12: Hangout (II)❤️

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I'm writing in Majeed pov ....yayyyyy🤗💃🎉

I don't know why but I'm happy and that's why you all are getting this double blessings from me today.😌 Enjoy 😎😎


Majeed's Pov

I screamed in excitement as I drove the Rolls Royce with Freggy chuckling besides me between intervals. I had never been more happier all my life.Just joking,I had been happier than this before but I don't just know if you get this joy that comes with riding in your dream car.

And mind you,not like I hadn't driven any car, definitely I had, but never a Rolls-Royce.How did Freggy even persuade his mum into giving him this car!!

Mum would never ever let me out with her Rolls Royce for whatsoever reason.If you like,beg her and roll on the floor.Sometimes I felt like she loved that car more that she loved her children.

We finally got to ICM— Ikeja city mall where Freggy had decided we come and watch the new season of Fast and furious that was just released recently.After ensuring that the car was properly locked, Freggy and I moved into the mall.

My phone chimed and I pulled it out of my pocket to see my baby's message glaring at me. I took a quick glance at Freggy who was more interested in the movie posters that was on the wall as I moved to a more secluded place dialing her number and waited patiently for her to pick up the call.

"Hi baby"

"Hi my love. How are you?"

"I'm fine . I'm out with Freggy. Have you had something to eat?"

"Yes,I have. It's just that I miss you? When am I going to see?"

"Chidera, you know I definitely miss you too, heck! If I had the chance to be with you every second I wouldn't hesitate but you know we can't afford to take chances babe.You know we can't risk anyone seeing us together.We would see in school on Monday, right?"

"Yes but, I don't get to see you today again??"

"Babe.Let me call you back"

I sighted Freggy walking towards me and quietly ended the call. I couldn't afford to take any risks and I couldn't see my baby today because Westland Students didn't know how to keep their mouth shut and I didn't want to get into any trouble.

"Guy,we came to watch a movie here. I don't know why you're are calling all your babes  now."Freggy slapped my shoulders as soon as he got to me.I gave him a sorry smile and we walked over to the movie room. We ordered our popcorn, well not we, it was actually Freggy that ordered that shit while I just got a bottle of fanta and we walked towards the movie room.

Throughout the whole movie,the only thing I could think of was my girlfriend.Occasionally,I would sneak to reply text messages from her without being caught by Freggy.

It wasn't like I loved this fast and furious movie anyway.Soon,the movie was over and we walked out of the movie room.We had just walked a little distance when,I sighted the girls; by the girls I meant Ariel,Tumi and our on very own head girl.

I chuckled as I walked over to them."Hi ladies."

"Hi Freggy,Hi Majeed." Tumi waved back ,her eyes glittering with excitement while Ivie and Ariel just had this bored facial expression on.

I guess Ivie was always bored anytime the conversations didn't involve her boyfriend.

"What are you guys doing here."Tumi asked as we all walked over to the restaurant located at the right corner of the mall.The girls sure did an absolute good job with their dressing,if I must be honest.


I mean for someone who didn't fit in socially she was able to pull up looking dashing and sultry.

Jabbar really needed to be here to see this.

Or maybe, I could just take a picture of her secretly and send to Jay.

You don't need to ask me how I know, just flow along!!

"The question should be what are you girls doing here.I mean this is the regular place Majeed and I come to watch movies. So, seeing you here is a bit off."Freggy replied as we sat down.

Tumi chuckled and I noticed something strange.I know must of you must have heard a lot about me like, Majeed was lousy and senseless. Well, not like I was senseless, maybe lousy:yes, but definitely not senseless.It was just that I loved to live in the moment.

And me being carefree doesn't mean I shouldn't notice whatever was happening around my surrounding.

Ivie and Ariel excused themselves saying that they needed to go sight seeing leaving me alone with Freggy who was talking to Tumininu.Freggy said something and Tumi laughed heartily again making rhythmic sounds in my eardrum.

If I was being ninety nine percent sure with my assumptions,Tumi liked my best friend. This was something I noticed since SS2 third term but it since like either Freggy eyes were to dim to be able to see beyond the meniscus or he was just being nonchalant about the whole thing.

In actual sense,if we are being realistic,it wasn't like Freggy was someone who was capable of keeping a girl. I mean I was once like him also, untill I discovered the love of my life.So,Tumi would just be wasting her time if she really thought someone like Freggy would reciprocate what ever feeling she had for him.

But then again, I noticed Freggy had stopped his usual habit of flocking around girls and was more secretive in the things he did.

And that seemed to make us even, I was hiding an huge secret from him and he was hiding one from me as well.

My phone vibrated from inside my pocket again and I pulled it out of my pocket realizing it was a message from Chidera. She had sent me a picture of herself looking bored telling me how much she misses me and wanted to be in my arms.

I smiled at the cute face of my girlfriend. I also wished I could stop hiding our relationship from the world.

But then again.....

"Guy,wetin naa.Since we got here,you have been on this your phone chatting with who ever the hell that is."Freggy said causing me to look at him.

I didn't even notice when Ariel and Ivie returned back to their seat as all four pair of eye were looking at me while I just stared back at them.

I just decided to be a good best friend,accompanying him here and all I'm asking for is my peace of mind.

Can't I get that?

"Well,well what do you all want to eat."I tried to wave off Freggy earlier complaint."Order what ever you want,bills on me."I cooed. Trust over hyper Tumi to display little a bit of her childish attitude as she kept rejoicing on and on, going through the menu repeatedly.Ariel was busy with her phone and I was quiet sure there was nothing she was doing on it while Ivie had her hands on the table peering at all of us.

Abeg,they should just eat and leave me alone, let me have my moment.

We were still staying like that when we heard shouts from the main entrance of the mall.

"Oh my fantastic Jesus, Isn't that Prince ."Tumi squealed getting up from her seat leaving the rest of us totally confused.When she noticed that none of us bulged ,instead we were looking at her like she was some kind of lunatic,she stopped.

"Wait,you guys should not even tell me that you do not know Prince.As in Prince Davies Ivie,Ariel; how come? But I tell you about him everyday."She threw her hands the air and sat down back slightly frustrated that none of us knew the guy.

She shook her head as she groaned slightly,"You all are totally outdated. Even my mom is better than you guys! What kind of gen-z are you?"

How do Ariel and Tumi survive with this girl again!

"Anyways, I'll tell you guys so you don't end up embracing yourself when you meet with him elsewhere. Prince is a teen influencer and a teen model worth dying for." And that was simply how she put the description.

Not only worth dying for!!!





Then, the whole mall turned into a lousy mess with fans of the so called "prince" shouting for him to sing.

"God, he's going to sing.Prince can sing?"Tumi unconsciously slapped Ivie on the shoulder out of over excitement making the later reciprocate more violently.

"Ouch.Why to you have to be so vengeful."

Suddenly Prince started singing and the whole mall became as silent as a grave yard."🎶 I've found a love for me, darling just dive right in,and follow my lead. And I've found a girl beautiful and sweet. And I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.🎶"

"See his lovely voice."Tumi said dreamily.

"🎶And we were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was........"And that was how the whole hall turned into a singing class.

The whole drama soon came to an end and everyone was back to their normal business.Tumi sipped from her pink water bottle again and I wondered what the content of the water bottle was.

"I have a debate for you all,and you are going to be go for or against the topic."Tumi said raising a brow."Lemonades over ice cream."

Is that even an argument? What the hell is lemonade?

"I'm going for the notion."Tumi raised her water bottle up and I nodded,now figuring out that it was probably Lemonade that's in the container.

"That's such a dumb argument."Ariel said for the first time today and I couldn't agree less with her.

"If you're for lemonade,raise your hands."I said looking at all of them and only Tumininu raised her hands up.

I laughed and the rest of them joined me with Tumi pouting angrily like she was about to burst into hot tears soon."
With these few points of mine,baby girl,
I hope I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that any other drink is better that lemonade.."Freggy said and we all laughed together again.

"Is this not Freggy."I turned back to see a dark tall guy with dreads approaching our table.Freggy grinned at him as he stood up hugged the guy and they did their bro hand shake.

"Guys ,meet Ore,from Crystal high.He is one of the basketball jocks there."

"The reason why Westland has not been able to bring the trophy home . But trust me , this year would be different."The guy only chuckled at what Freggy said.

" So,What are you doing here."Freggy said taking a good look of the guys outfit from head to toe. The guy in question sure did have fashion sense. He made sure everything around him screamed money.

"I followed my best friend and his girlfriend here."Just then, the Prince guy who had sang earlier stride towards our table.

Oh wonderful!!

"Oh here he comes,Hello everyone meet Prince my best friend and prince, my friends from Westland."

Wait, did he just say his friends.Do I even know him?

"Oh my God , you go to crystal high."Tumi gasp dramatically while Prince nodded looking as clueless as ever."I'm a huge fan."She extended her hand for an handshake and requesting in taking pictures with him afterwards.

"Babe."Two girls walked towards us with the smaller one in stature calling out to prince. Prince turned back and ordered them to come over.

They finally got to the table and I was able to get a clear vision of their faces"Guys meet my girlfriend, Daniella and my friend Seyi."Prince introduced the two girls.

"Wait,Ariel."The girl who was introduced as Seyi said as she pointed at Ariel.

"You two know each other."Tumi said looking between Ariel who looked like she in was shock and the other smiley girl .

"It's really you, it's really you. It's you:Ariel."Seyi wiped her faces to be sure she was seeing well with excitement washed all over her.

And the next thing that happened before I could count three was that Ariel ran. Like she bolted away without looking back leaving everyone confused with Tumi and Ivie got on her trails.

What just happened!!!! And Who the hell is Ariel??


Here you gooo...😌
Another banger....

Who's is Seyi really?!?

And who's Chidera???... That's you guys assignment 😎👀💤

Bye for now 👋

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