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I wonder how things turned out the way they did. But then again, things will continue to move forward, no matter good or bad intentions in the future.

I self reported the body.

So far, they noticed both Red and Pink didn't come back. This caused a bit of panic. After all, Red seemed to have the most know how about the Impostors. I counted the amount of people who would have to vote either me or black.

It would need four since we still have, Brown, Orange, and Purple. If we could get one of them voted out, taking down the rest would be easy.

Unfortunately, they are incompitent idiots and decide to skip with one's life on the line. They really are lost without Red.

No one was ejected. (skipped)

2 Impostors Remain.

Instead of going for the kill, Black told me to lay off this round. After all, there are easier ways of killing everyone, like sabotage, and such. I replaced my list filled with tasks to areas I could sabotage. Black taught me how to use the vents to get to different areas. Everything that he knew, he taught.

But now, it was the final test. The alarms went off that o2 had been sabotaged. Black and I rushed over, but separate ways this time, he went for admin, while I went for o2. I killed off Brown, who was in the room at the time.

This isn't a win just yet though. There were still 2 other crewmates. So nobody was doing the second oxygen tank. I listened as the clock slowly counted down. I pulled out some extra emergency oxygen tanks for both mini lime and me. We put on our helmets, unlike the other crewmates with black in admin. The time eventually made it to 0, and there was no oxygen left in the air.

I could hear my own breath from within the helmet. Fog built up and faded at the same time on the screen of my helmet.

I walked over to admin, to see Orange and Purple gasping for air. I could sense the feeling of betrayal coming from orange. They both flailed to the floor. Orange seemed to muster up all the strength they had left to say their final words.


"I'm sorry, Orange."

And I really was. Their gasping for air came to a stop. Black, mini lime and I went over to comms. We needed to make it believable that we were the last surviving crewmates.

I used the communication to contact our headquarters. I tried to sell the most panicky-but-not-really tone of voice.

"Hello, this is Headquarters. State your status, group 74."

"This is Lavender. We ejected the last impostor...we still have to fix our oxygen..."

"How many crewmates are left?"

"2...and one Crewmates' child.."

"Alright. You should arrive at Mira HQ and we'll send you to Polus with another surviving crew."

"Thank you."

I ended the broadcast. I look to black to see if he thinks it was believable. He signals a thumbs up.

We waited 12 hours until we were sure Orange and Purple were actually dead, then turned on o2. We dumped Brown, Purple's and Orange's bodies in storage and ejected them.

Purple was ejected.

Orange was ejected.

Brown was ejected.

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