20 - Life Goes On

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It had been nearly a year. I was better than I had ever been. I was in peak mental and physical condition, and I had never felt better. I didn't have much time to myself, but I didn't mind. My grades had never looked better, and I myself had never looked better. My skin was clear and smooth, and my muscles were more defined than ever. I began to look better too, people told me I looked beautiful, and I was even asked out by a few people. I went out a few times, mostly just to restaurants with them, but it never really went anywhere. My phone almost ran out of room from all the numbers I got, and I was constantly surrounded by friends.

Sometimes though, late at night, I would close my eyes and imagine her. Long, black hair, a breathtaking dress, a heartbreaking voice. Cassie. My Cassie. With her wonderful lips, and her kiss. I had no idea what I had been missing until then, but I didn't know that I was missing her now. Her sparkling green eyes pierced my dreams, and I heard her.

"Why, Alex? Why would you leave me?" I wanted to cry. Sometimes, I did. Sometimes, I couldn't.

I turned my thoughts away from her as much as I could. Unfortunately, I had so much more time when summer rolled around again. I had finished typing, and finished editing, and sent my new book off to an editor. I continued exercising, and even started learning how to be a personal trainer. Things were looking up, but I still felt unfulfilled.

I had to decide what I wanted to do with my life, but I didn't know. I loved the gym, and being a personal trainer seemed like it would be perfect for me, but my parents didn't think so. Ever since I can remember, they loved when I read to them. Sure, maybe they weren't good people, but in that, at least, they supported me. It was probably the only thing they'd ever supported me in, but at least it was something.

I was pressed to become an author, but I pressed myself to learn more. I started my job, and was promoted by December. My boss even gave me a full free week off for Christmas! I now only trained people over 200 pounds, and who had incredibly low self-esteem. I tried not to judge, and managed to do a pretty good job. Of course, there were a few who you couldn't ignore.

One day, someone new arrived. I had been working at that gym for almost three years. I am now 22, and still feel like I couldn't be healthier. It's been two years since I had those dreams. The ones about the girl I can't remember anymore. The only thing I remember is her hair. Long black hair. I wonder who she was.

The new person had hair something like that. It was short though. Curly black hair sat in a mess on her head. The lady was shorter than me. She looked to be well over 300 pounds, and dragged herself along. The woman looked more depressed than I had ever seen anyone in my life.

Looks like I've got my work cut out for me on this one. I stood up from my desk, reaching over the table to introduce myself to her. "Hey, you came here to get a personal trainer, right?"

"Yeah." She whispered softly, as though afraid to speak, or too depressed to do so. "My name is Cassie by the way. Is there anything you can do?"

"Well sure, Cassie. That's my job! I am supposed to be the one helping you out here. Oh, uh... I'm Alex, just so you know." She stiffened a moment when I said that. I wondered why. "Well, let's see just we can do then, yeah?"

"Sure." She followed me quietly, and we began to work.

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