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I've gotten to know a handful of my new crewmates-or-possible-impostors. Most of them seem pretty truthful, actually. I have a couple of ideas on who's, "sus." Blue, Lime, and White were the most suspicious. I better keep my eye out when I'm alone with them.

I also have almost memorized the rooms in the skeld. There's..medbay, radiation, Admin...uh, coms? Argh, I still can't remember the rest. Hopefully I can get the hang of it. Having that type of skill gives me, no, the crew-mates an advantage.

Black watched me scan when the first body was found. So we could essentially vouch for eachother. After going about each alibi, Red accused White, who had the most vauge information. But after ejecting them, we realized that they were not the impostor on the security cams.

We need to obviously, work on not just accusing each other. Second, I need to make sure that I have enough information, so I can prove my innocence. Black seemed trustworthy, so we paired up and headed for electrical.

We were doing wires when a siren went off. The lights began to dim, till there was no way to see what was in front of me. The only thing I could use to see was the built in flashlights on our suits, but it could only see so far.

I called out for black.

"Black, are you still there?"

"Yep, I'm pretty sure the lights were sabotaged."

"Oh wow Black, I could never tell."

We both chuckled at that. I went over to the near front of electrical and got the lights to turn back on. When I looked to the side, I saw a dead Lime sitting right of me. Next to Lime, was his small child. He seemed to be waiting for their dead parent. He looked, very....burdened. I pat his head and placed the small Lime on my head, inside my warm lily pad hat.

I then reported the body.

It was obvious that one of the three impostors sabotaged the lights and went for a kill. But, that impostor missed one thing. The vent next to black had a piece of spacesuit snagged on the door.

The color of that very person was Blue.

After stating and showing my evidence, we all concluded that it had to be Blue. The clicks and taps soon ceased as it shows who we voted for. We ejected him from the back of storage.

Blue was an Impostor.

2 Impostors Remain.

(oh, 407 words. That's lit or something-)

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