F Is For Fantasy

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Lance's' P.O.V.
I flutter through the river bed, looking for foam to collect for my potions. Surely there has to be some around here. Sadly the foam only forms when magic is high in the air and due to the war in all the neighbouring countries magic has become scarce. People who had magic in them were killed out of fear.

The magic will return, but it'll be a while. Hopefully the war ends soon so everyone can be safe. No one knows I'm here so I'm safe for the most part. Water fairies haven't been targeted yet.

As I fly over the water I look at my reflection. I have blue booty-shorts with dark blue leaves over the top, a tight blue crop top, a see-through shawl made out of spiders silk and a few anklets but no shoes. My hair has a few blue streaks in it and I have blue swirly markings all over my body.

The markings on my lower back, inner thighs and neck are especially sensitive. My wings are not too big but not too small, light blue and have the same blue patterns all over them. I'm the same size as a regular human but I can become smaller, it's tiring though. I can also hide my wings and markings to appear more human.

Finally I see a collection of white foam and I fly down to it, quickly gathering it in a vial. Making sure I stay low I continue flying down the river, looking for any more foam. The magic in this area is stronger.

I don't find any more so I fly up and head over to the forest near by for some moon berries. I can sense the magic aura becoming stronger around me. There's another magical creature here, there has to be.

I fly up to hide myself in the leaves and I follow the magical pull. Soon two people come into view. One man with black and white hair, a metal arm, paladin armour and blood coming from his side, the other has long brown hair up to his shoulders in a low pony tail, a dark purple robe and a staff, a mage. Damn they're both really handsome.

The mage is attending to the paladin's wound, but he clearly doesn't know what he is doing. I need to do something or else he'll die from blood loss. I slowly lower myself from the tree and peak out. The mage's head snaps up and looks at me in surprise.

"A fairy?" He says in shock

"What happened?" I ask quietly

"We got into a fight with some soldiers." The mage replies "I'm trying to help but I don't know what to do."

I timidly fly over and take the cloth out of his hands. I wet it with my powers and begin to dap away the blood. Luckily the wound isn't too bad but it is deep. All we can do is place a cloth over the cut and hold it there to stop the blood..

"You should come back to my house." I say "I have medicines."

The mage nods and I land on the ground. Together we pick up the paladin, me holding the cloth to the injured man's cut and begin to walk to my house. Its a little hut hidden by the thick forest, close to the water bed. Luckily it isn't to far and we arrive within minutes.

We place him on the bed and I immediately head to my potions room for a healing potion. There is only a little bit left so it's enough to heal the cut partly but not fully. It'll have to do. I grab the potion and head back to the bedroom. When I have come back Matt removed all of Shiro's armour, leaving him in a skin tight black shirt.

"I uhh, need you to take his shirt off..." I say blushing lightly

The mage nods and removes the shirt, leaving him topless. He is ripped, I don't think I've seen anyone with more defined muscles. Lance pay attention!

I sit down next to the paladin and carefully pour the healing potion over the cut. It stops the blood and the cut becomes shallow, however it doesn't heal completely.

"Lucky for you tonight's a full moon, I can brew more healing potions." I say "I'm Lance by the way."

"Matt, and this is my idiot boyfriend, Shiro." The mage replies

Boyfriend? Damn that's a little disappointing. But of course they would be together, I can already sense they're perfect. But I also sense something is missing from them, like a final puzzle piece. Maybe the increase of magic in the area is messing with my senses.

A groan snaps me from my thoughts and Shiro opens his eyes, looking around worried.

"Where am I?" He asks

"You're in my house." I say "I found you and Matt in the forest."

"This is Lance, he saved you." Matt says

Shiro looks at me and for some reason he blushes. Does... Does he like me? But he's dating Matt, that can't be right...

"Don't move to much." I say "Your wound isn't healed yet, I'll finish healing it tomorrow when I have brewed the potion. For now you should sleep."

"Thank you." Shiro says smiling at me

"Don't worry about it." I say smiling brightly "I couldn't just leave you."

Shiro begins to drift off to sleep and I grab my vial of sea foam, guess I'm using it the same day. I hear footsteps behind me and I see Matt curiously looking at the empty potion bottles.

"Want to watch?" I ask

He nods and takes a seat on the chair.

"Mages don't really brew potions." Matt says "So I don't really know what's going on."

"Fairies don't really either. But it's a useful skill to have." I reply

I begin to mix the ingredients tighter, three parts clean, two parts elderberries four parts moon leaves and one part riversand. Then I need to let it brew for four hours before allowing it to soak in the moons rays.

"You look beautiful when you're concentrating." Matt says and I nearly drip my vial "I mean-I err... sorry I-"

"It's ok." I giggle "Thank you."

"I should be thanking you, you really saved us." Matt says "But after we're healed we should leave. The soldiers might come back."

"There's nowhere safer than here." I say "My magic keeps people away, that's how water fairies have survived in this war. We use spells to keep people away."

"Isn't that lonely?" Matt asks

"Better this being dead or in some brothel." I reply

Finally the potion is ready to brew over a fire and I place down some wood in the fireplace.

"I have some fireberries somewhere." I say looking around "Maybe I used them all last week..."

"It's ok." Matt says picking up his staff and pointing it at the wood

A small fireball comes out and the wood bursts into flame, I look up and smile at him. Then I place the potion over the fire and begin to clean up. Matt helps me and at one point he reaches around me, making me blush at him so close.

After we have finished we head back to Shiro who is still asleep, it looks like he's having a nightmare.

"Is he ok?" I ask

"He has nightmares a lot, there's nothing much we can do." Matt sighs, taking Shiro's hand in his

I can see the concern on Matt's face for Shiro and I really want to do something. Maybe I can. I take a few steps towards Shiro and place a hand either side of his temple. I press a kiss to his forehead. A blue light washed over him and his face becomes calmer.

"What do you do?" Matt asks

"Water fairies have the ability to calm people." I explain "I can take his nightmares away. At least for a short while."

Matt looks at me amazed and I smile softly.

"I'm going to prepare dinner, I hope you like silver leek stew." I say

"At this point I'll eat anything." Matt chuckles "But if you cook like you brew potions I'm sure it'll taste amazing."

I head to the kitchen, trying to hide my blush. I can't have a crush on someone, let alone two people I just met today, not to mention they're dating each other. I should just help Shiro and move on.

**Time skip to the next month**

Lance's P.O.V
It's been a month since Shiro and Matt came to live here. They still say they have plans to leave but luckily they haven't acted on any of them. I don't want them to go.

Shiro has healed completely and thanked me as much as he could. He really helps with all the labor work like chopping wood or hunting animals. Matt stays with me and we gather ingredients. I have become very close to them and have become quite attached, letting them leave will hurt.

Matt and I are out right now, looking for some more moon leaves when I hear faint shouting and horse hooves.

"Soldiers! We need to go!" Matt says, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him

We quickly rush back to the house and call Shiro inside. I feel butterflies rise to my stomach and I wrap my arms around myself.

"It'll be ok Lance." Shiro says wrapping his arms around me "You said yourself your magic will keep them away."

"But what if my magic is to weak? What if they find us?" I say getting more worried

"Then we'll fight them off." Matt says "Even if we get hurt there are more healing potions."

"You two are right." I say with a shaky voice "We'll be fine."

Matt joins out hug as well and it really calms me. The both press a soft kiss to my forehead and I hold them tighter. They told me they escaped from the main city due to the people after them for their magic. The soldiers won't stop until every magical creature is gone, they pose to much of a threat.

The footsteps and shouting gets closer and closer until we can hear then like they're right next to us. There must be about 10 from what I can hear.

The sound suddenly stops and my heart starts beating fast. There is a knock at the door and I realise my magic wasn't strong enough to keep them away.

"Let me." I say and hide my wings and markings

I open the door and I see a group of soldiers on horses surrounding my door.

"Hello." I say nervously "What can I help you with?"

"Have you seen two men around 'ere lately?" The head soldier asks "One's a paladin, the other a mage."

"No sorry, I haven't seen anyone around here for months." I say smoothly

He gives me a long hard look and then scowls.

"Are you human?" He asks

"Y-Yes of course." I reply

He climbs down from his horse and still towers over me.

"I don't believe you, so what are you?" He asks placing a hand on my shoulder "A nymph, wizard, fae?"

"I'm human, nothing more." I say trying to push me off

"A human isn't this beautiful, say how about instead of ratting you out I take you for my own?" He says pulling me closer

"Get off!" I yell thrashing him

"Burn his house to the ground." The captain says while holding me back "He'll have no where to go."

One of the soldiers holds out a torch and holds it to my bourse. My house catches fire for a few seconds before bursting out. The shoulder tries again but the flame continues to go out.

What is the meaning of this?" The captain asks

In his distracted state he loosens his grip and I slip out of his arms, he grabs my shawl though and pulls me back, choking me. A split second after his grip is released and there's a scream of pain.

I turn to see Shiro holding his sword, which has sliced through the captain's arm. I quickly turn away and a pair of arms wrap around me.

"It's ok Lance, we'll take care of them." I hear Matt whisper in my ear before looking up to the soldiers "Unless you want to end up like your leader I suggest you leave."

"Attack!" The leader yells, still cradling his stump of an arm

The soldiers rush at them but Shiro and Matt make sure they don't get any further than the front door. They make sure no one is killed, just badly wounded. Matt burns them with his magic and Shiro uses his sword to fight.

After a few minutes the battle is over and they're all knocked out, or so we though. Just as I turn around someone jumps on me, knocking me to the floor. It's the leader, holding my neck with one hand, chocking me.

"Get off!" I scream, trying to push him back with my water but I'm not calm enough to use it properly

He is ripped off of me by Shiro who delivers a final blow with the base of his sword. There is blood everywhere but thankfully no one is dead. I don't like the thought of dead people. Shiro and Matt carry the soldiers back to their horses and send them off, leaving us alone. But not before I cast a spell, making them forget where I live.

"Lance!" Matt says rushing over to me and wrapping me in a tight hug "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, he just scared me really." I reply

"I don't know what we would have done if he hurt you, let alone killed you." Shiro says walking over "Probably killed every last one of them."

"Why?" I ask looking up at them

Do they really care that much?

"Why?" Matt exclaims shocked "Because we care about you, we love you."

"R-Really?" I ask in complete shock, please don't let this become cruel joke

"Yes really." Shiro states "We may love each other but we love you as well, we want to be with you."

"I love you too." I say leaping into their arms and hugging them tightly

My fairy form comes back and my markings begin to glow.

"You're glowing." Matt says in amazement

"It happens when I'm really happy." I giggle

Shiro smiles and presses a kiss to my lips, I kiss back and try to steady my racing heart. We pull apart and Matt pulls me to kiss him as well. It soft and warm, making me feel loved and happy.

"You didn't get hurt right?" I ask

"They didn't land a hit on us." Shiro chuckles "The threat of you becoming someone else's or getting hurt brought out a different side of us."

I let out a relieved sigh and hold them to me tighter. I don't know what I would do if they were hurt.

We head back inside and decide to bathe to wash off the blood. I fill up the large tub with my powers and Matt warms it with his fire.

I make a move to leave but Matt grabs my arm and pulls me back lightly.

"D-Do you want to bathe with us?" He asks

I think for a second, blushing and then I nod at his request. Slowly we begin to remove our clothes and I hide my wings. I try not to look down but it's hard. Shiro and Matt climb into the bath and make room for me in the middle of them.

I walk over and climb in, feeling their arms wrap around me. I start to wash the blood off of Shiro's shoulder and neck while Matt places his hand over the slight bruises on my neck.

"Does it hurt?" Matt asks

"Not really." I say "Luckily I still had my markings hidden or it would have hurt more."

Matt brushes a hand on my markings making me moan lightly.

"They're very sensitive." I moan lightly

After washing the blood off of Shiro I turn to Matt. We're all staying very close to one another and we brush up against each other's bodies. Once Shiro is clean they pour the water over me even though there isn't much dirt or blood on me.

I suddenly feel a pair of lips on my neck and they brush against my markings, making them glow a little. A hand brushes down my stomach down to my thighs and it brushes against the markings on my thighs. It's Matt touching me like this, Shiro is blushing but he leans forward and kisses my lips.

Shiro's hands to the marks in my lower back, I moan lightly at the sensitive feeling.

"Shall we take this to the bedroom?" Shiro asks and we both nod

We quickly get out of the bath, drying off but not bothering to put any clothes on. We quickly head to the bedroom and climb onto the bed.

I look over to Matt and press a kiss to his lips, he kisses back and it becomes more passionate. I rock my hips over his hardening member making him moan. Shiro moves behind me, rubbing his hands over my markings and body.

Matt pushes me back into Shiro's body and sucks on my neck, leaving a red mark over my blue marking.

Shiro pushes his fingers in my mouth and I suck in them, coating them in a layer of saliva. Matt and Shiro kiss over my shoulder, turning me on even more and Shiro's fingers go down to my hole. He pushes them inside and I moan, gripping onto Matt's arms in front of me.

Matt looks at me and smirks, he brushes a hand over my erection leaking pre-cum. I moan and rock my hips on Shiro's fingers.

"B-Be careful..." I say nervously

"Is this your first time?" Shiro asks

I nod and blush.

"We'll take care of you." Matt whispers in my ear and then pulls me back towards him "How about you get me ready to take you?"

I nod and Matt places a hand on my cheek, he leans forward to press a kiss against my lips and then I move down to his member. My ass is still full of Shiro's fingers. I press a kiss to Matt's leaking tip and the encase it in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around and begin to lose my mouth to take more in. Matt places a hand on my hair, lightly pushing my mouth up and down.

I speed up, licking around him and my moans vibrate throughout him. I can hear Matt's soft moans and I know I must be doing something right.

Matt pulls me off of his member and up to his face. I press my lips against his again and feel Shiro remove his fingers from inside me.

"I feel a little left out." Shiro chuckles and I turn my body to face him

I press a kiss against Shiro's lips and we messily make out. I feel Matt's fingers head to my ass and pushing inside.

"Wow Shiro, you did a good job stretching him out." Matt chuckles and then pushes me up so I'm on all fours

I feel Matt press his wet tip to my entrance and Shiro repositions himself so his erection is right by my mouth. I lean down and repeat what I did with Matt, licking and sucking his member until I hear him moaning.

Mat slowly pushes inside me, stretching and causing a little pain. I wince at the sharp pain and tears build up in my eyes. I pull off of Shiro's dick to catch my breath.

"Tell me when it's ok to move." Matt says softly "It'll get a lot better alright? God you look so pretty like this, so hot."

Matt and Shiro keep whispering sweet things into my ears until the pain fails away and is replaced by pleasure.

"You can move." I say softly before re-taking Shiro into my mouth

Matt pulls out slowly and thrusts back in, sending waves of pleasure all throughout my body. He speeds up and thrusts deeper. I'm probably going to be sore tomorrow but I don't care, all that matters is right now.

I take Shiro in as much as I can, and feel him at the back of my throat. Shiro's hand is in my hair slowly pushing and pulling me up and down but I want to go faster. I hollow out my cheeks as I suck harder and faster, in time with Matt's hard thrusts.

I'm moaning like crazy as I feel a tight know forming in my abdomen. When Matt hits one particular spot deep inside me I see stars. With a loud moan Shiro comes into my mouth and fills it up, with a bit leaking out the sides. I swallow and Shiro wipes my mouth with his finger before pressing a kiss to my lips.

Matt thrusts harder and faster and the knot inside me snaps. I release white strings all over Shiro and I's chest and then I feel a sudden Burt of heat inside me as Matt cums with a soft groan.

We stay connected for a few seconds and I try to catch my breath, my body is aching and I'm being supported by Shiro and Matt's arms around me.

"Are you ok?" Matt asks

"Never felt better." I smile softly

He pulls out of me and we lay down onto the bed. Matt waves his hand and the candles lighting the room go out, leaving us in the dark. I lay in the middle of them with their arms wrapped around me. They continue pressing kisses against my forehead and blue markings.

"How do you feel?" Shiro asks

"I feel sore, but happy." I reply

"The soreness will go away in a few days." Matt says rubbing his hands over my sore thighs "We'll carry you everywhere, or you can fly."

"But what if those soldiers come back? What if I didn't erase their memory properly?" I ask

"Then we'll fight them and we'll win, just like today." Shiro assures me "We won't let anything happen to you."

"I know you won't, I love you both." I say happily

"We love you too." They say in sync and kiss my cheeks

I close my eyes and let sleep overcome me. In their arms I feel safe and happy. The soldiers won't hurt us, we'll never be taken away from each other. A fairy, paladin and mage May be an unlikely combination, but to us it makes perfect sense.

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