21 - A Spark

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Cassie didn't come back to the gym after that.

I grew worried for her, and went looking. I found her in her house, looking worse than ever. She looked bad before, but now, she looked as though she were on Death's doorstep. On his doorstep, down on her knees, begging him to take her, and end her torture.

"Oh, Cassie." I rushed inside, and threw my arms around her, trying to do something. I had no idea what I could do.

"You really don't remember me - do you?" she murmured in my ear. "Why can't you just remember?"

"It hurts Cassie. I don't know why. I don't know why I can't remember. I can't tell what it is. There's something there, and I don't know what, but I can't remember. I just can't."

"You're not letting yourself remember, Alex. That's the problem."

"Then what do I do?"

"Nothing. Maybe this will help." I found myself pulled around to face her.

Cassie's lips were on mine, and she kissed me hard. She kissed me like she never would have a chance to see me again. Her lips moved against mine, desperately, and she seemed as though she were trying to prove something. I pulled back, and glared at her.

"You can't just do that to a person Cassie! Why would you do such a thing?"

"I thought it would help. Please. Just let me try."

"One more try, Cassie. That's all. Then, I really do have to leave."

She nodded sadly, and walked over to her computer. She typed in a few words, and a song popped up. It started playing, and my muscles locked up. I tried to relax, and began to sing along. A song about falling in love, and a song about roller skates.

"Brand New Key." I laughed through tears, and sang louder. I danced around, and things came back to me. I was a little high-school girl again. I ran through the halls, and ran into a girl. I cried in the bathroom for three hours, and got Cassie Brunsalls' phone number. I dreamt a strange dream, and went to school the next day dressed better than I'd ever dressed before. I danced with Cassie, and we kissed. I lived in a blind tunnel of love. I argued with Cassie about her college, and she got mad at me. She told me things I never wanted to hear. I didn't want to hear them, and I was scared. I was scared and hurt. I told myself I didn't need her, and threw everything into working out. I forgot about Cassie, and started working at the gym. Cassie had shaved her head and started over-eating. The song was coming to a close. I opened my eyes, and for a split second, she was there. Tall, thin, healthy, and with the most beautiful hair I'd ever seen.

"Cassie. Oh my god Cassie. I love you. I'm sorry, Cassie. I love you" I threw myself towards her, and kissed her full on the lips. We swung around. She kissed me back, and we stayed there for a long time. I couldn't believe how much I'd missed her. How could I have been so stupid? I was so dumb. What had I done?

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