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" Your body is getting weak. I guess you caught a fever ."

Sarang shut her eyes, forcing herself to fall asleep. " Thank you, Jinhyuk."

" Have a nice dream." Jinhyuk walked towards the door and turned off the light before leaving the room-

Sarang covered herself with the blanket and couldn't help but tears rolled on her cheeks.
She wanted to think of positive things, believe that he would return her feeling soon but the moment of Heeseung was kissing Hina crossed her mind again and again making her felt more hurting. She had no idea what to do anymore and all she could do was crying until the pain faded away.

Knock Knock

" Hey." As she heard his voice, she quickly wiped her tears and pretended to sleep.

" Jinhyuk told me that you caught a fever."

She remained silent, still, let Heeseung faced her back.

" Sarang? Are you sleeping?"

He sat on her bed and fixed the blanket on her body. " I'm worried about you."

" Don't." She replied to him and slowly opened her eyes to face him.

" Don't worry about me. I'm good. Thank you for your concern." She continued and pointed her finger to the door,
" You should sleep." She said to him.

Heeseung slowly nodded his head and walked toward the door-

" I'm sorry, Mr. Lee ."

He stopped and turned his body to face her.
" I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for burdening you."

" I'm sorry. I am such a trouble maker."

He shook his head,
" It's okay."

" Please don't get sick anymore. I don't like to see you this way. I hope you will get recover soon. Your laugh, I miss hearing it."

Sarang looked at him and smiled with her pale face. She slowly walked towards him and took a deep breath before tilting her head to meet his eyes.

" Mr. Lee ."

" Yes?" He looked at her with a smile.

She shut her eyes and took a deep breath again before walking closer to him.
She looked at his chest and reached her arm to hug him-

" I want to feel your touch."

" Can you allow me to hug you this time?"

Heeseung looked at her blankly as she stood more close to him, almost tucked her head on his embrace-

He slowly grabbed her sleeve,

" Sarang..."

" Please..."

" Don't touch me..."

He looked at her, feeling guilty to deny her request. He gently let go of her sleeve and took a step backward to leave the room-

" I just want to feel your touch..."

" At least once..." She looked at the ground and sighed heavily.

Heeseung bend his body to her height and bite his lips,

"I'm sorry, okay? I hope you will understand me."

She titled her head to meet his eyes and smiled,
" Okay..."

" Goodnight, Sarang."

She nodded her head as a response to him and watched him, leaving the room.


Sarang suddenly woke up because of the sudden thunder. She screamed in surprise and quickly ran out of the room to search for her friends. Sarang went to the living room and realized Heeseung and Hina were not in the living room, they didn't sleep with Jihan and Jinhyuk-

She looked around the place and took a step to search for them-

" Goodnight, Hina."

" I love you so much."

She stopped in front of the door of his room, realized Heeseung was with Hina-

" Is it okay to sleep with you?"

" Yes. Don't be scared. I will not gonna do anything to you." Heeseung chuckled.

" Don't you think this is over the limit? Like between us?"

" No. It just happened once in our life. It will happen again if we are already married." Hina sighed heavily,

" You are a pervert."

" Hey, I didn't mean that thing. You are the one who is thinking that way." Heeseung laughed causing Hina to shut her mouth.

" Hey? why? Don't get sulk." Heeseung chuckled but Hina remained silent.

" Oh my god. I'm just kidding."

" You make me feel stupid," Hina replied to Heeseung causing he chuckled at her cuteness.

" Let me hug you."

" No."

" Oh don't be like this. I want to hug you." Heeseung pulled her into his embrace and fixed the blanket on their body.

" It's great to touch you."

Sarang took a step to leave the room and thunder surprised her again, she almost screamed but gladly, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

At the same time, Hina screamed in surprise-
" Oh my god!"

" Are you scared of thunder?"

" Of course!" She replied to him loudly.

" Let me accompany you then." He said and hugged her tighter.

Sarang looked at the ground,

Mr. Lee,

I'm scared of thunder too.


" Nam Sarang? Sarang?"

Heeseung called for Sarang and knocked on her door several times but she didn't give any response. After a minute, he opened the door and surprised as he realized she was not in her room.

" Where is Sarang?" Heeseung asked Jinhyuk curiously and Jinhyuk looked at him coldly-

" Why? Are you curious about her now? After spending your time with Hina, you suddenly curious about her now?" Jinhyuk asked him back. Heeseung crossed his arm-

" What's wrong with you? I'm just asking you about her."

Jinhyuk sighed,
" I don't know. " He replied and left, walked towards the bathroom.

" Jihan, did you see Sarang?"

Jihan stopped and looked at him,
" Why?"

" I bought medicine for her. I want to give it to her but she is-"

" Why ? are you worried about her now?"

Heeseung fixed his eyes on Jihan coldly,
" What's wrong with all of you today?"

" She went to her house this morning. I woke up at 6 am and I realized she was not in her room anymore. I guess, she was leaving this house alone."

" Alone? It was raining last night and there were no bus or taxi -" Heeseung asked her but she quickly cut him off,

" I guess I heard a clap of thunder last night. Sarang is scared of thunder so much. I don't think she will be able to run away."

Heeseung lowered his gaze,
" She is scared of thunder?"

Jihan nodded,
" It's okay. I will ask her later. Don't worry about her. Just focus on your Hina."

" If Hina is searching for me, tell her that I am going to Sarang's house."

Jihan smirked and nodded her head before leaving him.


Knock Knock

" Sarang, open the door."

" It's me, Heeseung..."

He knocked on the door again but she didn't give him any response.

" Why, Mr. Lee?" She finally answered him but she didn't even open the door for him and just listened to his voice-

" I bought a medicine for you."

" Can you let me see your face?"

Sarang chuckled,
" I'm ugly right now. I didn't shower yet."

" I don't care. Just open-" Sarang quickly cut him off.

" It's okay, just put it in front of the door. I will take it later."

" Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Heeseung asked her softly.

" No..." She paused.

" I just- I just want to be alone for a while."

" You hate to be alone. I don't want to leave you alone."

Sarang remained silent and she chuckled-
" Mr. Lee, it's okay. Don't waste your time for me..."

Heeseung bite his lips,
" Sarang, I'm worried about you because you are starting to be my precious friend. Do you know-"

" Do you know how much I appreciate your efforts to make me laugh? You are my first friend who I don't want to lose. Meeting you is such a great miracle. I wish I could know you earlier."

Sarang stays silent and her heart was hurting when he just considered her as a friend.

" Mr. Lee..."

" Did you have a great sleep with Hina last night?"

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