When it's Really Love

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Hi! This is a part two of Can We Even Call it Hate? requested by ThoseFookin_Avacados. I hope you all enjoy it!

Word Count: 2007

Trigger Warnings: None

"Harry, please let go, I need to go turn this in."

Harry mumbled something inaudible into Louis' shoulder.

"Harry," Louis warned, trying to gently push him up off his lap. They weren't technically supposed to be sitting like this in class, but the teacher thought they were cute together, so as long as they sat behind the bookshelves during the time they were given to work on their classwork, the teacher pretended not to notice.

"Take me with you," he whined.

"Harry, no. We are breaking enough rules just sitting like this. I'm not carrying you through the classroom. This would be a lot quicker, if you could just stand up for a minute so I could turn my paper in."

"But I'm tired."

"And who's fault is that?"

Harry blushed, shoving his face into Louis' shoulder again. He had stayed up texting Louis pictures of kittens all night.

"They were so cute, Lou."

"But your sleep is more important than pictures of kittens that will still be there when you wake up."

Harry pouted.

"Now go sleep on Niall, or Liam, or Zayn for a minute, while I turn in my paper." 

Harry grumbled, but complied. He curled up on the floor, using Niall's lap as his pillow. He chose Niall, mainly because Zayn and Liam were trying to work, but Niall had long ago given up on his work to play angry birds on his phone.

When Louis returned a minute later, Harry held his arms towards him expectantly. Louis rolled his eyes and bent to pick him up, sitting back down in his chair with Harry on his lap.

Louis phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket to check it. It's a text from his mom. He opens the text, and types a quick reply, returning the phone to his pocket.

"My dad's going to be gone from Saturday to Sunday, and my mom wants you over," he said to Harry. "If you don't mind," he adds quickly.

Harry lifted his head a moment to look at him. "What if she doesn't like me?"

"She'll like you just fine. I swear, she acts like she's already planning our wedding. I wouldn't put it past her," he said.

"Okay," Harry said. "I'll ask my mum."

"She already asked," Louis said. "She gets a bit excited sometimes."

"Ugh, she sounds too much like my mum. I'm kind of scared for them to actually get together in person."

"Me too," Louis groaned. 

Nialls phone made an aggressive squawk. The class turned to look at him. "Oops," he said, letting out an embarrassed laugh. "I forgot the sound was on."

"Niall," the teacher said, letting out an exasperated sigh, "please go back to doing your work, and I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Class is not the time to be playing Evil Birds or whatever it is you're playing."

"Angry Birds," Niall corrected.

She gave him a look.

"Right," he said, grabbing a pencil and his half completed work sheet. "Finish the work. Got it."

Louis rolled his eyes. "So you'll come?"

"Yeah," Harry said. "I'll come."


"Louis' mom invited you to stay over Saturday night," Anne greeted him excitedly when he arrived home.

"I know," he said.

"This is so exciting!!" she squealed.

"Mum, calm down." He waited until she was done squealing like a teenage girl meeting her celebrity crush. "I'm going to the park with the boys," he said when she had finally calmed down a bit.

"Okay," she said. "If you aren't going to be home by seven thirty, text me."

"I know, I know."

"And don't forget to do your homework before going to Louis' tomorrow!" She called after him.

"I already did!" he called over his shoulder.

He heard the door shut and he rolled his eyes, sighing. His mom was amazing, but sometimes she was a little bit too much like living with a teenage girl again. It was like when Gemma left, she felt the need to pick up the 'teen girl' thing herself. Though, her and Gemma always had liked squealing over things together.

He arrived at the park to find everyone else already there. Liam was doing homework at a picnic table, which earned an eye roll. Zayn lay on top of the monkey bars, unaware to the several small children who were complaining to their parents. He had a hat over his face, and Harry wasn't sure if he was even awake. Louis was attempting to flatten his hair after having gone down one of those plastic slides with far to much static. Key word attempting. And Niall- Well, Niall was sitting in the sandbox, covered head to toe in sand, eating Oreos from a plastic bag, also covered in sand.

"Niall," Harry said. "I think you might be consuming more sand than Oreo." Niall shrugged.

"Harry!" Louis yelled, running over and giving him a kiss on the nose. "I missed you."

"I literally saw you twenty minutes ago."

"It was far too long," Louis said. "I thought I might die." He collapsed dramatically to the ground for effect. He reached up, grabbing Harry's wrist and pulled him down as well.

Harry landed on top of Louis, flushing at the position.

"Hey," Louis whispered softly.

"Hey," Harry whispered back.

Louis leaned up to kiss him, running a hand through his curls.

"Gross," Zayn said. So apparently he was alive.

"Zayn, be nice," Liam scolded.

"I think it's romantic," Niall said, dreamily popping another sandy Oreo into his mouth.

"Not, when you guys are all ruining the moment," Louis said, pulling away to look over at them.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he reached for it and opened it. 

"Crap," he said, shoving the phone back into his pocket, and pushing Harry gently off of him. "I have to go guys," he said, standing up. "See ya." He took off running.

"What was that about?" Niall asked, as they watched him disappear.

"I dunno," Harry said. "Think I should go after him?"

Liam and Zayn exchanged glances. "Just let him go," Liam said. "It's probably nothing."


Harry lay in awake in bed that night unable to sleep. Louis had seemed so... afraid almost, when he ran off. He really hoped he was okay.

He rolled over, reaching for his phone. He opened his contacts, scrolling to Louis' name. He opened up their text conversation and typed out a quick text.

Harry: Hey

Louis: Hey. Shouldn't you be asleep?

Harry: Eh. You okay?

Louis: Yeah, why?

Harry: You seem freaked out when you ran off earlier. Just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong.

Louis: Yeah, I'm fine. Now go to sleep. You stayed up late enough last night.


Louis: Harry, no. Go to bed.

Harry: Fine.

Louis: Good night 😘

Harry: Night ❤️


Louis picked Harry up at five the next day. Although the drive to Louis' was only about ten minutes, they didn't arrive until almost six, due to Anne's 'Louis! I missed you! Come in, come in. I've just made cookies.'

And Harry's 'w'ell be eating dinner soon Mum.'

And the following thirty minute conversation between Louis and Anne while Harry stood awkwardly munching on cookies to the side.

When they finally arrived at Louis' Jay greeted them with more squealing. "Harry!" she exclaimed. "It's been forever. I haven't seen you since you moved here in sixth grade!"


"Right, well come in. You can take your bag up to Louis' room and then, Louis said he wanted to make dinner, but that doesn't usually go very well, so maybe-"


She cleared her throat. "Right, well, I'll be in the living room in case you need anything."

They kicked off their shoes, then Louis showed Harry up to his room and Harry dumped his bag on the bed. 

They raced downstairs to the kitchen. It was a tie. Mostly. 

There was also a lot of crashing after they slid into the kitchen in their socks and ended up crashing into the counter and knocking over a fruit bowl and a container filled will wooden spoons, and whisks, and spatulas, and other things of the sort.

After Louis had convinced his mom they had everything under control and didn't need her help, they got to cooking.

Louis stared at the recipe for a moment. "Okay, so we need chicken." 

Harry opened the very large fridge. "Um," he said. "And where might that be?"

"It should be on the third shelf down, to the left."

"I don't see it."

Louis came up behind him, peering over his shoulder. "Right there," he said, moving Harry's arm down to it. Harry grabbed it and Louis returned to the ingredients list.

"Okay, now we need mozzarella," he said, reading from the list.

Harry opened the fridge again and stared at it a while. "I can't find it."

"It should be- here, why don't you do the reading part and I'll do the getting." 

Harry stepped back, allowing Louis to grab the cheese. "Okay, now we need..." he continued reading off the ingredients, until they were all laid out on the counter.

Finally, about and hour, six disasters, and ten calls of 'everything's okay, don't call 911' to Jay later, they had themselves a well earned dinner. And a HUGE mess and lost of dishes to clean up after.

When they had finally finished cleaning up, they ran upstairs to get changed while Jay made popcorn for a movie.

Louis sat down on the couch and picked up the remote. "What do you want to watch?" he asked as Harry cuddled into his side.

He thought for a moment. "Don't laugh," he said, pushing his face into Louis' shoulder.

"I won't laugh," Louis said. "We can watch whatever you want."

"I want to watch something sad."


"You're going to laugh."

"I'm not going to laugh, Harry."

"I wanna watch....." He mumbled something inaudable into Louis' shoulder.

"Hazza, come on love, I'm not going to laugh."

"Finding Nemo," he said.

"Finding Nemo?"

"You sad you wouldn't laugh," Harry whined.

"I"m not laughing just- love, Finding Nemo isn't sad."

"Yes it is!" Harry insists. "His son goes missing and he has to travel around the Ocean to find him. And then at the end when they find each other I always cry."

Louis doesn't look convinced, but he starts up Finding Nemo.

And Harry wasn't wrong. He does cry at the ending. A lot. Louis held him comfortingly, rubbing circles into his back while Harry sobbed his heart out. "You okay?" Louis asked softly. "It's just a movie Harry."

"I know, but they just looked so happy to see each other again and it was just so sweet."

When he had finally calmed down, he realized how tired he was. "Can we go to bed," he sniffed, letting out a small yawn.

Louis felt his heart melt at the sight. "Of course," he said, scooping Harry up and carrying him in the direction of his room. He set him gently on the bed, walking to the other side to crawl in next to him. He slipped an arm around his waist pulling him close.

"Goodnight," he said softly. Harry didn't respond. He must be asleep already, Louis thought.

He lay there for a while, staring at the ceiling. He thought back to almost two months ago, on the night of their first date. The night he has said 'I love you'. But Harry had already been asleep, so he didn't here. After that, Louis had never had the confidence to say it aloud again. Until now. Now, it sat on the tip of his tongue, waiting to be spoken. He wasn't quite ready to say it aloud, but... Harry was asleep. Maybe he could just say it now, to see how it felt.

"I love you," he said into the darkness. The words were soft, whispered into the night air.

It felt good to say, though it felt even better when he heard the soft "I love you," whispered back.

And so maybe Harry wasn't quite asleep yet, but maybe it was for the better.

Sorry if the ending seemed a bit rushed, but it was getting really long and I needed to end it.

I hope you all enjoyed it! 

Don't forget to eat and drink some. Take care of yourselves. Even if you don't feel it right now, know that you are beautiful, you are loved, and you are WORTH IT. Every little part of you.

You are so much stronger than you know. Just keep pushing through, day by day, and it will get better, I promise.

I love you all so so much <3333


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