Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Landon's POV:

"Heads-up, Grey's coming over," I tell Em, deciding to end the silent treatment. I gotta get over it and forgive her at some point. Dean has a way of making me see reason.

Em places her book down and raises an eyebrow at me. "So, we're talking now?" She asks with sass.

I ignore her jab – she deserved every second of the silent treatment. I regret nothing. "Grey's bringing JT over too. He says Jay needs the distraction." Her expression immediately brightens at the reference to JT. "I knew that would cheer you up," I smirk at her knowingly.

She'll never admit it but it's obvious she has or had a little thing for JT at one stage. She can't hide anything from me.

"Don't jump to conclusions, Lan. I'm only happy 'cause Jay is a total sweetheart. He lifts everyone's spirits," Em argues, coming to her own defense.

"Not anymore," I correct her. "He's a moody grump now."

I miss my happy-go-lucky buddy. Jay's changed and I'm not sure if anyone can bring the real him back. It's not easy to watch him fall apart while knowing that there's nothing you can do to help him.

"He needs to meet someone new," Em voices her thoughts aloud.

"Have someone in mind?" I taunt, playfully wiggling my eyebrows at her. Now JT's a guy I can approve of.

She glowers at me. "Funny," she says sarcastically, getting the gist of what I mean.

I can't help but grin smugly at her. It's fun teasing my sister – one of my few favorite pastimes.

"Wipe that grin off your face. We've been over this, JT is not the guy for me," Em reminds me, hoping that I'll believe her this time.

I frown down at her. "Why not?" I question, aware that it's because of Xavier. "JT's a good guy. Why do you always go after the jerks?"

Emma never picks the good guys and it drives me insane. It's like she's incapable of choosing decent people.

The doorbell rings. I drop it for now. Instead, I head to the front door. We can always argue about it later -- no doubt that we will.

"'Sup guys," I greet JT and Grey, allowing them in.

"Haven't been here for some time," JT deliberately knocks his shoulder against mine, walking past me. "No invites anymore."

Em and I don't usually have guests over. We run in the same circles; we share the same friends. The only one we have over on a regular basis is Dean, but definitely not because we invite him over.

"Same here," Grey agrees with JT, jokingly slapping my shoulder as they walk down the hallway to my sister.

Grey, close to Em, immediately greets her with an acknowledging nod. He's another one of the very few who I completely trust to keep my little sister safe. I know that if she's with him, she's fine.

Em smiles and greets the two, paying special attention to JT. I know she's worried about him but it's not like we can bring Aqueela back. He just has to move on.

"Hey," JT greets her in return, a grin playing on his lips.

To those who don't know him, he looks okay. To the few of us who do know him, really know him, it's obvious that something is wrong.

"How's the love fiasco with Xavier, your plaything, going?" Grey asks my sister at seeing us stare questioningly at JT. He's a good friend and he seems to always have JT's back, no matter what.

My temper immediately spikes at the mention of Xavier. There is nothing going on between the two of them. Emma is just being dumb.

Em gapes in embarrassment. "Must you be so blunt about it, Grey?"

If she doesn't want JT to know then she shouldn't be doing it!

I clench my hands into fists and stuff them deep into the pockets of my hoody.

I don't have to act out in anger. 

I don't act out in anger. I don't act out in anger. 

I'm in control. I'm in control.

JT grins and nods over at Grey. "Have you met him?" He asks Em as if she should know how Grey operates by now. "He's not capable of beating around the bush."

"It's a gift and a curse," Grey smirks down at my sister, always the jokester among us four. He goes out of his way to lighten the atmosphere, especially when JT's concerned. They're like brothers with a bond stronger than life itself.

"Don't remind me of their twisted relationship. It infuriates me," I tell them before cursing under my breath – there's only so much I can take.

Why Xavier? Why him?!

JT glances Em's way. "I have to say, it's about time," he teases her, encouraging the relationship.

I miss the days when JT hated Thorman more than me.

"That's rich coming from the one who took his sweet time in asking Aqueela out," I say, acting on my irritation. I don't want my sister with Thorman. Jay and Grey better drop it or I'm going to go ballistic.

JT falls quiet. 

Grey glares at me and Emma nudges me.

I sigh, aware that I've just messed up. I'm still learning to curve my impulsive nature. "Sorry, JT. I didn't mean to--"

"It's fine," he cuts me off in understanding. "I can't believe it's already been two years."

That girl really did a number on him.

"That's a long time," Em comments, expressing her sympathy for him. She definitely has a soft spot for him.

"As much as I liked that girl, you need to get her out of your system," I tell JT, trying to be a more supportive friend.

JT's always been a good friend to me. I value him and I should be more understanding of what he's going through. It's just difficult to remain understanding when it's been two years. How much longer is he going to wait?

Em nods, agreeing with me for once. "Lan's right. You need to find someone new. You need to go on a hot date, JT."

Em wishes it was her. Thing is, JT has never really given her the attention that she wants.

JT chuckles and shakes his head. "Nah. I think I'll pass."

Like me, JT can operate on a short fuse. It's as if Em knows this too because she changes the topic. "So, what are you up to right now?" she asks him instead.

"I was studying to be a doctor. Gave that up. Still do some racing here and there. Lately, I've been thinking of just taking a year or so off of life to see the world. Honestly, I just want to travel right now. I want to go backpacking, venture and explore the unknown. I want to experience life on a greater scale," JT replies, always the larger than life kind of guy – it's just who he is. "I just want to live life to the fullest, live like each day's my last and all that stuff."

JT's always going on and on about changing the world. To be frank, if there's anyone who can do it, it's him. I still hope that he continues racing. The guy is talented and he can really go far. I don't see him as a doctor. He's always been a racer at heart. Anybody that knows him, will agree.

Em smiles up at him in admiration. "You should go for it then."

"I'll think about it," he answers her, his eyes flaming in a determination that only JT has.

Tired of this depressing talk, I head to the kitchen. "Who wants a drink?" I ask over my shoulder, done for the day.

"Keen!" Grey hollers after me with Em's excited cheering adding to the background noise.

I smirk. I'm an awesome host.


"Can't talk now, bro," I tell Dean, about to hang-up on him.

"Race starting already?" He asks.

I glance around the tracks. "Yeah," I say as I slowly head over to Emma.

"Ruthless is on the move!" He exclaims mockingly.

"Shut it. I'll destroy you," I reply, aware of what he's doing – irritating me. I already have enough people calling me that as is; I hear the hushed talk when I walk past. "You're supposed to be racing today."

"Meh. Don't really feel like it. Tell the officials I'm not coming," he replies, unfazed.

It won't be anything new to them anyway.

"What about the racer you made a bet with?" I ask him. "You're supposed to race him tonight. Remember?"

"He doesn't know where I live. Plus, my dad's a cop. No worries, Lanny. Chill out," he says, not taking any of this seriously.

I'm not bailing him out of jail if his dad catches wind of this and arrests him again.

"Em racing too?" He asks me.

"Yeah. She is," I answer. 

I hate it when I have to race against my sister.

"Bro!" Dean chuckles. "You don't have to lose to her every time. You know that, right? She's a big girl now. She can take the truth."

"I don't lose to her every time...just most times," I clarify. "It started a couple of years back. I let her beat me in a race when our dad was dying. She was down. I did it to cheer her up. When she told our dad, he was so proud of her. That's why I gotta hold back for her sometimes, especially on her down days."

I enjoy racing just for the thrill. I don't always mind losing to my sister. Other times, I let her lose – she can't always expect to win. Then there are the few times when she really does beat me on her own.

"Alright, softy. Your secret is safe with me, you ball of fluffy marshmallow goo," he mocks me yet again, purposely riling me up. "You're a good brother," he says in all seriousness before hanging up on me.

To be fair, Em and I are basically evenly matched.

"You ready, Sis?" I ask Em as I approach her, my gaze lying on the tracks before us.

She shrugs. "Might as well be. What about you?"

"I'm ready to kick your ass for once." I wink at her, teasing her.

"You can try, amateur." She plays into my joke. "It must be embarrassing to lose to your baby sister all the damn time, huh, Lan?"

I don't really care about what people think.

"To hell with it," I flash her a grin, "if someone dares to say something, I will knock their teeth out."

"So, what, no one asks if I'm ready?" Xavier chips in.

"Nope," I answer, uncaring.

"Harsh, Lan." Em narrow her eyes at me in warning before turning back to Xavier. "We don't ask you because we all already know that it's going to be you and JT going head-to-head, as usual."

"And JT will win, as usual," I speak up, deliberately picking a fight with boy Barbie over here. He's like a damn Ken doll.

Xavier scoffs, clearly in denial. "Perhaps not. He's been off his game ever since Kitten left. I'm going to use his heartbreak and play it to my strengths."

"JT could be racing in a wheelchair and he'd still beat you," I mock him with a scowl.

"It's only 'cause of his car," Xavier replies back cockily.

"You ride the same car, idiot," I mutter, rolling my eyes at his pathetic excuses. "The only difference is that he rides in red and you in black. It suits you; you are the evil one."

"Landon." Emma huffs, frustrated. "Be nice," she grumbles, reprimanding me.

Nice? I don't know the word.

"I take pride in that." Xavier grins pridefully at me as if to make his point.

"I'll take pride in beating you to a pulp!" I mutter in fury, quickly losing my temper. I'm going to kick his ass.

"Dial it back a little, dude." Xavier laughs, taking no offense – it angers me even more.

"I will when you dial it back on the hair product," I reply quickly, my mouth working faster than my mind.

"Real mature, you two," Em rolls her eyes at us in disappointment before heading over to JT and Grey.

"Way to go, moron," I rightfully blame the idiot before walking away from him. 

I make my way to my green Camaro in order to prepare for the race. I love my car. It's inexpensive and can be driven anywhere.

I get in and turn on my Firebird before approaching the starting line. I angrily watch Xavier line his black Gallardo up next to Em's blue GT. He rolls his window down to speak to her: 

"Enjoy eating my dust, Ems. I will catch you at the finish line."

She revs her engine and winks at him. "We'll see."

I don't hesitate to wedge my car in between the two while honking the car horn at them. "Break it up, you two! This isn't a flirt fest! Stop the shenanigans!"

Emma ignores me. She's getting on my nerves because she's letting Xavier think that he has a chance. If that's true, I want out of this life now.

As soon as the race commences, JT takes the lead. I press my foot down on the accelerator, choosing to stay behind Em. I'm still deciding whether she deserves a win (at least against me) or not.

I flip on the NOS, making sure to keep the other racers off my sister's back. Unfortunately, Xavier suddenly speeds up and passes us. It amps up Em's game. But, seeing as it's straight tracks ahead, I easily manage to stay with her. Straight-line racing is my strength. Em's no match for me on a straight. I salute her goodbye before swerving in front of her.

Sometimes, I need the win more than Emma.

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