Back to Hogwarts? (Age 15)

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After Dumbledore's Death....

"My Lord?"Bellatrix said timidly. Voldemort opened his eyes slowly. It had been two days since Dumbledore's death and the former Tom Riddle was enjoying every second of the fear it created. 

"Yes Bellatrix?"he said eloquently. 

"Since Snape was the one to kill Dumbledore, The Order of the Phoenix will no longer trust him, so we don't know what the Order is planning..." 

"Yes, thank you for reminding me of that aggravating problem." 

"Well, I believe I have found a solution" Bellatrix insisted. "There is a member of the Order, one that is younger and not as strong. If we can capture her, I'm sure she'll reveal any information we want with the right pressure." Voldemort thought for a moment. 

"What is the name of this member?" Bellatrix smirked. 

"Lauren Black."

Present Day....

"I won't go back!" Lauren yelled. "You can't make me!" She gripped the railing of the staircase as tight as she could as Sirius futility tried to pull her off. 

"Lauren," he tried again. 

"NO!" Sirius sighed and released her. It was no use. No matter what he said, Lauren refused to go back to Hogwarts. 

"You'll be safe there, a lot safer then you will be here." Lauren glared at him, her arms still clutching the railing. 

"Oh yeah. Because it's so much safer to be in a school run by Snivellus with Dementors and Death Eaters that will probably kill me on sight." she said sarcastically. 

"Yes, it is." Lauren looked at him pitifully. 

"Please, Sirius, please don't make me go back."she begged. He shook his head. 

"I'm sorry Lauren, but I don't have another choice. If you stay here, they'll find you and there's nowhere safe I can send you. At least at Hogwarts you'll be under McGonagall's protection - she won't let anyone touch you. I don't want to send you either, but I have to trust my instincts." he said. Lauren melted slightly. 

"But my instincts say it's a horrible idea for me to go back and they're always right." Sirius looked at her sympathetically. 

"I'm sorry." he repeated. "But you have to." Lauren's eyes went dark. 

"Fine." she said coldly. And even though she knew she would regret saying it, she still said it. "But if I'm right, and they kill me, it'll be your fault." Sirius hung his head. He knew how right she was, but he didn't know what else to do. 

I'm sorry Anna, he thought, sending a silent message to Lauren's mother.

The Train...

Lauren sat at one of the table compartments. Colin was next to her and Marian was across from them. In the next booth over sat Neville, Ginny, and Luna. Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't on the train, but then again, no one expected them to be. Lauren glanced out the window as a familiar trail of black smoke flew by. She gasped as two more joined it. 

"What is it?" Colin asked. 

"Death Eaters," Lauren whispered as the train abruptly stopped. Marian went pale. Lauren's eyes went wide. She had to hide. "Listen to me very closely," Lauren said to Colin. He and Marian listened intently. "I'm going to hide. If they ask, You have no idea who I am, or where I could be. You've never heard my name in your entire life. I. Don't. Exist." she said firmly. Colin nodded. Marian managed to look even more nervous as Lauren hid under the table. 

"Don't look so nervous," Colin told her. "They'll think you're hiding something." Marian relaxed. Casually, Colin slid his hand under the table and held on to Lauren's. Then the Death Eaters entered the compartment. As they looked around, Neville stood up. 

"Hey losers," he said confidently "He's not here." The Death Eaters glared at him. 

"Who says we're looking for him?"he questioned. Neville sat back down. The Death Eaters glared at the whole compartment. "We're looking for a fifth year by the name of Lauren Black. Anyone who tells us information on her whereabouts will be rewarded." Colin's heart stopped beating. Under the table, Lauren stopped breathing. 

"So..." the Death Eater continued. "Anybody have something to say?" The whole compartment shook their heads. They glared at the students again before moving on. Colin didn't start breathing again until the train started to move. Lauren waited a few minutes before climbing  out of her hiding place. She looked down at Colin's hand and realized there were imprints from her nails. 

"Sorry," she apologized.

"Lauren," Colin began, true terror in his voice. "Why do they want you?" Lauren shook her head. 

"I don't know, but Bellatrix said I was useful for something. I really don't know." Colin looked at her with scared and worried eyes. 

"But the thing that worries me more," he offered. "Is what they'll do when they find you."

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