Remembering Memories

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Georges POV

I was summoned to the Professors office, I don't know why either as I was about to get on the Drop ship and go on my mission, but all my confusion ceased when I saw Kyle with Cinder Fall, Neo, Nu Black, Night Fall, Nalmika Graw and Tori waiting in the room, "OK, we have more Intel on two more targets, Kyle, Cinder and Neo will be dropped off at point one, and meet you at your point, hopefully at the same time as team RWBY and JNPR meet you, and Nu Black with the rest of team KNGT, barring Kyle obviously, will stay with the Drop Ship, but the rest stays the same, got it ?" He said, "yes sir, oh and one thing sir" I said, "what will that be ?" He asked.

"I wrote this letter, please hold on to it, give it to team RWBY if they hand in my dog tags, but tell them to wait 24 hours before they open it, please sir" I said, he nodded and took the letter, "OK, but that wouldn't happen, now go and destroy this threat" he said, I nodded again and walked out.
Kyle caught up with me, "what was that about ?" He asked, with everyone else behind him, "that... That is for the possibility that I may not come back, I have a bad feeling about this mission, it's simple and will be done, but... I have a feeling something is gonna happen, but I think everyone wants to see the surprise I have for the Grimm" I say, trying to change the subject.

We got to the Drop ship, some people were saying goodbye to us, I saw RWBY and JNPR were already there, waiting for me, I told them about the extra help we got and that our mission is the same as before, we then got on board and left Beacon, it was a small Aircraft but could still fit all of us on it, I sat there, and... It reminded me of the times I went to war in these things, small and not like this model, but still feels the same.

The gun fire hitting the sides, the explosions and our door gunners shooting at unseen targets, sometimes our gunners fell back, because they were shot, dead or wounded, but even some of the wounded just got up and fired their guns again, only to either collapse from blood loss, or were hit again and died.

Yang must of notice this and said "George, George, are you ok ?" She said, I snapped out of my thoughts and spoke "yeah, s-sorry" I said, "what is it ?" Asked Blake, Everyone seemed concerned, "it's this. I been in this position so many times, I can't... Can't forget those god awful memories, our door gunners getting shot, or the one of the pilots get hit or even the aircraft next to us explodes and falls out of the sky, and the sound of the bullets, fragments and god knows what, hitting the outside of our aircraft... I guess I... I don't know what's wrong now" I said, "those are memories, you survived that, you survived uninjured" said Ren, "there is no such thing as and uninjured soldier" I said, then Ruby kissed me, "cheer up, I can't stand this, please be the old, cheerful you again" she said, that did the trick.

I stood up, "well, you may as well see what armour I'm wearing" I said, and clicked my fingers, a suit of T45 power armour, (Like fallout 4) came out of nowhere, it was Camo coloured, (like picture above) I just smiled and got behind it, I twist the handle and the back of the sipping opens, I get in and it closes the second I step into it, "tad a, this beauty is Power armour, it never really left its Prototype stage, but they needed someone to test it, and that's how I know about it. Hell, it's even got a Jetpack on it, but it would only lift me upto 25 metres in the air, and takes for ever to charge, the power core would run out so I couldn't move this suit but I think that I made a power core a permanent part of the suit, so it is unlimited" I say, "cool" said Ruby, "well, that's something you don't see everyday" said Cinder and Kyle just said, "could you make me one ?" I shook my head, "these suits weren't that flexible, and limit me to do certain things, but I can still use any weapon and jump, run and do a hand stand, but some movements are impossible to do, I then turned to the pilots, "how long till my drop ?" I asked, "about 20 seconds, we'll set her down and..." I interrupted them, "you wouldn't need to set her down for me, just give me the signal to jump" I said, they must have thought I was crazy, I was a little over 300 feet in the air, but they did as I asked, "I'll see you all down there" I said, hugging team RWBY, I then open the door and made a Mini Gun, "nice" said Nu, I nodded, then jumped the second the pilot gave me the thumbs up.

I heard a gasp or something but then a loud bang as I hit the floor, the armour protects me from fall damage because of its magnetic, gyros on the legs.
I managed to land on an Ursa, flattening it and making the surrounding Grimm stumble back, "missed me, because I got you a present" I said and then cut lose a long burst with the Mini gun, ripping Ursas to pieces, I love this job sometimes, then I saw the Dropship going to it's different points, then it finally lands at it final destination and waits there for me and everyone else to haul our ass to it.

I turned my attention to an Ursa Major running to me, I then whack it with the Mini gun, then I punched it in the face, taking its head off and then I opened up again, I just waited for everyone to get here, because I can't shake this god damn feeling until everyone gets here and I know that they are safe.

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