Chapter 1

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Ash walked around the forest trying to find a nice spot to make a den. " I'm getting really hungry...." Ash said. So he went out to try to get prey. He only got a mouse and
he ate it really quick. Then he got moss. And then he got a little bit of wood and sticks but it was good for a small den. Then it started to rain when he was almost done. " Really? Why does it have to rain?!" Ash said not happy. Then Ash made more of his den quickly. " There! I'm done! I need to sleep now...." Ash said sleepily. Ash started to sleep. The next morning he got a rabbit and a mouse. " I think this rabbit can get another cat." Ash said. Ash made another den for another cat then he ate his mouse. Then he went out to explore. " I what's this? I found something it was a .... Scent.. I should go back...." Ash said. Ash went back to his den. And slept for a little. He smelled prey. He got up quietly and then he went out and he pounced on something.. He opens his eyes.... It was another cat! " Who are you and what are you doing here?" Ash said.
"I-I'm Rose...." Rose said scared. " And why are here and what are you doing here?" Ash said. " I -I just saw the prey an-and I wanted to eat..." Rose said. " Wait... Wanna join with me I'm trying to make a clan and sorry for pouncing on you its just I thought I. Smelled prey coming." Ash said. " Ok I will join and also what's your name?" Rose said.
" My name is Ash." Ash said " Ok ash when we get more cats you are gonna be Ashstar.
Because your gonna be a leader." Rose said. " Wow how do you know these things?" Ash said. " Because I was in a clan then I did something bad but I don't want to tell what happened....." Rose said. " Ok now let's make more of the clan!" Rose said. They made the Warriors den then the elders den. " The next day we will make the apprentice den and the kits den." Ash said. Then ash and Rose slept. The next morning Rose heard something. " Ash!" Rose whispered. " what? Ash whispered. " I hear a cat. Can I go see who it is?" Rose said. " Yes." Ash said. Rose went out in the Warriors den. She saw a male cat with black stripes on his back and he was white. " Hey. What's your name?" Oh!! Sorry! I didn't-" the cat said. " It's ok we just want a warrior cat. Let's start this over again. What is your name?" Rose said. " My name is storm. What yours?"
Storm said. " My name is Rose. The leaders name is Ash well it's not really a leader but
for right now I should be saying he is our cat who is in charge right now. Because he made this. Now we should get prey and sleep for a little if you want." Rose said. They got prey and they all slept.

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