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22 | almost

"You think Donghyuck would be fine alone?" Jaehyun asked while he drives on their way back.

Taeyong sat beside, on the passenger seat, while he plays with his skinny fingers, "I guess he's fine. He's with the dogs."

"I can call Mark if you want--"

"No!" Taeyong suddenly uttered, looking at Jaehyun with eyebrows furrowed and a pout on his face. Jaehyun found it cute, "I strictly told him that Mark can't come and visit him."

Jaehyun chuckled, "You don't trust your brother?"

"It's not like that...It's an alpha we're talking about."

It took a few seconds of silence before Jaehyun stopped because of the stoplight. He got the time to look at Taeyong who looked hesitant and worried just thinking about Mark and Donghyuck together.

"You're worried that they might end up like us?"

Taeyong looked back at him, "What? No, Jaehyun...It's not like that either."

"I would get protective over Blue if he ever becomes an omega. Making a family isn't should be something that only comes up into your mind. I wouldn't want him to regret what he should be proud of."

"So, you regretted?"

The alpha was taken aback by his question. He lets out a sigh, "You want me to be honest?"

The omega crossed his arms, "Do you have any plans on lying?"

Jaehyun smirked before he shrugged, "No, I didn't," he answered to the first question.

Taeyong waited for a bit but just got Jaehyun with an eyebrow raised at him.

"No explanations?" the omega asked.

Jaehyun hummed, "Let's just say, you guys were the best things that ever happened to me."

Taeyong blushed, thinking wrongly about what Jaehyun has said. Maybe he was getting cocky because things have been warmer around the both of them. He started thinking that Jaehyun might like him which is very impossible. He should stop this.

Taeyong's expression didn't come unnoticed to Jaehyun. He thought about his words and immediately realized what he probably did come out wrong to the omega.

"Wh-What I meant was...Blue just made everything happier and he wouldn't be happy as I am if it wasn't for you. He's been really giddy since he met you. I thought you just made everything brighter for Blue...also, for me."

The omega stared at the alpha the whole time he was talking. He found Jaehyun's voice really soothing and the way he was speaking kept everything really sincere. Taeyong took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart down. But he failed when Jaehyun turned to look back at him.

"Anything wrong, Taeyong?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong cleared his throat, "I-I...I actually have something to say."

"Hm? What is it?"

Taeyong swallowed. He got caught by his emotions but there was no backing out. He was just about to open his mouth but suddenly, a loud honk of a car was heard from behind. The green light was on and Jaehyun didn't even notice. Both of them got startled from it and it made Taeyong to snap out of it.

He almost said everything to Jaehyun.

Jaehyun immediately stepped on the gas and drove away. Taeyong turned away from the man. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes, wanting to slap himself. He sighed and cried quietly.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong sucked everything up and looked back at him with a small smile, "Oh, yeah! Don't worry about me."

"You said you were going to say something," the alpha said curiously.

"Hm, I...was just going to tell you that we can bring Blue later when we go grocery shopping," Taeyong excused.

Jaehyun nodded, "Okay. We can maybe have a small night walk."

Not the best but good enough as an excuse.

Later on, they arrived and Taeyong literally was in awe when he saw Jaehyun's house. It's really big. No wonder Blue gets whatever he wants. The omega looked around and saw how wide the yard was. Ruby and Bomi would enjoy playing here but it would be a mess since those two are very playful. Blue could learn biking here if he wants to. Maybe he should buy him a bike.

Taeyong was too busy to notice Jaehyun watching him. The omega looked like a kid in a carnival. Jaehyun wanted to back hug him and cuddle until the time arrives that he needs to go. But he snapped out of it when someone came out running and squealing.

"Papa! Papa!"

The omega turned and saw Blue running towards him. Taeyong widely smiled as he scooped him up and started placing kisses on the baby. Blue giggled and was happy to see his papa again. They met yesterday but Blue just misses Taeyong 24/7, same with the omega. Jaehyun watched him and felt his heart melted at the sight.

"You haven't brushed your hair," Taeyong said as he started combing the wet hair of his little prince.

Blue giggled, "Blue was excited to see papa again!"

"Eh? Has Blue forgotten his daddy?" Jaehyun buts in.

When the baby looked back at Jaehyun, the alpha pouted a bit while he was leaned against his car. Blue gave him a cute smile and shook his head but continued to snuggle against Taeyong's neck and cuddled. Taeyong chuckled as he walked towards Jaehyun.

The omega held the alpha's wrist.

"Let's go. Your parents must be waiting," Taeyong said.

Jaehyun nodded. Both of them walked into the house and Taeyong got even surprised by how pretty the interior design of it. Even though he's just by the entrance, he concluded that the house was well-maintained. It was very clean and things were meticulously placed. His mother must've been really hands on with the designs.

"Ma, pa! He's here," Jaehyun uttered.

Taeyong waited until he saw two people coming out of the living room. Both looked expensively dressed and he thought they wouldn't crack a smile. On second thought, Taeyong felt a warm welcome when they smiled at him.

"Are you Taeyong?" the pretty lady asked with a small smile on her face.

Taeyong smiled back. He placed Blue down so he could go to Jaehyun. He then bowed in a respectful manner. He went back up and shook hands with them.

"I'm Lee Taeyong, nice to meet you. You must be Jaehyun's parents," Taeyong uttered.

The lady raised an eyebrow, "Do I look that old?"

Taeyong immediately became flustered, "I-I didn't--"

"I was kidding! Let's have some early lunch while we talk," she said.

Jaehyun sighed and went towards Taeyong while his parents walked into the dining room.

"I'm sorry about that," the alpha said.

Taeyong looked back at him and gave a laugh, "Don't be! They're really kind. Let's go?"

Jaehyun didn't mind whatever the omega has said. The three of them just catch up with the elders.

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