Chapter 2

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They woke up. Rose yawned . " Good morning!" Rose said.
"  Good morning Rose and Ash" Storm said. " is there any new cats?" Ash said.
" Oh yea, yes there is its a apprentice! I asked if she wanted to join. She said yes and her name is Gold." Storm said. " ok. I want her to never mind... Ok I will make a meeting." Ash said.

" Rogue meeting! Rogue meeting!" Ash said. And then Gold came out then Rose gathered then Storm. " Ok so there is a new apprentice. Her name is Gold. Gold please come up on the high rock." Ash said. Gold went up on the high rock. " Your mentor will be  Rose." Ash said. They touched noses. Then Rose touched noses with Gold. " You may sit down Gold and Rose." ash said. They sat back down where they where the first time Ash called for the meeting. " Ok that's it for today." ash said.

" You may all do what you want to do know and I want someone to please hunt and Rose teach your apprentice some stuff like hunting and fighting ok?" Ash said. " Ok." They all said. " Follow me." Rose said. " oh... Ok..." Gold said scared. " don't worry I won't kill you were just training!" Rose said smiling. " oh.. Ok!" Gold said. " ok so why did you come here? " Rose said while they were walking to the training area. " Umm... I don't know.... I just wanted to be a warrior cat not a rogue by my self I wanted to be with other cats..." Gold said. " oh I see you wanted to be with other cats I get it! Same with me..." Rose said. They were there at the training area. " ok the first thing is hunting! So have you hunted before? " Rose said. " yeah but not very well my prey just ran away.." Gold said sadly. " ok so I'm gonna use this leaf . You have to be quiet and crouch down and then you lower your tail but not touching the ground or going to high to the sky so like this. Now I need to be quiet the I slowly walk towards the prey then.... Jump!" Rose said then pounced on the leaf and clawed it.

" now you try on that mouse!" Rose said looking at the mouse. " oh ok!" Gold said. Gold lowers her back and put her tail close the the ground and then walked towards the mouse quietly and then the mouse herd Gold so the mouse ran away. " that was good try another one!" Rose said. " ok" Gold said. Then Gold lowers her body then lowers her tail a little higher than the last one and then walked slowly and quietly and then pounced on the mouse then clawed at the mouse. " Good job you did well!" Rose said happily. " ok so that's it for training! Let's go back and go to sleep!" They walked back and they saw 10 more cats at their camp! " What happend?!" Rose said. " I don't know!" Ash said. " they just said they wanted to join and their mother and father and and 3 kits came and 5 more warriors came I don't know why?!" Ash said. " ok so that's really good we can start a clan!" Rose said. " but I don't know what it should be called?" Ash said.

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