13. Bro's code❤️

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Hello 👋. Yes! I know a lot of you are very furious at me for keeping you all in the dark all this while. And yes, I'm ready to do whatever it is to gain your forgiveness.

I've been so busy with school works .. and I apologize again for keeping you all in suspense. A particular person motivated me to drop this chapter so you all should thank her. Shout out to She_isVahny....a very rare gem.

Also,I haven't got the chance to give this book a shout out on attaining 1k reads.... We are progressing 💃
However I notice there are so many ghost readers here and it's making me sad...more reason why I'm not even motivated update..

Please ghost readers CHANGE!!!! ..abeg ooooo...Biko ..ejo...🤲🤲

Anyone una understand.....Ok,so lets dive in...😌😌

Ariel's Pov

Another week had passed again, and I marvelled at how fast the term was moving.Very soon,we were going to have our Inter house sport,write our mid-term tests and go home for the short break.It was closing time already and being the last day of the school week,most students loitered about in the school permission, trying to catch up with their friends before they decide to go home for the weekend.

I was not an exception.

But it was just that I wasn't with my friends.

Tumi was in the school multi-purpose hall settling some scores with her fellow Literary and debating group members since she was the president of the club.

And ,Ivie had earlier left me as soon as the bell for the close of the day went off for principal's Adeyemo office to sort out the plans they had for the coming Inter house sport competition.So,I decided to go to my favorite hangout spot, the love garden no one seemed to care about,located at the far end of the school's back gate.

I flipped through the pages of my photo album again staring at the dark girl in the picture.But then again, looking at her closely,I saw that she had changed a lot.

When did she even start making her hair!

But wait?

She ..

She was supposed to be dead.

Seyi was meant to be six feet below.I personally confirmed it.I attended the burial.

Why does my mind keep on playing mischievous tricks with me.....Or was my vision blurry.

Didn't I see clearly!!

Even if I didn't see clearly,the others saw well and.....


A very familiar voice called out to me, on turning back and as expected,I saw a smiling Jabbar, hands in his pockets accessing me with his eye while I swallowed the invisible lump that suddenly formed in my throat. He nudged his head towards the space besides me asking if he could sit down.

How did he even find his way here? People hardly even came here; well expect I and the girls.And why does he always have to keep finding me when I'm alone?

I inwardly sighed remembering how our last encounter ended and how I had tried all possible best to make sure I avoided him at all cost.

"Ariel,can I sit ? "He raised a brow. The boy had been standing there for close to seventy seconds now.

I blinked taking my eye off him as I looked at the photo album still opened in my hands and nodded, indicating that he could sit down.Then,I closed the photo album and kept it in my back pack waiting for Jabbar to say what ever it was that he had to say.

Jabbar hand slightly brushed my arms and I felt electric sparks rushed down my spine.Why does this keep happening?

"You've been avoiding me."

I turned to look at fair boy with brown honey eyes trying to decipher what his facial expression was but it gave away nothing.I sighed, shrugging slightly.

What would he have expected me to do! After I ran off like a scary cat all because one question was thrown my way!Just because I was too scared to face the reality of life.

I felt wet hot liquid stream down my face making me realize I had started crying.


Making it the second time I'll cry in front of Jabbar. I hadn't even had any breakdown in front of my best friends before,and I was vulnerably comfortable with Jabbar.

"Ariel, I'm sorry."

Why was he even apologizing? I was the one meant to be apologizing.For bailing out on him and our supposed project and not even bothered about how it went. For going as far as ignoring him, due to my selfish reasons.

I mean ,I was meant to be at his mercy. He had always been sweet to me, but I am always being such a brat in return.

"I'm sorry if I......"

I turned to him with more tears streaming down my face.

Why was I such a weakling.

"No Jabbar, I'm sorry. I should be the sorry one here and not you. I'm sorry for how I've been treating you for the past few days. I'm sorry for bailing out on you and our project. I'm sorry for ignoring you just because you tried to show how much you cared for me I'm sorry....."

Jabbar cut me off my engulfing me in a hug. One I really needed...

"Shhhhhhhh, It's ok,Ariel. Stop apologizing already.I should be the sorry one,Ok. If I had not tried to interfere in your business,none of that would have happened in the first place,so stop it's fine"He said still hugging me.

I don't know why, but I burst out into more tears,with different emotions running through me.



Uncle's... assaults

Seyi.....Seyi...The only one who cared.....

"Everything is going to be fine.Trust me. You're going to be fine.You're stronger than this."He said rubbing my back.

"You're going to be fine."He kept whispering to my ears.

After about 15 more mintues of the breakdown I had, I withdrew from the Jabbar arms looking at any way but his face.And all thanks to me,his uniform shirt was literally as if a drum of water was turned over his head.

I heard him chuckle as I fought the urge to roll my eye.

Cocky much!!!

"Ariel,you know you can look at me right?You don't have to be shy. We all cry. Inability to cry shows that you don't have the lacrimal glands and that you're not human."I could hear the tease in his tone and that brought a little smile to my face.

I also think the outburst made me feel a lot better.

"So,I guess you're cool now."He said and my smile became wider as I nodded.I finally looked at him and he had a wide grin on his face.

Does he ever frown?

"Thank you."He hummed in response and we continued holding each other gaze till I felt a third party walk in on us.


Jabbar and I turned simultaneously and on seeing who approached us my face contoured into a frown,well, Jabbar grinned wider, displaying all his thirty-two teeth.

As usual,she was dressed in her extra extra short skirt that hugged her body perfectly well,a grey hoodie over her school uniform shirt, her black hose that that did well to hide her long legs and her black air Jordan sneakers, that I could bet cost a million.

The only girl that had manged to compete with Ugo Racheal in terms of fashion.

I disliked her. So much...And I hated the fact that she was close to Jabbar. It irked me every time I saw her with him.

But not like I had a choice. At least from what I know,she had been friends with Jabbar ever since, closer to him than his entirely family even. So,who was I to compete with that?

Aaliyah flashed Jabbar a smile as she walked towards us, completely ignoring my presence and I rolled my eye inwardly.That's her headache to deal with.

"Jay, I've been looking for you everywhere. Never thought you would be here......"She paused, looking at me like I was a piece of rag while I stared blankly back at her.

If she thought I would ever be intimidated by her,then I guess she would really need to do some rethinking.

".......with her."She added still peering making me snort out loudly. Jabbar turned to look at me and I flatly ignored him grabbing my bag and sashaying away.

To hell with both of them abeg.

I hung my bag properly on my shoulder,head straight up as I hissed slowly remembering how that witch had ruined my perfect moment with Jabbar.

Just when everything was going fine.

Why are you so paranoid and worked up all of a sudden.

Would you shut your trap!

You like Jabbar.

No, I don't.

Yes you do.

Oh please, shut the fuck up. I don't even know him well.

That's the excuse they always give

Can you just......

I heard a loud sound and I made an halt in my steps. It sounded more like a bang...or a punch.

Yes,a punch.

I turned to the direction of the sound, making my way through the hallways.

"Freggy, I can explain.Please, just don't do anything we all would regret later.Please."

That sounded so much like Rachael voice, and why was she crying? I was so curious so I turned to the restroom area where the sound came from and I spotted Rachael ,Freggy and Majeed. Racheal was crying, pleading with her brother who held onto a frightened Majeed heaving rapidly.

I cringed as I sighted blood spill out of Majeed's mouth.

Another punch.

What the fuck!!

And More

And more blood spilled out of Majeed's mouth.

Jesus !!!

He wasn't even trying to fight back, and what could have warranted Freggy beating up his best friend like this.

"Please freggy. Please,I b...eg of.. yo...uu."Racheal choked on her tears pleading with her brother who didn't look like he was going to yield to her pleas.

"What .....d..id.."....PUNCH

"I ....."..... ANOTHER PUNCH

"......tell you.".....AND ANOTHER

"about keeping my sister."....AND ANOTHER!!!

I cringed at the sight of his shirt that was now soaked in blood....

"...in your games.

And the last punch sent Majeed flying to the ground just right in front of the toilet. He looked like he was going to passed out soon if a medical intervention don't come soon.

The only think I could think of was going to call Jabbar and before I could blink I was already racing towards the direction of the love garden.

Still racing in the direction of the love garden,I sighted a worried Jabbar approaching me with Aaliyah who had her arms linked to his, as she rolled her eye repeatedly.

If not for the situation at hand,I would have given her a piece of my mind.But now was definitely not the time. Not when someone was going to die soon.

"Ariel."Jabbar freed himself from Aaliyah furrowing his eyebrows in confusing.I had felt the urge to hug him.

But when the image of Majeed with blood spilling down came flooding my memory..........

"Jabbar,you really need to come now. Majeed got into a fight and it's really bad.He might be dead now. "I said panting and cringed at the way I presented the situation.

"Majeed...fight...with who?."

I dragged a confused Jabbar and together we raced down the hallway with Aaliyah trying to catch up with our pace.

"No matter how you beat me,It won't still change what I feel for her."We heard Majeed say as we got to where they were.Racheal was sitting on the floor with Majeed's head on her laps as she continued crying.

Freggy kept on panting and pacing around a reasonable length obviously trying to keep his calm.

"What the actual fuck!"Jabbar whisper yelled looking between the three of them.

"You're an idiot."

"I love her. I'll never hurt her on purpose."Majeed replied Freggy with a mischievous smile on his face.

How can someone be in this kind of position and still be smiling? Majeed clenched and unclenched his fist repeatedly, glaring hard at freggy.

"One more word from you and I'll kill you. I mean it."Freggy growled at Majeed who had an impassive expression on.


"Do you realize if you continue beating him,he might as well pass out. What ever this is all about could be settled amicably."Jabbar said placing his hand on Freggy shoulder.

Freggy shrugged ,"Well he deserved it. I told him.Guyy, there's something called BRO'S code.And I warned him, severally even. There are many other girls out there why her....."

"Can you shut up."Racheal yelled."What the hell is your problem,do you want to kill him."

Racheal's voice did well to attract people's attention because they was a crowd that began to gradually from ,most especially my set mates.

And trust them to never keep their mouth shut.

Jesus ..what's happening here,Majeed looks half dead ooo!!

Why is Racheal crying and why is Freggy seething...

Don't you know Majeed and Racheal are in a relationship.Me,I knew since oo.

Queen bee of the set is crying like a baby. After she would be forming hard guy. I better get this on "gram."

How did he even notice her!! I've been giving him green light since .

"Do I look like a baby ? Why should you be the one making decisions for me.And so,yes! What if I decide to sleep with him? How should that be any of your problem.Tell me,Freggy, how is it your fucking business. Am I not old enough to make choices for my self..."

"Brenda was old enough to make choices for herself but what happened to her.."Freggy chuckled bitterly.

"What happened....Racheal, She got killed by her own boyfriend."He spelled it out to her.

Racheal jabbed her finger at her twin brother as fresh tears streamed down her face,"Freggy don't even dare it. Don't try to bring Brenda into this matter."

Freggy sighed and I saw a couple emotions flash through his eye, "But you know it's the truth."

"What in God's name is going on here."

We all turned back and saw Mr Adeyemo frowning at the situation at hand.


Omo... it's a lot oooo😌😂😭👀💁🔥🤧😔

Seems like Ariel and Jabbar are back on talking terms....abi not!!..And it seems like Ariel is calming down for Aaliyah at all ...but Sha let's see how it goes...

Also,I guess we've finally been able to figure out who Majeed is always talking about ...And kalasa don burst ooooo.... Freggy no gree ooo.😂

Anyhow Sha.....

See you guys in the next update


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