all my dreams are coming true. My crush confessed to me and we got to know each other, really got to know each other... I hope Shiro knows I'm not with him for something like money or days off, I'm going to work harder than I ever have but for now, I want to sleep I'm Shiro's arms and feel content with my new boyfriend.

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