My Sunshine

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Hello! This one was inspired by a dream I had a while ago, though I didn't get around to writing it until now. I'm not giving any more explanation, because I want you to figure it out as you read. It's a long one (: At least I think. I'm not sure what you consider long, but anything over 2000 is long for me, and this reached over 3000. Anyway, enjoy!!

Word Count: 3333

Trigger Warnings: None

"Mama?" Louis asked.

"What sweetheart?" she said, coming into the room, a half folder shirt in her hand.

"When will I find my sunshine?"

"I don't know sweetheart. You're still young and you have your whole life ahead of you. But I do know that when you meet them, you'll be able to tell.

"But how, Mama?"

"They'll make you happier than you've ever been and they'll love you unconditionally. You'll feel it in your heart, baby."

"Oh. Thanks, Mama!" 

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

"My sunshine," Louis whispered to himself.

13 Years Later

"This is where you'll be staying," the lady said. "I'll leave you guys to settle in and get to know each other better."

Louis stepped through the door, flopping down on the couch, trying to soak in all that had happened. It felt like just a few minutes ago that he had auditioned, and here he was, being thrown into a band, staying in a house with five people he barely knew.

He looked up to where everyone stood awkwardly, bags held tight in their hands.

"Uh hi," the curly-headed one said quietly. Harry, if he remembered correctly. 

"Can we get Nandos?" one asked. Niall. 

That was all it took for the boys to drop the bags and start running around like they had known each other for years. Like they had always lived together. Like it was all they knew. Louis marveled at how comfortable everyone looked together. 

He looked over to the curly-headed boy again. He was on Zayn's back, and they were running around the living room laughing. Zayn set him down and he looked over to where Louis sat on the couch. "Hi!" he said with a little wave.

Louis felt something stir inside him. "Hi," he said back, barely a whisper.

It wasn't long before they were running up the stairs to claim beds, tripping over each other in the rush, all wanting the best pick.


Louis lay on his bunk, his phone in his hands. He opened his text messages and opened the first contact. 

'I miss you,' he texted. 'You'd love the boys.'

'Louis!' his mother texted back excitedly. 'I miss you too. I trust I'll get to meet them soon.'

'Of course,' he sent. 'I should be getting to sleep. I'll text you in the morning.'

'Right. Goodnight!!! ❤️'

'Night ❤️'

Louis let the phone drop from his hands, falling onto his lap. He smiled up at the bottom of Zayn's bunk. He hadn't known the boys for long, but he could already tell they would become his family.


"We have to actually rehearse tomorrow," Liam said. "We've been goofing off, and we're not going to advance if we don't practice for real." He and Zayn sat on the floor in front of the couch with Harry and Louis on one side of the couch and Niall on the other.

"But Liaaam," Zayn whined.

"But Zaynnn," Liam mimicked. "Guys, you do want to advance, right?"

"Duh," Louis said, "But rehearsing normally is so boring."

"Yeah," Niall said from where he was hanging upside down off the couch, eating tortilla chips. He was getting them ALL over the ground. "If we goof around on stage it has more personality anyway."

"Niall, sit up you're making a mess," Zayn said. 

Niall groaned and rolled over, wiggling around until he was upright.

"I agree we need to give it personality," Liam said, "But we have to look like we are taking it seriously, or else we won't advance."

"If I behave can we PLEASE get Nandos?"

Liam sighed, "Yes, Niall, we can get Nandos. But, everyone has to behave. Not just you."

"Aww, common guys say you'll behave, please please please?"

"Fine," Louis said. "Maybe." 

"Yay! Harry, you too." 

"Harry's asleep," Louis said, subconsciously pulling him closer. Harry had fallen asleep on Louis' shoulder about an hour ago, and it was rather adorable if you asked him. Louis reached to brush a curl out of his eyes.

Liam picked up his phone, checking the time. "Oh gosh," he said. "It's late. We should head up to bed."

Zayn stood up as well, stretching as he let out a yawn.

"Niall," Liam said. "Please do something about all those crumbs on the floor, before you go upstairs."

"They're chips," Niall said.

Liam gave him a look and let out an exasperated sigh. "Chips, Niall. Clean up the chips." He disappeared over the top of the stairs.

Naill went to go get a broom, and Zayn approached Harry, gently shaking him. "Harry, wake up," he said softly.

"Don't wake him!" Louis whispered defensively. "I'll carry him."

Zayn stood, looking at the two for a minute. He shook his head, breaking from his thoughts, and headed up the stairs.

Louis had to stop himself from falling asleep right there. He removed his arm from around Harry, doing his best to remove himself from under him and stand up without waking him up. Harry mumbled something inaudible, pushing his face farther into Louis' shoulder. 

Louis smiled at the sleeping boy. He carefully bent to lift the boy into his arms. He made his way up the stairs, careful not to hit Harry's head, and set him down on his bunk. He pulled the blanket over his sleeping figure and turned to go to his own bunk.

"Don't leave me," Harry said, stirring.

"My bunk is just across the room," he said. "I'm not going anywhere."

"No," Harry said. "Stay with me. I want someone to hold me."

Louis felt his heart melt a little, staring down at the boy's wide eyes, shining in the moonlight. It was such an innocent request, and it made him remember just how young Harry really was.


"Please," Niall whined. "I'm so hungry. You promised we could go to Nandos."

"In a minute Niall," Liam said. 

Louis glanced over to Harry who sat next to him on the couch. His eyes were a beautiful green, with dark-rimmed edges and little flecks of gold that shone in the sunlight. He could get lost in those eyes.

Louis pushed away the feeling of butterflies. He was not going to get a crush on someone he had known for less than two weeks. 

"Louis?" Zayn said. 

"Huh? Oh um yeah, sounds great."

They all looked at him. "Uh," he said awkwardly.

"We asked if your mum was coming next week," Liam said. "Were you even listening?"

"Sort of," he said. "I was sort of listening."

"Oh really?" Zayn said. "Or were you too busy staring at Harry?"

Louis flushed bright red. "Was not!" he defended. "I was just-" he fumbled. "Thinking about.... something."

"Can we please go now? I think I'm dying of starvation." Niall groaned.

"You're fine Niall," Liam said.

"So is she coming?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Louis said. "Yeah, she's coming."


Louis lay awake on his bunk, unable to sleep. He listened to the soft breathing that filled the room. He could hear Harry tossing in his bed across the small room. 

Louis sighed, and sat up, propping himself up in his elbows. He looked around the room lit by small patches of moonlight shining through the window and falling onto Harry's form. He watched Harry for a while, lost in thought until he heard a quiet sniff from under the covers. Harry was crying, he realized.

"Harry?" Louis whispered through the dark, sitting up all the way.

Harry immediately stopped moving.

Louis slipped out of his bed and stepped quietly across the carpeted floor. He sat down beside Harry, tugging down the blanket lightly so he could see his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly, pushing the curls off his forehead. His face was streaked with tears, and his eyes shone in the moonlight.

"Tell me what's wrong," Louis said, pulling Harry's head into his lap. This triggered a fresh round of tears. Louis ran a hand soothingly through his hair, patiently waiting for his answer. 

Finally, Harry sat up, roughly scrubbing his hands over his face to dry the tears. Louis gently pulled his hands away from his face, cupping his face in his hands and brushing away the tears with his thumbs.

"I miss my mum," Harry sniffed. "I want to go home."

Louis had to try really hard not to start crying too. Harry looked so young, staring up at him with big round eyes, shining with tears. He was so young. Too young.

"I know," Louis said. "You could always call her, or text her, or write her a letter."

"It's not the same."

"I know." Louis' voice broke, and he squeezed his eyes shut, will the tears to go away. Harry needed him. He had to stay strong. Now was not the time to start crying. He hugged Harry close to him. "But you're not alone, you know. If you need a hug, or someone to talk to, any of the boys would be happy to give you one. You're not alone. You've got us."

"Thank you," Harry whispered. "Can you stay with me again?"

"Of course," Louis said. He lay back, Harry still in his arms. Harry rested his head on his chest, and wrapped his arms around him, clinging to him like a lifeline.


"Mum. Mum! That's long enough!" Louis said, embarrassed.

"Right, sorry," she said, pulling away. 

"It's fine," Harry said. "I don't mind."

"She was practically squeezing the life out of you. I had to do something."

Harry giggled and Louis tried not to think about how adorable it was.

"So where are these boys you speak of?" Jay asked.

"Well, you've met Harry. Liam and Zayn should be around here somewhere. I'm not sure where Niall is though."

"Is that the Irish one?"

Louis nodded.

"He ran off somewhere yelling something about food," Jay said, a hint of laughter in her voice.

"And then he- Oh!" Liam said, walking into the room, Zayn close behind. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were here already," he said to Jay. "This is a disaster," he mumbled under his breath. "I'm Liam," he said, shaking her hand. "And this is Zayn."

"Hi," Zayn said.

"And Niall ran off a while ago. I told him to wait until you left, but he doesn't like to listen to me."

"It's quite alright dear," Jay said laughing. "Can't deny a boy his food."

Liam groaned and put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry," he said a minute later. "Harry, when will your mum be here?"

"She should be here soon," Harry said. He looked over to Louis, bumping their shoulders together.

Louis smiled, ignoring the butterflies.


Louis lay down on the couch, resting his head in Jay's lap. The others had already said goodnight and headed to bed, but Louis had wanted every last second possible with his mom.

She ran a hand through his hair. "How are you holding up?" she asked. 

"Fine," he said. "I miss having you around."

She smiled. "You can always call me," she said. "If you need me I'd be here in a heartbeat."

"I know," Louis said. "But I'm eighteen now, I can't just rely on you forever."

"I wouldn't mind if you did," she said softly.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while and Louis couldn't help but let his thoughts wander to Harry. The peaceful way he slept, the way his curls were a mess in the morning, and the way his eyes shone in the sunlight. The way he smiled, bring out his dimples, and his cute little laugh. And the way he cared so much about what others thought, always wanting them to be happy. 

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew he was in deep.

"Mama," he whispered.

"What sweetheart?"

"I think I found my sunshine."

Jay smiled knowingly.

"But how do I know for sure?"

"Give it time, my child. You'll know," she said. "You'll know if he's the one."

Louis sat up. "How did you-?"

"I saw the way you look at him, baby. I can see in your eyes that you love him." 

Louis sighed. "I'm scared," he whispered.

"I know," she said, standing up. "It will all work out," she said. "I have to go now. It was nice meeting everyone. You can tell the boys I'll be around soon if they'll have me."

Louis stood up as well, hugging her close. "They'll have you, Mama," he said. "They loved you, I could tell." 

He breathed in her familiar scent. "Don't leave," he whispered, tears threatening to spill over.

"I have to, baby. I'll be back soon, don't worry."

"I love you," Louis whispered.

"I love you too baby. Now go get some rest."

He waited until she was out of sight, before slowly climbing the stairs up to his bunk. He sighed, flopping back on the bed, whipping away tears.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked into the darkness.

Louis let out a startled yelp. "Sorry," he said. "I thought you were asleep."

"I know we've been here for a while now, but it's still hard to fall asleep somewhere that isn't my own bed."

"Yeah," Louis said, "It's definitely-" he choked back a sob. "It's definitely hard." He watched Harry's silhouette slip from his bed and quietly pad over to Louis. He felt the bed dip under his weight as Harry sat down. In the moonlight, he could see Harry's eyes glistened with tears as well.

Louis was eighteen, he had to move out sooner or later, but Harry, he realized, was only sixteen. This must be so hard on him, Louis thought.

He sat up, pulling the younger boy to his chest. He could feel his shirt soaking through with Harry's tears. "I miss her," Harry said into his chest. "I know I saw her today, but I still really miss her."

"I know," Louis said. "How about you send her a text? Even if she's asleep right now, she'll see it when she wakes up and she'll know you were thinking of her." 

Harry nodded pushing himself away and standing to get his phone. Louis immediately found himself missing the warmth of another body against his. 

Harry stood by his bed, face illuminated by his phone. After a minute, he set it down and padded back over to Louis, crawling back into the bed. 

They lay talking for a while until Harry fell asleep. Louis let out a yawn, and slipped an arm around Harry's waist, pulling him close. Harry subconsciously nuzzled into Louis' chest and Louis felt his heart melt. He let out another yawn, burying his nose into Harry's curls as he drifted off to sleep.

No one said anything the next morning when they found Harry and Louis asleep in the same bed, curled around each other. And no one said anything when Harry's bed remained forgotten the next night, and the next, and the next.



"What?" Louis asked, sounding distant.

"It's your part." 

"Oh. Sorry."

"You've been really distant this whole rehearsal. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Louis, Louis, Louis!" Niall chanted.


"You should pay attention so we can go to Nandos!"

"One time, Niall," Liam said. "I meant one time. And somehow we've ended up going after every rehearsal."

Niall cackled.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Louis said. "I'm fine." He wasn't about to tell them he wasn't paying attention because he was busy staring at Harry.

Harry reached out, taking his hand and squeezing it.

"Should we start over again?"

Everyone nodded and they started up again.


Louis let out a yawn as Zayn switched off the tv. Liam had promised them a movie at the end of the week, as long as they behaved, and promised to not stay up too late after the movie had finished.

Louis gently shook Harry from where he lay asleep on Louis' chest. "It's time to wake up, sunshine," he said softly. 

Harry whined and pushes his face into Louis' shoulder.

"Harry," Louis said, "Harry, it's time for bed."



"No. I'll sleep here."

"Come on sunshine, at least let me up so I can go to bed."

"Wait no! I changed my mind. Take me with you." He held his arms in the air towards Louis, waiting for him to lift him up.

Louis smiled, reaching to lift the boy into his arms. "I see how it is," he said. "You only want to go to bed, if I'll cuddle you."

"Mm-hm. You're nice and warm and good to hug," he said with an innocent little shrug, which Louis found rather adorable.

"Right," Louis said, setting Harry down on the bed and crawling in next to him. Harry immediately latched on like a little koala. 

"Night, Lou," Harry whispered into the dark.

"Good night sunshine."


Late one afternoon, Harry and Louis lay on their backs, staring up that the sky.


"Hmm?" Harry said, turning to look at him.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"I had a boyfriend when I was fourteen."

"Yeah, but have you ever been really in love."

Harry thought for a moment, glancing up at Louis so quick he thought he imagined it. "Yeah," he said. "I guess I have. What about you?"

He tried not to think about how close their faces were. "Yeah," he said. "I have." He didn't even realize he was leaning in until he felt Harry's lips pressed against his own. It was the first time he had ever kissed anyone and the first time he let himself admit just how far he had fallen.

7 Years Later

Louis lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. "Mama," he whispered through the darkness. "I wish you were here. You were supposed to be here when things went wrong. You were supposed to be here to tell me everything's going to be okay. You were supposed to be here when all the best things happened. You were supposed to be here when I fell in love. You were supposed to be here to help me know if he really is my sunshine. You were supposed to be here for it all." Louis sighed, looking over to the clock illuminated by his nightstand. "I think I'm gonna marry him, Mama."


Louis looked over to where Harry lay on the blanket beside him. Ever since that first day they had kissed, one of their favorite things to do was watch the sky together. They liked to watch the clouds, and find shapes in them. They liked to watch the stars, and make up their own constellations. They liked to watch storms, though they preferred to do that from the safety of their porch. Mostly, they just enjoyed lying in each other's company.

Harry turned his head, catching Louis' gaze. "Lou?"

"What, sunshine?"

"Why do you always call me that?"

"Hmm, because you look good in yellow," Louis said, not able to hold back his smile.

"Noooo," Harry complained. "Why for real?"

"You want the real reason?"

Harry nodded.

"Well, when I was little, I always heard all these stories of soulmates and true love, and I knew there was someone out there waiting for me. I always talked about it, asked my mum a million questions, only I didn't know what a soulmate was called so I always said 'sunshine' instead. I was always asking my mum when I was going to meet my sunshine, and if my sunshine would love me. And you," he said, poking his dimple, "are my sunshine."

"You really think so?"

Louis nodded. "Yes, sunshine," he said smiling, I do."

Harry blushed, and tried to conceal his smile. "I love you," he whispered, scooting closer and resting his head on Louis' shoulder.

"I love you my sunshine," Louis said, pulling him close.

It wasn't long before Harry had fallen asleep, his face tucked into Louis' shoulder.

"Mama," Louis whispered, looking up at the sky. "I did it. I found my sunshine."

I hope you liked it! The ending seems really rushed but it was getting too long, and I didn't want to do a part two. At least not without getting that ending in there.

Even though that's not what inspired it, that clip of Louis calling Harry sunshine on stage melts my heart every time.🥺

Anyway, don't forget to take care of yourselves. Have a lovely day/night!

I love you all so much <333


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