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36 | us, together

It was almost nine in the morning, later than they usually wake up to. The couple was still asleep. Jaehyun has his arms around Taeyong while the omega has his back against the alpha's bare chest with the comforter over their bare bodies. It was a warm morning, but something has to come up.

A phone on the bedside table rang, waking Jaehyun up. The alpha took a deep breath and got to smell his mate's lavender scent. It took him a few seconds to crack an eye open and tried his hardest to grab his ringing phone.

He carefully reached for it, not wanting to wake Taeyong up. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the caller's ID. He just sighed before he answered it while laying.

"Yes, Dongyoung?" Jaehyun asked with his morning voice.

"First, don't call me that. Second, I need the papers. Where is it?"

The alpha's eyes widened, "Oh, fuck. Wait a sec. I'll finish them right away."

Jaehyun got up from the bed, carefully, as he grabbed and wore his clothing with the phone still against his ear even though he was sick of Doyoung scolding him.

"I can't believe you forgot about them!"

"I didn't. I mostly did everything, okay?"

"Then why did you stop? I reminded you I needed them today, early morning. I should've called you earlier. Geez, the meeting is about to start and Mark needs them. What did you do all night?"

Jaehyun walked out of the room with a sigh and gently closed the door behind him, "I fell asleep, okay? My eyes got tired from all the reading. I promise to call in a few minutes."

The alpha sat down and immediately opened the folder as he held the ballpen in his hand. He read the paragraphs of the proposal, with Doyoung still nagging against his ear.

"Whatever. I'll send Hendery to get it. Finish it, okay?"

"Okay, Mr. Kim."

Doyoung ended the call. Jaehyun placed his phone down on the table as he signs the needed papers. He was still sleepy but atleast his rut was gone. It finished a bit early than he expected. Taeyong's must've been done with his heat as well. His scent has gotten softer to what he used to.

Upon signing the papers, he thought about bringing Taeyong with him when he gets home this weekend. He wants Taeyong to live with him and Blue.

But it's Taeyong's decision. Preferably, Jaehyun wants to live with him together, in one roof.

After he signed everything, he compiled them in the folder before he stood up to cook breakfast with his phone in hand. He placed the device on the counter while he was calling Doyoung on speaker. He grabbed a few ingredients then started cooking.

"Finished?" Doyoung asked.

"Yeah. I did tell you I'll call in a few minutes."

"Okay. I'll send Hendery."

"Okay. It'll be ready."

"While we're at it, what happened to you and...Taeyong, was it?"

Jaehyun left the stove to let the rice cook with the kimchi and egg. He grabbed the phone with a wide smile on his face.

"We're...doing good. I'll tell you everything but just so you know, we're together now."

"B-But I thought he's...Oh. Wait, so you mean..."

The alpha wasn't able to reply when he heard the door opening. He looked beside and saw Taeyong coming out. His hair sticking to different directions, rubbing his sleepy eyes with pouted lips, dressed in an oversized shirt and boxers. Jaehyun smiled sweetly at him which Taeyong took as a greeting.

"I'll talk to you later, okay? Update me with the meeting."

"Alright. Better clear things up, Jung."

"Yeah, see you next week."

Jaehyun ended the call. He placed the device down and reached his hand for Taeyong. The omega walked towards him and lets the alpha pull him to a hug while he cooks. Jaehyun has his arm around the slim waist and placed a kiss on Taeyong's forehead.

"Hey, lovely," Jaehyun greeted, "Good morning. How are you?"

"I'm good. Were you busy? I didn't disturb you on something, did I?" Taeyong asked, looking at his mate with big doe eyes.

The alpha cooed and wanted to pinch his nose.

"No, that was just my secretary. Don't mind it, they just needed the papers," the alpha answered before he turned the stove off and pulled himself away from the omega to grab plates.

"I'm sorry if you couldn't finish them on time. I should've been considerate last night--"

"Hey, it's alright, Taeyong. Don't worry about it. There was no harm done, also it was my decision to leave my work behind," Jaehyun calming uttered, looking straight at Taeyong's eyes, "You're my priority, right? You come first, remember?"

Taeyong sighed, "You don't need to give me all of your attention. I'm fine if you put work first sometimes."

"I spoiled Blue so why not I spoil his papa too?"

The omega jolted, getting his face all flustered. He furrowed his eyebrows with his bottom lip pouted. The alpha chuckled then he placed a peck before he plated their food. Taeyong was still new to the touches of his mate but he felt comfortable with them.

He felt comfortable with the alpha in the first place.

Jaehyun put the plates down on the table. Before he could sit down, he heard a knock from the door. Maybe Hendery was already here. He excused himself and made his way to answer the door. He grabbed the files and laptop on his way. He opened it and revealed his employee.

"Good morning, sir. I'm here for the papers Mr. Kim asked for," Hendery said.

"Here. Call me if I left something else behind. Just tell Doyoung to put my laptop in my office," Jaehyun uttered as he handed out the papers.

The beta nodded, "Noted, sir."

"See you guys next week then," the alpha said before the beta exited.

Jaehyun closed the door behind him and made his way to the table where Taeyong has already seated. The alpha sat on the chair beside the omega so they could start eating. They just quietly eat their breakfast but Jaehyun was thinking about something.


The said omega looked up with his cheeks puffy and full. Jaehyun chuckled at the sight and cooed.

"Hm? What?" the omega asked.

Jaehyun hummed, "Uhm, I...want to ask you if you'd like to come and live with us. We're mates, we're a couple, a family, I guess it's fair for us to be together."

Taeyong stopped at his mate's words. He continued to slowly chew and swallows the food. The omega hummed and thought about it. Jaehyun felt that maybe it was too sudden and made the omega uncomfortable.

"On second thought, it's fine. No pressure. I'm sorry if it was su--"

"I-I'm fine with us living together," Taeyong uttered, cutting the alpha's words. Jaehyun was happy to hear that until the omega spoke again.

"But I'm worried about Donghyuck...I don't want to leave him alone. Also, I have pets. I'm not sure if I can leave Ruby and Bomi with Blue."

Jaehyun hummed, "You know what, just tell me if you're ready. You can sleep or stop by there. Anything. What I own belongs to you from now on. Okay, Taeyong?"

Taeyongsmiled widely and nodded, "Okay."

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