The Wedding Gone Awry (Age 15)

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Lauren stared at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. Today was Bill and Fleur's wedding. She should be happy. Bill was like her brother. But she couldn't be. 

Mad-eye was dead. Dead. The others had already moved on from his death, but Lauren couldn't. This was the man who'd let her play with his magical eye, the one that had checked under beds for monsters when she asked, he'd gone to her tea party for crying out loud. Lauren used to like remembering that tea party, but now it just reminded her that nearly all of the people present there were dead. She hadn't cried for them. Lauren hadn't cried in so long she was certain that she'd lost the ability. 

But she couldn't wallow in grief today; she had to pull herself together and put on a mask. But that mask didn't change how dark her eyes were. Colin once said that Lauren's eyes were like fire; normally it's just a spark, but occasionally it will grow and burn everything. 

Well, Lauren thought, if my eyes are a fire, then this one is burnt out. Reluctantly, she put on her dress for the wedding and went downstairs. The dress was nice, it was a light yellow with a pale purple sash. Tonks wanted her to wear the dress she'd worn to the Yule Ball but Lauren had thought it would be too suspicious to explain to Sirius how she got it. The day got better as it went along. Lauren found herself laughing with Fred and George within the hour. But then the visitor arrived. A ministry worker gathered Lauren, Ron, Hermione, and Harry in the living room. 

"What's this about?" Lauren questioned. The worker opened a bag and a thick piece of paper drifted out and levitated near them. 

"The Last Will and Testament of Mr. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,"the worker began. Lauren sat still as stone as the worker continued. 

"To Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, in hopes that-"Lauren barely heard the rest. She concentrated on staying calm and cool. 

"To Ms. Hermione Jean Granger I leave my copy of Beedle the Bard." the worker said. Ron exclaimed over this, naming the different stories. Harry and Hermione looked at him like he'd grown an extra head. He gave up. 

"To Mr. Harry James Potter, I leave the Snitch that he caught in his first Quidditch match." The worker seemed surprised when Harry took the object. And as distracted as Lauren was, she could still figure out why. He expected it to open, she thought. "And finally,"the worker continued,

"To Ms. Lauren Anna Black, I leave my most prized possession and faithful companion, my phoenix Fawkes. I know you will take good care of him." The worker handed Lauren a small whistle. "According to his instructions, when you blow into that, Fawkes will come to you." Lauren nodded solemnly. She didn't hear anything about the discussion about the sword of Gryffindor. Not one word.

That Night...

Lauren stood off to the side, watching Bill and Fleur dance. It had been a wonderful wedding and Lauren was actually enjoying herself. Luna had taught her 'The Dance of the Nargles' earlier but Lauren wasn't very good. Sirius came up behind her. 

"You know, we never talked about your friend there, A mister Creevey, was it? Colin Creevey?" Lauren felt her face go slightly pink and pale at the same time. She wondered how fast she could run away. But before she could respond, a patronus shot into the room, and everything stopped. Lauren and the rest of the order recognized the form. It was a lynx, Kingsley's patronus. It spoke three sentences and that's all it took. 

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead." it said. The last sentence sent chills through Lauren's soul. "They are coming." And panic began.

People screamed and apparated out of the place. Lauren pulled out her wand, ready to fight as the Death Eaters arrived. But Sirius gripped her arm and pulled her off to the side. 

"Go!" he shouted at her. "Get out of here!" She shook her head. 

"No! I'm not leaving you! I want to fight!"she insisted. 

"No!" Sirius ordered. But Lauren was stubborn and she yanked her arm free, running to help. Sirius chased after her, grabbed her hand, and apparated. 

Lauren was thrown on the ground. She whirled around, but it was too late. Sirius had already gone back to the fighting, leaving her alone in his house. Her face was flushed and she was angry. Of course Sirius wouldn't let her fight. She could! Just as well as Sirius! But he still underestimated her. Lauren knew this was wrong, that she was just making excuses, but she was mad. Sirius wanted to keep her away from danger and protect her, but Lauren couldn't just sit on the sidelines for everything. She was a Gryffindor, after all. For a while, she paced back and forth, then she changed into her normal clothes, then she paced some more. Finally she ended up sitting on top of the doorway, waiting. Suddenly, the door opened and three people entered. Three familiar people. 

" 'ello Harry," she said from her spot. The three of them stopped in their tracks and whirled around to see Lauren sitting above them. 

"How are you doing that?" Ron questioned. Lauren shrugged and jumped down. A thought occurred to her as she remembered the end of last year, when Harry had been so upset over a fake locket. A locket that Lauren recognized. And the initials that she knew. 

"Hey, are you guys still looking for R.A.B.? And that locket?"she asked. They nodded. 

"Well, I know the answer to both." she said smugly. Harry's eyes practically popped out of his head. 

"You do? How? Who?-"he stammered. 

"Follow me," she said, walking upstairs. She stopped at a door and pointed at the label. "Regulus Arcturus Black, that's your R.A.B." Hermione nodded. 

"But who is that?" 

"Sirius's younger brother." Lauren replied. "I went through his room one day when I was bored  and I remember seeing the locket." With that, she went inside. Sure enough, in a desk drawer was a locket identical to the fake one. Harry nodded. 

"It's real." he said softly. Lauren shrugged.

 "Take it." He nodded. But then frowned. 

"We should go."

 "Why?"Lauren asked. Harry shook his head. "I don't want to put you or Sirius in anymore danger then you already are, and if I stay here, then I will be doing that." Lauren nodded. She understood. 

"Alright. I still wish I could come with you, but Sirius will never let me."she said ruefully. They nodded. "Be careful." she added. "Go kill some spineless Nifflers for me."

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