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Sarang took out tissues and used it to wipe her tears. She didn't want everyone to notice her teary eyes, so she decided to stay at the rooftop  of his house while looking at the beautiful sky.
Whenever her tears rolled on her cheeks, she quickly covered it by taking pictures.
She forced herself to stop from thinking about it because she knew it was her fault for loving him.

She was jealous.

she wanted herself to feel happy for Heeseung

but at the same time, 

she was not happy to see someone she loved kissed someone else.

she never hates herself this much.

Sarang wiped her tears again and recorded a video of his house , talking about what happened to her and giggled to prove that she was okay.

She looked at camera and stopped when Heeseung appeared on the screen.

She slowly showed him a tiny smile and turned off the camera before looking at him.
Heeseung walked towards her with a smile ,

" What are you doing at this time?"

Sarang took a deep breathe and sighed heavily,
" Take a picture."

" For what?"

Sarang smiled,
" Memories..."

" What's wrong with that face? Are you feeling unwell?" Heeseung leaned his face closer to her, checking if she was okay.

Sarang shook her head,
" I'm good. Maybe, I'm just sleepy and tired today."

Sarang bowed to him as a sign to leave causing he looked at her blankly,
" I will go first."

" Why are avoiding me?" Heeseung asked her causing she immediately stopped and avoided his gaze on hers. She smiled again ,
" I'm not."

" You are avoiding me."

She sneezed, " I'm not. I caught cold. I don't want to infect you." She said and took a step to leave again but Heeseung quickly ran towards her and grabbed her sleeve.

Sarang took a glance at his hand and she sighed, realized he was still holding her sleeve instead of her hand.

I will feel really happy if you touch my hand.

but why-

why is it really hard to do to me?

She took a step to avoid him,
" Mr. Lee , you should go to Hina at this time."

" Why?"

" What if she is searching for you?"

" Look , you are avoiding me. Did I hurt you?"
Heeseung asked Sarang curiously and she immediately shook her head.

" No. You never hurt me. You know..."
Sarang paused.

" You should stay with Hina at this time. Sleep next to her , tell her a story of snow white , while patting her shoulder to make her fall asleep. Is she scared of thunder? If it yes, you should stay with her and comfort her. She will cry like a baby-"

" What's wrong with you? You're not Sarang that I used to know." Heeseung cut her off.

" Tell me. Is everything okay?" He asked her curiously.

" I'm giving you some tips to win her heart." She replied.

" I'm really okay."

" Hey-" Sarang cut him off,

" I need to go. Jinhyuk is searching for me! Bye!" Sarang ran away and left Heeseung alone.


  Sarang just sat in silent while listening to Jinhyuk and Jihan who were talking to each other loudly. She took a glance at Heeseung and bite her lips when Heeseung was fixing his eyes at Hina. They both exchanged glances and it made Sarang felt down hearted again. Sarang could feel Hina would accept Heeseung in her life and she could feel Heeseung would get into relationship with her soon. She didn't know what to do- she was worried about her heart, she was worried about herself too. She knew she would cry all day long when Heeseung leave her for Hina one day.

again she blamed herself for falling in love with that guy-

it's okay.

one day-

one day he will touch me.

one day, i will get to feel his touch.

be patience, Sarang

Sarang coughed again causing Heeseung immediately looked at her.
" Are you okay?"

Sarang ignored him and coughed for several times, " Hey, Sarang. What's wrong?"

" Excuse me for awhile." Sarang stood up and ran towards the kitchen to drink a water as her throat felt really sore for coughing too much.

Sarang rubbed her throat and drank two glass of water to reduce the pain- but it was still
hurting her.

" Hey, are you okay?" Heeseung approached her and came closer to her but she avoided him- " I'm okay." She coughed again.
" Hey, Sarang-"

" I'm okay ! I'm okay !" For the first time, she raised her voice to him. Heeseung was startled and completely lost his words. He fixed his eyes at her and slowly came towards her,
" Can you tell me what happened to you?"

Sarang looked at Heeseung.
" I'm sorry, Mr. Lee ." She said shortly and walked away but Heeseung ran towards her, grabbed her sleeve before pulling her closer to him.

Sarang fixed his eyes at his hand again and she  sighed heavily-
" Sarang, i'm worried about you."

Sarang pouted her lips and avoided his gaze on her,
" Go." She replied to him.

" What.." Heeseung was speechless.

" Go to Hina..."

" No. I want to stay with -"

" There's no reason for you to stay with me. Don't worry about me. Just go to Hina and spend your time with her or you'll lose her again." Sarang said to him softly causing Heeseung lost his words.

" Would you rather to stay with me and lot Hina or stay with Hina and lost me?"

" What do you mean by losing you? I don't want to lost you." Heeseung asked her.

" Then do you want to stay with me and lost Hina? are you sure you can bear with the farewell?"  Sarang asked him again.

" I don't want to lose Hina too-"

" Mr. Lee , I'm really okay. It's okay to lost me than losing Hina because I am nothing to you. Hina, she is the girl you loves. Don't leave her for me or everything will be really useless . So, please go to Hina. Don't mind me." Sarang drank the water and breath heavily-

" Sarang, are you okay?"  Jinhyuk came anxiously , followed by Jihan and Hina from behind.

Sarang nodded her head and walked properly. Suddenly, she fell on the floor,
" Hey hey."

Sarang reached her hand to Heeseung, hoping he would help her but he just looked at her hand blankly and hesitated to hold it-

" Let me carry you." Jinhyuk carried Sarang on his back and went to the guest room quickly.

Heeseung fixed his eyes at Sarang and clenched his fist,

" Is it really hard to touch her? Jihan asked Heeseung angrily.

Heeseung sighed, " Jihan, you don't understand me-"

" Your touch is for your love. I know-"

" But-" She paused.

" You had no idea how much she needed your touch."Jihan mumbled to herself causing Heeseung looked at her blankly.

" If something bad happen to Sarang, I will-" Jihan spoke up again.

She sighed and shook her head before leaving Heeseung with Hina.

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